I just wanted to get this down before I forgot it all. :P (Also, my thoughts are kind of jumbled so let's see how this goes.)

So, quickly, explanation time! (I'd rather you understand my ups and downs and what I want before I get into plot. :P)

Heavy OOC

I like to talk. I am not afraid to say things and I don't censor very well. So, if you're not up for awkward shenanigans, don't read the rest of this. ( I say awkward because I just feel that I'm awkward in OOC... That and I don't censor very well... Ye.)


I prefer quality over quantity. Though, I do frown upon one-liners. I need at least two or three lines to work with. As long as I can still make something out of it. That being said, I also don't want to read a book. My posts can be rather long, but I feel that we won't write too terribly much.

A Word On Romance

As I am with OOC, I am perfectly fine with foul language and certain sensitive topics that could add depth to a character. Mostly because I know people use the language and my character should reflect that sort of world. Granted for a pokemon RP I might stray away from foul language as this will probably be a light-hearted RP. As such, romance doesn't have to be a center piece; it doesn't even have to be there at all! I'm cool if it's there or if it isn't. It's all up to what our characters decide in IC. (Also to note, I don't do smut. It's not that I'm adverse to sexual themes, I just don't think I RP them very well.) (Besides, who comes to a Pokemon thread for smut? C'Mon!)


Since I'm on break, I'd probably want more posts than I normally world otherwise. So at least once a day if not more since I'll be having much more free time than I'm used to. So ye.. The longest I'll wait before sending you a message asking what's up is about a week or two. If you don't reply to that message within a week or so, I'll probably move on.

How I Plan On Choosing an RP Partner

I'm planning on doing it a bit differently this time because of past 1x1 failures. So... What I'll be doing is posting a CS skeleton and I'll need you to fill it out and PM it to me. I'll look at them and then make my choice based on what I get. When I decide on someone, I'll put CLOSED up at the top of the thread so feel free to keep on PMing me. :)


April Stone and her Dratini, Hope, started a journey together when April was 10 years old. But a year later, April appeared being carried by Hope, who had by now evolved into Dragonair.

If you want it to be a surprise, don't click. If you feel you're better knowing, click away.

Basically, the goal for April is to get her memories back and when she does, get her pokemon back and stop Team Auroras. I'm willing to make this a group RP but only with two other RPers besides myself.


April Stone




April is bubbly and outgoing, always wanting to make friends with everyone she sees. She hides her fears under a mask of smiles, never wanting people to know how truly frightened she is. She's always scared of being back stabbed or being left behind. She will always do whatever it takes to help whoever needs it even it means making promises she can't keep. She is very easy to walk all over as she doesn't know how to say no for fear of turning people away. In truth, this ever smiling girl is always crying inside, fearful of getting to close to the dream, the dream of affection and friendship. She feels as though to get to close would mean that it disappears. So, she keeps most things superficial never going past a certain point.


April has already started her adventure at the age when most children do in [Insert Region Here]. However, something tragic happened and no one really knows what. When they found April a year after her journey had started, she was being carried home by Hope, her Dratini who had evolved into Dragonair. She had bruises all over her and was rushed to the hospital where they discovered she had a rather severe case of amnesia. She can't remember anything from age 6 up. She didn't even remember who Hope, her best friend and mother figure, was when she woke up. It was years before her father finally let her go out again after much discussion over it. April, despite her insecurities felt that in order to move on from this she needed to go out and try again. Her father agreed provided she call him every week for a check up. She simply smiled and nodded her head, Hope at her side.

Hope had grown to be April's mother figure in the place of her birth mother who died when April was born. Hope gets very protect of April and will even attack humans if she feels April is in danger. She can be a bit jumpy for some reason...


Name: Hope
Level/Age: 31(Acts like she's in her 20s.)
Gender: Female
Met: @ lvl 5 (This is still unknown to April currently.) April met Dratini when she was 9 years old. Hope had been a present from her father, a breeder. The client that her father was breeding Dratinis for didn't want this one for whatever reason so he asked if he could give her to his daughter and the client allowed it. Thus, Hope and April became good friends, Hope slowly becoming the mother figure April had never had.
Now, for you! I don't plan on getting super technical with moves and such as I believe a four move limit on a pokemon is redonk. Pokemon should be able to know more than four moves at any given time, I don't think they're that dumb. But, they would definitely know fewer as lower levels.

Here's the CS skeleton to fill out.

CS Skeleton

Pokemon (Name, Level/Age, Gender, Met)

Sample Post With Character

Questionnaire for RPer

How old are you? Older/younger than 20? (I'm 20.)
Gender? (I'm female.)
Hobbies? (Besides RPing... I've been playing a lot of pokemon x lately...)
Strengths/Weaknesses? (I'm good with finding pictures but I'm terribly lazy.)
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? (Teleportation to further my lazy qualities.)
Thanks for reading! Remember, PM me with your CS + Questionnaire and any ideas you might have. :)