Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Ronan Findley

A wry, apologetic smile touched his lips as he glanced over at Albert. “Sorry, my friend,” he said sincerely, before tallying up those that had spoken against it and those that had spoken for it. “It appears that investigating the possibility is inevitable – democracy, you know?”

Ronan wasn't at all unhappy with the result, shifting in his seat slightly and tapping his wand against the desk. Another spy, one to take the spot his absence had left and Siobhan's brother could never quite fill completely, would be a welcome asset to The Ashes, if dangerous. One could never tell which side a man was on, especially one volunteering his services as a spy. They could be a double agent, a triple agent, a traitor.

“I will discuss the other matters when we all return from the... retrieval mission.” Standing, but keeping most of his weight balanced on the table, he nodded to Kyle McCarthy. “You keep watch for a possible trap – check all of the nooks and crannies for Death Eaters – and take anything or anyone you need to help. The last thing we need is to be ambushed.”

“Eric. Siobhan,” Ronan continued, nodding to each of the named members. “You're leading diplomacy. Jia will be with you for the rougher aspects – if he doesn't comply, it's your job to subdue him. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with that.” He grinned. Jia wasn't his favourite person in the world – she was a Muggleborn pushing for technology to be used more frequently by The Ashes, while he and Albert were dead set against it – but a small part of him respected people who were willing to do whatever they had to. She was one.

“Anyone else, go with whomever you please and, more importantly, be useful.” He eyed David suspiciously, as if he was going to set himself or someone else on fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

2nd December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
David Howell

For the past few months, they had been quiet. There had been few leads to go on, since they were unable to know what sources to trust and, David suspected, because they could not face any further losses. The anonymous Death Eater was set to change that, he supposed: the potential for a true, reliable source at the heart of the cancer was a tempting one, and no mistake.

Even Aldenberg had given up the fight for caution, as far as the man could. From the moment the meeting had officially ended, he had abruptly stood up and started making his own contributions, arranging with Kyle what intel they required. David, whose function was less apparent, retreated to his room.

David had been among the Ashes since its very conception, a sort of heirloom passed on from the Order. He had been involved in this war over half his life, now, and he had seen his fair share of the toll. Even the mansion in which they nowadays lived reflected it. Its internal magics created bedrooms for its guests as they were needed according to its own sense of Aldenberg aristocratic logic. The Host, the Infirm, and the Women were provided proper lodgings, and the less-esteemed Everybody Else was to be found off in the East Wing, where Aldenberg had once commented that the house-elves used to reside. Counting their number was as simple as counting the bedroom doors. At one point, David had seen Dhillon’s door melt into the wall in front of his eyes, swallowed up into the house - just hours before Ronan broke the news that he had fallen in battle.

His room was a simple affair, and there was frankly little that could be done with it to improve it. Apart from, perhaps, giving it a good clean: the bed had literally not once been made during David’s tenure, and he had taken to sleeping around the large crystal ball at one end, so as not to have to find somewhere else to store it: the writing desk, the room’s only other real feature, was covered in almost more teacups than it could support, many of them in stacks of six or eight. The others did not trust Divination. He had been asked enough times, especially at Hogwarts, to simply make a prediction, as though the future was written in the sky and plain as day for all those with the right sort of telescope. Needless to say, whenever he tried to explain that it didn’t work like that, awkwardness had ensued.

Still, for all his head’s misgivings, he had a good feeling about their potential source. It was as though there were two possible versions of events, one door leading to good fortune, and the other to ruin, and only the good door was open. Put more simply, he had a good feeling about it. Of course, he hadn’t bothered to tell the others about it. Without some evidence, a good feeling meant little to them, although, to his count, he had been right many more times than he had been wrong. To try to glean a little more, he gazed into the tea leaves of his most recent cup, but couldn’t make out anything out at all beyond dregs in a cup. With a groan, he realised that he was literally predicting the existence of some tea: the rendezvous would be, after all, at a café. Insight wasn’t always especially helpful.

There came a sharp knock at the door. One-two-three. The signature knock of Albert Aldenberg - one didn’t have to be a seer to know he was at the other side. Sure enough, there he was in the corridor, eyes only just visible below the low doorframe.


“You are with me tonight, David. We will observe from a short distance, and if anything is amiss, we cast nothing but shield charms. It will be close quarters and we can’t afford friendly fire. Understood?”

“Yep. Do nothing, hope for the best. If sub-best, we’re on damage limitation.”

“That is not how I would have put it, but yes, in essence. We’re leaving in ten minutes. Be ready.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

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Collab between McHaggis and I **2nd of December, 1999** Aldenberg Manor was suspiciously quiet, for the base of operations for what would be a dangerous, possibly fatal rendezvous with an as of yet unknown Death Eater. The ‘spy’ would either be useful, or damn the entire resistance. _It’ll be fine,_ Siobhan reckoned against her better judgement as she carefully strapped her wand holster to her leg and flung a lighter winter’s cloak over her shoulders. Being a part of the away team for a mission as crucial as this was a rare occurrence, mostly because Ronan hated the possibility of being down a mediwitch if things were to go south. That she was actually permitted to go was nothing short of a miracle, the results of months of nagging. The plan was simple: the main strike force would Apparate in, each to a different street for maximum security-slash-paranoia. Then, they had to deal with whatever awaited them be it a repenting Death Eater willing to share secrets and information or one who just wanted to turn in the heads of a few members of the Ashes for some extra kudos from Voldemort. There was so much that could go wrong, for such a simple run, but Siobhan prided herself on being an optimist and an optimistic mindset she would force herself into even though her stomach was churning with nervous butterflies. Eric walked into the room, and greeted Siobhan, who was geared up and ready for the possibility – the inevitability, the more wary members of the organization felt – of a battle. He put on a light cloak himself, standing next to her. “Has Kyle reported in with the results of his reconnaissance yet?” he asked her. _It’d be a shame if we find out this is a trap,_ Eric thought. A spy could truly be useful, and a nice, friendly chat wouldn’t bother Eric one bit either. Siobhan smoothed down the front of her robes. “By Patronus, yeah. If I remember correctly – which I do, of course, because it’s important – there was no sign of any dark activity in the area. No ambush in sight; however, it would be a pretty poor ambush if they _were_ seen, right?” Eric nodded, tempted to laugh, but preventing it due to the weight of the situation. “A poor ambush, indeed. I suppose we’ll have to be extremely careful, even if everything looks clear. We can’t be too sure, although I’d love for this to be nothing more than a chat,” Eric agreed. “You know where you’re Apparating to? I’d hate to have to fix up a splinching,” Siobhan asked, and was answered almost immediately with a nod. “Good. I believe Kyle’s still out scouting. We can never be too careful these days, you know? I’ll be fetching him before heading down to the cafe. Could always use another strong fighter to defend our backs while we whip out the ol’ Diplomacy.” Eric nodded again. “I just hope that Jia doesn’t get too uh– _carried away._ If this turns out to be a legitimate turncoat, it’d be a damn shame if we ruined it by being overly aggressive.” “You mean hitting the guy with a wee avada keda-vy?” Siobhan asked, without even the barest hint of humour. This time Eric couldn’t help but laugh, unable to stay serious despite the mood the situation had blown over Aldenberg Manor. “Hey! I’m being serious here!” Eric hastily stifled his laughter. “No, you’re right. I definitely wouldn’t put it past her, I’m afraid.” Eric paused, before continuing, with the slightest hint of a laugh sneaking its way back into his voice: “_Wee avada keda-vy? Really?_” Siobhan sniffed, chin tilted upwards in a perfect picture of pureblood superiority – almost as if she wouldn’t lower herself to dignify the question with a response. As she walked to the door of the manor, however, she stared at Eric with the corners of her lips turned downwards. “I trust my allies, Eric,” she said carefully. “Right up until the moment they send a curse at my back.” Eric paused, realizing something. “Speaking of our allies, where has Jia gone?” he questioned, although not expecting Siobhan to be able to answer. _Jia was likely preparing for a war, not a diplomacy mission,_ Eric suspected. “Getting ready,” Siobhan replied with a shrug. “If things _do_ take a turn for the worse, she’s the one I want there, ready to do what needs to be done, even if it is… excessive.” The witch decided that was the best time to take her leave, marching outside to the edge of the wards through sodden grass and mud that sucked on her shoes. The moment she felt the wave of magic pass over her – the empty, unprotected feeling – she disappeared with a violent crack. Eric followed her out, closing the door behind him. He wielded his wand – for all he knew, there might be a Death Eater staring him in the face the second he arrives in London – and as he passed the magical border separating the manor from the rest of the world, he shuddered. After being in a place of such concentrated magic for a while, walking back into the ordinary air never failed to feel incredibly odd. Deciding to exit with style – regardless of the fact that he had no audience to be fancy for – he spun on the spot, his cloak trailing behind him, and vanished with a satisfying crack, much like Siobhan had done just moments prior.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Collab McHaggis/Kirah/(and one line from Master) *December 2nd, 1999 - Tottenham Court Road* Siobhan appeared in a dank alleyway on Tottenham Court Road with a soft crack, inhaling sharply. It didn’t matter how many times she Apparated -- it never got any more comfortable, despite what her old instructor had said. Each time made her remember her first few splinchings, and those were dire. Now, she only had to find Kyle... Kyle had his wand at the ready as Siobhan apparated in. He lowered it as he recognized her. “News?” His voice was a bit tense, and he was currently disguised as a muggle via polyjuice potion. Siobhan whirled around, the voice having come from a direction she was not expecting (though really, she shouldn’t have been expecting anything). Eyes narrowing for a split-second, she eventually nodded – it seemed like it was Kyle. Hopefully. “World War Three starts now,” she replied dryly, feeling as stupid as the code phrase sounded. Still, she couldn’t help but continue, in a nervous, high-pitched voice, “Or, in about three minutes once everyone gets here. Countdown until the end of the world. _Spooky._” Kyle couldn’t help but smile. “It’s most likely that our contact is already in there. There are no other people inside the cafe right now, including the barista.” Kyle caught Siobhan up on what he had seen so far. “So there’s no Muggles around to - you know - be subject to the Imperius,” Siobhan asked urgently, peering around the corner of the wall to view the cafe’s front. “Or hostages. That’s a relief, at least - should make it easier to kidnap him.” Kyle nodded. “I think he sent them away. I can’t decide if that makes me trust him more or less.” “I don’t think you can *have* less than zero-percent trust in a person.” Siobhan rubbed at her stomach, assuring herself that no, she hadn’t splinched herself, those were just nervous butterflies. She knew intellectually that there were spies on their side - her own brother was sort-of one - but the thought of establishing contact with one… rubbed her the wrong way, though she had been all for it at the meeting. “I can try.” Kyle wanted to reach out. He recognized the nervous tick of Siobhan’s. He wanted to comfort his oldest friend, but now was the wrong time. Siobhan nodded as she observed the street from their semi-hidden position, not that she would see any of the others. Each of the field team had a different point to Apparate into - less chance of collisions and little noise - and it was doubtful she would be able to see them. They would have to make the first move out into the open by the cafe, but not yet. “So… here’s hoping we don’t get captured?” A frown reappeared on Kyle’s face. That wasn’t an option for him. The polyjuice would only last an hour, and he had already been here long enough that if they were delayed too long his disguise would drop. Capture meant death for Kyle, or worse the Imperius curse Siobhan flashed him a quick, reassuring smile before his frown could deepen *too* much. “Don’t worry! We have David on our side, shielding us from harm. Plus, if your sister shows up, I’m sure my stupid brother’ll be in tow.” “I don’t want to know what would happen if David met Maggie.” Kyle shook his head imagining the ridiculousness. His frown disappeared at the thought. “Hopefully your brother doesn’t reveal himself.” Kyle was thankful for Alistair’s sacrifice. “Everyone should be here.” Siobhan reached over and tugged on Kyle’s sleeve in the direction of the street. “Let’s go, then. Show ourselves. Target practice for any Death Eaters on the rooftop but-- yeah.” She stepped out into the open, directly across from the specified cafe, and shifted from side to side awkwardly in the middle of the street. With any luck the others would appear soon, and they could all death-march into the quaint little establishment. Kyle gave Siobhan a glance and then walked into the cafe. His heart pounded in his ears. It didn’t matter how many times he was in a fight it always made him nervous, especially if Siobhan was anywhere near said fight. He glanced at the only person in the cafe with his peripheral vision, but made his way to the counter. This was a test. He looked around as if looking for the barista and then reached out and pressed the small bell on the counter repeatedly as if hoping someone would answer. As it turned out, someone did. “The cafe is closed, my friend,” a voice behind them said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Collab: McHaggis/Kirah/TheMaster99 **2nd of December, 1999 - Luchino Cafe, Tottenham Court Road** Almost immediately after the man spoke to them, Eric entered the cafe, followed by everyone else who was coming inside – the rest were performing overwatch. Kyle and Siobhan had just turned around to face Luther. If he had any plans to attack them, he probably would have done it while their backs were turned. Promising start. Siobhan glanced warily at the man and, in true Gryffindor fashion, stepped out in front of Kyle, protectively. Kyle didn’t look too pleased about that, but he was ready to protect Siobhan if he had to. Everyone looked at each other, and after a few seconds, Eric broke the silence. “Hello,” he addressed Luther. Luther turned, having been looking at the others. _He looks surprisingly friendly, considering he has no idea who I am,_ Luther thought. “Hello,” he replied. If it were even possible, Siobhan’s eyebrow climbed higher on her forehead in an expression of, ‘*really, is this how they handle diplomacy in the Ministry?*’ Inevitably, she asked with characteristic bluntness – only barely remembering to use something resembling a secret code – “Are you our inside man?” Luther looked back to her. “Well, if you are that which comes after the phoenix, then yes I am.” It might seem silly, but although he was certain he hadn’t been followed, you can never be _too_ sure. “Yes, that’s us,” Siobhan said quickly, barely covering a half-snort. “Can we stop speaking in tongues now, though? It’s _seriously_ lame.” Luther paused for a moment, before replying. “I’d have thought you would appreciate what little secrecy we can manage. However, if that’s how you want it, then that is fine. So, shall we get down to business?” He walked behind the counter and poured himself a cup of tea. He’d have flown it over to him, but he certainly didn’t expect that his company would trust him with a wand at this stage. “I’ll take good old honesty and integrity over illusions and half-truths any day of the week,” Siobhan grumbled, leaning against the silvery glass cabinet housing a host of dull, disinteresting cakes and other assorted desserts. “I’m Siobhan MacFusty. Undesirable Number #13.” Luther looked up from his tea. He nodded, having memorized the Undesirable list ages ago. “I’m Luther. Luther Cunningham.” He picked up his tea and sat in a booth, looking up at the group in an invitation to sit. Siobhan peered over at Kyle for a moment, as if waiting for his approval. She didn’t trust herself to assess the dangers of the situation herself and, despite her initial distrust for the turncoat in front of her, there were no alarm bells ringing in her head warning her of an impending *avada kedavra* or anything of the sort. Kyle clearly didn’t trust the man. If he turned coat once, no reason he wouldn’t do it twice, but if he had something, anything that could be helpful at this point Kyle would take it. He frowned, but that wasn’t too unusual. A slight nod to Siobhan suggested that, at least for now, he’d take this man at face value. Eric, having stayed out of the conversation since starting it, made the first move and sat down across from Luther. _If he was going to attack us he would have done it already,_ Eric concluded. “So, I guess something kind of obvious should get cleared up. What is your rank in the Death Eaters? If you’re a nobody in Voldemort’s eyes then we have no use for you, you’ll understand.” Siobhan quietly took a seat, folding her hands in her lap and straightening her posture. “Not *no* use,” she clarified, allowing a brief half-smile at Eric. “But as a spy in such a case? Not so much.” Luther nodded. “Understandable.” He paused a moment, before continuing. “I’m near the top. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and the like? I’m one of them.” Another pause. “Well, probably a _bit_ lower than them now,” he amended, looking distracted for a moment. “But for your purposes, more than good enough I suspect.” “We’re too exposed here. We need to move.” Kyle said, his eyes focused on the windows. “Agreed.” Siobhan brushed her hair out of her eyes, before continuing. “No offense, mate, but you do look like a Death Eater. Not really the sort to go gallivanting around with known enemies of the Dark Lord.” Luther nodded. He glanced at the window for a moment, and to his horror he saw a dark figure approaching the door. A Muggle would have already turned around. This person was the _last_ person he wanted to see here. A Death Eater. “Christ,” Luther muttered. “We have a visitor, I’m afraid. What the hell is he doing here?” Luther looked at each of the Ashes in turn, hoping that the dismay in his eyes could save him. Discreetly, Siobhan drew her wand under the table. “Kyle,” she said, tilting her head at the door. “I’ll keep watch on our possible-ally or possible-enemy here. I’m not half bad at a body-bind.” The last part was meant to be threatening to Luther, even though she had a hunch that it really wasn’t his fault. Kyle gave a small nod to Siobhan and let his wand drop out of his sleeve. He moved to the door. The Death Eater realized what was happening inside, and quickly drew his wand. _Curse my luck,_ he thought. _I just wanted some tea before heading home, and now this! There’s three of those filthy Ashes, and I’m just one man!_ He backed himself to the wall, realizing at the same time something that might just save his life. _Was that Luther I saw?_ he thought, optimistically. _What on Earth is he doing in there?_ He pointed his wand at the window, which immediately fell apart into fragments. Kyle’s wand hand shot up and under his breath he murmured _Sectusempra_ at the Death Eater. It was one of the ones Kyle was good at, from entirely too much time trying to perfect it. The spell grazed by the Death Eater, who was suddenly glad that he had hid himself just out of view from the window. He turned, pointing his wand at his attacker. “_Sectusempra,_” he murmured, returning the favor. Siobhan instinctively whipped around and scrambled to her feet in one fluid movement, pulling her wand away from where it was trained on Luther to cast a _Protego_ that separated her, Eric and the Death Eater turncoat from the action. Shield charms erupted from all around the group, presumably David and Albert's work, and the chaos of both sides of the battlefield ensured that the Death Eater couldn't Disapparate without fatally splinching himself. Upon realising that she had forgotten about Luther for a split-second – one too long if he had been a real enemy – she scowled, backing up so as to keep him in her peripheral vision. It wasn’t even a thought and Kyle had his own Protego up protecting him from the curse. Too many trick and traps from Maggie had his reflexes for that spell mastered beyond many. He hadn’t even need raise his wand for it. Kyle cast another spell, this time with a bit more thought. If the Death Eater was hurt, or didn’t return to base that’d be suspicious, which of course is why Eric was with the group. _Expeliarmus_ Kyle cast silently. The Death Eater nearly laughed as he deflected the spell with his wand. _Expeliarmus! Are those fools training a bunch of cowards?_ he thought. Coward or not however, he wasn’t going to be able to make any progress alone. Then he remembered that he saw – or, at least he _thought_ he saw – Luther in the cafe. _I have no idea why he’s in there,_ he thought, _but if there’s one thing that is certain about him, it’s that he is loyal. He’ll help me, surely!_ Hiding back behind the wall, he yelled into the cafe, “Luther! Why are you just sitting there? Do something!” Luther looked up with a grave expression on his face. He exchanged a glance with Siobhan, then looked back at the window. He said nothing, but he knew what he had to do. A moment passed. Then another one. _Why isn’t he doing anything?_ the Death Eater wondered. _Fine then, I’ll just do it myself._ He steeled himself for what he was about to do, then popped out around the corner, the incantation already on his lips. “_AVADA–_” But the spell was never to be cast, for Luther had drawn his wand the moment the Death Eater was visible. “_Stupefy!_” he shouted. The Death Eater looked into his eyes as he fell over, the hatred practically radiating from his eyes. Kyle irritated that this whole fight could quite easily be a set up cast _Petrificus Totalus_ on the turn coat. “We need to move now.” He hissed out at Siobhan and Eric as Luther dropped like a rock. Eric nodded, surprised by what he had just witnessed. “Should I Obliviate him?” Eric asked, addressing nobody in particular. Siobhan shook her head minutely. Eric nodded again, and then turned his attention to the shattered window, which reassembled itself with a wave of his wand. After the window was back in place, he sheathed his wand and walked back inside the cafe. “We’re ready to go, I reckon,” he said, addressing Kyle. Siobhan frowned pensively, her brows furrowing in obvious confusion. “This Luther Cunningham seemed alright to me,” she noted, reaching down to drag Luther’s still body up and drape his left arm over her shoulder. Just for good measure, she poked him in the stomach to make sure he truly was unresponsive. The last thing she wanted was to splinch herself because he’d somehow avoided paralysis and separated himself from her mid-Apparition… There were some nasty cases of that in St. Mungos. “Can one of you get that other Death Eater? He looks like a newbie, but Ronan might want to speak with him. Before the _Obliviate_.” The mediwitch shuddered. She wasn’t one for the rough techniques the Ashes’ sort-of leader preferred to use. “If anyone was caught in the glass, see me once we’re at the safehouse.” With that, she smiled slightly at Eric and grinned at Kyle before disappearing with a slightly heavy crack. Just as he was getting ready to Apparate, Eric remembered something. “Oh, we should probably go get Albert, aye?” He walked out the cafe, and scoured the rooftops for Albert and David. After a few seconds of scanning he found them. He cast a Patronus – his was a monkey – and sent it to them. The monkey climbed it’s way up the building with impossible speed, and poked Albert in the shoulder obnoxiously – or pretended to, since it couldn’t _actually_ touch him – then pointed at Eric, who gave him a courteous wave, then disappeared. Kyle picked up the unconscious body of the unknown Death Eater he Disapparated with him to the agreed bolt hole. Once there Kyle dropped him unceremoniously onto the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Collab Kirah & Master
2nd of December, 1999 Luther Cunningham, Kyle McCarthy, Jia Shang, Albert Aldenberg, and David Howell – The Safehouse
Kyle, once Luther in his frozen state was tied to a chair, had his wand removed and then unfrozen, stared at the man with a bit of confusion and a lot of anger. “You better hope they don’t find out you had anything to do with that guy showing up during our little tea time.” Kyle tapped his foot a bit and then asked. “First of all why are you trying to defect?” Luther looked him in the eyes, sighing. “I had nothing to do with the Death Eater. As Siobhan saw, I was as surprised as you were, if not more so.” He looked away, before continuing. “As for why I want to help you? Well… it’s a long story. If you’ll bear with me, I will tell it to you.” “I am a Half-blood. My father was a Muggle, and frankly he was an ass. Once my mum told him about being a witch, he lost it. He started blaming us for everything. Customer didn’t pay on time? That cursed magic caused it. His car broke down? Someone blew it up. You get the idea.” Luther looked back into Kyle’s eyes. “He had another child, a girl. Her name is Lilly. As it so happened, she turned out to be a witch as well. You can imagine his reaction, so we took her to live with us. She is a Mudblood, of course.” Luther sighed again, and went on to tell Kyle the abridged tale of Lilly McKinley. Kyle didn’t quite understand sibling love. It was something he had never personally experienced. However Siobhan knew it quite well. He had seen her family and the love that had been within it. He gave a small nod. “Okay, that’s a great story, we’ll have to look into it. Do you have anything else you want to say to back you up?” Kyle gave Luther an opening, for anything that he may know that may give the group a bit more reason to trust the turncoat. “As it happens, I do. You may not know of her, but the Death Eaters – actually, to my knowledge she is your sister – is holding a woman prisoner, in your family’s manor. Her name is Mia Dubois.” He turned to Jia, who had been silent the entire time, watching. “She told me to tell you this,” he addressed her, then repeated the string of numbers Mia had told him. He could make nothing out of it, but hopefully Jia would. Jia looked at Luther. “That’s my phone number,” she answered, a hint of surprise in her voice. Turning to Kyle, she added, “He has to be telling the truth. Only a Muggleborn would know my phone number, and Dubois is definitely that. Still, what if it was tortured out of her? Dubois isn’t exactly what I would call… tough.” “It’s a phone number,” David said, breaking his own silence, “Half of you don’t know what it is, and you don’t actually hate Muggles. The Death Eaters wouldn’t even know what to ask for.” Kyle’s frown had deepened quite a bit after his family was mentioned. He resisted his normal, “I don’t have family response” And considered changing his name again. “Maggie would be quite capable of getting the information from Mia. I vaguely remember her. Never was very in the thick of things, didn’t seem to approve of fighting.” He sighed and wondered how someone so soft could end up in Maggie’s hands. “Maggie wouldn’t know what a phone number was unless Alistair told her though. He’s the only I think would have or could have. But from what I remember of him at school he probably wouldn’t know either.” Kyle took a few steps to one side and then back. “If Maggie has anyone they aren’t going to do well.” His mind was already thinking of the possibilities. “How long has Mia been there?” Luther pondered over the question for a moment before answering. “Two or three days, I believe. I didn’t ask. But they haven’t gotten anything out of her, I can assure you. She’s been pretending she doesn’t know English, and the only thing they knew about her is that she is a Metamorphmagus.” He paused, to scratch his nose. Then he remembered he was tied to the chair. “That’s the only reason I was able to talk to her – neither of them understood a word of French, and they needed someone who could interrogate her. Instead, I told her exactly what I’ve told you, and fed Maggie some ‘facts’ – I’d be making air quotes right now, if I wasn’t tied up – which should be enough to keep Mia safe for now. From what I’ve told her, Maggie has concluded that she is worth keeping, albeit not so important as to trouble her superiors for now.” He looked Kyle in the eyes, more seriously.“Knowing your sister, however, I suspect she’ll try to start ‘interrogating’ her for more information – again, air quotes – sooner rather than later.” Kyle shot Luther a dirty look for calling Maggie his sister again. “I have no family.” He said, his voice harsh. “Look, I understand that you’d love nothing more than to distance yourself from her. I would want to as well.” Luther quickly fired back. “But if you plan on rescuing Mia you’ll need someone who knows the place, and that someone is you, I suspect. So perhaps you could at least pretend to know the place inside out, and the people who live there, at least for a little while? There is no use running as far as you can from your past, instead of simply accepting it,” he finished, unable to keep a bit of agitation out of his voice. Who’d have thought that a Death Eater would end up lecturing one of the Ashes? he thought. Luther had barely stopped talking when Kyle punched him. He marched out of the room after that leaving Luther tied to the chair. Kyle needed to find Siobhan. He needed some fresh air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

2nd of December, 1999 Albert Aldenberg - The Safehouse
Aldenberg was not a happy man. They had had the Death Eater in their presence not more than half an hour, and already they were fractured. As McCarthy stormed out, he bristled visibly. He had been standing behind Cunningham with his cloak’s hood obscuring his face. Showing one’s face to one’s enemies was always a poor move. The awkward silence (as though interrogations required tension injections), punctured only by blood pouring from the captive’s nose, lasted a full three seconds before Aldenberg swept in front of Cunningham’s chair and stooped so they could speak face-to-face, if not eye-to-eye. “We speak to one another properly. While you are in our custody, it would behoove you to do the same.” At that point, the door to the adjoining room opened and Ronan hobbled in: “Report?” Aldenberg pointed at Luther and shook his head to Ronan: not here, not now. “I am about to see to McCarthy,” he said, as neutrally as possible, “And in my absence, nobody in this room-” he patted Cunningham’s shoulder, “Is breathing a word. Nobody is breathing a word.”
It was cold out. Very cold. The safe house was an unspeakably tiny cottage, a former muggle dwelling, outside some godforsaken hamlet in the Scottish Highlands. It was a far cry from the manor, with all of its three little rooms. McCarthy was leaning against the picket fence around the property that was so rotten and fetid that it could scarcely support his weight. He was stirred by the sound of the closing door, or perhaps the crunch of Aldenberg’s shoes on the lightly-frosted glass, and so looked up, just in time. “Expelliarmus!” A red jet crackled from the tip of Aldenberg’s wand, heading straight for McCarthy. McCarthy was faster: with a slash of his own wand, the disarming spell dissipated, swallowed up by an invisible barrier. Aldenberg scowled. “At least you are not entirely off-guard this evening,” he said, bluntly, joining him by the fence, “But he was right. You are not a child, McCarthy, and so you ought not behave like one. Sooner or later, and quite possibly sooner, you are going to have to face your family, wand in hand. She won’t be defenceless. She will not be bound to a chair. She will be aiming at your throat and if you cannot control yourself, you will not survive. If you behave like this, you will die. This is not news to you.” “You don't think i know that?” said Kyle, “I dread that day. You can't seriously believe that I am not prepared for it, though?” “You treat your family and even their house with a reverential fear, the same grip in which He Who Must Not Be Named has the whole country. Each of us has fears. Each of us has ghosts in their history they have to face. None of them has hit a defenceless man because he didn’t cower from your demons with you. No, you are not prepared.” "I'm already pissed enough at myself for those actions, Albert,” said Kyle, as evenly as he could, “I do not need you to continue to lecture me on it." “Anger isn’t the solution, McCarthy. Anger is why you’re standing outside in the cold with a,” he noted the other man squeezing the knuckles of his right hand with his left, “Painful hand. I assume it isn’t broken?” "It isn't, and I'm not fixing it." “As you wish,” said Albert, turning back to the cottage. He was wasting his time, “Add it to your collection of scars. But, until you learn to control yourself, you risk us all.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

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2nd of December, 1999 Ronan Findley – The Safehouse
Ronan folded his hands behind his back, corrected his impeccable pureblood posture (despite his own filthy half-blood status) and observed the second captured Death Eater. There had been a time, back when he had only recently been cursed and taken out of the line of active duty, when he had been the “spymaster” for the Ashes – though that all changed when the Dark Lord began to root out the traitors within the ranks of his followers. Now, he had only Alistair MacFusty, who hadn’t been caught due to remarkable luck. Though, it could be because he rarely, if ever, handed important information to the Ashes, and it was always encrypted with a code only Siobhan could break. Being kept out of the loop of new information made the back of his neck itch – it was so unprofessional. He glared daggers at Albert’s back as he retreated. Brilliant though his trusted advisor was, he was far too similar to Ronan for his own good, at least when it came to controlling the chessboard that was Britain. And so, once the door had firmly shut, Ronan went against Albert’s ‘order’ almost instantly. “Name?” he asked coldly. He was certain he could judge a man’s loyalties better than Aldenberg could, especially when it came to the Death Eaters. Luther spit blood on the floor, careful to aim well out of Ronan’s way, before answering. “Luther Cunningham. You are…” he paused, racking his brain for what little intelligence the Death Eaters have of the Ashes. “Mr. Findley?” “Lord Findley to you,” Ronan replied dryly. He carefully avoided thinking about his lack of land or political power anymore. Both had been eroded by the Death Eaters until he was little more than a refugee hiding in a Dutchman’s mansion. He still had the title, though his father would be turning over in his grave knowing all he’d done with it before his change of heart, and should he survive to the end of the war… He wasn’t that optimistic. “I’m sure the others have already gleaned every possible tidbit of information from you, so I won’t bother boring you with those same questions. All I want to know is, are you aware and prepared for the consequences, should you fail?” Luther looked ‘Lord’ Findley in the eyes. “You said you won’t be asking every possible tidbit of me, but to answer I ultimately have to, at least partially. I’ll keep it short, so as to spare your sanity.” He glanced down to his neck, where the locket containing the picture of Lilly hung, beneath his robes. He looked back to Findley. “The Death Eaters took my sister away to Azkaban–” Ronan interrupted the Death Eater, when he took a breath. “Stop, stop, stop. I couldn’t care less about your life story – I’ve heard so many over the years that turned out to be false or embellished, and I’m not willing to waste my time sifting through your mind.” He walked over to take a seat at the rickety dining table, limp pronounced after how long he’d been standing for. Siobhan’s near-daily procedures lessened the pain to a degree that it was bearable, but it didn’t do a thing for having a boulder as a leg. “I asked you if you’re willing to put yourself at risk of torture, almost inevitable death, and that requires only a yes or no answer. Whether or not your sister is worth it or not is irrelevant.” Luther patiently waited for Findley to finish. When he did, Luther answered, rushing to avoid being interrupted. “They took away the one thing I care about, so I will do whatever it takes to end them. Nothing they do to me can be worse than what she is suffering. So to answer your question, yes, I am completely willing to risk my own death for your cause.” “No, you’re not,” Ronan said decisively, “Not for our cause. For your sister’s.” “They are one and the same, are they not?” Luther countered. “She wants freedom for herself, you want that for all of Britain. Both are reached by the same means.” Ronan ran a hand through his hair, tucking the errant strands behind his ear. “No, they’re not. Generally, vengeful heroes are the more trustworthy ones.“ The ’like me’ went unsaid. “Let me pose a different question to you. What would you do if your sister, the ‘one thing you care about’ is dead. Would you blame the Death Eaters? Probably. But if there was a chance she could be saved and you missed it, helping us, wouldn’t you blame The Ashes?” Luther pondered the question carefully. This man is definitely a critic of the highest caliber, he mused. “I have no chance of seeing her again if I were to work alone,” he finally decided on, speaking carefully. “If I don’t see her again as a direct result of supporting the only chance I have, there frankly isn’t much that can be done about it. Don’t get me wrong though – I’m not here just for her sake, although I’m sure you won’t believe it for even a moment. What happened to her made me realize what a cold bastard V–” he immediately stopped, having almost enacted the Taboo. Even more carefully, he amended, “the Dark Lord is.” Embarrassed for nearly compromising them all, although refusing to show it, he finished, “Although she is admittedly my primary motivation, I understand that the Dark Lord’s removal is ultimately more important than a single person’s freedom.” The silence that followed was filled only by the cracking of Ronan’s knuckles as he flexed them, preventing them from stiffening up. That it created a good bit of tension in the room (at least he thought so) gave him great pleasure. Eventually, he admitted, “I do wish I had a purpose as grand and noble as that. I’ll vouch for you, to Albert. Granted, I’m still suspicious, but that’s just my natural state.” Before he continued any further though, he wondered just how adept the future-spy would be at protecting the secrets of the Ashes. Nobody wanted a double agent. “How good’s your Occlumency?” Luther was taken aback from the question, having expected a counterargument to his own. Upon thinking about it, he realized he hadn’t even considered Occlumency. The Dark Lord was an amazing Legilimens, of course, and he was a damn fool for not considering it until now. “No match for the Dark Lord’s Legilimency,” he admitted. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Ronan mused, though he didn’t make any move to draw his wand for an impromptu session. “Mine stood up to the Dark Lord’s just fine.” Luther spit blood on the floor again. He couldn’t tell what was bleeding exactly,, but McCarthy definitely threw a good punch, that’s for sure. Ronan peered at him curiously. “Alas, I don’t think now’s a good time for that. McCarthy’s work, I’m guessing?” Luther nodded. “He wasn’t very happy with what I had to say, I’m afraid. Were he a Muggle, he’d be a damn good boxer, that’s for sure.” The leader of the Ashes simply nodded, having not even the foggiest as to what a ‘boxer’ was, other than it was something Muggle-related. “McCarthy wouldn’t be happy with anything, unless it was MacFusty’s tongue shoved down his throat.” He shot a grin over to the woman standing by the door to the room holding the Imperiused rookie. Siobhan, who had been uncharacteristically silent as her boss talked with the potential spy (she wasn’t so silly as to interfere in what looked to be a conversation between evil ex-Death Eaters), pointedly glared at Ronan as she stepped forward. She definitely wasn’t going to let that train of conversation continue, and it was either interrupt it or hex Lord Findley, cripple or not. “So,” she said decisively. Luther fought to hide a grin from his face as he thought, I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t mind that either. “I could’ve healed that up ages ago, you know,” she said, drawing her wand. It glimmered in the half-light, clearly recently polished. “Ronan’s just a sourpuss.” Luther nodded to her. “Yeah, that’d be lovely, thanks.” Siobhan barely even acknowledged his consent, already aggressively waving her wand with an “Episkey,” on her lips. A light mist shimmered out from her wand in Luther’s direction, as soothing as a summer rain. Luther shuddered as the spell hit him, the mist granting instant relief.”Thank you,” he said with a small smile. “That feels a lot better.” “Well, at least someone thanks me for my services,” Siobhan replied with an answering smile and a cheeky glance in Ronan’s direction. Her boss held up his hands placatingly, but otherwise said nothing. “I’m the mediwitch of the Ashes. Sadly the only healer. Bottom of my class in St Mungos, too!” Luther nodded, feigning shock – as if she was literally the greatest witch of all time. “No way! The bottom of the class! Truly remarkable!” he laughed, allowing himself to be cheeky with them, for they seem to be a lot… well, nicer than McCarthy. Siobhan seemed baffled by that, narrowing her eyes. Was that sarcasm or an insult..? Ronan snorted in laughter from somewhere behind her, and answered, “Believe it or not, she’s not as bad as she makes herself out to be. The fact that she had to buy her way into training is irrelevant.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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2nd of December, 1999 Kyle McCarthy - Not far outside the McCarthy manor
The meeting had not been an easy one, in fact there had been very little sleep since it had been agreed that they as a group would in fact be going to the McCarthy manor and rescuing one Mia Dubois. Reasons were mostly listed as "She's a Metamorphmagus" counter arguments were "Yeah, but she's a pacifist." In the end, the rescue team was dispatched to Kyle's least favorite place in the world. Kyle cloaked in a Disillusionment charm stood near the edge of the manor property. He was deep in thought, trying to slip through the cracks of his father's spells on the manor. "Father wasn't as good as my mother at casting protection charms on the house." He said with a grin, "But there are a few new ones since I lived here." Finally he found the path, and led the others through. "Mia will be in the basement. It's a mess to get there, the house isn't laid out all that logically, but if you find stairs leading down you'll be in the basement. Be careful though only one set of stairs will lead to the rooms where she would be. At the base of that stairs is a second door. If there isn't you're in the wrong place." Once the group was clear of the magical field before them laid a large mansion, several stories tall, and in near perfect condition. It was painted white, with a pale blue trim, which felt oddly incorrect. "We don't have long. Other spells may pick up on us." Kyle frowned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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