FF>> 1 week In one weeks time all the basic training has been completed. sensei Kombei believes it is time for the children are ready to speak to their biju in person and as a result all the teachers were on site in the training yard for what would be a traumatic experience for the jinjurikie they all knew that the students should have gotten used to getting up early in the morning and to report to the training yard everyday for their training... Angelo yawned as he woke up at 7 in the morning as the teachers taught him to. Angelo got up and went through his morning routine and once he was dressed he put his straw hat back on and grabbed his equipment to get ready for their training today whatever it may be. Angelo was starting to get antsy and wanting to get some real action done. Training was fine and all but the training has no point if its not put to use, and at this point Angel has spent enough time with shin sensei to be a proper medical ninja even with his special talent with needles. Angelo got up and started walking to the training yard to begin the day...