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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright. Keep in mind that he is still a child. He isn't bent on world conquering or killing all the baddies. He's a kid. With an immortal creature merged with his soul. While the fae has potentially thousands of years of knowledge, Mordecai has 14. He isn't a master strategist or gun toting super soldier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by robotica


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Sheet posted for Lauren, amateur Ghostbuster! :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@InspectorGadget I really Like this character he is VERY unique there is a lot of effort here and he is just so fricken cool. But I simply Can't let you play him. For the same reason I can't let Synth play a Vampire. The way this Changeling is written he's not a Victim of the Fae. He is one. And it can be argued that yes The Lost (New World of Darkness Fae) are the unintentional Fae, They were clearly human to begin with and really will always be human unless they lose Clarity. but unfortunately while this character certainly is heading in the right direction I can't let you play him as is. He is clearly something that belongs in the dark. I'm not saying he isn't a good being. I'm saying he was never going to spend his whole life living blissfully unaware of events. See that is what is important to keep in mind and what I want all of the characters to have. All of the characters be they Hunter, Geists, Changelings or even arguably Mages. If life had taken a different course. They wouldn't have a clue about the monsters lurking in the Darkness. So lets talk because I want you to play a changeling and I want to keep as much of this Character intact as possible because he is SO DARN COOL. So lets take a look at what needs to be fixed because as I said in the opening post. This is new World of Darkness. Love me the old world of darkness ain’t hating on it or you or anything silly. It's just that I've tried mixing the two and they don't because the power level is so darn different and the Lore IS VERY different they are quite literally two different settings (Which btw with a few tweaks I'm okay with the majority of his stuff so don't think this is me crashing your party because of his abilities. I'm gonna do my best to let you keep as many as possible he really needs an overhaul in the back story section to be honest) You need a new Seeming, Which replaces order. Your options are Darkling, Ogre, Fairest, Elemental, Beast, or Wizened (You will be a Darkling if you want to go Mirror Skin) You need a new Kith which will depend on your Seeming if you want to go with a shape changer I suggest the Mirror Skin. Or if you are into the animal side i’d suggest a Beast (Seeming) Hunterheart (Kith) Changelings (In the new World of Darkness) are humans who have been kidnapped by the Fae and taken through the Hedge to Arcadia and have somehow returned, but their time in Arcadia has warped them. Which works out great for your characters story we just need to change the details a little. Typically a Fae will leave behind a Fetch to replace the child but in this case either A) they didn’t or B) they did and that is what your parents buried? you have some options I’ll leave that to you. Either way you still end up as a changeling, you still have time to develop your gifts and imagination and you can use your time in Arcadia however you want because time is totally subjective there so perhaps you spent 30 years there from your characters perspective but Only aged 4 years and when you returned only four years had actually passed. Giving you time to develop your characters mind beyond that of a normal 14 year old. And if I’m being honest I wouldn’t mind the character being a Strategist. Abilities. In the Lost Changelings have Contracts, basically they are agreements with the world that let you do all sorts of crazy crap. And the neat thing is because we are going a little freeform here. All you have to do is get your current abilities to fit in the Changeling the Lost scheme of contracts and I can suggest how you might do that too: These three are Contracts of Elements so if you simply were to get rid of the section on Primal and Change it to “Contracts of Elements” and list them below it I’m good with that. - Eldritch Prime - Oakenshield - Elder-Form This is a Contract of Smoke - Hidden Form These are Contracts of Mirror, However I’m going to say Go Ask Alice can’t control another’s size, Mordecai’s size Cool deal I’m good with that, someone else. Not so much. - Go Ask Alice - Impersonate Contract of Fang and Talon - Merlin’s Lesson - Mythical Transformation- If this gets abused I’ll be annoyed but I’m gonna let you keep it since you seem to have put a lot of effort in here Contracts of Dream - Zeitgeist - Dagda’s Boon Contract of Madness (These contracts don’t appear in the base book) - Reality’s Horror Manifestation and Insufflation are out. Manifestation because you need it less since you will be using the Hedge or Dream riding to travel if you plan to supernaturally and Insufflation because while you can shoot a Dragon being able to posses someone is a whole different ball of wax in conjunction with the other abilities listed here. Also, the Endowments Section you can get rid of since as an ex member of the Ashwood Abbey you wouldn’t have any. --- Some final thoughts. Your abilities I have the least problems with (I know it seems like a lot, but for the abilities section I literally just regrouped them cut two and modified one slightly) I would like to see you change his Biography to bring it more in line with the New World of Darkness. I really like the character and the idea of a 14 year old being a tactician, even though you say he isn’t but that could be a great reason for him to be recruited by Project: Tallow perhaps in exchange they offer to keep your family under careful watch? So as a passing thought might I suggest including Contracts of the Board? They are specifically tied to a board game but they can be applied to real life situation where strategy is involved. Just food for thought
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

> Sheet posted for Lauren, amateur Ghostbuster! :) I think I just teared up a little you guys are just too fricken awesome with your characters. Robotica I love it, and she is just the kind of person Project: Tallow would snap right up. so quick recap: Wind: Both of them are great as soon as you have Jason all cleaned up Inspector: As soon as it is New World of Darkness you are all set (God I love that character, wish my IRL changeling players were that cool with their characters) Robotica: You're all set, such an awesome character I'm thoroughly impressed Synth: Hey man, I'm really looking forward to this priest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by robotica


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*tears of satisfied pride* Should we also work out ahead of time how we got into Tallow, or will that come later?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have some Ideas for most of the characters but I figured we could do a collaborative post for each character as the intro. So It would be me and then each of you and we'd go through and write a collab that will either involve Director Caleb or possibly one of my other characters. I know for Wind I'll be using Father Carroway and for you I'll probably use Special Agent Carter (He's a Sin-eater)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh. See. I read your PM and just jumped straight into recreation. I didn't even come to the OOC. It's too late. In all but name, our fourteen year old child is dead. And a much less nice, far more tormented character has been brewed. Not that I don't appreciate your bullet points and the work you put into the reorganization without trampling of my creative juices, I do. But I read lke 200 pages of The Lost manual in the last three hours, which is not easy. My brain hurts from it, actually. But I have enough of an understanding in order to create a new character. You will enjoy it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

### Mordecai Kane **Operational Code name**: Fenrir **Virtue**: Justice **Vice**: Revenge **Seeming**: The Beast **Kith**: Hunterheart ![enter image description here](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/225/2/c/boy_and_his_wolf_by_pandora_poe-d586j72.png "enter image title here") **The Mask (Mundane Appearance)**: Eternally pale, Mordecai's skin is mottled with small splotches, freckles given to him by his mother. The red in his hair also comes from he, though it has become darker over the years. It is short, cut near to his scalp, exposing the clarity of his water dyed eyes. His bones are sharp, his cheeks high, casting shadows against the valleys of flesh lain over them. Mordecai is tall and built well, bred from good stock. When he is not being secretive, the brightly hued rain coat lays over top whatever else he is wearing; its irony makes the man laugh uncontrollably sometimes. Whatever clothing he wears otherwise changes on a daily basis except for shoes. He doesn't wear anything on his feet. **Changling Mien**: This is an altogether different representation of Mordecai's appearance, the true form, as created by his Keeper, Balbain. The thicket of hair is immense, rolling off of his head and down his shoulders, forming a thick mane so dark light is lost in its midst. A maw filled with sharp teeth protrudes from beneath the matted fur, a twitching nose sniffing the air, taking in the smell of the world. His arms, nearly bare of fur, extend into elongated digits whose tips are donned with claws. Muscles ripple beneath the flesh, hidden at his core by the continuation of fur. His waist gives way to powerful legs, bent in a way that is meant to lend to the assumed visage of a wolf. His feet, though it may be more reasonable to call them paws, end with formidible talons that clutch and rip apart the earth with each step. **Age**: 29 **Biography**: So many years. I can still feel him. Every night when I return to my Hollow, I can feel Balbain. He exists beyond the thorns and Goblin Fruit trees. And, one day, I will find him. This, I suppose, is not the place to start. Then again, it has been so long that I don't know if I remember when the beginning was. I was a child; this I know to be the truth. I believe I was happy before I was stolen from my mother; I do not remember a father; Balbain became my father and mother. I could guess at what I did as a child: I ran with the other children; I hid when mother called us in for dinner, wanting to survive the nagging call so I might feel the briskness of evening touch my youthful skin and watch the first stars fill my sight. I recall the heat of the summer breathing against the nape of my neck as sweat pooled at my brow, droplets raining down, salty against my tongue as I licked them from my lips. Tears. I remember those from scraping my knee, the searing burn cutting through my brain when I fell against the sidewalk from my bicycle. This is all I remember of my childhood. I do not know what age I was when I was taken by Balbain. I do not know how old I am today. If I am forced to guess, I would compare myself to a human in his late twenties or early thirties. Faint lines of stress stretch across my skin, daring to show themselves if I smile or squint. Crows' feet are starting to show at the edges of my eyes. These are the things that lead me to guess how old I am, though it does not bother me most days. I awoke as Balbain drug me through the Hedge, talking to himself and muttering about his 'catch'. I was the catch, as I learned later. It was days or weeks or months before he even acknowledged me other than to feed me. His previous catch was still alive at this time, a toy as the Faerie called it. Kept in isolation, I fell to the Madness and was no longer a mere child by time his last plaything expired. And then it was my turn to entertain the bastard demon. I refuse to speak of those things, except to say that he made me into this: a beast. The worst torture that any man undertakes in the mortal world does not compare to the foul acts Balbain forced upon me. Lost in the Madness, I survived only to exist, not to live. Trapped in a vast sea of mental despair, I never believed I would be able to swim back to the surface and regain what was left of my sanity, pieces I instinctively stowed away in the deepest regress of my mind. When the spark of life was leaving me, the pathway to salvation opened its eyes and spoke to me. It beckoned me forth from the Faerie's hovel and into the wilderness. I ran, condemned to all fours, as fast I could. I did not look back, I did not fear. Fear left me years ago, replaced by emptiness. When Balbain imbued my body, the fragments of my rotting soul, with Glamour, he breathed life into my lungs. He gave me the ability to exist through the torment and harvest strength enough to find my way back to the Hedge. I tore through it, the thorns ripping the fur and flesh free from my body. I bled into the earth, but did not stop. Without knowing, my body took me to a gateway to the world. It knew I needed out, that I must escape, and opened. It was a spectacle that I have since grown accustomed to. I plunged through, landing on my hands and knees, my face restored, hidden behind the mask. This was no longer the face of a child with eyes that looked to the sky with hope of seeing the first star twinkle into existence. These eyes were dead, pale and only looking to see what was before them. They did not weave fantasies from the mundane reality that approached from every direction. Instantly, they longed for The Hedge and its biting comfort. I did not return for quite some time. I tried to assimilate into the life that was taken from me; but, I was too young when Balbain came that night. This world was not something I had experienced long enough to grow exceedingly fond of. The life I knew and clung to was back through the Gate. I stepped paw into The Hedge in search of a home of my own this time. And I found it, miles from any Trod, in a particularly comfortable overgrowth of thorns. There, I dug a hole in the ground -- I know of other Changelings who have built homes from sticks and stone, betraying what they truly are in order to cling to the feeble warmth of humanity. Now, I spend night after night in The Hedge, deep in the cavern of my Hollow. I return to the world every morning, though I do not know why. Perhaps it is the dreams. Between nightmares, I dream of my childhood, of laughter and tears of joy. I dream of hatred and death, of destroying Balbain. Those are the images that keep me from wandering deep into The Hedge, away from the others and from my humanity. I am growing stronger and the image of the Faerie still burns behind my eyes. Balbain must die a true death. Will I die then? I have never heard of a slave killing its master. Will the Glamour that binds my soul to the Faerie's turn to dust and dance into the sky on a gust of wind? These are the questions that I do concern myself with. I have adopted a wolf. I was wandering in Central Park, of all places, when he approached. From where, I do not know. Before that encounter, I had only seen deer and vermin littering the lawns of the park, a refuge from the lights that I often found myself aimlessly traversing. Was I always looking for him? I do not know. But on that night, I found him, golden eyes staring at me curiously as if he already knew the truth to my lie. He is the only one that listens when I speak. He asked me for a name to be called by and I thought for days before approaching him with one. I think he likes it. Faust. Night after night he follows me into The Hedge, aware of the dangers that lurk in the undergrowth. He sleeps beside me in our den and pads along side me, unafraid as we move through the thorns. We hunt together: he sees me as I truly am, not as the humans see me. I value him greatly for that. If I should die in the Hedge with Faust beside me, I fear he may be trapped there to be preyed upon by the Goblins and True Fae. That cannot happen; I will not let that happen to my only friend, my only family. I have seen my human family. After my abduction, my mother and sister moved from our old apartment into a new one. I was somewhere in the downtown area when my shoulder brushed against a woman walking the opposite direction. As if I was stung by a thousand bees, the pain of recognition flowed through me like a current of electricity. I stopped and turned, staring from beneath the hood of my rain jacket, slack jawed. It was my mother. She aged terribly after my loss. I later found that she had turned to drugs and alcohol after I was taken, indulging herself until she would pass out in the street or on the stoop of her building. There are times, on the especially cold nights, that I go searching for her with a blanket in hand. I found my sister through my mother. They were arguing viciously about her drug use. My sister blurted curses from between her lips, curses she laid at my mother's feet in hopes of cutting verbal wounds into her sagging soul. My sister blamed my mother for my absence, though no blame could be had. They have both me, though neither knows it. My sister was at work the night she met me, in the back alley of the restaurant she waitresses at. She took out the garbage to throw it in the dumpster but never made it that far. Men came for her, to rape her. Because I spend every night in the darkness of my den, the shadows favor me. I moved, obfuscating each step, in for the kill. Their throats slashed by an attacker my sister never saw, the men fell dead at her feet. There are nights that I dream of their blood and how it clung to my hands, how their skin hung from my claws (through my eyes there is no Mask: I always see myself for the animal I am). I have never gone in search of my father. I wouldn't know where to look even if I wanted to. **Skills**: Keeping calm. Stealth. Losing control. **Equipment and Resources**: Mordecai returns to The Hedge nightly and has explored deeper than many other Changelings. He does not have the innate knowledge of the terrain like the Fae do, but he has found his way to places that have not seen footsteps in many, many centuries. He owns one weapon, a 1911 Colt .45 handgun. He keeps a piece of mirror on his person at all times. Tokens are lasting items while Trifles are removed from play once they are used. - _Hoarfrost Spine_: **A token.** Broken off from a frozen thorn in The Hedge, once activated, Mordecai becomes very hard to get ones hands on, as if his skin was encased in ice. Appears as a dry, cracked piece of thorn about the size of a small knife. - _Biting Grotesquerie_: **A token.** Mordecai stumbled across this one, quite literally. It is the decayed corpse of a three eyed salamander. Once activated, the token forces a Hobgoblin from The Hedge, sicking it on a foe. Stricken by a bite, the target begins to hallucinate uncontrollably. Appears as a dried carcass of a three eyed salamander hanging around his neck. - _Red Ribbon of the Lost Girl_: **A token.** Taken from the corpse of a girl found in The Hedge, the token increases accuracy when attached to a firearm. - _Goblin Fruit_: These are various fruits, not all beneficial. He does carry a supply for treating wounds as well as others for inflicting sickness upon others, if they are so stupid as to eat it. - _Bile Fruit_: **Trifle.** Once eaten, it completely conceals Mordecai's mien, including his shadow. - _Tumbleglass_: **Trifle.** Kept as trinkets by the Fae, Tumbleglasses are incredibly useful to thieves pinned between a ledge and a long way down. Once broken beneath the foot of the Changeling, any fall of up to 100 yards is survivable with little to no injury. - _Sting Seed_: **Trifle.** Seeds taken from The Hedge. Once loaded into the hollow of a bullet, the seeds can be fired at a target. If they inflict damage, the seeds sprout plantlife from the wound. Edges: Every power has a catch that allows the power to be used without expending Glamour. There are exceptions, though, that require the use of Glamour to make the contract. Since I am getting seriously tired, I'm taking the powers from the White Wolf unofficial Wikia. They are posted below in simplified nature. **Seeming Contract -- Fang and Talon** - _Tongues of Birds and Words of Wolves (Wolf)_: A changeling gives an animal a new name, allowing them to communicate with it and other animals in their contract-type. - _Beast's Keen Senses (Wolf)_: the changeling touches an animal-type of their contract, they acquire the senses of that animal. - _Pipes of the Beastcaller (Wolf)_: If the changeling has asked an animal to guard their dwelling, they may call on that animal at any time or place. - _Tread of the Swift Hooves (Wolf)_: After touching an animal of the right kind, they may emulate that animals form of movement. - _Cloak of the Bear's Massive Form (Wolf)_: If they are in the correct habitat and touching an animal, they may take that animal's form; otherwise, Glamour must be paid in order to take the form. **Universal Contract -- Smoke** - _The Wrong Foot_: After licking their thumb and rubbing it on a mirror, a changeling can alter traces of its passage. - _Nevertread_: After spending an hour or more barefoot, a changeling can erase all traces of their passage. - _Shadowpatch_: If the changeling has spent enough time away from the light, they may obscure themselves in shadows. - _Murkblur_: After swallowing the eye of an animal or insect, the changeling causes an obscuring fog to form over a target's eyes. - _Light-Shy_: If the Changeling has told a lie with significance, they can turn themselves completely invisible. **Universal Contract -- Thorns and Brambles** - _Bite of the Wooden Fang_: If the changeling uses a whip made of plant materials, the wood gains several sharp thorns when it touches an enemy. - _Leechwood_: When the changeling confronts his keep or a minion of him, he can accelerate the growth of nearby hedge and other plants to attack him. Damage done by the thorns drains Glamour from the target. - _Briarpath_: When the changeling litters a handful of Hedge thorns behind him, he can force enchanted brambles to block the way after him. - _Shield of Thorns_: By shedding his own blood on an area, the changeling can summon forth a Hedge, creating an almost impenetrable defensive barrier that lashes back at enemies that come near. - _Hed_: The changeling can call forth a series of massive fortifications or hedges and brambles if he transplants a small hedge bush from a rural locale to the location where the Contract is to be used immediately prior to using the Contract. **Arts of the Hedge -- Goblin Contract** - _Shooter's Bargain_: Two of the next three shots fired from a weapon will be incredibly accurate, though the third will probably miss horribly. - _Fair Entrance_: A changeling can open any locked door. However, in the future, at a most untimely moment, a foe can easily enter into the changeling's home. - _Burden of Life_: A changeling can heal another but any subsequent attacks on the being are inflicted upon the changeling. **Mortal tie**: Mordecai is slipping deeper into his passion for revenge against his Keeper. The only mortal creature he calls friend is Faust, the wolf he has named.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

oh dear lord. What have I done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> oh dear lord. What have I done. You merely opened the door. As the writer of the character, I would like his to be a salvation story. If there are any other characters that would like to bind themselves to Mordecai and possibly help him see the light in the dark, I would be happy about it. *Added picture to character sheet and expanded the biography as well as fixed some serious wording mishaps.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by robotica


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Helping people free themselves from obsessions and find light in the darkest times is kind of what the whole Pilgrim thing is all about, for sin-eaters! Usually the 'people' in question are already dead, but hey, a little flexibility never killed anyone. Lauren would see Mordecai as someone she should try to work with and help bring back to some kind of balance with the mortal world, for sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

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And guess who's really desperate and could use some saving... xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright sounds like we have a plan. I have 3 characters I would like to include, so it will take me some time to find, clean up, and write up (One im building from scratch) We are still waiting on two other people to make initial posts one of which has the character finished she simply needs a Guild account.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I don't mind when everyone has to wait for me. I really don't. But waiting for other people makes me hungry. And now I have a wolf. And he listens well. Wild, your characters creep me out. Robotica. BFFs?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by robotica


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haha. I'm down to be BFFs with everyone, really! We're all in this together, until the undying horrors of the night pull our guts out, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InspectorGadget


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm not a big sharer. So... if the others die prematurely and you eat them, I'll be the only everyone and we will be bffs. We can't really hash out how to become connected until a certain someone tells us how we will all be meeting. *glares at said certain somebody.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Y'all gonna be meeting when Director Caleb "Convinces" you to come work for project Tallow. So other than Wind I think you need to start brainstorming that oh and Robotica, I have a Sin-eater FBI agent so perhaps I'll use him to bring you on board since he'll be working for Director Caleb (reluctantly I might add)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by robotica


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay, I'm just gonna throw out a bunch of hooks, and see what sticks, then! Lauren's the type to go find problems, and she finds them a lot via forums and other publicly-available sources of information, so it's not unfeasible that she stumbles into something at roughly the same time the FBI agent does. (I've already got my 'spook' puns locked and loaded, by the by.) She could have also gained a bit of celebrity status in her own right in the /x/-like corners of the internet, which could make her a prime target for recruitment due to being, well, a well-known and somewhat credible ghost-hunter. Alternately/additionally, an unsecured gate to the Hedge could sound an awful lot like an unsecured gate to the Underworld, particularly if you're a Sin-Eater looking into a string of related disappearances in the area, so it's also not unfeasible that she and Mordecai could run into each other in such a context. As a result, Mordecai and Lauren could know each other pre-Tallow, or possibly even be recruited at the same time, in which case it'd be neat to run a brief prelude kind of thing somewhere to sort of feel out their relationship. Thoughts?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 10 mos ago

> Wild, your characters creep me out. MY characters creep YOU out?! You've got to be kidding me. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@robotica Im good with the two of them knowing each other before hand
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