Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Some of the guys here are cute... You should let me at them. Promis says and Angel shakes her head, trying to force Promis down before following Katherin inside. She is curious as to why she brought them all here, especially if this is going to be bad. She follows closely behind a young girl who broke a rock just by being near it. Oooh, disaster is getting feisty Promis says and Angel checks out the girl. She is young. That poor child...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SallyJohnson02


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lora was walking to the area of 'Katherin's' house. She had trouble hailing a cab, because every time she tried a genderless, soothing voice told her she shouldn't. So there she was, wandering through the streets, hugging herself when she wasn't checking her phone for the address. People on the street scared her, she had to veer out of their way so she didn't bump into them. What if they tried to pickpocket her? She couldn't wait to get to that house, to safety. It took ages to find the place, but maybe that was planned. It was supposed to be safe, right? Well, she felt safe standing outside of the strange manor. The people standing outside also looked...friendly."No place is safe for you, silly. Just wait until you greet them, then you'll know why I said not to trust them." Lora rubbed her temples, she wanted to snap at this voice, but couldn't think of anything rude to say. So far, the voice had been...bordering politeness. So in the end, she didn't say a thing, instead she walked up to a girl who seemed to be in control of the situation(Katherin). "Hello? I'm here because of the...email." She said, her voice squeaky and quiet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

His bike roared, the old piece of shit was barely fuckin' street legal and screamed like a god-damn banshee every time he started it. So naturally, he had to play his radio all the fuckin' louder, just so he could hear it. Currently the song playing was Back to our roots and could be heard from a mile away. "I swear to god If I'm going to that stupid fuckin' castle I'm punching the first motherfucker I see." He grunted to himself, or his demon, or fuckin' whatever. He wasn't separate from his demon, he was his demon. He was anger in a body and he fuckin' liked it that way. As he watched the castle he got a pretty strong gut feeling this was the place, and he always trusted his gut. He pulled over a few feet from the door, turned off the screaming bitch and popped open a beer. He always kept a bottled pack on his bike. He then lit a shitty looking cigarette he rolled himself, and kept in a beat up pack that was more tape and tears than cardboard. He then took a drag and spat at the feet of the first kid he saw, some scrawny looking black haired faggot. He put down his beer and turned to him "Alright punk, square up, I ain't one to sucker punch."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin sighed as Wrath arrived. This could be a very bad meeting. She signaled the group to follow her. She had step up a buffet in the great room for everyone. She figured they would be more comfortable if the had something to eat. There was lot they needed to discuss and not all of it was going to be easy to believe. She lead them to the great room where she had set up a large table covered with food an drinks. Please help yourselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SallyJohnson02


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The lady, Katherin, Lora assumed, showed them a table full of food and drink. Lora ignored the commotion that started as the other man arrived, and strided towards the table. She picked up a small cracker, and was about to stuff herself, when the voice rang in Her head. "DON'T TOUCH THAT! Put it down, who knows what's in that food, it could be poisoned." Lora looked at the cracker, and set it back down on the table, she was so glad she didn't eat it. She looked back at the others and smiled harshly. "Uh, thanks but no thanks, I ate before I came."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Autumn had felt the eyes of some the others rest on her but she did her best to ignore them as she obediently followed Katherin inside. Her eyes widened at the sight of the feast before them. Coming from an orphanage, they didn't have to money to afford this kind of food. Autumn glanced nervously at the others. She was honestly afraid to touch anything, terrified she was going to break something. I'm starting to think coming wasn't such a good idea. What if the house is destroyed?! She fretted to herself, Disaster meanwhile was scoffing at her thought though it wouldn't be the first time he has felled a house and this one was made of such pretty stone... Autumn tried to tune the demon out, now ever more scare to touch anything. But she didn't want to be rude...The girl took a deep breath and shakily reached for an apple, deciding that as long as she stayed away from anything breakable she should be fine...Maybe...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Angel walks over and immediately grabs a water and some cookies. She chows down, taking small sips of water every couple seconds. She looks around at everyone. There are some young children here. She turns her eyes to Katherin. "Are there any towns super close nearby?" she asks. "I may need to... go out... every once in a while."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyo turned to the new voice he heard near him, tilting his head slightly and maintaining a completely neutral expression as he looked to the man now in front of him. Tap, tap, tap... Somewhat skinny fingers danced quickly over the surface of the tablet before tapping the button to play the message with the pre-recorded British accent. "Good day to you, sir. Is there something you need from me?" He resisted the urge to brush back some of the long hair starting to fall in front of his face, intending to give this newcomer his full attention for the moment. Especially since Nightmare had just informed him of the presence of Wrath. That must have been who this human housed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyo turned to the new voice he heard near him, tilting his head slightly and maintaining a completely neutral expression as he looked to the man now in front of him. Tap, tap, tap... Somewhat skinny fingers danced quickly over the surface of the tablet before tapping the button to play the message with the pre-recorded British accent. "Good day to you, sir. Is there something you need from me?" He resisted the urge to brush back some of the long hair starting to fall in front of his face, intending to give this newcomer his full attention for the moment. Especially since Nightmare had just informed him of the presence of Wrath. That must have been who this human housed.
Danny "Put up yer fuckin' fists, put down the fuckin' gizmo, or I'm gonna punch ya' in the fuckin' throat." He growled deeply, he wasn't really enjoying this conversation, and he really wanted to deck this kid flat, but he wasn't the kind of guy to cheap-shot a bastard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Danny "Put up yer fuckin' fists, put down the fuckin' gizmo, or I'm gonna punch ya' in the fuckin' throat." He growled deeply, he wasn't really enjoying this conversation, and he really wanted to deck this kid flat, but he wasn't the kind of guy to cheap-shot a bastard.
A few more taps later, the tablet read off another message. "I'm afraid that's not possible; I cannot fight in my current physical condition, which I am sure that you have noticed. Even if that were not the case, it would be impolite to the young lady who lives here to fight in her home." "Please excuse me, I must go to the meeting that Miss Katherin has requested of us to attend. I do not wish to keep her waiting." Tucking his tablet under his arm and keeping the hand of the opposite one on the edge, the silent male bowed slightly with the same neutral expression before turning to leave. Walking at a reasonable pace, he tried to catch up with the group before he completely lost sight of where he was supposed to go. He wasn't entirely sure that the man would leave him alone, but Nightmare was already acting a bit strangely and the boy wanted nothing more than to understand what was going on already. Even the information that he had previously been given was quite limited, and whatever Secrets knew would probably be helpful. Besides, he was tired. He didn't want to nod off before hearing what he was here to learn about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Welcome to my castle." Katherin wrote on tablet before pressing send filling the room with the south woman's voice she had chosen. In case you didn't hear earlier, my name is Katherin Winter and I am the keeper of secrets. I have learned a lot about what we have experienced in the last month. I will share that information with you. We have all received demon lords. These demons areally more powerful than most. They each have an their own abilities. The demon lord Secrets knows all the secrets within about a miles distance. I am trying to pinpoint the exact tang but he isn't cooperating. The demons that we now house were once locked in a ma"gical box by Pandora. Now that they are free they need humans to house them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlight Angel

Moonlight Angel

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hikari stoof in front of the castle doors hesitating. She was already late but she still didnt enter. She had been late because Doubt, of course, had been filling her head with the nonsense that was no an everyday thing for Hikari now. Doubt went again with all his questions. Questions questions questions. One after the other. Nonstop. You know, Riri, this whole thing sounds pretty fishy, don't you think? Is this legit? What if no one's there? What if this whole thing's a joke? Even if it's not, it doesn't even sound like the message is for you, does it? Something only you can do? Is there anything that only you can do? Anything that makes you special? Even if there is something only you can do, will you be able to go through it? For that matter, if there's anyone there, do you really want to learn more? I'm not sure you do, do you? Do you really think this will help you? Do they really want to help you? Can you even be helped? Do you need help? Or are you fine on your own? You know, Riri, this could be a really bad mistake, don't you think? "I'm not listening," Hikari said allowed. It was a lie, of course, because she couldn't stop herself from hearing Doubt, try as she had for the past month. You know, Riri, its not to late to turn back, don't you think? Maybe its better if you just leave and pretend you never got the message? Or do you need the help? Were you doing okay before? Do you think you were doing okay before? What if what you think is wrong? What if you shouldn't think about it at all? But what if that's a bad idea? You know, Riri, it's better to just not go in, don't you think? "Doubt, shut up," Hikari said, though she knew Doubt wouldn't because he never did. Hikari almost always had a headache because of his constant rambling. "And stop calling me Riri." Hikari thougth,Don't let Doubt get to you. Your already here despite him so might as well go inside. Hikari swung the door open gently and went inside, only to find that a girl had already begun speaking. Or rather she was speaking through a tablet. "Excuse me for both my tardiness and interruption,"she said with a polite dip of her head, hoping she didn't disrupt anything. She looked at everyone with cold gaze but was relieved to find that there were people there. Hikari quietly (or as quietly as she could in high heels) approached the rest of the group but stayed a good distance behind them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angel walks over and immediately grabs a water and some cookies. She chows down, taking small sips of water every couple seconds. She looks around at everyone. There are some young children here. She turns her eyes to Katherin. "Are there any towns super close nearby?" she asks. "I may need to... go out... every once in a while."
"I understand. That is one if the costs of being the keeper of Promiscuity. Yes there is a town close. Its only about half an hours drive from here. Feel free to go whenever you feel the need. Its a college town so you should always have...umm...lots to chose from. Katherin explained.Oh look Doubt finally arrived. That should help convince the others. You know thus is going to take forever right? Doubt will have everyone questioning your every word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danny He watched the late comer enter, lighting another cigarette and taking a heavy drag, he was sitting in a chair, his red-laced boots propped up on the table. (I guess I should point out what he's wearing) Black, 14 eye boots, with red laces as previously mentioned, a pair of simple dark blue jeans, rolled up above the boot and pulled up to his hips, a red pair of suspenders, and a black T-shirt with a white Celtic-Cross on the center. He also had his black leather jacket hung on the edge of his chair, and his cap on his head. He eyed everyone in there, directly, and he didn't need to hind behind subtlety to do so. "So, secrets, mind if I ask what the fuck it is we're here for?" He asked with a grunt, since he and his demon shared the same voice, it always sounded a bit more demonic than the average voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I'm tripping to. We have all recieved a demon lord. These demon lords are stronger and more powerful than regular demons. The each of unique qualities. Why we were chosen I haven't discovered yet. But I have discovered that these demons can not be removed by an means known to man. There are only two ways to remove them. Unfortunately if the demons are removed we die. The good news is that we are immortal as long as we have the demon."Katherin replied vias the southern female voice on her tablet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyo tilted his head and gazed curiously at Katherin. "So they can be removed, but not by us, and if they ever are, then we will die?" It was both comforting and unsettling that they probably couldn't be killed by the presence of these demons, either directly or indirectly. But after some of the things he had seen lately, he couldn't help but despair slightly at the fact that none of them would ever be free to their own minds again. Still, they were immortal? That in itself was a bit overwhelming, wasn't it? He was pretty sure that the only reason why he wasn't more shocked by the fact was that he had yet to actually grasp it. Were they really unable to die? What kinds of implications did that hold? The dark-haired male couldn't even begin to imagine what this would mean for them. "Wait, but why are they here now, then? If it's the same box from the legend, then have they been out for a while? And if they have, what happened to their previous hosts? If not, then why were they released?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Wait, but why are they here now, then? If it's the same box from the legend, then have they been out for a while? And if they have, what happened to their previous hosts? If not, then why were they released?"
"I don't know know if it is the same box or not. Secrets only has memories of one box so I'll assume that is the same box. Nor does he remember having any other hosts. He believe it is the box of legend and that it was opened recently. When it open Ned this time they were strong enough to escape. Katherin explained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I see." Kyo nodded, not really sure what to make of it. Even with the explanations, there were still so many questions...he didn't know where to start. Briefly looking around, he stifled a yawn as he took a glance at all the others assembled. What would they do now? How would they all learn to live with these demons? Surely they couldn't stay like this forever? But...if they were immortal...they didn't have much choice, did they?
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