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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hank “The Khan” Liu
Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance:
Like this with more furs and more dimly lit. Personality: The Khan is what some would call a manic, and whoever would call him that is long deceased. Overly-friendly and generous he is the greatest host you could ask for. His palace has been a mystery location in Ricco Rengo for many years. Cynical and deceptive The Khan is not somebody who should be taken as lightly as he seems. Bio: Hank Liu is the son of Lucille and Han Liu, Lucille was what some would call a prostitute. An avid drug addict as well. She didn’t know she was pregnant until too late and the abortion clinic refused her. She went to Han Liu a recent customer and senator. She claimed the baby was his and being the pro-life man he is he decided she should have it. Though it needed to be kept private due to the fact that he is a bastard and son of a lady caller. Han Liu’s conservative name would be diminished if anybody found out. Once the baby was born Han named him Hank after him (he was a very vain man). And named him the americanized name so he would seem more legitimate. Over the years Hank grew tired of his father and his hypocritical ways. His father was a completely different person behind closed doors. Forced to meet ridiculous standards for grades and other work Hank was at a breaking point. And he would’ve broken if not for Duel Monsters, his only refuge. The only thing Hank liked about his father is that he was easy to blackmail. Which meant getting the latest and greatest cards whenever he wanted. He then began dueling competitively and was starting to win money. Han Liu took and interest in this and decided to start gambling on his son behind his back. Then when Hank made it to the district championship. Big money was on the duel. One duel to win or lose it all. Han bet on his son a large amount of money that the government would definitely notice if it went missing. So when Hank lost due to an unfortunate last second card. His father was in deep over his head. So his only choice besides tarnishing his name and shot at a higher political position. Was to give the Triads something better than money. A slave. A slave to the Triads Hank grew tough, and has a lot of dark things in his past. That won’t be revealed now. Needless to say gruesome conditions he was put in resulted in his only use showing. Dueling and blackmailing. How he gained most of his wealth is still a mystery to this day. Signature Feature: Two sphinx branded onto the back of his hands one silver (left hand) one gold (right hand) Deck:
Favorite Card:
Other: A great dancer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fubuki Motorei
Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Link Personality: Though she comes off as a bit aloof at times, Fubuki is particularly open when it comes to making new relationships. After her mother's passing, Fubuki shut herself away mentally, only beginning to crawl out of that shell she build up at the age of 12. Because of that, much of her interactions with people are quite formal, which in turn brings a tendency for most people to shy away from her. That doesn't mean, however, that she doesn't show emotions- she's just a bit... Awkward, to put it lightly. While dueling, Fubuki tends to open up to people a bit more, often times smiling as she gets into the midst of a good duel. However, it usually doesn't get much farther than that. She's a good sport about a loss, though, often congratulating the opponent for a hard-fought battle. Bio: When Fubuki was young, her mother died in an accident while travelling overseas for a business venture, leaving her father to care for a 6-year old Fubuki on his own. Due to the company's aid, Fubuki managed to live her school life fairly uneventfully. However, one day a business partner of Fubuki's father came and offered Fubuki and her father an offer: have the girl learn the ins and outs of dueling and enter the upcoming tournament in Battle City in exchange for publicity for a small dueling academy he was trying to start up. Her father was originally against this, as his wife had been in contact with Industrial Illusions up to the day her death occurred, and feared that being involved in dueling would cause undue mental stress to Fubuki. Fubuki, on the other hand, embraced the idea wholeheartedly- such an event would be a nice change of pace from her average life and might even lead to more about her mother. Signature Feature: Her eyes flash light blue the second before she deals a finishing blow to her opponent in a duel. Deck:
Favorite Card: Nekroz of Gungnir Other: Wears an emerald necklace all the time- it's a memento of her mother. Also has another deck for more casual play (which will stay hidden for now.)
Joseph Marshall
Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Link Personality: Joseph loves being the center of attention, often times making flashy moves or adding unneeded motions to his dialogue as he speaks. He's very social in that regard, and it quite at home chatting it up with other people, be they customers at his father's restaurant or other people in school during his free time. However, Joseph knows when to dial back the spotlight and let other people have their share. Can't just have one star in the sky, after all. Bio: Never one to miss a beat, Joseph's always been active with other people. His parents owned a restaurant where many duelists frequented, and Joseph was enraptured by them all. The plays, the comebacks, the combos... Everything seemed to just keep him entranced. When he entered school, he was the one everyone looked to for information on the topic, mainly because he knew everything from overhearing it from the customers. When he entered high school, Joseph ended up becoming a premier duelist for his school's club, often topping tournaments left and right. When a representative of the tournament came to his school, Joseph was elected by his fellow club members to go participate. His parents, too, found it to be a good experience to take on and encouraged him to enter. Signature Feature: His Duel Disk grows brighter the higher his LP is and dimmer the lower it is. Deck:
Favorite Card: Constellarknight Diamond Other: Actually has pretty crappy eyesight and requires contacts to see properly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aono Kyra
Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance:
Personality: Aono is quite the strange guy. He is laid back most of the time, and he doesn't really care about everything. This changes when he enters a duel. He becomes quite cocky, but not in a really bad way. More in a I will beat you, just watch kind of style. His ego is in perhaps his biggest ego. He isn't the nicest guy though. Smoking, drinking lots of beer, messing around with every girl he meets.. Its his way of life. Those who knew Aono before he started playing Yu-Gi-Oh claim that the first card he ever got, Void Ogre Dragon, changed Aono as a person, and that he might even be possessed by it in some odd way. Biography: Before starting to play Yu-Gi-Oh, Aono was known to be one of the nicest guys around. This all changed when he picked up his first Yu-Gi-Oh card, Void Ogre Dragon. Aono began to become quite cocky, he started to pick up bad habits and he even dropped out of school, and he got in constant fights with his parents. He did however become a top tier duelist, being famous for his famous handless combo summoning his key card Void Ogre Dragon, making him win a lot of duels. Aono wagered a lot of money in underground dueling tournaments, winning most of them. 4 years ago, Aono's parents disappeared, nobody really knows what happened besides Aono himself. Most people think it was Aono himself who got rid of them after them harassing him for every mistake he made. Deck:
Favourite Card: Void Ogre Dragon [/hider]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Miwa Nishimura
Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance:
Personality: A quiet and soft-hearted person by nature, Miwa is a wallflower, preferring to observe things and people at a distance rather than face them head on. As such, she finds it hard to communicate with others and is often thought of as anti-social, in reality she just finds it hard to make friends. One thing Miwa hates is her dependency on others, she thinks she cannot accomplish big things by herself and often asks help for others, but her difficulty in communicating makes it a nigh-impossible trial for her. Biography: Born and raised by a luxurious family, Miwa was sheltered as a child. Her parents forbidding her to go outside, saying it was a "dangerous place" whenever she asked them or whenever she tried to go out. Even education for her was done in the confines of their mansion, a place that she grew to hate over the years, she would look on with envy as the children outside would run around and play things such as tag and hide-and go-seek, it was one of the many things that money could not afford that Miwa wanted. One day when she was 11, the family of a longtime friend of her mother came to visit and they had brought their son who was around the same age as her. He had with him two decks to play with, he was expecting a son to play with but ended up playing with Miwa, a choice that both he and the girl did not regret. They played for hours on end, with the boy teaching her the basics of the game and even giving her the deck they used in their first duel as a gift. As the years passed and they grew older, so did their expertise in the game. The boy would constantly visit her on a biweekly basis and see if she was getting better or had picked up a card or two. On a particular day he said that he had a special card to give her, provided she win in their next duel, she accepted and through a teeth-gritting struggle, Miwa managed to defeat him and claim this so-called "special card". He had given her the card "Madolche Puddingcess" when she asked why, the boy scratched the back of his hair and said that the card reminded him of Miwa. She blushed profusely and gingerly thanked him. After an awkward silence, he laughed and said that she had gotten stronger ever since they fought as kids and he had told her there was to be an upcoming tournament, the boy asked for her to join. At first she declined, saying that her skills are far from tournament worthy and that there would be too many stronger duelists that would pummel her in seconds, but after some words of encouragement, she agreed. The boy gave a big grin and motioned his pinky to the girl and said to her "Promise me that you'll use her good, okay?" Miwa nodded and intertwined her pinky to his, thanking him for the company he's brought her. Deck:
Favorite Card: Madolche Puddingcess Other: She secretly has a crush on the boy whom taught her how to duel.
Kenta Hamasaki
Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance:
Personality: Slow on the pickup and having very mediocre scores in school, Kenta is the type of person who lives by his own motto, namely "Rest first, work later". He's a big procrastinator, which may or may not be the reason why his grades lean on C's to B's. Despite being laid back most of the time, he's quick to jump to conclusions and his temper isn't the best, a few push of his buttons and he'll let his fists do all the talking. Bio: A normal boy by any other name. Kenta's family is as plain as they come, in other words: boring. There was rarely anything new whenever he was home, his dad reading the newspaper shortly after coming back from work, his mother watching the local teledrama when she wasn't cooking and his older brother playing with his gadgets, everyone was too busy in their own worlds, during his childhood he loathed it. He had nothing to do during days where his friends outside weren't there or when heavy rain would pour down on their kiddy playtime. Middle school rolled in and one faithful day during their recess, a group of kids huddled around the latest craze, Yu-Gi-Oh! At the time, the boy was really hoping he'd have a chance to play it, why not? It was the most hip thing that all his friends were glossing all over, and if there was anything to escape the monotony of his house, it was this. He fought with other kids multiple times, besting most of them within his first few tries of the game. He was happy, he finally found something he could do inside his room for once! One that wasn't watching television over and over or doing mind-numbing homework!! As he grew older, Kenta would participate in local tournaments, some he has won and others, not so much while others were so difficult, he had lost within the first round. With another tournament on its way, surely this would be the perfect chance to see both himself and others in action, right? Signature Feature: Tends to give a rating for himself whenever a Duel is over. Deck:
Favorite Card: Gladiator Beast Laquari Other: Always brings his bicycle wherever he goes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander Lee
Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: This guy. Personality: He can be quite friendly. He's a pretty nice guy to almost anyone he meets, and he's always smiling. He always tries to achieve a peaceful solution to problems, no matter what it is. Be careful, though, because if you get on his bad side, then he seems to emit a dark aura, and his smile seems to change from friendly to menacing, despite it not changing in appearance. You will notice when his voice takes a sharp edge. Bio: Alexander is a pretty standard guy. Doesn't miss a day in school, gets A's and B's in class, hangs out with friends, etc. One day, he found a Duel Monsters card on the ground, and he was instant hooked. He started to research Duel Monsters and gather cards to complete his collection for his card, and he soon gathered more than enough to create his very own deck. It was then that his passion for Dueling began. There were so many factors that had to be taken in, and strategies and counter-strategies to learn about peoples' decks. He enrolled in a small duel school that took place after his regular school so he could spend some time Dueling with others who had the same interest as him. From there he worked his way up, beating even the duel school principal and entering a local tournament. He didn't win the tournament, sadly, but he came pretty darn close. Even now, his love for Dueling has not wavered. Signature Feature: He tends to say "Checkmate" right before the finishing blow. Deck:
Favorite Card: Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
Michelle Kine
Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Here. Personality: Michelle is a bit of an introvert, and quite shy. She's not really one to talk to others, and as such has few friends. She spends most of her time by herself with her Duel Monsters cards, either at school or at home. Bio: Michelle's mother is an ex-Pro Duelist, while her father is an accountant. Michelle was entranced with Duel Monsters as a child, and spent most of her time with Duel Monster cards. She spent hours creating decks, only for them to lose multiple times in a row. Despite these events, she continued trying. She tried a lot of decks, and as such gained knowledge of the different summoning techniques, and her deck making skills improved so that her win/lose ratio increased. However, the ratio was still pretty low. One day, though, Michelle's mother asked her to make to best deck she could, and to meet her in their backyard. A day later, she created her deck and met her mother outside. It turned out that Michelle's mother had challenged her to a Duel, and her mother would use her personal deck. The challenge, sadly, proved to be too much for Michelle to overcome, and she lost after a close match. Afterwards, though, her mother gave Michelle her deck, and told Michelle to make her proud. Michelle accepted gladly, confident that she would uphold that promise. Deck:
Favorite Card: Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cam
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jackson P. DuBois
Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Personality: Jack DuBois is a wonderful, kind hearted, soft spoken individual. He would also laugh in your face if you happened to believe that for even half a second. Jack is a strategic, calculating man who appreciates if not demands a challenge from his opponents. Jack is sarcastic by nature; manipulative and deceitful when necessary. Jack isn't incapable of genuine friendship, he's just incredibly bored by most of those he meets. Biography: At some point, it can be deduced, there was a man and woman who had a child. This child, would inevitably grow up to call himself Jackson P. DuBois and take the world of Duel Monsters by storm. As well as his interest in Duel Monsters, Jack also nursed a love for history. There was a time in his life that he aspired to be a college professor. A duelist since grade school, Jack began playing Duel Monsters competitively only recently. He has made enough of a name for himself, however, that he has been invited to play in Mr. Khan's 100th Anniversary event of the Battle City tournament. Deck:
Favorite Card: Injection Fairy Lilly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert O'Brian
Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance. Personality: A Pagan that worships mother earth. He's generally a friendly sort, but it's when he's in the heat of duel that his spirit sets ablaze and his passion melts any ice that might be around. When the seal goes off, his passion dies down into a quiet calm that allows him to think straight and plan his moves carefully. He see's it as the seal transfering his passion to his monsters. He is also prone to bursting into song, and is proud of being a "Galway boy" Signature Feature: When he plays the Seal of Orichalcos, a strange green symbol appears on his forehead Bio: Born into a mismatched family, he was the second child and first son of famous professional wrestler Douglas "The Smiler" O'Brian. Although, news of his conception came as a shock, due to his mother being told that she was incapable of having male children. His older Sister had been born and their father had taken to training her to be the next Wrestling Champion. His mother, on the otherhand, was a strong pagan woman. Until he was 7 years old, he and his father were rather distant, as his father spent his time training his sister. As such, he imprinted more on his mother than him. She would often take him on nature walks and show him the beauty that mother earth had to offer. She even told him an old legend of the 6 Kings. A King to rule each of the elements, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Light and Dark. When he was 6, he and his sister got their first Decks, and so, he started to save up all of his pocket money on these cards. His deck was that of the Monarchs, as they had been based on the old legend of the 6 kings. Their father was a card player, but no-one phenomenal. At the age of 7, Robert and his father finally got close, as he was now old enough to start learning how to wrestle. Robert grew close to his father and sister, through the training, but he wasn't very good. He only really did it so as to get some quality, family time. Naturally, he lost to his sister... A lot... It was when he was 13 that he decided to start trying to get closer to nature. He would often camp out in the woodlands close to his small hometown. On one fateful night, he heard a strange rustling through the undergrowth. Going to investigate, he saw a bright green hawk that was stuck in a trap, with men closing in on it, talking of how much money it was worth. Naturally, he got between them and the defenseless bird. Using his wrestling know-how, he managed to fend off one of them, but they were much larger than him, so he didn't stand much of a chance. He managed to at least get over to the bird and cut the rope with his pocket knife, at least he could save the creature. That was when it exploded in a bright green light, Wind seemed to pick up instantly as the bird transformed into a giant. The men ran but Robert was transfixed on its magnificence. It stared down at him, before disappearing and forming into a card, which floated down to him. The card was the true form of one of the Monarchs. Raiza... After this event, he spent the next year, wandering through the area in search of the rest of the Monarchs, his first month was to no avail. Raiza, inspired by his determination to find his fellow Monarchs, told him to seek out the Majiosheldon. The Leprechauns that roamed the land under the watchful eyes of the Monarchs. He found them in a cabbage patch, three brothers, who, thanks to Raiza were convinced to assist him. With their help, he easily overcame the obstacles and reunited the 6 Mega Monarchs. They were his to call upon in battle. With this, he was bestowed a mystical card, the Seal of Orcichalcos. A seal given to those that the Monarchs decide is truly at one with them. it is proof that he is a guardian of nature and an ally of the Monarchs. He returned home and began focusing on his finesse with his deck. His deck became infamous in the area. Eventually, he moved to the big city in order to find a teacher and get even better. Deck:
Favorite Card: Majiosheldon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emily Bloodriver
Gender: Female Age: Nobody knows for sure, but the rumors says she is around 17 years old Appearance: Personality: Emily looks around the age of 17, but nobody knows her true age, since she acts mature for her age. Outside of duels, Emily is quite calm, and acts smart most of the time. Most of the time, Emily is considered quite mature, but she tends to be really bitchy towards other girls when alone with them, and with boys its quite the opposite, she acts more like a charmer/succubus. Especially in duels, both sides of her are enhanced. She really drags herself into duels at times, almost acting like those duels are reality. Biography: Legends say she is a vampire, as she has a really pale skin. Combined with the weird way she acts, the story of her being a vampire seems really legitimate. Nobody really knows where Emily came from, or where she lives. Most of the times she appears at duels, fights, beats the opponent, and leaves before anyone can even blink his eyes. Those who dueled Emily changed a lot, its almost like the duels are real to them. A few of the people who dueled Emily event went so far as being traumatized by the duels. Some duelists claim that they met Emily a few times after they lost their duel, and that they were forced to Duel her again and again until they finally won, after which Emily left them alone. Those duelists claim that they have gotten a special card, which they didn't dare to touch as those cards had a mystic aura, except for one duelist. Emily teached herself how to duel, as she was lonely during her entire childhood. She had no parents, family or friends to be together with. Somehow she is one of the best duelists around, making the story of her being a vampire even more realistic. Signature feature: When she defeats somebody in a duel, she says that she will visit you again, and that she demands you to train. She will keep visiting you until you improve, after which she rewards you with a random card, which appear to be some kind of possessed with a mythical power. Deck:
Favourite Card: Vampire Vamp Other: She was the one to drop the Void Ogre Dragon on the ground for Aono to find, the reason why she did this is unknown.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: (His millenium eye is hidden under his eyepatch) Personality: Ryo is a person who is casual and easy-going. He loves playing games. Due to his constantly changing environment in his childhood, he prefers solitude over socialness. However, Ryo has quite a sense of justice, and would be harsh towards people who harms others. He's okay with playing risky games that can endanger himself, finding it fun in the process. So, he enjoys setting up shadow games to people who pissed him off, and uses his creativity towards his penalty games. Bio: Ryo lives in an ordinary small apartment in the States, with a ragged & worn out car that his father drives. Despite that outlook of the environment, his parents are filthy rich, but they are in high-risk government-involved careers and are often targetted by assassins hired by countless rivals. Most of his life was spent moving about here & there throughout the country. Due to the always-changing environment, he spent most of his childhood at home playing on video games, and he built walls & barricades made from catridges & CD cases stacked from the games that he have beaten. One day, when he was alone at home as per usual, he received an package that have no return address. Opening it in curiosity, he found an ancient-looking eye-shaped ball that is made of gold. One moment of touch to the millennium eye, and his hand, then his whole body, lost control to the ancient object. Ryo, under the eye's influence, dug out his left eye as he fitted the millennium eye into his eye socket. He was awake all the moment, and the only thing he can do is to just endure the excruciating pain of the process. Little did he know that that was just the beginning, the eye felt like an intense fireball in him, as it went scorching through the left side of his face as the eye recognizes the new owner. Upon regaining his control over the body, he screamed in pain, only to realize that he felt nothing anymore, the pain had stopped. It was like a horrifying nightmare, and he would have thought it to be so if there isn't his plucked out eye in front of him. The next thing he saw, was a glimpse his mother sailing through a black river on a worn-out gigantic ship, the ones that are often shown in pirate-themed movies, and an enormous signboard placed the other side of the river which wrote:"SPIRIT REALM". Shocked, Ryo stood up to get the telephone, as well as realizing that his wound on his millenium eye had stopped its bleeding, healed as if the eye had been perfectly replaced. He was dealt another blow when his father told him that Ryo's mother was assassinated, frantically telling Ryo on how to open the safe to that leads his inheritance, then a farewell. Since then, his parents never return home again. What Ryo found in his father's safe were a stack of tattered money. And much to his surprise, a Blue Eyes White Dragon card, a card which is priceless, and said to be one of the strongest monster card, which have only 4 copies avaliable in the whole world. He became suspicious of what kind of jobs is his parents are doing, getting to such lengths to launder such an enormous sum of money. He continued his life in his house playing video games, living off the inheritance he gave. (Just a piece of inheritance- cash, is too much for him to spend) That's until he received an invitation from Industrial Illusions... Signature Feature: Millennium Eye- Ryo has the millennium eye, but he doesn't know how to utilize it to its fullest potential. The Millennium Eye is able to read the human mind, but he can only perceive it vaguely as "auras". He is only able to see how dark or light a person's aura is (basically how good or evil~). Like all millennium items user, he is able to make Shadow Games. His shadow games are mostly illusion-based, and his theme of his Penalty Games is irony. His penalty games are short though, only lasting from hours to a day, depending on how strong it is (the higher the intensity, the shorter the time). Deck:
Favorite Card: Blue Eyes White Dragon Other: He love Video Games, and is able to clear multiple games in matter of days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Age- 16 Gender- Male Appearnce-Image Personality- Moros is incrediably, almost overwhelmingly cheerful. It seems he always has a smile on his face and never seems to see the dark side of things. His overwhelming optimism is only matched by his willingness to duel anyone he meets. Moros is confused by aggresion and negitive feelings, because he simply doesn't understand it. Obviously he is incredibly naive and just wants to be friends with everyone. Moros will do attempt to do anything for someone he considers a friend, which is really anyone he's met. Bio: Moros was raised in an orphanage, however he didn't live an unhappy like most orphanages are portrayed. His cheerful demeanor quickly made friends with the other kids at the orphanage. The orphanage gave all of the kids a decent allowance that allowed them to go out and buy something nice every once in a while. One day he chanced upon a group of his friends playing a game of duel monsters, he watched avidly and after the duel asked how to play. Eagerly Moros went to a card shop and bought a starter pack with the small allowance they were allowed. Moros liked the King of Skull Servants deck because he felt it was kinda like him, useless at first, but they had incredible power if played right. After many failures, which failed to remove his unending optimism, he obtained a resonable amount of skill at the game. However, he never really understood the forms of extra deck special summoning, XYZ, Synchro, Pendulum, Moros never really got any of that, so he hasn't used any of them. Finally he went to a local tournament and somehow managed to come out first. Immediately afterwards he recieved an invitation to the 100th annual battle city Tournament for some reason. Still confused as to why he had received an invitation since he had only won one measly tournament but eager to participate, Moros decided, why not maybe he could make some new friends? Since his travel fare was already paid for he quickly packed what few things he had and got on his airplane to the tournament, with all the good wishes of the friends he had. Signature Feature: Permanent Smile
Favorite Card: King Of Skull Servants
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Aedan Niles
Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Personality: Aedan is a strong willed individual and an exceptionally hard worker. While not always the most pleasant person to be around he is generally extremely kind and caring to everyone he meets, although he tends to be abrasive almost hostile to those with high opinions of themselves. When he duels Aedan takes a no-nonsense approach taking everything as a heart-attack. Bio: Hidden History (known by GM)
Favorite Card: Scrap Factory Other: Aedan’s duel disk in entirely hand made from old parts duel disks that he has found.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lyall Castellan
Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance:
Personality: Contrary to what you'd expect to see in most people who use a deck like his, Lyall typically doesn't go for the whole dark and brooding type of behavior. Although actually possessing a rather chill demeanor, the way he carries himself is one filled with authority and confidence, usually managing to turn a few heads in his direction whenever he's making himself known. His is a commanding presence of course, and being around him will either make you feel reassured or intimidated. Lyall attempts to be respectful to everyone he meets, but if he encounters someone who he doesn't like or whom he feels needs to be dealt with differently, he'll act in such a way so as to make the individual(s) feel inferior and ashamed. Now, to say that Lyall is a completely noble and proper guy wouldn't exactly be telling the truth (well, except for maybe the latter part of that). Whenever serious situations arise, he can be quite ruthless and fearsome, going to morally questionable lengths to get something that needs to be done, done. Being involved in a duel with him in this state of behavior is far from desirable because win or lose, he'll make sure that the other is left with either a humiliating defeat or a pyrrhic victory. Manipulation is also something he's capable of doing, and with pleasure at that. Behind the appearance of the (mostly) likeable young man, it's likely that this side of him is his most genuine side... Bio: Lyall comes from a place known as Aria City, a large and rather famous city well known for its luxuries and dueling tournaments. Behind this splendor however, was the obviously more despicable and decaying area of the city where life sucked and gangs ran rampant. And Lyall... Lyall actually did NOT live in this part of the city. Yeah no, his family was actually part of the elite class involved with the city's dealings and projects, so he actually had it pretty good and rarely had anything to complain about. He picked up the game of Duel Monsters at an early age from his father and older brother who was already making a name for himself with it AND their aspirations to remake the squalid part of Aria City. Lyall took up after this much to his family's pleasure, except he decided to go more after the security and law enforcement part of "business" instead of the whole social reform and restructuring stuff the other two engaged in. Along with dueling, he became well versed in his chosen path and even acquired the (minimal) authority to handle factions of the security within the Squalid Sector (which had at this point become to spread and grow more dangerous due to a rising gang that was actually absorbing the lesser gangs). He handled it as best as he could which wasn't bad by any means, but was in the end only able to hold back the tide with the rest of his associates. ^ Fun fact: He would actually go in himself to experience the Squalid Sector for himself and to test out his ability to duel against more hardened people. It was during these times where he began to assemble the Steelswarm and Evilswarm cards together, urged on by a mysterious voice to do so. One fateful tournament saw the disappearance of Lyall's father and brother, kidnapped and essentially held for ransom by the briefly mentioned criminal group that had been rising within the Squalid Sector. Apparently, they and the rest of the people there were tired of being confined to the area and especially tired of all the "empty promises" made by Lyall's family and their associates. Some weird, how-does-this-even-make-sense revolution thing was in the air, and Lyall's family was going to be the first to go if something wasn't done. Although the associates suggested things be resolved on a more defensive, cautionary manner, Lyall decided it'd be better to do so more forcefully this time, a surprising choice of action considering he usually suggested the same course of action. He claim he would go in and settle the matter directly, which was pretty bold if not stupid considering the situation. He didn't care though. Ever since he began to assemble his new deck in secret, his thinking had begun to change. He felt more emboldened, even cruel, and instead of seeing the crime group in the Squalid Sector as just another group faced with misfortune that needed help, he saw it as something that needed to be eliminated completely. And so he went there, undisturbed by any of the thugs there due to the recent reputation he had gotten for himself, and after some hard fought duels with members of the gang, finally completed his Lswarm deck and switched into it. It was at this point where the Lswarm crest burned itself onto his left hand, as well as the point where his spirit partner made itself known to him as the "voice" that would whisper in his ear. Long (seriously, why is this so long) story short, with the newfound power Lyall pretty much crushed the gang and it's leader, something he found he actually enjoyed doing. He recovered his kidnapped family members, asked the poor beaten guys how the HELL this even happened, and returned home once the criminals were taken into custody. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. Turns out gang leader's father was an associate of the Castellan family who did all this to try and get all the Aria City power for himself, so he got defeated and locked up as well. Why would you even do that bruh? This ain't a kingdom! It's a city with... a surprising amount of wealth and status.... I dunno anymore. But anyway, after all the trouble Lyall managed to increase and tighten security around the Squalid Sector, but this security was slowly spread elsewhere in the city by the efforts of his family since they had been convinced by Lyall it needed to be done. Yeah. Oh yeah and he got an invitation to the Regno Ricco Tournament, so he went to it. Why? Because he is still technically a kid despite all the stuff that happened and wanted to have fun (and maybe get this Khan guy to affiliate himself with Aria City). But nah, mostly to have fun, this guy who somehow became some behind-the-scenes "ruler" of a depraved and messed up city that apparently had more stuff wrong in it than just the Squalid Sector, but that's a different story. Signature Feature: Lyall bears the crest of the Lswarm on the backside of his left hand. Acquired after fully assembling his deck, the mark will glow a rusted, crimson color when he is warping a duel with the power of the mysterious Shadow Games or when he is in a duel that has already been turned into a Shadow Game by somebody else. The crest (or rather, the power behind the crest) also seems to be capable of "infecting" people, corrupting their natures into something determined by the darkness already inside them and the "Lswarm Virus". Deck: Lswarm Terror
Favorite Card: Evilswarm Ophion, Steelswarm Moth, Steelswarm Girastag Other: Although it rarely makes itself seen to others, Lyall's spirit partner is likely to be Evilswarm Kerykeion. According to its history, it was formerly Constellar Rasalhague before absorbing the power of the infected Ice Barrier Dragons (Bahamut, Ophion, Ouroboros). There is one major parallel between Lyall and the monster: Despite having the power of a corrupting, overwhelming virus, both retain control over themselves and are not fully consumed by it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

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Ava Kore
Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: Ava is a good kid. Always keeps manners in mind, doesn't have any ill intentions toward anyone, and tips her waitresses generously. She's not one to initiate social interaction, but she's by no means an introvert. She would love to talk, but simply has no desire to start the conversation. Especially if the topic is related to Duel Monsters or putting together the final pieces of the puzzle that is her missing memories. Even in a duel, Ava's kind but stoic personality never falters. However, don't expect her to ever go easy on an opponent. Ava treats every given duel as though it could be her last. She acts on two things. First and foremost, her own experience as a duelist. However, when her own judgment fails to bring her to a decision, Ava is guided by what she can only describe as a voice. She isn't sure of the source, and is fairly certain she's not just crazy, but the voice's guidance hasn't failed her yet. However, this voice is far less kind than Ava is. Additionally, either Ava has short-term memory problems that surface from time to time, or there may be more to all this than meets the eye... Bio: Ava suffers a mild case of amnesia. She knows the gist of her life, but the details are unknown, and some pieces are missing completely. What she knows is she grew up well, with a family that loved her more than anything in the world. Her father was a professional duelist, and she took after his talent. She was the bane of many an overconfident locals player during her reign as local champion, and many say she could have even gone to nationals if she wanted. However, there's still one big gap in her memory, which she's certain coincides with the most important event of her life. All Ava was ever able to find on the matter was a police report that mentioned a family that matched the description of hers. They had lost a lot of money and sank to the bottom of society, but the tricky part was the report that the family was found dead, parents killed and child hung by the neck. Which must obviously be false unless Ava had a sibling she forgot about, as she's quite clearly alive and kicking. She believes this event is linked to her eye somehow, and while eager to find some answers, there are times when something deep within her - a guiding voice of sorts - tells her it'd be better that she not know. Signature Feature: Ava's left eye is solid yellow and surrounded in scar tissue. She finds it hideous, and as such tends to keep it covered. Deck: TREMBLE BEFORE THE UNDEAD SCOURGE! Favorite Card: Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon. Ava seems to be obsessed with this card, perhaps a bit too much so. It seems she owns three copies, and wears the third around her neck in a protective cover at all times. Other: ~Ava seems to have the ability to turn a duel into a Shadow Game, but it's unknown if this ability is simply weaker in her case or if she refuses to use it to its full extent. Losing a Shadow Game to Ava doesn't result in death as per the norm, but the loser becoming something akin to an empty husk of who they once were. More of an emotional and mental death than a physical one. These "husks" have a tendency to follow Ava if they see her, and do whatever she tells them. However, since she typically tells them to "be free and live for yourself" on the rare occasions that she even uses this power, one wouldn't even notice this. One can see a faint yellow glow from under Ava's eyepatch when this power is active, but they'd have to look closely to see it unless the eyepatch is removed, in which case it glows rather brightly. ~When in doubt, follows the guidance of "the voice", for better or worse.
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