Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Morgan follows after the group, also curious as to what exactly is going on. As soon as she hears that Mirui is in danger, her mood changes rather quickly, going from happy-go-lucky to full on combat mode. Without warning, Morgan gets a running start before leaping out of the hotel, practically flying down towards the witches and Mirui. As she falls, she draws her sword and then uses the momentum to begin flipping, bringing her sword down on one of the witches at random.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OH HELL NO I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE ELSE TO GET HURT HERE *Fedora-man eyes begin to glow a dark red almost a black color. He raises his hands and as he does this the earth around the witches rises and forms boxes around them. These boxes begin to change from dirt to a purple see through rock.* YOUR MAGIC WILL NO LONGER WORK UNTILL YOU GET OUT OF THERE! *The box around Mirui vanishes.* "Im Karl and I like bacon. BACON IS LIKE GOLD FOR BOTH PANCAKES AND WAFFLES." Karl just starts laughing crazily at the thought of eating dead people. "Ive never tried dead people. HE LIES HE EATS DEAD PEOPLE FACES EVERY NIGHT FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hi Karl! BACON IS AWESOME AND WE LOVE TURNING PEOPLE INTO BACON!" Clancy breaks into a wide, insane grin. "Hello there, Karl! PEOPLE TASTE KIND OF LIKE PORK I DON'T KNOW WHY MORE PEOPLE DON'T TURN THEM INTO BACON IT'S AWESOME AND DELICIOUS~!" Amber follows suit. "And now all 3 of them are talking that way..." Nimika mutters, shaking her head with a sigh. She looks back at the schedule she was given, trying to ignore the three crazy people right beside her as she reads. "Hmph...how ridiculous." Nymne murmurs, having already taken a book from the library and walked to a window in another empty hallway to watch what was going down below. She watches her sisters get trapped in what looks like purple crystal, and shakes her head. "Well...I do want to see what these people can actually do in a battle...I've never seen Sephie's group fight...because my sisters never let me out..." Nymne trails off in a bitter tone while talking to herself. She turns back to the task at hand, and puts her palm up against the glass of the window. She concentrates on the area outside where her sisters are trapped while a golden magic energy leaks out and swirls around her. Nymne begins muttering something quietly in the native language of the Demon Highlands. She stops with a satisfied look when she hears a thunderous roar in the distance. She turns her back to the window, leaning against it and opening her book to start reading, as if she'd been doing that the whole time. "Ugh! Damn!" Natasha hisses within her purple rock prison. "Well, this just isn't any fun...but I believe help will be arriving shortly." Noruani yawns, unworried. "What do you mean?" Numirra asks. At that time, the roars from beyond grow louder. The witches turn to look behind them. "W-what?!" Kiroketsu pushes himself up from the ground. He sees something large and dangerous flying towards the yard in front of the floating hotel, and his eyes widen with fear. Then he sees that Mirui is free, and rushes towards her. "MIRUI!" Kiroketsu shrieks. "KIRO!" Mirui cries. The two run towards each other, but a huge gust of wind from the flapping wings of the dangerous creature now right above them knocks them away in the opposite direction. Descending upon the yard is a huge, beastly golden dragon, almost bigger than the Shava Hotel. It's eyes burn a bright green, and it's claws are harder than diamond. "Is...is that our help?" Natasha blinks in awe. "Yes..." Noruani grins. "...Nice work, Nymne..." She mutters under her breath with a giggle. The dragon gives out a deafening roar, and strikes the rock prison of all 3 witches with one fell swoop of it's mighty claws. They shatter quickly. "Huh. Deus ex dragina..." Numirra smirks, unfurling her wings and flying away from the rock wreckage. Her two sisters follow suit. "Now then, Natasha?" Noruani snaps her fingers. "I'm on it. Numirra?" Natasha glances at the witch in orange. "Right." Numirra nods, and flies to stand in front of Morgan. Using her orange magic, she gives herself a pair of extendable phantom claws, and moves to strike at the tactician girl. "Oh no you don't! Not without me!" Meora cries, and rushes down the stairs. In her impatience to run down all of them, she goes about 2/3 of the way down before jumping in the air and flipping down the rest, landing on the ground right behind Morgan. She takes out her pistol, twirls it in her hand, and starts shooting. Numirra quickly moves out of the way, and uses her second pair of claws to try and strike out at Meora as well. "Now, then...time for some fun!" Natasha eyes Mirui, who's just now getting herself up off of the ground. Kiroketsu is doing the same several feet away. The witch in green uses her wings to rush at the monster girl. Kiroketsu catches this and gasps in horror. "MIRUI, LOOK OUT!" He tries to get to her before the worst can happen, but Natasha is too speedy. She tackles the monster girl and bites her fangs into her neck. The fangs glow green for a couple seconds, injecting a curse into Mirui's system before Kiroketsu manages to grab the witch and throw her off. "Pick on someone of your own caliber, you hag!" Kiroketsu yells. "Aw, the big pervert has a crush. How surprising." Natasha cackles sarcastically. "FINE, THAT'S IT!" Kiroketsu shouts. He opens his mouth and reaches into himself. "Ugh...that is disgusting..." Natasha gets up with a distasteful look at the guardian spirit. After reaching around, Kiroketsu grabs ahold of something, and pulls a wooden guitar out of himself. It's covered in translucent purple spirit goop. This just makes Natasha recoil in disgust even more. "WHO WANTS A SONG?" Kiroketsu grins somewhat fiendishly. He begins to play an upbeat tune while strumming the guitar. With each strum, a glob of the purple goop is launched towards Natasha one catches her wing, and ends up sticking her to the ground like glue. "EW! What the hell is this stuff?!" Natasha shrieks with fury and disgust. "Huh...I guess that's why Sephie keeps him around, huh?" Kayori mutters from where she watches. "He's a pretty good guitar player, actually. I hate to admit it, but the tune's pretty good..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

...*Fedora-mans eyes go black the blackest black anyone has ever seen* Who the hell do you think you are to come to my world hurting my friends and bringing in more things that don't BELONG!*as he talk his voice changes getting deeper and sounding as if more than one person is talking* I want everyone of you witches including the one in my hotel gone before I start using my magic to rip the fabric of reality into tiny bits destroying you for good. *he looks at the dragon and twitches his pinky finger and all of the dragons limbs come flying off.* Joe and Kyru jump down the stairs just as Fedora-man's eyes are going black they turn as he talks to stare in awe at the fact that not only did his eyes go black but his clothes as well the only thing with some color was his skin which had turned a pale white. "Well hell I can hear the fight but I am not going out there with Fedora-man pissed like that." Srg mumbles to himself hoping that the noise doesn't wake the two injured people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*Fedora man then drops to the ground* Never again. Never again will I use my anger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"who the hell are you?" An old man ask turning to a man in the door way "Oh i'm a friend here to help" The younger one states and before the old man replies he stabs a knife through the chest hitting the heart. "I just need to take something from you." And then the man proceeds to keep stabbing the old man over and over and over again getting blood all over his suit. "Dam you to hel..." with the old mans last dying breath he dams the man to hell dropping the strings and all of his hope with him. "Thanks for your offering, it will make a wonderful gift to my boss." He snickers picking up the strings and starts to head back to give his boss what he wanted. "Hell I might get a raise." he mutters reassuring himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ater FireSoul
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Ater FireSoul The Caustic Corruptor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A cloud of black gas flys from the air floating above the killer (Gerose) a few feet away, following him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Morgan blocks the phantom claws with ease, landing to now stand back to back with Meora. "Glad you could make it, Meora-chan. Time to tip the scales!" She says as she sheathes her sword and begins fighting with her Shadow Dragon Slayer magic, relentlessly attacking Numirra with shadow enveloped hands and feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Joe quickly switches battle stances and places down a jade serpent statue allowing him to heal both Meora and Morgan with one spell keeping them in the fight longer. Kyru jumps into the air throwing her ninja stars at Natasha landing a few in her wings. Srg appears at the front door, "I left the kid to watch the wounded. And before you yell at me I did it because it looks like you could use my help." He charges into the fray shooting off a couple of frost fire bolts at Numirra and Noruani. "Do you like to play games? WE LIKE GAMES THEY KEEP US FIT." Karl starts to dance around Amber and Clancy pulling out some bombs and trowing them up causing colors to burst everywhere and any where they can but no light comes from them just color.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"job well done if I do say so myself." flattered at his own remark he gets in the elevator pausing to look at the ashes still there he talks to himself. "Now that I think about it that joke wasn't that bad" with the puppet following him because of the strings the elevator's doors close and heads down into the city of the dead (Dead Zone). "Yawn! such a slumber for me longest I had to this date." Opening the door to my room I call behind me. "Come here Saint Little Rock" from the door appears to be a mutation of a dear, narwal, and an hawk the creature seems to not mind the changes made to its body knowing what it can now do. "Lets go greet your new friends." I state heading toward the lobby one I reached the lobby I looked outside to find that a battle was going on without me. "Well lets see what you can do Little Rock" Both me and my creature run out to join the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh my goodness..." Ammi's eyes widen, along with everyone else's, at the sight of the dragon being torn apart by a single fluid motion. "Should we go down there and join the others in battle, Felixter?" Kayori turns to the cat demon boy. "Not just yet. It seems there's already many people on the field. Though there's strength in numbers, someone needs to stay here and make sure no one inside gets hurt. Besides...those witches seem to work better with a crowd, anyway...more "toys" to play with, in their eyes." Felixter shakes his head with a bit of a scowl. "Hmm...seems he knows I'm a witch. Too bad. Oh well. I was just about on the last page of this here, anyway." Nymne shapeshifts back into her normal appearance, and goes to carefully place the book back where it had been in the library's shelves. "You kiddin' me? As if I'd let you have all the fun! Ah, I only wish Sephie-chan could be out here." Meora grins back at Morgan before turning towards an orange-colored phantom claw-strike aimed right at her. At the last moment, Meora flips into the air, and lands on outstretched the phantom arm, balancing precariously for but a second before she runs down it and starts shooting at Numirra. Numirra throws the neko assassin up into the air with that set of claws to help her dodge the shots, and then goes about trying to fend off both Morgan and Srg's magic. After getting his a few times by both, Numirra takes on her normal, intensely bored expression again out of the blue. "Screw this..." Numirra yawns. She shapeshifts quickly into a small mouse, and runs underneath Morgan. She turns back into herself again once behind her, and then pretty much just tries to strangle her. She tries to dig her claws, crackling with electricity now, into her neck as well. Meora, in the meantime, flips several times in the air to try and help break her fall. She lands on her feet for the most part, and upon seeing Numirra's new tactic to defeat her friend, Meora tries to shoot the witch right between the eyes. "I don't think so~..." Meora is grabbed by the tail and thrown backwards onto the ground. As she scrambles back up, she sees the smallest witch walking calmly towards her with a sickly sweet smile. The small witch pauses for a moment to dodge Srg's magic, then lands back next to Meora with a giggle. "Oh Meora...it's okay. I know you don't want to lose anymore friends or family." Noruani coos gently at the neko, using her own lavender-colored magic to bind her in place. Noruani's eyes glow, and they appear to have red rings in them now, much like a certain evil demon residing at the top of the Demon Highlands. "But...you can definitely be my friend, and you won't have to lose me...hai?" The young girl locks eyes with Meora, and the neko assassin finds that she's unable to turn away. Her pupils disappear, laving empty green circles in their place. "Kimi wa tomodachi...hai?" Noruani uses Meora's second language to further pry into her mind. "H....hai, Noru-c-chan...yamete......kimi...w-wa...y-yamete...s-sou janai...yo...!....tomodachi..." Meora is clearly still fighting against the little witch's hypnotic control, but she appears to be losing even still. "Yoi~!" Noruani laughs, clapping her hands together with glee. "If that's true, then I want you to go help Numirra for me, kudasai~!" "H..hai, Noru-sama..." Meora turns around slowly, eyeing Numirra and Morgan. She starts running towards them, aiming to shoot. "Perhaps I'd make a fine puppet-master after all...just like Father...." Noruani grins maliciously from the sidelines of the battle. "AGH! You people have no manners?! Don't you know how to treat a lady?!" Natasha shrieks. She finally pulls her wing free of Kiroketsu's purple glue, but then, ninja stars are thrown into them. Natasha's eyes glow bright with fury. "FINE. I know exactly how to punish you people now. Someone else will just have to suffer!" Natasha huffs. "What do you mean?!" Kiroketsu demands, getting ready to swing his guitar like a bat at the witch. She wags a claw at him. "Ah-ah-ah, Kiro. You should know by now, you can't just kill a witch and break her curse." Natasha cackles. "Mirui has already been injected with my specialty curse. Her mind could belong to my illusions in an instant, should you choose not to follow my demands." "Tch! Puh-lease! We've gotten your curses fixed before!" Kiroketsu growls. "You can't scare me!" "No...but I can scare Mirui." Natasha gets a dangerous glint in her eyes. "H...huh?" Mirui blinks as her vision starts to swirl all of a sudden. The scenery around her changes into an illusionary landscape of dark, jagged obsidian ground, and blood red skies as far as the eye can see. Mirui is alone for a bit, which frightens her enough, but then, she hears voices. "Mirui..." "We want ourselves back..." "Give them back..." "Our...parts..." Mirui is suddenly surrounded by a mob of different creatures, all a deathly yellow, who appear to be zombies or ghosts. They're the souls of those who Felixter killed to get what he needed to create Mirui. Of course, she doesn't know that up front. In her deep subconscious the information lies...and Natasha has drawn it back out to the surface through her wicked magic. Back in reality, Mirui's eyes have gotten huge, and all of a sudden she's started crying, and crumpling down into fetal position, clawing at her own scalp. "No! NO! STOP IT, I'M A GOOD G-GIRL!" Mirui roars. "M-Mirui?" Kiroketsu takes his eyes off of Natasha for but a second, but it turns out that's just a second too much. In that instant, Natasha is able to rip the guitar out of Kiroketsu's claws with her magic, and then hit him over the head with it like a bat, just as he was planning to do to her. She grabs the dazed spirit guardian by the ears and stuffs the guitar back down his throat violently, but only halfway, so he;'s left struggling and choking on the ground by her feet. "Now, to repay the ones over there..." Natasha uses her magic again, yanking the ninja stars out of her wings and throwing them back at dangerous speed towards Kyru, Joe, and Srg. "Games? We LOVE games! Our shadow queen hires us to create games all the time! And we also loooove playing games with out living friends too! Sadly, they don't seem to appreciate the fact that the high amount of danger makes them so fun~!" Amber replies to Karl with a huge grin. Amber and Clancy both gasp at the colorful bombs that Karl throws up into the air. "I LIKE THIS GUY A LOT!" Clancy cheers aloud. "HE SHOULD BE OUR NEW BEST FRIEND! WE SHOULD INVITE HIM DOWN TO SHADOWLAND FOR A PARTY, STAT!" Amber nods enthusiastically. "WE SHOULD HAVE HIM HOST WITH US AT ONE OF OUR GAMES!" Both of the shadows cry out at the same time with laughter. "Oh dear lord..." Nimika sighs, still trying to ignore them. Suddenly, the center jewel on her necklace starts to glow again, and she hears a familiar voice in her head. Nimika... "Master...?" Nimika whispers. "Is there something you need?" "Not from you yet...I just thought I'd let you know what's going on back on the surface..." Nimika is silent for awhile as she listens to the Master's description of the battle going on in front of the hotel. By the time he finishes, Nimika is grinning with satisfaction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"PARTYS WE LOVE PARTYS LETS GO NOW!." Karl joins in the fun throwing even more bombs."The only way I'll go with you is if I can party with you guys when ever I want." Srg's mind is racing should he help Morgan or Meora? "Screw it ANTI-MAGIC SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE OF MY FRIENDS." using up most of his power to cast that many shields makes him drop to his knees. " Well that should help." The stars thrown at him whiz past his head as he falls to his knees Kyru stands there lets the ninja stars hit her but as they land the hits on her she vanishes and more of her appear, they smirk."Which one is the real one?" They ask. Joe hearing a whizzing sound drops flat letting the stars go right above him or at least most of them one hits him in the leg. "Ow." He pulls it out and drops down two more serpent statues allowing him to heal everybody on the battlefield but himself."Keep fighting my healing will help out." spying Mirui claw at her head he casts a couple of de spells and anti-curses on her to see if to helps at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Morgan quickly went into a strategic mode, planning out a step-by-step offensive movement that would work best in her current situation. Noticing that Numirra had suddenly disappeared, she logically assumed that the witch had shifted into something small so that she could not only move unseen, but also get the upperhand by attacking from behind. Ergo, she turned around as she swapped her silver sword for her father's Levin sword, praying that this next trick would work against Numirra's incoming electricity-based attack. Luckily, her plan of using the sword as a lightning rod worked, allowing most of the electricity to be absorbed from her claws and launch it right back at the witch for double the damage. Then, hearing someone charge towards her while her back was turned, Morgan turned herself into a shadow, allowing her to dodge the incoming onslaught of bullets being fired by the controlled Meora. "Well, I wasn't counting on that happening..what would father do about this.." She then made a split-second decision by surging towards Noruani, her shadow wrapping around the witch, before she reverted to normal, the puppet-master now engulfed by a torrent of shadows that she had produced from her arms. "Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Once out of the elevator he ignores Karl and his new friends and the witch followed by a really tall puppet calmly following Gerose his new master. "Hey boss I got it!" Appearing before Gerose was a demon in torn jeans and an green hawaiian shirt. "Ah yes you did good work Gerose." Spotting the new ones he takes the stings and drops it in his pocket then walk up to them and ask. "What brings you to my city? Let me guess..." Looking the witch up and down suddenly spots the schedule. "Ooh so you going to ask the council for something?" Stretching it states. "Lucky for you I can take you there free of charge."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hey boss wanna come to a party?" Karl asks Gerose. Joe gets up and begins to cast a green beam at one of the statues as it hit the beam splits into two,one of the beams hits one of the other statues creating two more beams,one of the beams hits the third statue creating two more beams. The four beams hit Srg,Meora,Morgan, and Kyru which splits the beam to hit all of the Kyru's at once. He continues to cast the beam concentrating all of his power and focus into healing everyone. As the beam touches the four people they feel refreshed and their wounds heal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ater FireSoul
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Ater FireSoul The Caustic Corruptor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The dark shadow still follows, doing nothing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Stomping through the forest A giant 26 feet tall wooden human like thing was walking toward the hotel pushing over trees with its might.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Numirra is shocked (almost quite literally) by how quick and strategic Morgan's comeback to her attack is, though the witch's expression still doesn't lose its bored feel. She lets go of Morgan, trying to harness the doubly-powerful electricity strike and recycle it a 2nd time, though in the process, her hair does end up a bit frizzed. "How troublesome...I wish I could just go back home and eat some pudding or something..." Numirra yawns, tossing the remaining electricity harnessed from Morgan's attack off-handedly at a Kyru or two before turning towards the magic stairs leading up to the hotel's entrance. "But...we came here for her, so I guess we should at least try to find her before we leave, eh?" The anti-magic shields casted on everyone seems to bring Meora to a halt in the middle of the battle. With this boost, Meora fights to tear her mind away from the sinister little demon witch's claws, but even still, she's having much difficulty. "Oh, Meora-chan, how silly..." Noruani giggles. "It's not that easy to defy my power. I've got my father's abilities in me. I-" The little witch doesn't get to finish her prideful little monologue before she sees Morgan coming at her with a torrent of shadows. Trapped inside, Noruani scowls, and the red rings in her eyes glow a more intense red. She summons up her own magic power from the pit of her soul, enveloping herself with it and trying to rip through the shadows completely. Upon finally managing to get the guitar back out of his throat, Kiroketsu takes it in his claws and gets back up onto his feet. He spots Mirui on the ground and quickly goes over to help her. "Mirui? AY, Mirui, look at me! It's gonna be alright!" He tries to assure her, but his words fall upon deaf ears. The girl is still hopelessly locked inside of her own worst fear in the form of a curse-induced nightmare. Joe's anti-curse spells snap her out of it somewhat, and she finally blinks again, crawling out of fetal position and looking around. "Eh? Mirui, you okay there? I-WHOA!" Kiroketsu flinches when the monster girl suddenly leaps at him. Instead of clawing him to pieces as everyone else would, however, she's embraced him, wailing. "P-PURPLE KITTY-MAN!" Mirui sobs aloud. "I-I WAS SOOO-OO-OOO SCAAARED!" Kiroketsu pauses for a moment, a blush coming across his face. He hesitantly puts an arm around the girl, while fighting back a grin. 'SCOOORRRRRE! Man, how could you make this moment any better?!' Kiroketsu thinks to himself, and his eyes trail over to Natasha. He gets a determined look in his eyes, and lets go of Mirui to stand back up. She looks up at him in confusion. "Don't worry, big girl." Kiroketsu gives her a thumbs-up. "I'm gonna go make things even! Just you watch!" With that, he races over to where the witch in green stands, planning to swing his guitar hard right into her side. Unfortunately, his choice to sound out a loud war-cry as he's running makes him easily noticeable to the witch, and seconds before he can attack, Natasha whips around with a blade of magic energy, slicing him in half horizontally. "Tch. Idiot." Natasha rolls her eyes, walking away from him and looking at others on the battlefield. She turns to Srg and Joe, since they're the ones healing Sephie's friends with their own spells. She clears her throat for attention. "You know...at the moment, we're only here seeking one thing. If you could just deliver it to us, we'd just as soon be on our merry way~..." Inside of the hotel, the most sought after of the 6 witch sisters is fleeing further up different hallways to get as far away from the entrance and battle outside as possible. The young witch in blue wipes the beginnings of tears away from her eyes while running, and when she finally stops, she's shivering. "T-they're here for me again...it's my fault that they're hurting my friends...again..." Nelodine whimpers quietly to herself in the seemingly empty corridor. "Why can't they leave me alone...?...Why can't I do something about them?!...I'm so pathetic..." "I wouldn't say that." Nelodine jumps, whipping around to see a surprising sight. "N-Nymne?! You....you talk...? Did they teach you?" Nelodine whispers, taking a step back. "I always knew how to talk. I just choose to keep it under a beastly mask, so my sisters are none the wiser. Except for maybe you and...possibly Noruani. She knows everything anyway, does she not?" Nymne chuckles. "Anyhow...I believe you're quite brave. It's not easy defying your sisters as you have. Even if they come back for you...you can fight them off. I might be willing to help you too..." "YAAAAAY, MORE COLORFUL BOMBS OF MAYHEM!" Clancy cries out with joy. "Of course you can come party with us whenever you like! Say, maybe you could even become a shadow like us, if you stayed with us long enough in Shadowland~!" Amber giggles with glee at the thought. The comment makes Nimika shudder slightly. The thought of the already-insane Karl becoming a shadow like Amber and Clancy....why, it's the stuff of nightmares for even the worst of villains. Nimika's thoughts are taken off of the horrific subject when she spots Gerose and a couple others heading in their direction. She grins after hearing the demon creature in the shirt and jeans tell her that he can take her to the council. "That would be lovely, and much appreciated..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"YES WE WOULD LOVE THE HONNOR OF JOINIG THE SHADOW ARMYS RANKS!!!!" Karl throws out the rest of his color bombs and jumps up and down with joy. "But first let me see what BIG BOSS wants me to do." he slides up to the daemon in ripped jeans, and with the curiosity of begin what is basically a, three year old with a vivid imagination and a murder streak ,he stealthily picks the pocket of the daemon and takes the strings. Seeing as he does this the Puppet turns to him he starts to move the strings making it dance and jig. "Hey whats the mat... ummm quick question who is the big scary lady and why does she look like she wants to eat people?" Lucas having heard the crying of Nelodine and deciding to follow it he comes across her and Nymne talking. "OK, time for, BOB!" Srg stands up and summons BOB the skeleton mage. "BOB attack the witches and keep Joe safe." BOB nods his head teleports over to Joe and starts shooting fire and ice bolts at the witches most of them missing their targets but a few connect here and there, but at the speed he is shooting them they are basically cover the battle field. The Kyru's start throwing ninja stars at the same time BOB is casting his spells causing it to rain Ninja stars on everyone but as the hit the anti magic shields they dissipate same as the magic bolts from BOB. "PISS OFF WITCH! Like we would just give you what you wanted we protect our friends and try to keep them close un like you who would use them as test dummys." Joe yells at Natasha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"NOPE!" the demon immediately sees Karl playing with the strings grabs karl by the neck and crushes his windpipes. Taking back the strings and putting it into a little chest locks it then he gives it to a small demon that just showed up that demon runs off with the chest to fast for anyone to catch it. "BAD BOY KARL!" The demon yell as yellow oozes starts dripping onto the ground forming into small eyeballs. The puppet turning to the chest and follows it with great speed, the demon looks at the witch and tells her "Sorry about Karl he isn't the brightest, last time he pulled something like that I almost destroyed his ship and all that follow him." sees the shadows then asks. "Are they your friends?" He walks with the witch and walks with her talking along the way. "The council is 13 demons each with different major powers if you wan't their help you need to prove to them that it would be smart to do so, well seven of them at least." Sighing after seeing Karl make his boss angry. "Dam idiot doesn't know when to stop." Seeing the shadows he asks "Are you two the ones that followed us?" (Really? Just wow.)
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