Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" Hunter yelled out as soon as he regained consciousness. His fist swung out and hit no one in particular, as it seemed as he was now alone. "eh?" He grunted in confusion before scratching his head with his metallic hands. He was already to pound some jerks into dust for annoying him until he blacked out. Where the heck was everybody? There had been a billion annoying people nearby not moments ago, now everyone was gone. He had been so hoping to beat someone to a pulp for angering him. Slowly, Hunter began to remember what had happened. Some annoying guy turned into sticky goo and subdued him, then moved on as if he was nothing. He really freakin' hated being seen as small fry. Then again, he probably should have picked his fight better. He hated how he let his anger get the best of him. It always ended up with him getting his ass handed to him. Seeing no one around him, Hunter figured it would be best to move on. There was no sense in letting the annoying cops find him and put him in jail. He absolutely loathed having to escape, not that it was much effort. Still, it was a pain to deal with the law, so he figured he'd move on before they came. Which they would, they always did. Police were no doubt some of the most skilled annoying people he ever had the misfortune of interacting with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Arrow came upon the standoff, assessing the situation and hovering just out of sight. He would quietly whisper into his earpiece on a private channel to Morningstar alone. "Giving you an opening." He would place an arrow on the string, the first being explosive tipped, the others still in his hand being an assortment of projectiles, including his personal favorite... Blue Arrow slid right up beside the helicopter, priming yet another arrow, this one a timed explosive. He would tap on the 'glass' to get her attention. He would smile at her, then motion for her to 'roll down' her window.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Serena was so angry now, All she wanted was for these people to have fun with her! Wasn't being scared fun? Didn't they love that feeling they got when they thought they had been so close to dying? She wanted to be a hero but these so called Heroes wouldn't let her and they went so far as to attack her from behind. Maybe she was confused? Serena didn't understand how they could be Heroes that dinosaur was obviously attacking those men. "You people are the real villains here!" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Morningstar heard his communicator switch on and the whispered voice of Blue Arrow came through telling him he would have his opening, "Just watch yourself Bro...Shes obviously insane...She really thinks shes the good guy here." Morningstar started charging himself with something besides lightning, it was sunny outside and he knew a much faster way to generate power. Morningstar started glowing softly at first and then it began to progress as he drew sunlight into himself, After a few moments he was glowing like Apollo himself, "Ready." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Serena was preparing to unleash everything on the yellow clad super when she heard a tap on her window, She recognized him, He was all over the news in star city and gotham, which since she had come to earth was her favorite thing to watch, He would help her defeat these false heroes! "Blue Arrow!" Her eyes filled with a joy that could only be described as insane. The window on her helicopter faded away, "Just in time...I was having fun defeating villains and then this one showed up...hes beginning to look to strong for me...but...we could both take him!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blue Arrow would look a bit decently surprised. She really did think she was the hero around here. And she recognized him immediately, which was strange, seeing as how he'd never gone near her before. He would hold up his finger to Morningstar, telling him to hold on. Arrow would lean in on the window and smile. "You already know my name, but I don't know yours yet, miss. But you see, this is all really just a big misunderstanding, right?" He would say with a laugh. "It seems that everyone here is in a spot of trouble, but that one," he would say as he pointed at Morningstar,"... That one is one of my partners. He got you all mixed up and you guys started fighting." He would shrug, looking pretty relaxed the whole time. People like this were much better dealt with BEFORE they flipped out, and he hoped she'd listen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Serena looked between them both before her scales turned a darker green around her cheeks, "I'm Serena..." Her eyes while reptilian were a crystalline blue, and while still looking quite mad she also looked confused. Slowly the Apache disappeared and she was left floating there, "So the dinosaur was also..." Serena turned dark green in the face and she started to cry again, "I didn't mean to hurt the heroes...I just wanted people to be scared..." Serena would look between Morningstar and Blue Arrow, "Being scared is good...people need to know they're alive...Being scared...makes life seem brighter after its over...because you enjoy life...the birds...the clouds...I cant be scared anymore...so...I don't know if any of its real...But others...they aren't cursed like me." Serena looked down, "I used to be a villain...but...shes gone now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"GodDAMN it!" Orb weaver spat as he reentered his flat and stumbled into the guest bathroom. Due to the fact that everyone that lived in the same building had either locked themselves into their homes and glued themselves to their televisions or left to join the chaos, no one seemed to be any the wiser to him as he returned. The criminal pulled a first aid kit out from the medicine cabinet, then ripped off his mask and threw it into the bathtub before sitting on the toilet. Jacque lightly touched the knife and hissed as pain shot through his arm. "That asshole's going to owe me a new jacket after this." He muttered as he gingerly tore the fabric to better view his arm. It wasn't pretty; the knife was buried in by at least two inches and there was dried blood caked along his arm, thankfully however the knife hadn't struck a bone or an artery and the bleeding appeared to be slowing. Jacque didn't know whether or not he'd need stitches, only that what he was about to do was going to suck quite badly. He shoved part of the torn jacket into his mouth and took a deep breath, then yanked the knife out of his arm with a small squelching sound and a fresh rivulet of blood. The criminal almost cried out, and was kept from doing so only due to the fact that he bit down harder on the fabric. Jacque spat out the fabric and pulled out some antiseptic wipes along with gauze and medical tape to dress the wound. "I swear if I wasn't against personally murdering people, that guy would catch a bullet through his goddamned eye socket." Jacque hissed venomously as he rotated his arm experimentally. Jacque knew he'd have to go to a hospital, but with his wound cleaned and dressed he could wait until tomorrow. For now he was exhausted, he'd find out what had been damaged by Talon's interference, then he'd get some sleep. Tomorrow he'd go to a doctor and possibly see about getting some work after that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casan had already rendezvoused with the rest of the team at the park and was laying against a tree trying to assess the extent of his injuries. He was lucky the rounds were simply embedded in the skin and not deep within his body, the amount of shots he took would have killed him had he not changed into the pterodactyle. "Perhaps I could..", he contemplated the thought of removing the bullets but after removing one and being hit with the pain and trickling of blood he decided to wait till he was back at HQ. This had been a long day, one that hadn't gone to well for him since the start. "When I get my hands on tha-Niirto!", he cursed as a result of one of the bullets falling out and taking some bits of flesh along with it. Looking over at the rest of the team they appeared to have finished off the last of the drones and were waiting for Morningstar and Blue Arrow to return. He got up to his feet and with a limp he hobbled over to the others while holding his left arm. "Anyone..have a status on Arrow and Morningstar?", he said weakly. His left arm was no longer working to operable standards and so he let it hang. "Angel, when you no longer require the biosuit. Please return it. I'll be at HQ if anyone needs me", Casan was battered and bloodied. He desperately needed a rest and to treat these gunshots. It would be easier with the suit but if Angel needed it then he'll deal until she returned it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Flying around to where Casen was, GA could see he was in a lot worse shape than she was. "You need this a lot more than I do." Placing a hand on the shapshifter's shoulder she transferred the biosuit back to him. The action caused GA to wobble a bit as her body had to hold its own weight again. She was still quite worn out from everything. But she managed to stay upright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Thank you Angel, I apologize for taking it back before you could fully heal but..", Casan activated the suit's healing protocol and like earlier today the symbiotic material began to remove the bullets and apply the biofilm. "Estimated time of full recovery is two days. Until then I should refrain from shapeshifting", satisfied that the suit had done it's job he transferred it back to Angel. The suit held him up but he was sure he could do without. "Here, activate the healing protocol and the suit will do what it can to fix your wing", at the moment of contact the biosuit slithered from Casan to Angel. Once the transfer was complete Casan could feel the strain on his legs but he powered through it. He'd assist Arrow and Morningstar if needed and once that was taken cared of all he they had to do was speak to the mystery woman and Casan would be well on his way to a good nights sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"My wing is alright. I'm just kind of battered a bruised a bit. The main thing is I'm really low on magical energy. I'm... not really sure what happens if I run out." The thought had not really crossed her mind. It have never been an issue before. Would she just pass out, turn to normal, die? It was something she wondered about. Since becoming GA she hadn't had the need to eat or anything. That was something she attributed to becoming an angel but right about now she really was starting to feel empty.
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