Before her descent into madness, Jeina Ismorson was a promising prostitute in Asgard's brothel, giving people her services. After meeting the mischievous God, Loki, the young woman became obsessed with the cunning god's warped mind. She was completely devoted to the Jotun, totally oblivious to his sly and cunning nature. Sensing opportunity, Loki eventually manipulated her, driving her so mad that he was able to control her. She fell in love with the villain, quit her job, devoted her life to making him happy, and spreading his deadly brand of chaotic mayhem. She became his on-and-off lover where she proudly served as a female sidekick. Even though he is abusive and manipulative towards her. She still loves him no matter what. Can someone play as Loki for me? This story is like a Harley Quinn and Joker relationship.