Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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"John Doe huh? Meaning 'Someone who's name is unknown'... I like it, since it answers my question by not answering. Alien meaning 'Someone who's orgigin is unknown' and I believe the french is an expression of confusion at who you are. So that all sums you up nicely, nicely themed. I'll gladly call you John then." Like mused in her majesties voice. Content to play her shadow for a while seeing as she seemed well competent in the game of drawing attention. Quickly Like became distracted with the thirst expressed by her real counterpart. Not being as used to the desire to drink blood as many others here Like couldn't help but notice the trail of blood left by Jack. Carefully she strolled towards the splatters and with as much grace as she could muster (which, given Like's current shape was a lot more than usual) she collected some in a glass using a napkin. She held the cocktail glass up and watched the angelic blood in the light, hypnotized by it's metallic crimson color.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ReaptheMusic John doe Bit off the top of the beer bottle, his miniature head/tongue started drinking it, John doe sliently whispered under his breath, loud enough so people can hear it, quiet enough so it sounds, okay it wasn't quiet at all, John doe pretty much Screeched the damn thing, *cough* Looks like someone has a bit of a temper *cough* He spoke, referring to the little princess of vampires chick who was yelling at death himself for some reason, John doe kept on drinking, almost pretending it never happened
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Djedkare Izezi rose from his bed like a bloodied moon coming up from the horizon. Awakening from the sleep of ancients, Djedkare hungered for both mortal food and company. Shambling unsteadily to the exit of the room, Djedkare yanked the door open and made his way through the threshold. Staring at the hall ahead of him through empty sockets, Djedkare began walking as if in a trance. Though he seemed to have no direction, the mummy knew exactly where he was going. Down two flights of stairs and just past the lobby was Djedkare's destination: the bar. He stared across the bar, before finding his ideal target: an aristocratic woman surrounded by what appeared to be admirers. Moving with a pace one would think impossible for a corpse to reach, Djedkare advanced on Avalai with purpose in what remained of his face. Silently slipping through the crowd of thralls and employees surrounding her with paradoxically little grace, Djedkare placed his hand on the vampiric countess's shoulders and spun her around to face him. With a torturous creak of muscles and skin positioned far too close for comfort, Djedkare spoke to Avalai Ambre Merigue. "Yyyyyyoooooou..." @ReaptheMusic
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by oakman
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oakman Floyd and Ladders and Owls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Snazzy The Reaper Avalai had shook the reaper off his balance, figuratively, grim reapers lacked middle ears so they couldn't experience imbalance anyway,back to the story, he calmly took a towel off from the drawers and placed it on his back. Calmly wiping a glass as he murmured in an unheard voice, "Sidecar blah blah, look at me, bewbs and fangs, blah blah I got thralls, what a bitch. If it weren't for the old days I'd snatch this canines of her pretty mouth and--" As Snazzy was murmuring he was getting more and more grim in tone and appearance, then once he was done preparing the sidecar drink his face returned to normal, his tone friendly again. Snazzy looked at the other bartender serving on the other side, he walked over, made a cut in the neck of said bartender and put the glass underneath the dark oozing liquid waterfall. The bartender, bleeding, kept his pace and served monsters their drinks. Snazzy came back to face the Queen and slowly placed her drink in front of her, "ONE MUTHAFUCKING SIDECAR WITH A FEW DROPS OF FRESH ZOMBIE BARTENDER BLOOD, WELCOME FUCKING COME AGAIN, always a pleasure Avalai dear." His final word wasn't heard as a mummy looking skeleton monster snatched the queen around to face him, "Great, even more wildcards, because John Doe wasn't enough" Snazzy yelped, he resumed shining glasses and walked away to another monster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After dropping Jack off in front of his door, Cain had little trouble finding his own room just one floor down. With all the ghosts flitting around the halls Cain found it a bit troublesome trying to teleport and ultimately just stuck to walking, however it was worth it when he finally entered the room and flopped onto the bed. The wendigo had to admit that despite the sheer insanity displayed by some of the patrons, the hotel was quite nice. The room had a sort of old gothic look to it, not quite Cain's cup of tea, however the bed was quite comfortable. He would've fallen asleep right then and there, however the silence in his room was shattered by a low groaning sound that emanated from Cain's stomach. Cain let out a heavy sigh, he was hungry, and not the normal human kind of hungry. The sensation in his stomach was cold and persistent. "That time of the month already huh? Shit." He said to no one in particular as he rolled off of his bed and started walking towards the door. It was a hotel for monsters, that meant that Lord Da Gravee must have had some human flesh somewhere in the building. Cain left his room and trotted back downstairs, eager to ask Da Gravee about whether or not this celebration would include meals. He could hear more sounds coming from the hotel's bar, however it seemed as though a majority of the yelling was done. Cain spotted Da Gravee and pursed his lips to whistle, then, remembering how one of the ghosts freaked out at him for doing it earlier, opted to just walk behind Da Gravee and clear his throat softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@oakman "Love you too, Snazzy darling." The queen smirked as the reaper prepared her drink. She fluttered herself again, happy she was getting what she wanted. @Horrid Her face turned to greet the man she had beckoned over. Her eyes traveled up and down his body, sizing him up. "The Queen of all Vampires, Avalai Ambre Merigue. A pleasure, I'm sure." She started to offer her hand so that he may kiss it, but suddenly found her chair being swiveled to face a different direction. @Earnest Evans She blinked as the strange creature breathed against her skin. Then she grinned, her eyes half closed as her drink was set behind her. "Meeeeeeeee.....?" She responded, her eyebrow quirking and her shoulders raising. What does this entity want, she wondered? Her thralls began to stand, none of them noticing with the distraction that the changeling had left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@ReaptheMusic@Earnest Evans Alcaeus watched with a tired, half-lidded stare as the vampiress introduced herself. He was just about to make a grab to shake her hand too, if it were for the sudden invasion of a bundle of bandages. A decrepit corpse draped in ages old gauze, stench and form both almost non-existent. He had seen creatures like this before during his trips to Aegyptus. Always so high and mighty, and usually finicky about their canopic jars. Luckily she was turned away, he would hate to offend by not observing the proper etiquette. That and he wasn't one for the whole 'kissing hands, respect the titled' schtick. He took another drink of ice-water for himself and sipped, scratching at his head as he observed the interaction between the two respective members of the living impaired community. Strange, the sort of undead relationship that he was used to was one either raising the other or more than a few walking brainless through his cornfields, trampling all of his crops. Al looked to the mummy with a chuckle and raised his glass, "Buddy, you look like you've been out on the sands for a touch too long. Why not sit down and have some nice, cold water?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@oakman@Horrid@ReaptheMusic John doe let out a bit of a yell, everyone really just started yelling so why not he? WHY IS EVERYBODY YELLING! he yelled, his voice going up and down a bit due to Space alien puberty, also he grabbed a Beer bottle threw it at an Arc, heading straight towards the dude who looked like He spent his entire life locked in his room watching Porn, or anime, whatever people call it nowadays, Yo catch! He told the possible Porn addict as he threw the bronze bottle of Happy fluid (beer)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With a mighty, hacking cough, Djedkare let fly a cloud of dust. Clearing his throat (a fruitless effort, considering the status of his esophagus), he began speaking in an altogether more different tone. "Yyyyyyoooou--*Hek! Cough!* sorry, excuse me, got dust in my lungs... As I was saying, yyyooou really need a new fashion planner, honey. Pardon me for intruding, but straight dark blues and blacks definitely don't go with such a bright red as your hair. Beyond that, the sheer amount of cloth used in your clothes will make it hell for your servants! Take me, for example," Djedkare motioned to the simple cloth-and-gold headdress and loincloth combo he was wearing. "It's fashionable, it serves its purpose, and it's easy to clean! You new nobles and your fancy dresses don't know a damn about proper, functionate fashion!" Djedkare looked around, seeing for the first time the mindless thralls and hangers-on around Avalai. After sizing the crowd up, he sniffed derisively and continued rambling. "You'd do well not to have your servants about you at all times, you know? It slows work down to a halt, stresses the workers, and certainly doesn't build a rapport with them! Trust me, honey, your servants are everything! Honestly, it's nouveau riche like you that make it difficult to find good help these days! Why, back in my day, you were expected to work alongside them! The serfs, they'd say 'here comes Emperor Djedkare, the god who walks among men!' And they'd mean it! None of the brown-nosing posers I see with you would cut the mustard in my day! You give a man his own salary and land, and you help him clean your own damn house, and he'll love you as much as he'd love his father! And another thing..." Djedkare had inflicted Avalai with the worst possible curse... that of being forced to listen to an elder's complaints. The day-to-day tribulations of being an all-powerful vampire queen each day would be nothing compared to the fresh hell of being in the company of someone two-hundred generations out of date who has plenty of things to say. People say Mister Costello went insane from the shock of finding an undead king. The truth is that poor Costello was the first to be stricken by the dreaded Djedkare the Ornery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With a mighty, hacking cough, Djedkare let fly a cloud of dust. Clearing his throat (a fruitless effort, considering the status of his esophagus), he began speaking in an altogether more different tone. "Yyyyyyoooou--*Hek! Cough!* sorry, excuse me, got dust in my lungs... As I was saying, yyyooou really need a new fashion planner, honey. Pardon me for intruding, but straight dark blues and blacks definitely don't go with such a bright red as your hair. Beyond that, the sheer amount of cloth used in your clothes will make it hell for your servants! Take me, for example," Djedkare motioned to the simple cloth-and-gold headdress and loincloth combo he was wearing. "It's fashionable, it serves its purpose, and it's easy to clean! You new nobles and your fancy dresses don't know a damn about proper, functionate fashion!" Djedkare looked around, seeing for the first time the mindless thralls and hangers-on around Avalai. After sizing the crowd up, he sniffed derisively and continued rambling. "You'd do well not to have your servants about you at all times, you know? It slows work down to a halt, stresses the workers, and certainly doesn't build a rapport with them! Trust me, honey, your servants are everything! Honestly, it's nouveau riche like you that make it difficult to find good help these days! Why, back in my day, you were expected to work alongside them! The serfs, they'd say 'here comes Emperor Djedkare, the god who walks among men!' And they'd mean it! None of the brown-nosing posers I see with you would cut the mustard in my day! You give a man his own salary and land, and you help him clean your own damn house, and he'll love you as much as he'd love his father! And another thing..." Djedkare had inflicted Avalai with the worst possible curse... that of being forced to listen to an elder's complaints. The day-to-day tribulations of being an all-powerful vampire queen each day would be nothing compared to the fresh hell of being in the company of someone two-hundred generations out of date who has plenty of things to say. People say Mister Costello went insane from the shock of finding an undead king. The truth is that poor Costello was the first to be stricken by the dreaded Djedkare the Ornery.
The booze bottle still slowly flew towards the dude covered in paper towels, for some reason the beer bottle moved very slowly, like in slow motion, crossing his arms John doe told the mummy dude You know, that beer bottle isn't going to hang around in the air forever infact, the beer bottle was slowly and laws-of-psychics defyingly flying towards the dude who is wrapped in paper towels's face, slow as a snail, people look at it in awe, wondering how the heck the bronze bottle of joy is moving so slow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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-looks at the red queen and points at her- "I know her" "i know her from my memories"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-remembers the queen from memories-says to self- "i know the red queen"as in shock jack feel asleep finally-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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@oakman@nerminator@KiraChan@Horrid@Earnest Evans Like stood and stared, eyes shining and focused on the glass she held in both hands. Like had an idea. An idea Like really, really liked. So absorbed in her own world she was, she had stopped paying any attention to her surroundings and thus her own appearance. As she carefully walked back to the bar, step by step, multiple slender arms unfolded around her. Each wrapped in white cloth giving off dust with every movement. Without looking one of the arms plucked the physics defying beer from the air and handed it to Alcaeus. Her long black tail wriggled excitedly as she gently pushed Djedkare, Anya and the queen aside so she could stand before Snazzy. Hollow eyes stared deep into hollow eyes as Like put the glass of crimson metal liquid on the counter. Five fanged mouthes spread their red lips and spoke in eldritch tone.
"Snazzy Reaper! Collector of souls! Tender of bars! I, the prince of the Lake challenge you!"
"I dare you to prepare a drink superior to any this world has seen! Of course as is custom I'll grant you a special ingredient to use in this challenge." Like tapped with 3 fingers from separate hands on the rim of the glass. "Faithfull optimism. Fresh Angel Blood."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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-as jack is sleeping he wakes up- -he overheard everyone from downstairs and someone said fresh angel blood as jack realizes he has angel blood in his body- jack quickly locks his door and sits on his bed and meditates-
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by oakman
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oakman Floyd and Ladders and Owls

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Lord De Gravee @MonsieurShade The lord walked around the lobby, checking the monsters as they fled into their rooms, others coming down from their suites. He noticed a mummy walking into the bar, the elusive shapeshifter drinking blood off the ground, "Each to his own taste I see," he said aloud. The Lord greeted one family that horribly resembled the Adams family. They looked more like a middle-class family in cheap holiday customs and lame make ups. He nodded at them and then continued pacing in the lobby when a figure approached him from behind, sounding a cough. "Oh! we have met, you must be the charming wendigo, I thank you for assisting the angel guy. It is very kind of you indeed. Now Now, how may I reward you? you seem in a terribly bad lust for meat don't you? I know just the thing." The Lord gestured in a slow and cunning matter for the wendigo to follow him away from the lobby, and into the back of the staircase. There, a door was opened and the Lord walked down into a winding staircase. Moments later they were at a chamber that resembled a chapel, there was some dug holes and boxes around, "ignore these, come follow me." The Lord walked into another chamber that seemed a bit more illuminated and clean, the floors were white, the walls covered with glass, "Welcome to my Flesh Fridge! Suit yourself, just don't tell anyone about this room, the guests tend to grow overambitious when it comes to human flesh, plus we have half-humans like yourselves." The Lord grabbed a chair and sat to watch wendigo, call it a sick sport, "Bon Appétit". Snazzy The Reaper @akje Grim Reapers are very mysterious beings, it is said they are born of death itself, personification of the concept itself. Others say they are angels made by god to reap his creations' souls. But all tales confirm one thing, Grim Reapers are bad bartenders, and Snazzy is willing to prove this wrong tonight. *Cue cocktail mixing music that is only heard by the audience and 4th wall creatures, including Snazzy, Like and the John Doe.* MUSIC The reaper squinted his empty eye-sockets at the shapeshifting being before him, she was hot, he thought. Snazzy licked the fingers laying on the glass and bit them gently one by one off the glass, all why keeping eye-socket contact and music constantly playing closer and closer to the base drop. Snazzy took the glass and inspected it, "Hmm, genuine angel blood, the blood of my brethren of light." Snazzy threw the glass in the air, in slow motion he took another glass and perfectly captured all the falling blood, in slow motion, then added berries and lemon into the glass, transferred it to the The Boston Shaker. *BASS DROP* Snazzy then rapidly shook the cocktail shaker, eye-sockets still on the Like, the music growing more and more European. Snazzy then emptied the contents of the Boston Shaker into a huge mug and added ice, and drops of RUSSO-BALTIQUE VODKA and some IORDANOV VODKA into the mix, he ended it with leaves of mint and petals of lavender. Snazzy presented the drink to Like, as the music dramatically stopped and everyone in the Hotel floor peered their heads at the scene. "I present to you, THE REAPER'S ANGEL LIQUID ELIXIR."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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-jack keeps meditating-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Like carefully picked up the glass, the universe slightly trembling around her as the liquid shook in the glass. Eyeing the glass, Like inspected the mixture. The mixture seemed to resist this inspection, choosing to be colors one could not comprehend. A sort of mint-yellowish magenta turquoise. But more like none of those colors, since I just mentioned those. Excitedly and playfully Like put the drink to her mouth, took a very small sip, then downed it. For a moment all was silent, as everyone held their breath waiting on a reaction. Something. Then a bright beam of technicolor light sprang from eyes mouth and other less mentioned orifices. Accompanied by Russian waltz music and green flames the image of Like folded into the 5th spacial dimension and with another bright flash and a sound best described as a thousand explosions played in reverse at high speed, suddenly Like was gone. After that there was nothing but a poof of grey smoke and a small hand mirror that fell to the ground in a meek thud and crash. After a few seconds of nothing a child's voice whispered from between the cracks of broken glass. "Hmmmm, bright aroma, sweet and dry showing and a killer after-burn..."
"This... I li-.. no. This I love!"
"You truly deserve the title of Tender of Bars. And for meeting my challenge you deserve a gift worthy of such a feat." ... "Just give me a second..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Earnest Evans As the mummy began to go off again, Avalai raised her hands adorned with long red fingernails and pressed the tips to his cheek. She sensed he was a ...delicate item. So perhaps she would need to throw him off in a way he may not expect. She leaned forward and pressed a gentle, lipstick kiss to his forehead, leaving behind the mark. "Perhaps you are right," She murmured, if only to get him to shut up. "But having so many layers of clothing makes it worth it to get to the gift beneath." She pulled back, turned away from him and sipped her sidecar. Satisfied. She waited to see what might happen next. Her thralls visible recoiled at their queen kissing a corpse in the background.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Djedkare stood motionless as Avalai pressed her lips to his dry scalp. A beer bottle struck his shoulder and shattered on the floor. There was a pregnant pause. Finally, Djedkare spoke. "And we didn't act like little tarts, neither! And we listened to our elders! Why, back in my day, when you had an orgy, you let everyone have their say! We'll have words later, little missy!" Djedkare, infuriated at Avalai's brash actions, moved up to the bar. He was happy to see a zombie working the counter. "Hey, tavernkeeper! Could you get me a Shirley Temple? I need something to get my scarabs settled down, and booze just doesn't do it." Djedkare had tried modern alcohol before, but it simply wasn't as good as what he had back in the day. You could hardly even taste the fruit rind or the vinegar in these new-fangled drinks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-as jack stops he gets up and gets dressed in his blacksmith clothes as those are the only clothes he has- -jack heads to the bar and sits in the corner by himself and tinkers on his watch while everyone ignores me-
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