Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

When Penelope finally agreed to at least keep her guard up around Gavin for him, Crow felt himself relax. He still wished she wouldn’t keep spending time with her former suitor anymore, but he supposed the compromise was good enough. As long as she stayed alert, he could be sure that the nobleman wouldn’t be able to get away with anything funny if he really was biding his time. It was the next best thing, so he was just going to have to be content for now.

He met her lips as she kissed him again, letting the subject drop after they had reached an agreement. Closing his eyes, he laid his head back in the grass and exhaled softly as she leaned against his chest. He didn’t find the position overly comfortable, since all of her weight was directly on top of him, but he could tell that she was enjoying it, so he didn’t complain. Her contentedness was more than enough reason for him to deal with the mild discomfort.

As he felt her breathing slow, he ran his hand soothingly over her back and smiled to himself. He felt a sudden burst of affection for the knight. Lying with her now, alone in the forest, he longed for a time when they could sleep beside each other again with no time constraints to follow or disapproving companions to answer to. We just have to wait until this war is over, he thought with a sigh. It’s been going on for a year now. The end can’t be that much further, right?

Feeling Penelope shift against him, he glanced down at her again and nodded tiredly when she said she should leave soon. He rolled onto his side to face her when she laid down in the grass beside him, resting his arm beneath his head for support. At her following words, he nodded again. “I think you should decide when we meet next,” he said with an amused smirk. “Because if it’s up to me, I would say we should get together again tomorrow night.” He reached out to rest one hand on her arm, craving her touch now that there was some space between them.

“You know your comrades better than I do,” he went on, holding her gaze. “How soon do you think you can get away from them again?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Penelope smiled in amusement at his words. She paused for a moment to think over his question. Though she was often able to sneak out of camp without much issue, she did have to be careful about how she timed it. The knight did still occasionally have guard duty and she still had to make sure no one would come looking for her during the night to be able to spend time with him. Luckily, between knowing her comrades and the positioning of the guards all too well, it would likely be easy for her to figure a way to meet up with him sooner than their usual week in between meetings. She was nearly tempted to meet him the following night, even though she knew that was too soon as well.

"How about another three days from now." she suggested, moving to place her free hand over his. "That should be enough time for me to get away from them again.. Plus I should know the day for the battle by then." Penelope glanced over at him, wondering if he would be ready for the next fight. Now that he was feeling better, she didn't doubt that he'd be quick to aid the villagers in battle like usual. He seemed to be healed enough but she wasn't quite sure if that meant he'd be able to handle a battle, especially when considering how strenuous they could be.

She figured Hazel would be a better judge of that though so the knight didn't bring the topic up. Instead, she sighed and reluctantly removed her hand from his as she stood up. Another thought crossed her mind as she stood up and considered the other thieves. "Speaking of comrades though... Won't yours start to get suspicious of you if we keep meeting up more often?" she asked as she held out her hand to him to help him up. "Or did Rikki already tell everyone?"

It was a question she had been meaning to ask. She had assumed that the female thief had told them all after learning that Hazel knew but now she wasn't so sure considering it sounded like the other two male thieves weren't doing much to stop him. While that wasn't too surprising for Alistair, it was for Simon since she recalled how distrusting he was of her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Crow was relieved when Penelope suggested they should meet again in three days. Since their last couple of meetings had happened whole weeks apart, he had been thinking that by ‘shorter,’ she had meant five days or so. To only wait three would be much easier to bear. As an added bonus, he wouldn’t have to worry about slipping out of his camp to see her, since she would have more news of the next battle by then. He could use that as an excuse if any of his companions questioned why he was visiting with the knight again.

“That works great for me,” he grinned, already eager to see her at the next meeting though they hadn’t even parted yet. He hoped they would continue to be able to meet this frequently, even if he wasn’t quite sure how they would pull it off. If she didn’t have new updates about the war every time they met, he was going to have to start sneaking out of his camp as well, which was risky since they didn’t have a set curfew like the knights seemed to and every once in a while, someone would stay up later than all the rest.

As Penelope stood from the ground, he followed her lead and sat up as well, taking her hand when she offered it to help him stand up. Using her as leverage, he shifted his weight onto his left foot to give his injured right leg a break as he got up. Once he was standing, he shook his head at her initial question. As far as any of his companions knew—aside from Hazel, of course—he still hadn’t seen the knight in almost a month. Not wanting to use any of their time at this meeting to discuss formalities, he had kept it a secret from them, so he could relax and fully enjoy his time with her.

He was just about to explain this to Penelope, when she spoke up again and said something that made him stiffen: “Or did Rikki already tell everyone?”

Before that night, his answer to her question would have been an immediate ‘no,’ but now, he wasn’t so sure. His heart beat faster with nervousness as he realized that, while he had been out of the camp all day, she’d had plenty of time to tell the others that he was seeing the knight romantically. After he had shut down her attempt to ruin their relationship by sleeping with him, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything left to keep her quiet about it.

“She didn’t tell them before, but she may have today,” Crow said, his worried green eyes meeting Penelope’s. “After… what happened, I wanted to be alone to clear my head, so I haven’t been back to my camp yet. She could have told them in my absence.” He ran a hand through his hair, suddenly anxious to return to the hideout and find out that Simon and Alistair knew about him and Penelope. “Gods, I hope she didn’t say anything,” he murmured under his breath, shaking his head as he imagined having to face them tomorrow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Penelope frowned a little as Crow met her with a worried gaze. She was a little surprised to find out that Rikki hadn't said anything about them to the others yet. She supposed Hazel must have found out on her own at some point. The knight fell quiet for a brief moment as she thought over the situation. She wanted to believe that Rikki would still keep his secret but that seemed iffy after what he had told her. It was entirely possible that she'd try to get support from the other thieves in an attempt to get between them, which wasn't a thought that sat well with the knight.

She shifted a bit closer to him out of subconscious protectiveness and took his hand in hers. "She might not have. After all if she's still planning to try something, I doubt she'd want to go running her mouth about it or us." she told him, giving his hand a small squeeze. Though she didn't feel as confident as her words she at least wanted to try and ease his mind a bit. Penelope looked up at him and gave a small half-hearted smile. "And if it's true about Alistair and Olivia then that only really leaves Simon to worry about even if she does tell them."

The knight leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Come on, we should get going." she told him softly before turning to begin to head out of the clearing. Wanting push her own worries about the other thieves finding out, she glanced over her shoulder at him and grinned. "Well at least with this new meeting spot I can travel a little ways with you before we have to actually part."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

“That’s true,” Crow nodded faintly as Penelope tried to reassure him that Rikki might not have said something to the others so quickly. Just because her first attempt at getting between him and the knight had failed didn’t necessarily mean she was going to give up right away. It was entirely possible that she would come at him from a different angle before she got the others involved. After all, even though he didn’t like the fact that she was trying to insert herself in his personal life, he knew she was only doing it because she cared about him and believed he was making the wrong decision. If she told Simon and Alistair about his relationship now, that could easily be the nail in the coffin that ended their friendship. He doubted she would be so hasty to risk that.

Feeling a little better, he smiled as Penelope leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Alright,” he nodded when she said they should leave, following after her as she turned to walk out of the clearing. As she went on to say that she was glad they didn’t have to part right away from this meeting point, he shook his head in agreement. “I still wish we didn’t have to part at all, but I suppose this is better than nothing,” he said with a smirk, slipping one arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her head.

For most of the walk back Crow didn’t speak much, since his weariness from the day had finally set in. Instead, he simply focused on enjoying Penelope’s warm presence at his side. He laced his fingers with hers as they made their way towards the waterfall, letting out a soft sigh as the landmark soon came into view, and with it, the time for them to part ways. Slowing to a stop, he turned to murmur his goodbyes to her, but was interrupted by a sharp voice.

“There you are,” Hazel growled as she stormed over to him from where she must have been waiting by the riverbank. The thief blinked in surprise as she planted her hands on her hips and glared at him angrily. “What the hell, Crow?” she curled her lip. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all day!”

“Sorry,” he frowned, confused as to why she would be so mad at him for taking some time alone. Casting a furtive glance at Penelope, he let go of her hand, just in case the herbalist would be irritated further by seeing them touch. “Why were you looking for me?” he asked as he turned back to her.

“Oi vey,” Hazel pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head in exasperation. “To give you your medicine, idiot! Since you were out all day doing whatever the hell it was that you were doing, I had to wait up for you to get your inconsiderate ass back here, so I could make sure you take it.”

“Oh, right,” Crow flushed, realizing that after everything that had happened with Rikki, he had completely forgotten to meet with her. “I’m sorry. It must have slipped my mind.”

“‘Slipped my mind’ my ass,” Hazel grumbled, shoving the jar of medicine at him in annoyance. “You better not let it happen again, you hear me? Next time, I might just let you go without it and suffer the consequences… moron.”

“I won’t forget again,” he assured her.

“Good,” she muttered. “Now then, I’m going to get some very overdue sleep. Goodnight, dumbass.” She glanced at Penelope and nodded curtly. “Rat.” With that, she spun around and headed back into the tunnels without waiting for a reply.

Crow rolled his eyes and turned back to Penelope. “Sorry about that, love,” he shrugged and offered her a hapless smile. Casting one more glance over his shoulder to make sure they were really alone, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned in to kiss her one more time. He lingered for a bit, savoring the feeling of her soft lips moving against his before he pulled back again. “I love you, Penelope,” he sighed, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. “Be safe on your way back.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Penelope nodded in agreement as Crow said he wished they didn't have to part. She leaned into him as he slipped an arm around her shoulders, smiling up at him as he kissed her head. The knight fell in step besides him as they began to walk back. She walked closely at his side, unbothered by the silence as she was quite tired too and found it peaceful enough to be walking besides him. It wasn't long before the waterfall came into view and a feeling of reluctance washed over the knight. At least it'll only be for three days again. she reminded herself as her gaze focused up on him as he turned to her.

She jumped as Hazel's voice sounded from nearby and she looked over to see the herbalist storming towards them. The knight stood back as Hazel snapped at Crow and gave him his medicine. Penelope looked a little amused and gave a nod back to Hazel as she addressed her before leaving. She looked back over at crow and shrugged her shoulders as he apologized. "It's fine." she assured nonchalantly. As he wrapped his arms around her, she leaned into him and met his lips halfway as he kissed her. "I love you too." she told him softly as she smiled up at him. "And I will." She leaned up to press a fleeting kiss to his lips one more time before she stepped away from him to leave.

"I'll see you in three days." she told him with a small smile before turning her gaze back ahead and continuing on her way towards her camp. She walked on down the river, retracing the way she had come from before and soon disappeared into the forest as she headed off towards Myrefall.


It took the knight longer to get back to camp than usual since the new meeting place was a bit farther than the others. By the time she reached her camp, she was more than ready to lay down and go to sleep, feeling drowsy from all of the day's events. As she slipped back into camp, she wasn't quite as careful as she normally was due to not being fully awake as she made her way to her tent.

"Sneaking back into camp at such a late hour, are we?"

Penelope jumped at the voice and whirled around to see Olivia standing behind her with her arms crossed over her chest. The other female knight smirked in amusement at her friend's startled expression. She relaxed a little, realizing it was Olivia. "Gods, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Penelope grumbled as she shot her friend an annoyed look.

"You have only yourself to blame for not being alert enough." Olivia snickered.

"Yeah, yeah." Penelope rolled her eyes. She sighed. "I'm tired so cut me some slack will you?"

Olivia shrugged. "Maybe. I'll have to think about it. It's still kind of your own fault for not managing your time better during your little romantic getaway." she teased.

"Whatever." Penelope shook her head and smirked a little. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Olivia."

"Goodnight." Olivia chuckled.

Penelope, now a little more alert because of running into Olivia, headed off to her tent with out anymore issues. The knight laid down and almost immediately fell asleep, sinking into a deep sleep.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
Avatar of Rogue Sloth

Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Crow met Penelope’s lips once more as she pressed a parting kiss to his lips. “See you then,” he smiled, watching as she walked away to return to her own camp. Once she had disappeared from his sight, he turned to head back as well, slipping past the waterfall to step inside the cavern behind it. He yawned tiredly as he put away his cloak and boots, already finding it difficult to stay awake. They had stayed out later than usual that night, and he was ready to get some much-needed sleep.

Walking over to the sleeping area, he glanced at Rikki’s bed as he wondered again if she had told the others about his relationship with Penelope or not. Of course, her soundly sleeping form told him nothing, so he laid down on his own mat and closed his eyes. There was no point worrying about it now. If she had told them, it was too late for him to do anything about it, and if she hadn’t, he would just stress himself out for no reason. Either way, he would find out for sure in the morning.


The next day, Crow awoke closer to the end of the morning, a bit later than he usually did since he had started returning to a normal rhythm of sleeping. However, the detail didn’t worry him since he guessed he had probably just overslept because of how late he had stayed out with Penelope the night before. He sat up in his bed and was mildly surprised to see that Rikki had left him a plate from breakfast. After what she had done yesterday, he would have thought she would distance herself from him again. Apparently, he had been wrong.

Part of him contemplated not eating the food she had left for him out of spite, but his growling stomach quickly weakened his resolve, and picked up the plate.

“Good morning.”

Mouth full of his first bite, Crow looked up to see Rikki sauntering towards him from the cave entrance. He noticed right away that she was wearing a more provocative dress than usual and seemed to be intentionally swaying her hips as she walked. He narrowed his eyes at her. “I see you haven’t given up on your plan yet,” he said accusatively.

“I’d appreciate if you didn’t speak to me like I’m your enemy,” she frowned, looking hurt as she sat down at his side. “I know you think I’m out to get you, but I’m not. I’m just trying to help you see things more clearly, Crow.”

“You can help by keeping your nose out of my personal life,” he glared at her.

She lowered her gaze for a moment before looking up at him again, her eyes flicking to the plate in his hand. “How’s your breakfast?” she asked, offering him a friendly smile. “I hope it’s not too cold.”

“It’s fine,” he said plainly, finishing off the rest and setting his dish aside.

Rikki’s smile wavered faintly. “Here, let me take that for you,” she leaned forward to reach across his lap, but he caught hold of her wrist firmly in his hand.

“Come on, love,” he rolled his eyes. “You think I don’t know that trick? I’m not stupid.”

“What do you mean?” she blinked at him innocently. “I was just going to wash your dish for you.”

“I’m sure you were,” Crow snorted. “Just give up already. I’m not going to sleep with you.”

Rikki smirked at him, breaking her virtuous façade. “You say that now,” she said. “But I know you can’t hold out forever. It’s only a matter of time now before you can’t wait any longer, and I’m the only one around who can meet your needs.”

“I met with Penelope last night,” he said suddenly, meeting her gaze with a wry grin. “I can dance with you as long as you’d like, darling. You’re never going to break me.”

Rikki frowned, studying him for a moment before clicking her tongue. “Very well,” she rose to her feet and looked down at him with a stern gaze. “I just hope you figure out soon that you’re making a big mistake.” Her expression softened slightly. “When you do, I’ll still be there for you, Crow. Please don’t ever forget that.”

The thief averted his gaze coldly as she walked away. He wished she would just mind her own business, but it seemed like she was intent on trying to change his mind about Penelope. He glanced at her back just before she disappeared around the corner of the cavern opening and gave a small shudder. Something told him she was still far from giving up. He just hoped her next attempt to get between him and the knight wouldn’t be any more successful than the last.

Now alone in the camp, Crow stood up from his bed and picked up his plate, heading out to the river to wash it off by himself. At least she approached me early, he mused as he stepped outside. With any luck, she’ll leave me alone now, and it will be a peaceful day.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Penelope sleep in longer than usual the next day, finding it difficult to wake up early like she usually did. Eventually the knight managed to force herself up from her peaceful slumber and headed out to begin her day. Glancing at the sky, she silently noted that she had slept in much too late to accompany her brother on one of his usual patrols. Probably for the best anyways. The knight thought with a careless shrug.

Now that Crow was feeling better and her brother's intent of tracking down the thieves was wavering, she was much less concerned about him somehow discovering their camp again, which likely meant she could stop going on patrols with him as frequently. At least, she hoped so. Her brother wasn't too pleasant to be around and she'd prefer to use the time for something more productive. The patrols were practically just long walks at this point since Layth was failing to find any trace of the thieves.

"Hey Penelope!"

A familiar voice broke her thoughts as she walked and she looked over her shoulder to see Gavin jogging over to catch up with her. Upon seeing his face she was immediately reminded of the promise she had given Crow the night before. The female knight shifted uneasily as she thought about how she had to keep her guard up around Gavin now. Even though she still doubted Crow's words, she intended to keep her word to him, especially after seeing how the situation seemed to bother him quite a bit.

"Hey." She greeted the male knight as he walked up besides her.

"Did you just get up? I was trying to find you earlier but couldn't."

Penelope nodded her head and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah.. Late night so I guess I sleep a little later than normal."

"Oh, right." Gavin mumbled a bit awkwardly as he seemed to recall her telling him about. She expected him not to question anymore about it and go on to why he was looking for her in the first place, however the male knight surprised her as he looked over at her questioningly and asked, "That was your first time meeting him in a while wasn't it?"

She blinked and then quickly shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so..." she admitted reluctantly and shifted her gaze ahead. "He was injured after the last battle so we couldn't see each other for a while." It wasn't a complete lie since Crow had hurt his leg and she didn't want Gavin thinking that they had stopped their meetings temporarily for any reason. She paused before adding, "He's better now though.. Anyways, why were you looking for me?"

"I have some extra time today so I was hoping we could spar a bit." Gavin told her with a hopeful look. "More specifically spar on horseback.. I'm not sure if Bran's going to be taking over in time for the next battle and I want to be prepared if I have to be the captain still."

"On horseback?" Penelope crossed her arms and let out a long sigh. "It's been a while since I've done that.. But alright.. And you know you probably won't have much to worry about even if he isn't ready by the next battle. The barons will handle most of the commanding for the cavalry anyways."

"You're probably right but still, best to be safe rather than sorry." Gavin shrugged.

"Fair enough." Penelope nodded her head. "Let's go train then." Gavin nodded and took the lead to head over to where the horses were kept. She followed a few steps behind him, still thinking about what Crow had told her. He was probably just paranoid after what happened with Rikki.. she thought with a small frown. As far as she could tell, Gavin seemed to accept that she was with Crow and he had yet to make any advancement towards her. It would be easy to keep her guard up around him if things continued like they were. Her promise would be easy to keep, she just hoped Crow would find his promise just as easy. A small feeling of unease bubbled in the knight as she thought of the female thief, who likely had yet to give up on getting between them. Eager to get her mind off of her, Penelope suddenly found herself anxious to begin sparring with Gavin and picked up her pace slightly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

In his eagerness to avoid Rikki, Crow spent the remainder of the day with Alistair. It had been a while since he had done anything with the thief, since they didn’t have much in common. Alistair was fond of sinful pleasures like drinking, gambling, and flirting with women in bars; and while Crow didn’t mind partaking in such activities, he preferred to keep a clear head and a full coin purse. Fortunately for him, his friend was willing to compromise today.

The two settled on going hunting near the Younisian border, since it was exciting enough for Alistair and engaging enough for Crow. They were also encouraged because if they were successful, they would be able to postpone raiding the knights’ camp for food for a few more days.

Each thief took a bow and a knife from their weapon supply and headed out into the woods. For a while, they saw nothing and the forest remained quiet. However, they eventually came across a herd of elk grazing in a small clearing. Ducking down silently behind some bushes, they watched the animals for a moment before Alistair turned to Crow and whispered, “Do you think it’s worth it?”

“No,” Crow frowned. “We have nowhere to store the meat. It’ll just spoil.”

“Pity,” Alistair sighed, staring longingly at the elk. “We’re so close to having venison, yet so far.”

“We could try again in the winter,” Crow suggested softly. “If we get enough snow this year, we can bury it.”

“Maybe,” Alistair shrugged. “Last year was pretty dry though. I’m not going to get my hopes up.”

Crow nodded and turned back to watch the elk for a moment longer before nudging his companion and rising to his feet, “Come on, let’s keep moving. There’s bound to be smaller targets out here somewhere.”

Leaving the herd of elk behind, the two thieves walked further along the border. Crow’s eyes swept observantly over the trees around him, and he spoke little as he kept his attention on searching for movement near the ground. Eventually, their patience paid off as he spotted a rabbit in the distance. He raised a fist, signaling silently to Alistair to stop walking, and drew an arrow from his quiver. Keeping his gaze trained on the animal, he raised his bow and pulled back the string, letting go quickly to loose the arrow before it could run. The projectile hit its mark, and the rabbit collapsed in the grass with a startled squeal.

“I’ve got it,” Crow glanced at Alistair, shouldering his bow and drawing his knife as he made his way over to the fallen animal. When he reached it, he knelt down and dealt a swift blow to finish it off. After that, he pulled the arrow from its side and put it away, picking up the carcass by its hind legs and turning back to the other thief. “Not bad,” he smirked. “One more of these will be enough to feed us for at least a couple meals.”

“I hope I find the next one,” Alistair sighed exaggeratedly. “If I have to spend this whole trip watching you hunt, it’s going to be a long day.”

“If you want, I’ll let you carry my kills back,” Crow elbowed him teasingly as they began to keep walking.

“Alright, big shot,” Alistair snorted. “Just you wait. I’m going to hunt twice as many rabbits as you do.”

“Sure you will,” Crow chuckled.

The two thieves continued bantering casually as they circled back around to look for targets on their way back to the camp.


By the end of their hunt, they managed to kill one more rabbit each—Crow naturally rubbed it in his friend’s face that he’d been the one to catch more—and returned to their hideout feeling rather accomplished. They spent the rest of the evening skinning and gutting the carcasses, and Alistair went on to prepare a stew for supper while Crow salted the leftover meat. After living in the woods for over a year—and getting sick on more than one occasion from eating spoiled meat—he had gotten skilled at preserving his food to last for at least a few days.

Once the stew was ready, Alistair went outside to call in the others for supper. Meanwhile, Crow sat near the hearth, leaning back against the cavern wall as he waited for his companions to come back so they could all eat. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before someone stepped into the camp to join him.

Unfortunately, that someone was Rikki.

Crow stiffened slightly and averted his gaze as she walked over. He suddenly wished he had volunteered to go out and find everyone instead. He had let Alistair do it because he hadn’t wanted to speak to Rikki, but he hadn’t thought about the possibility that he might be left alone with her if he stayed behind.

To his displeasure, she sat down at his side, hovering just close enough to set him on edge. “I see you and Alistair had a successful hunt,” she commented with a friendly smile. “It’ll be nice to finally eat something that isn’t bread and fruit.”

“Mhm,” Crow grunted noncommittally, avoiding her gaze.

Rikki eyed him for a moment before going on, “I heard he caught more rabbits than you. Must be embarrassing to lose at something you’re so good at.”

“He didn’t catch more than me,” Crow snorted, finally looking up at her, only to falter when he caught sight of the mischievous glint in her eyes. “Very funny,” he muttered dryly, shooting her a glare.

“Well, it worked,” she smirked at him coyly. “Now I get to see those handsome green eyes of yours.”

“You just don’t know when to quit, do you?”

“What?” she shrugged. “Am I not allowed to compliment you anymore either?”

“We both know that’s not what this is,” he said coldly.

Rikki opened her mouth to retort, but luckily for Crow, Alistair came back with Simon and Hazel before she had a chance to speak. He quickly turned away from her to address them, “It’s about time. What took you all so long?”

“Ask them,” Alistair lifted his hands in a shrug and sat down heavily. “They said they’ve got some sort of announcement for the group.”

“Really?” Rikki raised a curious brow. “What is it?”

Simon and Hazel exchanged a glance before the thief turned back to the others and cleared his throat, “I asked Hazel to marry me today.”

“No way,” Crow blinked in surprise. “Congratulations, you guys.”

“I don’t believe it. Our little Simon’s becoming a man,” Alistair sniffled with mock emotion and got up from the ground to wrap his arms around the couple in an embrace. He glanced back over his shoulder at Crow and Rikki. “Come on, you two. Get in here.”

“Please don’t,” Simon groaned, trying to shove Alistair off of him.

“I swear to gods, I’m going to punch you in the throat,” Hazel growled.

“Oh, come on. You know you like it,” Crow teased her, getting up to join Alistair in embracing them.

With the addition of Rikki, the three thieves trapped the unhappy couple in the middle of a huddle, until Hazel kicked Alistair in the shin and successfully ended the moment. They all separated again, and the herbalist vainly smoothed down her dress. “Anyway,” she grumbled irritably. “What we were trying to say was: We’re going have the handfasting ceremony tomorrow afternoon, and we want you three buffoons to be our witnesses.”

“Of course,” Crow grinned.

“I’d be honored,” Alistair said excitedly.

“Can’t think of a better way to spend my day,” Rikki nodded in agreement.

“Great,” Hazel sat down by the pot of stew with Simon. “Now that that’s settled, we’d like to enjoy our supper in peace.”

“Whatever you say,” Crow shrugged, pouring a bowl of stew for himself. Honoring her request, he spent the rest of the evening dining and talking with Alistair—and intermittently with Rikki so Alistair wouldn’t notice the tension between them—until he finally grew tired and headed off to get some sleep for the night.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

"Are you ready?"

"Of course." Penelope smirked at Gavin as she brandished her sword. The female knight gripped the reins of her horse in her free hand and shifted the small, brown mare into position as she readied to attack Gavin. Over the course of her two years back amongst the knights, she spent most of it training and improving on various skills. One of them happened to include fighting on horseback. After having to fight with the mercenaries on horseback, she figured it would be wise to improve upon that skill, especially since she had found it quite difficult at the time. The knight was much more balanced and confident now about fighting while riding.

However, it had been a long time since she had practiced the skill.

Penelope gave her horse a small kick and charged at Gavin. The male knight was quick to block her, doing so almost effortlessly as she swiped at his side. She rounded her horse around his, attempting to strike from the back this time as she gave him little time to recover. Gavin moved out of the way, guiding his horse forward before looping around to attack her. Their blades scraped against each other as Penelope blocked him as he passed by.

Though Gavin claimed to be worried about how he would perform on top of a horse, his skills seemed just fine in her opinion. It didn't surprise her. He had always been close to Alan and his family so of course he had picked up a few lessons from Bran before. She didn't doubt that's where most of his skill came from. Guess I better start giving him a real challenge. She smirked to herself and then charged towards him again.

As she drew close, she suddenly slowed her horse and aim for his chest. Gavin raised an eyebrow at her, catching her confident smirk, as he shifted his blade to block her attack. Penelope shifted some of her weight into the blade, pushing against him rather than pulling away like usual. It seemed to catch Gavin off guard, as he was used to her using her speed rather than her strength. Using his surprise, she quickly retracted her sword and then swiped at his side, hoping to throw his balance off.

Gavin leaned away, momentarily off balance. However, the male knight didn't give her a chance to utilize it as he suddenly jabbed his sword towards, using the motion to regain his balance while forcing her to go on the defensive. The two clashed their blades a few more times before their sparring finally reached its end as Gavin disarmed her. Slipping past her defense, he used his sword to knock hers out of her hand onto the ground below. He pointed his weapon at her and Penelope held up her hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright you got me." she chuckled. "I don't even know what you were worried about. Your skills seem fine."

"Well, I definitely feel a bit better about them after testing them against you." Gavin smiled at her as he sheathed his sword.

"I'm not that good but I'm glad I could help." Penelope mused as she dismounted the mare to retrieve the sword on the ground.

"Not that good?" Gavin raised an eyebrow at her as he dropped down to the ground as well and grabbed the reins of his horse. "You don't even specialize in fighting on horseback but I'm sure you could win against half of those fighting in the cavalry. You're a talented knight, Penelope."

The female knight blinked, surprised by his high words of praise. "I doubt that but thanks." she replied to him with a small smile. Her smile faltered as she suddenly became a bit wary of his complimenting as she thought of Crow. Penelope grabbed the reins of her horse and turned brisky to walk off. "Come on we should put the horses." she told him, quick to put some distance between them. Luckily, Gavin didn't question it and followed behind.


As night fell, Penelope spent most of the evening alone as Olivia was busy and spending too much time with Gavin would likely go against the promise she made to Crow. Instead, the knight found a peaceful moment alone, leaning back against a tree as she watched the stars come out in the night sky. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes for a moment. The knight found herself thinking about life after the war. She specifically thought about how her family would react to finding out about her love for the thief. The thought was brought on as she found herself recalling the conversation with him about the stars during their trip to Younis. It made her think of her mom then how her mom had likely felt about her father and eventually lead to her thinking about the future situation to come.

She didn't care much for what Edward or his side of the family thought. Edward would likely be the first to disown her, already having a deep dislike of her anyways, so Penelope didn't expect much understanding from him. She was more concerned about Layth and her father. Especially Layth. The knight frowned a little as she recalled how close Crow had gotten to killing her brother. Layth likely wouldn't take the news well. She found herself hoping he would just turn his back on her, a little worried he might try to hunt them down once he found out. It was harder to say how her father would react. Part of her was still holding on to a hope that he might actually come to understand her after having been in a similar situation.

That's all in the future though... Who knows how much longer this war will go on anyways.. she thought with a sigh, feeling herself becoming impatient for its end. The knight stood up and made her way to her tent, ready to call it a night as she grew tired.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The following day was a busy one for Crow and his companions. After enjoying a breakfast of rabbit and dark bread together, Rikki ushered Hazel off to prepare her for the ceremony. During their time in the inner kingdom, the thief had stolen a number of cosmetic supplies and pieces of jewelry from noblewomen that she had thought were pretty. She wore the adornments often, but only used her other beauty items sparingly, since she didn’t have much of them left. The fact that she was sharing them with the herbalist was surprising to Crow, since she held onto them like a precious stone.

While the two women were gone, Crow, Alistair, and Simon were left to spend the rest of the morning in each other’s company. They lounged by the edge of the river, attempting to skip rocks over the surface of the moving water. None of them were very successful since the rapids were traveling so quickly, but they didn’t really care, since the activity was just to pass the time until the afternoon.

For a while, none of them spoke, but Alistair eventually broke the silence. “So,” he said with a sidelong glance at Simon. “Are you getting nervous yet?”

At the question, Crow eyed the blonde thief as well, curious as to what his answer would be. Having never made any close friends who had been married before and having never gotten married, himself, he didn’t know much about the process. However, he would have expected Simon to be at least a little more emotional than he was acting now. If he didn’t know better, he never would have guessed his friend was about to have a handfasting ceremony at all.

“Not really,” Simon answered with a vague shrug as he tossed another stone into the river. “Why should I be nervous?”

“Maybe because you’re about to commit your life to another person forever?” Alistair rolled his eyes.

“I am,” Simon nodded. “But it’s only because it seemed like the most natural next step to take.”

“My gods, Simon. Do you even have feelings?” Alistair snorted. “Are you at least happy you’re marrying Hazel?”

“Of course I am,” Simon shot him a glare and then averted his gaze, his expression softening slightly. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m elated that she wants to marry me.”

“I think that’s the most emotion I’ve ever seen out of him,” Crow whistled and turned to Alistair in mock amazement.

“I know,” Alistair shook his head. “You’d better not be this stoic when you have your ceremony, or it’s going to drive me insane.”

“What?” Crow blinked, caught off guard by the other thief’s comment.

“Come on,” Alistair smirked at him. “You and Rikki have been practically courting for a year. It’s about time you be a man and ask her to marry you.”

“It’s not like that,” Crow fought the urge to wrinkle his nose at the idea. “We’re just having fun. I have no intention of pursuing anything more than that.”

“Why not?” Alistair frowned. “You two are a perfect match in my opinion. Even if you don’t love her now, I’m sure you could learn to later.”

“I doubt that,” Crow muttered as he thought again about how she had broken his trust. Even if he wasn’t already committed to Penelope, he could never love someone who would betray him like that.

“Maybe you could just try courting her for a while and see how it goes?”

“No,” Crow said a bit more sharply than he intended. He wavered for a moment before going on in a softer tone, “I’m not going to court her. Now, can we please just drop it?”

“Alright, alright,” Alistair raised his hands in defeat and then laid back in the grass, folding his arms over his chest as he stared up at the sky. “Gods, neither one of you has any sense of romance.”

Crow rolled his eyes and picked up another stone to toss in the river, hoping the rest of the morning would go by quickly so his companion wouldn’t have time to bring up the uncomfortable subject again.


Fortunately for Crow, he got his wish. Almost promptly at midday, Hazel and Rikki returned for the handfasting ceremony. As the thief turned to watch them approach, he had to admit, the herbalist cleaned up nicely. Rikki had given her one of her more elaborate dresses and pinned her normally wild red hair up in a neat braid. Her face was also painted with noble cosmetics that the female thief had let her borrow. It was needless to say, her appearance left Simon speechless.

Alistair nudged his companion teasingly, “Ready?”

Simon nodded wordlessly and rose to his feet, his eyes transfixed on his bride.

Hazel blushed at his reaction and then turned to Crow, shifting her weight slightly, “I forgot to mention this yesterday, but… we’d like it if you would oversee the ceremony.”

“Me?” Crow’s eyes widened in surprise. “But I’ve never even been to a handfasting.”

“It’s easy,” Hazel assured him. “All you do is tie this to our wrists in the beginning,” she held up a thin red ribbon that he guessed had also been lent by Rikki. “And pray a blessing over the marriage at the end.”

“Okay,” Crow said tentatively, getting up from where he was sitting on the riverbank. “But I don’t get it. Why do you want me to do it?”

“Because you’re the reason why we met,” Hazel stared at him as if it was obvious. “If you hadn’t brought me out here to live with all of you, Simon and I wouldn’t be getting married in the first place.”

“I only brought you out here because I was sick.”

“Oh, just shut up and accept the sentiment,” Hazel snorted. “Will you oversee our ceremony or not?”

“I’ll do it,” Crow nodded quickly, eager to end the discussion before the hot-tempered herbalist got mad at him. He was still a bit nervous to accept the offer, since it sounded like an important role and he didn’t know what he was doing, but if they really thought he was capable of handling it, then he had no reason to refuse.

“Alright,” Alistair grinned, moving to sit a little farther away from the river with Rikki. “Let’s get this handfasting started.”

Simon and Hazel stepped over to stand in front of Crow by the water’s edge. The herbalist offered him the ribbon and then they both held out one hand each for him to bind with the thin fabric. Still feeling a bit overwhelmed at being called up to do the job at the last minute, the thief fumbled a bit with the cloth before he managed to tie their wrists together. Once he was done, he took a step back, so they could commence with the next part of the ceremony.

As he listened to them exchange vows, Crow’s mind wandered to Penelope. He smiled faintly as he thought about how they would be able to marry after the war. While he doubted they would be able to do anything as elaborate as a handfasting, he was excited by the idea of doing something to symbolize their commitment to each other. Perhaps they could come up with their own ceremony, one which just the two of them could enjoy.

He was drawn from his fantasizing when he heard Hazel clear her voice, and he realized she was waiting for him to end the ceremony. His heart beat nervously in his chest. While he believed in the gods, he wasn’t very religious, so he wasn’t sure what to pray in regard to a marriage. He swallowed the lump in his throat, Just keep it simple.

“May the gods always look upon your lives in favor and shower blessings over your marriage,” he said at last. There was a brief pause, and for a moment, he wondered if he’d said it wrong, but then Alistair and Rikki cheered, and Simon and Hazel kissed, and he relaxed.

“Thank you,” Simon nodded to him gratefully after he parted from his new wife.

“Of course,” Crow shrugged.

The two offered their bound hands to him once more, and he removed the ribbon so they could move freely again. With the handfasting ceremony over, Simon and Hazel walked off to have some time alone, leaving the other three thieves to spend the rest of their afternoon together at the riverside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

The following morning Penelope found herself a bit sore from the day's previous sparring so she took it easy for most of the morning. She ended up spending some time with Olivia, walking around the camp and talking casually in order to waste the spare time until her meeting, which was pushed to later in the evening due to Bennet being busy with organizing part of the battle plans. Unfortunately it wasn't long before they were joined by Millicent. The archer made her way up to Penelope's other side and wasn't quick to leave despite the clear annoyance coming that radiated off of Olivia.

Penelope was a bit surprised to have Millicent hanging around her again. The other woman had seemed to lost respect for her after 'losing' Crow that one night and wandering off for a full day. She wondered what had made her desire to spend time with them. An uncomfortable silence fell over the three after their curt greetings to each other. Olivia shifted her gaze off to the side and Penelope eyed the ground, feeling a bit on edge in Millicent's presence. Millicent kept glancing around, clearly trying to scrounge up a topic to discuss since the other two clearly weren't making any effort.

"So Penelope, have you thought about the wedding much yet?" she suddenly asked, breaking the silence as she looked over at Penelope with bright eyes.

"W-What?" Penelope blinked in surprise.

Olivia snorted as she tried to hold back her laughter. "I guess word doesn't travel very fast around here." she snickered.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Millicent narrowed her eyes.

"It means that there isn't going to be a wedding. Penelope ended her courtship with Gavin... Like, over a month ago now." Olivia gave an exaggerated sigh as she taunted, "Poor thing. You're so behind."

"Well, some of us aren't as nosy as you are Olivia." Millicent responded sharply. Her gaze flickered over to Penelope questioningly. "What happened? You guys still seem close."

"We're still friends." Penelope shrugged casually. "I.. just didn't want to be with him. He's a good guy but not quite the one for me."

Millicent tilted her head. "Can you even make that decision? Isn't it your father's?" she asked with confusion. Penelope hesitated to reply. It was true. Technically speaking, her father was supposed to be the one in control of her courtship, especially since he was the one who forced her into it in the first place. The knight was merely lucky that Gavin was willing to respect her decision without trying to involve her father. However, the situation likely looked very strange to the other nobles around her.

"I guess so.." Penelope replied slowly. "but he's not here and Gavin understands so it's out of his power."

"Which means, Penelope's free to sleep with any guy she wants again!" Olivia grinned. Penelope shot her a silent glare.

Millicent wrinkled her nose up at Olivia's words. "Not everyone is as frivolous as you." she grumbled.

Olivia pouted and crossed her arms. "Is that why you're so up tight? Has it been that long since a man's pleased you?"

"Why you-"

"Ok, calm down you two." Penelope interrupted noticing Millicent's frustration at Olivia's taunting.

Millicent huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'd wish you'd find better company, Penelope." The archer shook her head before turning to leave. "I'll talk to you some other time."

Penelope watched her go and shook her head a little before turning back to look over at Olivia. The other female knight had smug smirk on her face, clearly proud that she had managed to annoy the archer enough to leave. Penelope let out a quiet laugh. "Did you have to go that far?"

"Well she wouldn't leave if I didn't." Olivia shrugged then grinned. "You're lucky I scared her off before she really started asking questions."

"That's true." Penelope nodded her head. The two walked on for a while longer, now comfortable again without the overly strict archerer hanging around. Her gaze flickered up to the evening sky. It was growing late, which meant it was nearly time for her to meet with the barons and find out when the next battle would occur. She parted ways with Olivia and headed off to the tent, joining the others as they sat down for the meeting.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Crow spent the rest of the afternoon on the riverbank with Alistair and Rikki, playing a game with dice. The game itself was entertaining enough, but he didn’t have the most enjoyable time with them. Naturally, Rikki made sure to sit as close to him as she could get, taking advantage of Alistair’s presence, since she knew he couldn’t brush her off as easily while the third thief was with them. He found her attempts to be physical with him frustrating, and eventually left to get away from her under the guise of taking inventory of their supplies.

Heading into the camp by himself, he decided he might as well actually take some time to go through their supplies, since he had noticed they seemed to be running low on some essentials. He stepped over to the mounds of boxes and bags where they kept their things and began looking over everything to see what they were missing. It took some time to finish, especially since he wanted to be thorough. When he was done, he noted that they were short on food, bandages, quality swords, arrows—he remembered that no one had collected the ones he had lost during the last battle—and money.

The thief crossed his arms loosely as he mulled over the situation. With another battle coming sometime soon, they would need to replenish their supplies in order to be prepared. They could always steal the food and war goods from the knights’ camp, but he was concerned about their dwindling gold. In the past, the and his companions had raided important supplies from the knights and held them for ransom to make money. That strategy didn’t seem to be working out for them very well anymore though.

He supposed he could always steal some weapons and sell them off to the Younisians like he had done the last time, but the idea didn’t sit well with him now that he was with Penelope again. With her life on the line in this war, he didn’t want to continue giving the opposing kingdom advantages in the upcoming battles. He sighed. It would all be so much easier if he could just steal weapons from the Younisians to sell off to the knights in his own kingdom. Unfortunately, with the bounty on his head, he couldn’t walk into a camp full of knights and expect to walk back out without trouble. It was too risky.

Maybe we could take something besides weapons that we could sell in a village market, he mused as he tried to come up with an alternative plan. They wouldn’t make very much by doing that, since the peasants didn’t have much money either, but it was better than nothing. Medicines and ointments from the inner kingdom would fetch a fair price in the outer villages, where such things were considered a luxury. If he and the others stole some from the knights’ physicians, they could hopefully make enough money to get by for a while.

“How does everything look?” a masculine voice spoke up from behind him.

Crow blinked and glanced back over his shoulder to see Alistair and Rikki walking towards him from the cavern entrance. They must have gotten bored of playing their game and come to see what he was doing instead.

“As we guessed yesterday, we need more food,” Crow answered with a shrug. “But we’re also short on some other things too, like bandages and proper weaponry.”

“Does this mean we’re going on another raid?” Alistair grinned, cracking his knuckles eagerly.

“Seems so,” Crow nodded. “We should go in three days. I don’t want to rush into anything after what happened last time.”

“That’s smart,” Rikki said in agreement, stepping closer to slip her arm around his and press close to his side.

He shot her a subtle warning look, but she just smirked back at him in response. He disliked how she had figured out a way to get close to him again. As long as Alistair or Simon were around, he couldn’t do anything to push her away without arousing suspicion. It was aggravating to be so restricted.

To make matters worse, he saw Alistair wink and make a suggestive gesture behind Rikki’s back. He averted his gaze and grimaced, There’s just no escaping them, is there? “I’m going out for a walk,” he said suddenly, pulling his arm out of Rikki’s grasp. “I’ll be back for dinner.”

“I’ll come with you,” Rikki grinned, moving to follow him out of the camp.

“Thanks for the offer, but I’d prefer to be alone,” Crow said with a smile. His words were friendly, but there was a cold edge in his eyes that cautioned her against trying to go with him. Fortunately, she seemed to get the message this time.

“Alright,” she stepped back, her grin wavering slightly. “I’ll see you at dinner then.”

“See you both then,” Crow tipped his head in a curt goodbye and stepped out of the cave, finally able to breathe easy now that he had managed to put some distance between himself and Rikki.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
Avatar of BuzzingBee


Member Seen 15 days ago

"So have the plans been finished?"

Edward grunted impatiently as his gaze flickered around the room at the other barons and lieutenants that were there. Penelope sat calmly amongst them as their gazes shifted over to Bennet. The baron gave a firm nod of his head before pulling out his map to demonstrate where the forces would be attacking the Younisians. As discussed before, the next battle would be closer to Myrefall. Bennet's plans were rather plain, sending most of the battalion to target one particular spot of the Younisian side. Penelope shifted her gaze over to Mia, who pursed her lips together as she listened to Bennet speak.

"That's fine and all... But we should be more careful considering how close this battle is to our base." Mia said crossing her arms. "Let's focus on using our archers this time. Weaken their forces even more before we send out our ground forces."

"Not a bad idea." Edward muttered reluctantly. "But they're weak as it is. We should just focus on pushing them with our ground forces like Bennet has here. We could start to turn the tide after this battle. Three consecutive wins and soon victory will be ours."

"Exactly what I had in mind." Bennet grinned.

Tomas frowned and shifted in his seat. "But our forces likely aren't much stronger than theirs right now... We may have one but we lost a good deal of numbers too. It might be a wiser option to adjust the plans to Mia's."

"Don't forget they lost their supplies too." Layth added this time with a snort. "They're still hurting from that and our victories. Now is the perfect chance to push against them again at full force."

Edward eyed Mia challengingly. "Playing it safe could cost us a bigger win." he told her. "I think you'd be wiser to just agree with us."

Mia held his gaze with a stubborn gleam in her eyes. After a moment of thinking it over, the baroness muttered, "Fine. We'll do it Bennet's way."

Edward smirked, looking rather pleased. Penelope leaned back in her chair, thinking it over. Though Mia's idea was likely more strategic, she actually found herself in favor of Edward's. It sounded like if they managed to drive Younis further back in this battle, the end of the war could be on the horizon. It made her a little excited, especially since it would also mean Brerra's victory. She didn't argue against it, despite both Mia and Tomas looking a little reluctant to agree with the others. Wanting to change the subject before the baroness went back on her word, Penelope flickered her gaze between the barons.

"So when is this battle going to happen?" she asked.

"It shouldn't take too long to prepare the troops." Bennet mused.

"But we need everyone to be fully ready for this kind of attack." Mia spoke up narrowing her eyes challengingly at the other two barons. "Give the battalion at least a week before we head off to fight again."

"A week!" Edward scoffed. "That's ridiculous. We've had plenty of time since the last battle. I say in two days!"

"Do you want to win this or not?" Mia challenged. "You're asking a lot of your troops after enduring two battles in a row. In order to make these plans work, everyone needs to be ready. Otherwise, Younis will gain an advantage over us again in no time."

Edward glared at her in frustration. "Fine! A week then but no longer!"

"Thank you." Mia said bitterly.


The meeting didn't last much longer. The barons finalized a few small details before letting their lieutenants go to relay the message of when the next battle would be. Penelope spoke with a couple of the high ranking knights among them, making sure the word was spread properly since Mia had stressed about how everyone needed to be prepared. By the time she finished, it had grown late in the night and she was eager to go to bed. The following day she'd be able to meet with Crow again and this time she actually have some news for him about the upcoming battle.

At least it's not as soon as two days.. She thought with relief as she laid down for the night. The female knight didn't find it hard to drift off to sleep despite her excitement to see the thief again and so soon. She fell into a deep sleep, one filled with dreams of her trip to Younis and the war.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
Avatar of Rogue Sloth

Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The following day, Crow continued to spend most of his time alone and away from the camp. With Simon and Hazel enjoying their time together as newlyweds, and Rikki trying to get physical with him every time he was around Alistair, he had become a bit edged out of the group. After growing used to their company, he felt slighted by the sudden change and had to remind himself that it was probably for the best that he couldn’t spend as much time with them. He was going to leave them all behind to be with Penelope after the war anyway, so it would be better for him to start distancing himself early on.

Lost in thought, he ambled aimlessly through the forest to the east of the thieves’ camp. Despite what he tried to tell himself, he still wished he hadn’t been pushed out this early. It had only been three days, yet he already missed the way they all used to live together so peacefully. Now, anytime he tried to spend time with them, he was either paid little attention or paid too much by Rikki. He let out his breath in a quiet exhale, rounding a fallen tree in the woods. When he had gotten back together with Penelope, he hadn’t expected his other relationships to get so complicated. He had been so focused on his excitement to be with her again that he hadn’t thought much about it. He hoped the war would end quickly, so he could put all of this complexity behind him.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Crow turned around to head back to the camp for dinner. He had conflicting feelings about spending the evening with his companions, but his empty stomach was enough to convince him to endure their company at least long enough to eat. It would only be a short period of time, after all. He just had to sit with them until he finished his food, and then he could part ways again. How hard could it be?

When he arrived back in the camp, he found that Simon and Hazel were already waiting by the fire. Alistair and Rikki were nowhere to be seen, which he guessed meant one of them had gone out in search of the other. Relaxing slightly now that he knew Rikki wasn’t around to smother him, he took a seat across from the others. “So, what have you two been up to all day?” he asked, hoping to distract them from asking him the same question.

“Simon’s been helping me collect herbs,” Hazel answered, turning to her new husband with a fond smile. “Now that we’ve found the cure to that disease of yours, I intend to start treating the villagers in Myrefall.”

“That’s great,” Crow said, feeling a wave of relief that they were finally going to put an end to the illness that had been taking the lives of the people in his home village for decades.

“Speaking of which,” Hazel turned towards him again with a curious look in her eye. “I haven’t asked you how you’ve been doing in a while, huh?”

“To be fair, I think you had other things on your mind,” Crow smirked at her amusedly. “But I’m alright.” He leaned back on the palms of his hands. “Not much has changed. I had another coughing fit earlier today while I was on a walk, but it wasn’t too terrible. I think there might have even been less blood this time.”

“Good,” Hazel said, seeming pleased.

“Do you think you’ll be able to fully resume your duties as our leader soon?” Simon inquired. “I’d like to step down from the ones I’ve taken over, so I’ll have more time to help Hazel with the villagers.”

“I can resume tomorrow,” Crow nodded. “Thank you for taking over for me, by the way. Alistair and Rikki need someone to keep them under control.”

“Of course,” Simon shrugged. “Someone had to do it, and I’m the most capable amongst the three of us.”

“You can say that again,” Hazel snorted, her blue eyes wandering to the cave entrance as Alistair and Rikki stepped inside, laughing loudly about something the others had missed. “I wouldn’t trust either of them to lead a half-witted donkey, let alone a whole band of thieves.”

Crow eyed her with a smirk, “Interesting. Does that mean you trust me?”

“I suppose,” the herbalist said reluctantly, lacing her fingers with Simon’s. “I still think my husband would make the best leader of the four of you, but I will admit you have some talent as well.” She casted him a wry look. “…Even if that talent is wasted on a reckless braggart of a criminal.”

“Ouch,” Crow said dryly. “And here I thought we were finally starting to get along.”

“I’m just being honest,” Hazel shrugged airily. “Everyone knows you were arrested because you don’t know when to stop running your mouth.”

“That was then,” Crow rolled his eyes. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“I hope so. That pride of yours was your biggest weakness.”

“Oh, don’t misunderstand; I still think I’m the most talented thief in Brerra. I just meant I’ve learned to keep it to myself,” he shot her a sly wink.

“You’re incorrigible,” Hazel scoffed.

“I prefer to think of it as self-aware,” he grinned at her haughtily.

They continued to banter casually as Alistair and Rikki sat down to join them for dinner. Once everyone was present, Crow fixed a plate for himself and began to eat, occasionally checking the light level outside since tonight was the night he was supposed to meet up with Penelope again. He had told his companions about it this time, since she would be bringing him word of when the next battle would be. Simon and Alistair were a bit surprised to learn that he was going to keep seeing the knight after they had separated for a month—at least, as far as they were aware—but fortunately, neither of them questioned him much about it. He guessed they would be content as long as he kept bringing them news about the war.

When the time finally came for him to leave, Crow stood up and gathered his things, arming himself with his daggers and throwing his cloak over his shoulders. Even though he wouldn’t be going far from the camp this time, he still wanted to be prepared on the off chance a lucky knight wandered close enough to see him.

Once he was ready to go, he said a quick goodbye to the others and headed to the clearing to meet with Penelope. His heart beat excitedly with anticipation at seeing her again, and it didn’t take long before he reached the designated spot. Of course, he was the first to arrive, so he leaned back against a tree and looked up patiently at the night sky as he waited for her to appear.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

The next day went smoothly as it mainly consisted of battle preparations, as requested by Mia. The lieutenants and captains all took charge of their own groups as they practiced various moves and working together in combat. It was another issue Mia had stressed towards the end of their meeting. The baroness clearly was looking to make the battalion as prepared as possible for the upcoming battle. Her extra precaution made Penelope feel a little more confident about the plan laid out by Bennet and Edward. Penelope worked closely with Tomas, still having a lot to learn about handling her duties.

As much as she was excited about seeing Crow again, the knight made sure not to let herself get too distracted, especially considering her duties were more involved in this preparation. Her hard work paid off as the day seemed to go by just a bit faster. Before long the sun was setting and that meant she'd need to be leaving soon. Eating a quick meal, she headed off to her tent to get ready to sneak out to see him. Since the trip took her longer to reach due to the location being further than her camp, she decided it was best to leave earlier.

With their time together restricted enough as it was, Penelope didn't want to use up more of it just to reach him. However, that almost meant it was a bit more difficult to slip out of camp. The knight stepped carefully out of her tent, sweeping her gaze over her surroundings as she cautiously snuck around the tents. There was a sound of people talking close by and the occasional laughter, but everyone seemed to be either eating or hanging around small campfires, which she was careful to avoid. She had nearly reached the edge of camp when movement caught the corner of her eye. She quickly ducked behind the nearest tent, feeling herself stiffen as she heard footsteps near her.

"Penelope.. Was that you?"

The knight blinked, quickly recognizing the voice to be Gavin. She hesitated, feeling a little uncertain if she wanted to reveal herself to him, but eventually peaked around the corner of the tent. "Yeah.. it's just me." she whispered, eying their surroundings.

"Oh good.. I was worried we had an intruder." Gavin mumbled then added, "And don't worry we're alone." The male knight wavered slightly as he looked at her. "You're sneaking off to see him huh?"

Penelope gave a small nod and shifted a bit impatiently. "I am... Which is why I can't hang around to talk. Sorry Gavin, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, alright." Gavin sighed softly. "Be safe, Penelope."

The female knight gave a curt nod at his words before quickly hurrying off into the tree line. Once in the cover of the forest, she relaxed a little and continued on her way towards the meeting spot. Reflecting on Gavin's parting words, she felt a bit of unease build in her as it reminded her of how the male knight believed Crow to be dangerous. It seemed that hadn't changed despite her words to him and it caused her to worry that he might follow her again. Penelope stop to make sure she wasn't being tailed by Gavin. After checking over her surroundings effectively, she found that she was still alone so she continued on to meet Crow without hesitation.

The clearing eventually came into sight and so did Crow. The knight smiled to herself and picked up her pace slightly to meet him. Penelope's smile broadened to a grin and she quickly stepped over to him to press a quick kiss to his lips. "Gods it's nice not to have to wait a week to see you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

After a while of waiting, Crow heard the sound of rustling off to his right side. He glanced away from the sky to see Penelope step into the clearing. His heart fluttered excitedly at the sight of the warm smile on her face. Whenever she looked at him like that, she always made his pulse quicken. Her affection for him was something he cherished, and it made him all the more fond of her in return. He looked forward to spending every day of his life seeing her smile at him in such a way.

Filled with passion for her, he didn’t skip a beat as he left the tree he had been leaning against to meet her halfway as she approached him. He met her lips as she kissed him briefly before going on to say how happy she was that they didn’t have to wait a week to see each other. Slipping his arms around her back, he nodded in agreement. “Three days is good,” he murmured, pressing a few affectionate kisses to her cheek and jawline as he held her close to himself. “Not as good as meeting every day, of course, but much better than waiting a whole week.”

Leaning in again, he pressed a longer kiss to her lips, enjoying the feeling of being with her again after they had been apart. He lingered for a while before pulling back to meet her gaze with a grin, staring into those rich green irises he found so beautiful. “So,” he said, tracing his hand down the length of her back. “What do you think? Should we get the formal part of our meeting out of the way or…” he smirked at her flirtatiously and shifted closer to brush his lips along the skin of her neck. “…Should we start with something a little more fun?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Penelope wrapped her arms around him, pressing close to him as he held her. She gave a small nod of agreement at his words before leaning in to meet his lips again in another kiss. The knight was quick to savor the feeling of his lips against hers. Even though they hadn't been separated for long this time, she still missed not being able to see him everyday like they had during their journey together.

As he pulled back, she gave an amused smirk at his words and shivered softly as his lips brushed over her skin. "Well when you put it like that," she laughed softly. "I think we can let the boring stuff wait." A playful gleam sparked in the knight's gaze and she held him close to herself as she gently tugged him down to the ground with her. Despite how she acted, the issue with Rikki still lingered in the back of her mind. With a battle coming up, she wasn't sure how soon she'd be able to see him again. Penelope wanted to believe that, despite their spread out meetings, they were still enough for each other. However, the fact that he had nearly been swayed by Rikki made it just a bit more difficult to believe now. Not wanting to dwell too much on it, she pressed deeper into him, eager to push the thought to the back of her mind. She leaned up and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips.

The knight hooked her leg behind his and rolled them over so she was on top without breaking the kiss. She finally moved away from his lips and pressed a few affectionate kisses to his jawline. Penelope pulled back slightly and looked down at him with a coy smirk. She leaned down and breathed softly by his ear, "You know... I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve too."


Penelope rolled off of him and laid down in the grass, panting as she tried to catch her breath. She had put in extra effort, mainly due to her eagerness to lose herself in his touch but also partly due to the lingering worry she had about Rikki. The knight looked over at him and gave a dazed smirk. "Definitely think we made the right choice in saving the formal part for later." she chuckled breathlessly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Crow smiled as Penelope said the formal part of their meeting could wait. He was glad she seemed just as eager to be with him as he was to be with her. His heart raced as he felt her drag him down to the ground with her, and he laughed softly, enjoying her passion. On the ground, he leaned over her and met her lips again in a deep kiss. He trailed his hands over her body until he landed on the fastening of her dress. However, before he could move to undo it, he inhaled as he felt her slip her leg around his and roll him over, so she was on top instead.

Now lying in the grass, he tilted his head back and shuddered as she began to kiss him along his jawline. Her touch was like lightning, and he enjoyed every second of it. He felt his hair stand up at the feeling of her warm breath on his skin as she whispered in his ear. Her seductive words sent a thrill up his spine, making him shiver yet again. Opening his eyes, he looked up at her with a challenging grin, “Show me what you’ve got, love.”


Crow laid back in the grass with his eyes closed, lost in ecstasy. He was hardly aware of Penelope moving to roll off of him as he panted to catch his breath. At her words, he nodded faintly and turned his head to meet her gaze. “That, we did,” he agreed breathlessly. His mind wandered back to how passionate she had been with him this time, and he smiled. Feeling a sudden burst of affection for the knight, he shifted to lay on his side and captured her in his arms, holding her tightly against his chest in an embrace.

“Gods, I love you,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead and then leaned in to rest his head against hers. Nestling a bit closer to her, he let out his breath in a long exhale. “If we didn’t still have things to discuss, I could fall asleep right here,” he murmured, feeling content with her body pressed against his. Once again, he longed for the future when they wouldn’t have to separate anymore, and he could lay beside her every night. Such times couldn’t come soon enough.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Penelope smiled as he wrapped her up in his arms and held her close. She wrapped one arm around him while using the other to rest her head against it. "I love you too." She chuckled, feeling her heart swell with affection for the thief. She closed her eyes briefly, content in his arms. "I know me too." she sighed softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. The knight couldn't wait for the end of the war and she hoped it would come soon. The longing reminded her of the plans for the upcoming battle and how the barons were looking to finally break the stalemate between the two kingdoms.

"I guessing it's time for the formal part now." she mused quietly, bringing her hand up to lightly toy with his hair. She pulled her head back slightly to meet his gaze. "Battle's coming within a weeks time and it's going to be near Myrefall this time. The barons want to really push the Younisians back after those two victories. They believe it'll finally cause for a shift in the war... And I hope they're right. I can't wait for the war to end." she mumbled leaning her head against his again. "Anyways, we're planning to attack around midday. And since it's so close to our camp, we probably won't even leave until the day of.

The knight paused for a moment, shifting slightly in his arms as another thought crossed her mind. "Do you think you're healed enough to fight?" she asked him with a hint of concern in her voice. Crow seemed to be recovering from his illness well enough and she knew that meant he'd likely insist on fighting in the upcoming battle. After what had occurred in the last, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.
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