Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Crow grinned when Penelope said it would be alright for her to lay down with him. He’d been slightly worried that she would say no out of fear that one of her comrades could walk in on them. While that was a real concern for them to worry about, he cared much more about taking advantage of the opportunity to do it while they still had it. After everything that had happened—from the night she’d caught him talking to Jaxon to his injury during the fight—it had been quite a while since the last time they had been able to be so close to each other. He was eager to have her by his side again, even if only for a little while.

He met her lips as she kissed him and shifted slightly to make more room for her on the edge of the bed. The motion caused a sharp twinge in his torso, but he ignored it, too excited by the prospect of laying next to Penelope again to dwell on the mild discomfort. Besides that, he didn’t want to show the pain on his face and make her think he was too unwell to manage it. He knew her well enough to know that she would just get overly protective if she thought he was in any pain, even if it was just something minor.

Once she had settled down beside him, Crow turned his head to meet her gaze. He wished he could have rolled onto his side to face her more easily, but even if he hadn’t been wounded, the chains around his wrist and ankle wouldn’t permit him to move that much. So instead, he contented himself with simply looking at her as he was now, lying flat on his back, and enjoying the fact that they even had this chance to be so close to each other again.

When Penelope asked him to make sure she would stay awake, he let out a soft whistle. “That’ll be tough,” he mused as if unsure he could do it. “You’re just so cute when you’re asleep.” Breaking his thoughtful façade, he casted her a playful smirk and leaned over to press a kiss to her nose, venturing with his free hand to intertwine his fingers with hers. It felt good to be laying next to her again, and he could almost forget about the troubles to come.

Crow’s expression softened as he held her gaze, “Gods, I love you, Penelope,” he breathed, giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. “I can’t wait until we can do this all the time… I don’t think I’ll ever leave my bed if you’re in it with me.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Penelope blushed a little at his words and playfully rolled her eyes. She smiled as he pressed a kiss to her nose and took her hand in his. Though she had been a bit hesitant to lay down besides him, she was glad that she had given in. With all that had happened and was happening, laying besides him managed to lift away a good deal of stress she was still feeling—both because of the barons and their decision as well as having to tiptoe around her comrades when it came to her 'working' with the thief.

At his next words, she smiled at him endearingly. "I love you too, Collin." she mumbled softly. "I can't wait either... I'm looking forward to the day when we can lay together without having to worry about a dangerous mission or you being a prisoner in my camp." The knight let out a small sigh. The day that she could begin spending every day in his company without having to constantly concern herself with her comrades finding out or going after some other enemy couldn't come soon enough. They'd be free from the restrictions of everyone else and they'd have quite a bit less to worry about.

Feeling a burst of affection for him, she leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to lips. She lingered there for a moment before finally pulling back and laying her head down besides his. Penelope moved to drape her free arm over him, wanting to be as close to him as she could be. "I think when the war ends, we should just take a day off.. From everything." Penelope mused and let out a relaxed sigh as she closed her eyes for a moment. "I'd like to just be besides you without having something to worry about.. Even if it's just for a day before we have to focus on getting our life in Farhill figured out."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“That’ll be the day,” Crow returned Penelope’s smile, feeling his heart flutter with affection for the knight. He loved the way she looked at him, with her warm expression and kind eyes. He could get lost in the deep green of her irises if he let himself. As she leaned in to kiss him, he closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of her lips moving against his. He really did wish they could just stay like this forever, especially with everything else that was going on. It would have been nice to simply forget it all and be with her in their own separate world, but he supposed this was good too though. It may not have been permanent, but having her by his side relieved quite a bit of his lingering stress over the barons’ coming decision.

As she draped her arm around him, Crow exhaled contentedly, sinking into the comfort of her touch. He laid still for a moment before he heard her speak again in a soft voice. “I’d like that too,” he murmured in agreement, giving her hand a fond squeeze. The thought of having a whole day to spend with her without worrying about anything or anyone else sounded like paradise to the thief, and he couldn’t wait for the day when they would be free to do something like that.

He touched a gentle kiss to her forehead and then met her gaze again with a hint of excitement in his eyes. “We can take as many days as you want,” he promised, grinning at her eagerly. “Because lucky for you, I’m a master at disappearing. I’ll make sure we go someplace where no one will be able to find us.” He lifted his hand from hers to brush his fingers lovingly along the edge of her cheek, tracing the length of her face slowly down to her jawline. “No responsibilities and no interruptions…” he added in a dreamy voice. “I can’t wait.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Penelope looked over at him again as she felt him touch a kiss to her forehead. She smiled at his words, finding the eagerness in his expression contagious. Even though their plans were far off and there was still the lingering stress of what tomorrow would bring, she couldn't help but get a bit swept up in the thought of merely being able to be with Crow without restriction. She let out a peaceful sigh as she enjoyed the feeling his touch as her traced over the length of her face.

"Alright then, master of disappearing, I'm going to hold you to that when the time comes." she joked with a small grin. Her gaze drifted towards his lips again but before she could move to lean in for another kiss, she paused as another thought came to her. Penelope glanced over her shoulder, briefly listening for any noises outside. When she decided that the coast was still clear, she turned back to him with a playful smirk.

She propped herself up with one arm and shifted to move herself so she was now hovering over him. Though the knight was being a bit impulsive because of her desire to get closer to him, she still made sure to be mindful of his injury, angling herself so most of her body was either near his chest or otherwise to the side of it. She even went so far as to use both of her arms, resting one on both sides of him to prop herself up as she hovered over him. Once she had successfully changed positions, she shot him a grin before wasting to time to lean in and press a rather passionate kiss to his lips.

Perhaps it was a bit foolish for her to be acting so carefree with him when they had rather big things to worry about but she couldn't help it. She wanted to enjoy this moment with him to the fullest, as she was too afraid of what the next day would bring to focus on it. After a moment she pulled back just enough to meet his gaze and gave a smirk. "I know I should stay close to the edge just in case someone comes but I figure this couldn't hurt too much."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” Crow chuckled softly, enjoying the playfulness of their banter. It was a welcomed distraction from the troubles hanging over their heads. As he held her gaze, he could almost imagine they were off on their own, far from the other knights and anyone else who wanted to see him dead. The fantasy made him relax a little more, and he meditated on it to the best of his ability, not wanting to let any negative thoughts about the following day enter his mind.

He saw the knight’s eyes wander to his lips, and he smiled, ready to lean in to meet her when she moved to kiss him. However, that didn’t seem to be her intention. He blinked confusedly as she suddenly looked over her shoulder, wondering if she had heard someone outside. That didn’t seem to be the case though as she turned back to him with a mischievous expression.

In the next moment, she surprised him by shifting on the bed so that she was hovering over him instead of lying at his side. The sudden change caught him off guard, but he was quick to go along with it, wrapping his free arm around her waist as he gazed up at her with an eager grin. Her energy was exciting to the thief, and at that moment, he didn’t care that they were being a little risky by positioning themselves like this. All of his attention was on the beautiful woman leaning over him.

When Penelope finally moved in to kiss him, Crow met her lips with rivaling passion, trailing his free hand over her body as he lost himself in the moment. His heart raced with a mixture of affection and excitement, and he wished he wasn’t so confined to the bed. If his other hand hadn’t been chained down and he could’ve moved without hurting himself, he would have rolled her over so that he could take control and pleasure her the way she deserved for everything she had done for him. Still, even though he was restricted, he found it easy to sink into her lips and enjoy the moment as they were.

When she eventually pulled back again, he stared up at her with a dazed grin, breathing heavily from the exertion of kissing so passionately. “I’m not complaining,” he shrugged, glancing desirously down at her body and giving a small shiver. “But gods, you’re making me want to do a lot more than just kiss you right now.” His eyes flicked back up to meet her gaze, and he smirked at her flirtatiously, pulling her down again with his hand that was pressed to her shoulders. “I hope this wound heals quickly,” he murmured before leaning up to meet her lips again, kissing her deeply and caressing the side of her neck as a soft sigh escaped from him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Penelope gave a breathless chuckle at his words. "Sorry." she mused with a grin. As he pulled her down again, she gave a small murmur of distracted agreement before leaning in to meet his lips as he kissed her again. The knight closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of touch. It had been a while since they had been able to get this close and for more than just a brief moment. It made the knight wish she was able to take over the night shift more often as they had less people to worry about interrupting them like in the day.

After a moment, she pulled back to catch her breath again and rested her forehead against his. She smiled down at the thief and let out a soft sigh. "I should probably move back." she murmured. Despite her words, the knight made no effort to more right away and instead enjoyed being close to him for a moment longer. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and then finally shifted to move. With heavy reluctance, she carefully pushed herself up and moved to lay back down in her original position besides him on the bed.

Once she was back in her original position, she laid her head down near his again, letting her chin rest lightly on his shoulder. "Doing that probably didn't help but if you want to get some sleep at some point, just tell me and I can move." she told him as she looked over at him with a soft expression. She smiled at him and reached to take his hand. "I just don't want you thinking you have to stay up with me all night. Especially since you're healing."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

When Penelope pulled back again, Crow looked up at her lightheadedly, panting softly as he held her gaze. It had been a long time since they were last able to be intimate even to this degree, so he had lost himself a little more than usual as they’d kissed. Absently, he trailed his hand down from her neck to her tailbone, feeling his heart pound with desire and affection for the knight. He was glad that she was the one to take the night shift this time. It was much nicer to be with her now than it was during the day, when anyone could walk in on them at any time. He liked having the privacy to get this close to her without worrying about her comrades.

As she said that she should move, he sighed, “If you must.” Normally, he might have fought harder to keep her close, but he was starting to get tired and his jaw was a little sore from kissing her so fervently, so he didn’t mind resting with her by his side again. However, he smirked when he noticed she was just as reluctant to stop what they were doing as he was. He was just beginning to wonder if she would kiss him again, when she pressed a quick peck to his cheek and finally rolled off of him.

Crow took a slow breath, trying to calm his still-racing heart as he turned to look at Penelope. He smiled softly as he noticed she was lingering close by with her chin on his shoulder. At her words, he shook his head. “You’re not going anywhere,” he pressed a playful kiss to her nose and squeezed her hand fondly. Even though he really was tired—and getting more so by the second—he didn’t want her to move. If anything, he wanted her to come even closer.

Shifting slightly on the bed, he nestled his head against hers and closed his eyes, letting out a long exhale. He didn’t want to sleep yet, but he supposed there was no harm in resting his eyes for a little. As long as he tried to stay awake, he was sure he wouldn’t fall asleep. So, stifling a yawn, the thief touched one more gentle kiss to her cheek. “I love you, Penelope,” he murmured quietly, fighting a bit harder not to let himself succumb to his weariness.

Maybe I can just nap for a little, he thought after a while, relaxing into the mattress as the temptation to sleep grew. If I make it short enough, she won’t even notice… Unable to battle any longer, he finally gave in to the impulse. His breathing grew even, and his hand fell slack as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, sleeping soundly with the comfort of knowing Penelope was nearby to keep watch over him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Penelope smiled at his playfulness. As he rested his head against hers, she relaxed besides him, enjoying the simple moment of resting by his side. "I love you too." she mumbled softly in return. The knight continued to lay besides him peacefully, unaware of his weariness until it finally took over him. Feeling his hand loosening in hers, she blinked and pulled back from him ever so slightly to see if the thief was asleep.

Realizing that he was, she smiled to herself as she studied his face for a moment. He looked quite peaceful in that moment as he slept soundly besides her. The knight felt a another swell of affection for him as she thought about how lucky she was that he was with her. It reminded her that, enough though she'd have to give up her current life, it'd be worth it to be by his side. She would have pressed a kiss to his cheek again but she was afraid that it'd wake him up so instead, she merely enjoyed laying besides him without pushing for anymore.

After a short while passed, the knight finally decided it would probably best for her to get off the bed before someone came in. Being as careful and as quiet as she could, Penelope slipped off of the bed and moved to take up her guard position while Crow slept. Now no longer distracted by being with him, the knight's mind quickly wandered to what the morning would bring. She let out a shaky sigh at the thought of the barons choosing to cut off his hands and shifted uneasily. As the night wore on, it continued to linger on her mind and she did her best to figure out her arguments to support Mia's coming suggestion to work with him instead. Penelope wanted to be as prepared as she could be to face the others in their meeting.


The morning came all too quickly. Usually night shifts seemed to drag on but this particular one seemed to go by fast. After Gavin took her off, she headed almost immediately to the early morning meeting they would be having. Her heart was racing anxiously and the knight had a difficult time keeping a stoic expression as she stepped into the tent. She was wracked with nervousness and fear at what the decision of this meeting would be. She sat down quietly and glanced around the the room as Tomas and Bennett filtered in not long after her. With Mia, Edward and Layth already there, the meeting was quick to commence.

"I suppose we can make this quick. We're all in agreement that the thief should lose his hands, correct?" Edward asked as he glanced around.

"Of course." Bennet mused with a yawn, clearly not accustomed to waking up as early as he had been forced to.

"I wouldn't mind overseeing the procedure myself." Layth offered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hold on now." Mia spoke up. "I'm actually not in agreement... I've come up with a different solution to this mess."

And so it begins.. Penelope thought as she listened to Mia explain the deal that Crow had pitched to her. Right away she noticed Edward wrinkle his nose, looking irritated by it's suggestion while Bennet looked disappointed that they wouldn't be ending the meeting quicker. The female knight readied herself for the arguing that was surely going to take place as she noticed Layth grow tense besides her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Despite his stress about what the following day would bring, Crow slept unusually soundly through the night. He didn’t even wake when Gavin arrived in the early morning to change shifts with Penelope. Perhaps it was also due to the fact that his wound had been strained again during Layth’s last visit, but even then, it was out of character for him. So, when he eventually rose the next morning from his slumber, he was startled to see that there was a different knight in the tent with him.

Unprepared for the change, the thief flinched as his eyes fell on Gavin and moved to sit up without thinking, only to immediately regret the action when it sent a sharp burst of pain through his middle. He quickly laid back down on the bed and groaned through gritted teeth, squeezing his eyes shut and pressing a hand to his torso as the ache took its course.

Of course, the sudden flurry of movement drew Gavin’s attention. The other man shifted to the edge of his chair and studied him with a frown, “What wrong?”

It took Crow a moment before the pain subsided enough for him to answer. “Nothing,” he panted, shaking his head. “It was my fault… tried to move too quickly… I’m fine.” He fell silent for another long moment, waiting for the wound to return to its usual level of soreness, and then let out his breath in a slow exhale. “Where is Penelope?” he asked, turning to meet the knight’s gaze across the room.

“She went to a meeting with the barons,” Gavin replied, leaning back in his chair now that he knew the thief was fine.

“Oh,” Crow felt a flash of worry as he remembered that this was the meeting where the knights’ leaders would determine what they were going to do with him. The thought made him shudder. He hoped Mia and Penelope would be able to convince the others to have mercy and accept his offer rather than elect to cripple him for his crimes. If the two of them couldn’t persuade their comrades, he was going to have a bleak and excruciating future ahead of him.

From across the tent, Gavin observed him with an unreadable expression. It was hard to tell what was on his mind, but Crow knew it wasn’t unlikely that word had spread to other knights in the camp about the purpose of this meeting. After all, it was already big news that the most infamous thief in the kingdom was being held prisoner in their midst. He was sure all the nobles would be eager to find out what his fate was to be. In fact, he wouldn’t have been surprised if they even chose to make a spectacle of cutting off his hands, if that was the route they chose to go with. He grimaced at the mental image of Layth or some other cruel knight mutilating his body in front of an audience.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Crow blinked as Gavin’s low voice drew him from his thoughts, and he looked up to meet the other man’s gaze with mild surprise.

“Penelope cares about you too much to let them do anything too terrible,” the knight muttered. “I’m sure that if there’s a way for her to convince them to let you off easy, she’ll find it.” His face looked strange to the thief. There was a mixture of melancholy as well as respect in his dark eyes that made Crow wonder if he was thinking about his past with the female knight.

“Thanks” Crow offered him a half-smile. Hearing someone else speak confidently about the meeting made him relax slightly, but his lingering fears weren’t so easy disbanded. He sighed and gazed up at the canopy of the tent with a solemn expression as he added in a murmur, “I just hope you’re right about that.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

The meeting wasn't off to a great start. Almost as soon as Mia opened her mouth she was met with strong opposition from Edward and Layth, who both thought the idea was madness. Bennet was a little on the fence but seemed to still be siding with Edward. Penelope jumped to support her baroness' suggestion and so did Tomas, who was quick to turn on his own idea. With the sides nearly evenly split, the discussion didn't go anywhere very fast.

Penelope was beginning to worry that Mia would eventually begin to back down seeing as Edward was unrelenting and Bennet didn't seem particularly swayed yet. However, the meeting was unable to reach its end as the flap of the tent suddenly shifted and Nina stepped inside, dipping her head respectfully to the barons and lieutenants. Before anyone had a chance to address her, the flap shifted again and in stepped a shockingly familiar figure. Penelope froze as her gaze fell on her father, who seemed to nearly appear out of thin air. What was he doing here? When had he even arrived? Had she missed word of him coming to join them at the front? A million questions buzzed in her mind but the knight could only bring herself to stare at him in shock.

"Sorry to intrude. The new supplies had arrived and John wished to speak with you." Nina explained.

"Thank you, Nina." Mia smiled at her sister.

John shifted his gaze to look over at his family giving them a small nod. "Penelope, Layth, brother." he greeted with his usual monotone voice.

"W-What are you doing here?" Penelope finally asked, recovering from her initial shock.

"I'd like to know that as well.. I didn't hear anything about you joining us at the front yet, brother." Edward mused as he raised an eyebrow.

"That's because I'm not." John informed him. "I'm here on a mission for the king. I believe your battalion might be able to help me accomplish it."

"For the king?" Mia questioned curiously.

"Of course we'd be able to help." Layth boasted, sitting up a bit straighter in the presence of his father. "What is the mission?"

John eyed him for a moment before shifting his gaze to rest on the barons in front of him. "I'm looking for a certain thief. Crow Lockton. Rumor had it he's been spotted near here. Is that true?"

Curiosity fell from the faces of both barons and lieutenants as they all exchanged dumbfounded looks. Penelope looked up at her father, feeling her heart beat a little faster as she took in the situation in front of her. More questions came to mind at the new information that John was looking for none other than Crow. The most worrying one was what Crow's father, the king of Brerra, wanted with the thief and what her father was planning to do once he found him. The silence was broken by Mia erupting into a short laugh which confused John.

"What?" John questioned narrowing his eyes. "Is my information wrong?"

"Far from it." Mia smirked as she looked over at him. "The thief you're looking for is in this very camp... We were actually discussing what we should do with him until you showed up."

"It appears I've arrived at a perfect time then." John mused with a small nod. "Well then, I'll take over all dealings with this thief for the time being. You are all relieved from making a decision on his fate."

"Hold on," Edward grumbled. "That thief is in our camp. He's still our prisoner. We should have some say in this. Or at least get credit for his capture."

"What capture?" Mia snorted. "He was stabbed by another thief and the only reason he's here now is because Penelope wanted to repay him for saving her life."

Penelope shifted nervously as she felt John's gaze shift onto her questioningly at the mention of being saved by a thief. While she agreed that Crow had been far from being 'captured', for once she wished that the baroness would have just let Edward try to take credit for Crow being trapped in their camp. Fortunately, John didn't bother questioning her about it at the moment and instead focused his gaze back on his brother.

"Any grievances you have, you may take up with the king himself." John replied a bit curtly. "If you desire the credit of having this man in your camp, I will be sure to mention it in my report. Other then that, I stand by what I said. The thief's now under my care... Now then, can someone please escort me to where you are keeping him?"

"I-I can." Penelope volunteered a bit quickly. She was hoping it was an opportunity to try and find out more information about why the king had sent John after Crow. Her father merely gave a small nod and she rose to her feet to lead the way to Crow as there was no resistance to her offer to be the one to take him. As they walked, a tense silence fell over them. They hadn't been on the best of terms when they had parted and now his sudden appearance was finally sinking in, Penelope found it hard to speak.

"Would you like to explain what Mia meant about you wanting to repay this thief?" John asked a bit gruffly as he broke the silence.

Penelope flinched at the question and lowered her gaze. "There was a band of thieves that took nearly half of our supplies... We thought it was this one but I found out it wasn't so I convinced him to work with me to catch them... We found them and launched an attack. The leader of the thieves was about to strike me from behind but this one got in the way before he could.. he saved me so I figured it was only right for me to save him in return."

John shook his head. "It sounds like you're getting careless again... I knew I shouldn't have let you pick up a sword again.." He muttered.

The female knight felt a flash of annoyance at his words. She wanted to argue with him and point out that being a knight was never a safe job. However, she couldn't. John had just popped up and she didn't want to start arguing with him when this was the first time they had seen each other in months. So instead, she swallowed it down and focused on the more pressing matter. "What does the king want with this thief anyways?" she asked glancing over at him.

John hesitated before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know." he muttered. His gaze focused in on the tent they were approaching. "Is this the tent?"

"Yeah." Penelope nodded.

"Stay outside then.. I'd like to speak with this thief alone first." He ordered before picking up his pace to head into the tent. Penelope blinked and opened her mouth to argue but before she could, he disappeared inside. The female knight let out a nervous sigh and slowed to a stop outside of the tent. There was no point in arguing. Her father was clearly intent on speaking to Crow alone. She supposed she'd just have to wait to learn from Crow what John was planning to do with him. The thought made her anxious and she struggled to keep herself from pacing as she waited for her father to finish speaking with the thief.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
Avatar of Rogue Sloth

Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The rest of the morning was practically torture to Crow. He itched to get up from his bed to pace in the tent, wanting to burn off the nervous energy that was building up inside of him. As time dragged on and there was still no sign of Penelope, he was starting to feel more and more convinced that something had gone wrong. Why else would it take her this long to return to him? The other barons must have been arguing against Mia’s alternative suggestion to work with him instead of punishing him. He remembered that she had said she wanted to come to a decision today, so if her comrades fought with her long enough, there was no doubt in his mind that she would cave.

He closed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat as his fear grew stronger. He wished someone would come to the tent to tell him what was going on. It was unbearable to wait with no clue if he was to be set free or crippled for his crimes.

Almost as if on cue, the flap of the tent rustled as someone appeared from outside. The thief’s heart leapt into his throat, and he turned to see who had come. Was it Penelope, here to tell him that his voice had been heard; or was it one of the other knights, come to cut off his hands? He held his breath, impatient to find out the answer. However, as the figure stepped inside, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. It wasn’t any knight from the camp; it was Penelope’s father, John. He stared at the man in confusion. It had been over two years since the last time they had crossed paths, but he recognized the broad scar on that man’s face anywhere. It was definitely him, but why was he here?

John came to a halt near the entrance of the tent, examining the thief for a moment before he turned to Gavin, who was gawking at him with just as much shock as Crow. As the older knight’s gaze fell on him, Penelope’s former suitor rose hurriedly to his feet and lowered his head in a respectful bow, “It’s an honor to see you again, sir,” he greeted John in a formal manner as he straightened his posture again. For a moment, he hesitated before adding tentatively, “May I ask why you’ve come?”

“It’s good to see you too, Gavin” John said. There was a faint fondness in his eyes as he gazed upon the younger knight, which made Crow shift nervously on his bed. The thief was well aware that Penelope’s father had chosen Gavin to court his daughter. If he found out that her heart had been stolen by a criminal, he wasn’t going to be happy.

What if he already knows? The thought made him blanch. Oh gods, what if that’s why he’s here? What if he found out about us and came to kill me, himself? His heart pounded anxiously in his chest as he waited for the man to respond to Gavin’s question.

Strangely enough, John’s answer wasn’t what he had been expecting at all.

“I’m here on assignment from the king,” the knight said curtly, his cold eyes wandering back to the thief as he spoke. “He sent me to find this one… If you don’t mind, please step outside, Gavin. I’d like a word with him alone.”

Gavin blinked in surprise, his eyes flicking to Crow as well before he dipped his head once more. “O-Of course,” he complied. “Take all the time you need.” With that, he stepped out of the tent, leaving the other two men alone.

At first, neither said anything. Crow was still too astounded by Penelope’s father’s sudden appearance to find his voice, and John was busy studying him with an expression that was impossible to read. The intensity of his gaze made the thief want to back away from him. Crow didn’t like how long this knight was looking at him. It was as if there was something the other man could see that was invisible to him. The thought was unnerving, and it was enough to help him find his words.

“What do you want with me?” he asked in a blunt tone, narrowing his eyes in a defensive manner.

I don’t want anything,” John replied, moving to stand closer to the thief’s bed. “I was sent by the king to speak with you.”

At the mention of his father, Crow bristled and averted his gaze. He didn’t like knowing that Albin had sent someone to find him. While there had been a bounty on his head for quite a few years now, neither the past nor present kings had ever done something like this. It seemed excessive. “Has he grown so desperate to imprison me again that he’s stooped to sending men like you to catch me?” he muttered bitterly without looking up. “I would have thought the king of Brerra had better things to do than chase a lowly thief.”

“That’s not it at all,” John responded plainly. “But I’m sure you already know that.”

Crow casted him a sideways glance, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that this isn’t the first time the king has tried to contact you, and I believe you already know he’s been looking for you.”

Crow froze at that. He had nearly forgotten about the letter Evelyn had given him that had been delivered by one of Albin’s couriers about a year ago. At the time, she had offered to read it to him, but, not wanting anything to do with the man, he had refused to let her. Despite his hatred of the king, he could never bring himself to get rid of the letter though, entranced by a morbid curiosity to find out what his estranged father wanted with him after all these years of silence. He eyed John warily. Even if Albin had tried to reach out to him one time, it didn’t make sense to him that the man would grow so impatient as to handpick a knight to come after him.

“Alright, fine,” the thief admitted, curling his lip. “I know he’s been looking for me, but you can tell him that whatever he wants from me, he isn’t going to get it.”

“Are you sure about that?” there was an undertone to John’s voice that made Crow feel like he was warning him. “Do you not even want to know why he sent me to find you?”

“Not even a little,” Crow lied, looking away again. “Sorry you had to come all this way just to be sent back, but I’m not going to bow to him like the rest of you pushovers.”

“That’s unfortunate,” John exhaled. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to turn you back over to the custody of the barons of this camp. I believe I overheard them saying something about cutting off your hands? It’s a fitting end to a thief, if I do say so, myself.”

Crow paled. So, his guess had been right. The reason why the meeting had been taking so long was because they were going to choose their original plan. He swallowed frightfully, feeling like he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. If he denied to hear John out, he would be sentenced to lose his hands, but if he listened, it would mean complying with whatever demands his father had sent to him one year ago. He didn’t like either option, but there was a clear and obvious choice to make.

“Alright, alright, you win,” he groaned, turning back to Penelope’s father with a glare. “I’m still not promising I’ll do anything, but… just tell me what he wants.”

“A wise decision,” John nodded, seeming pleased that his words had gotten through to the stubborn thief. “The king wishes to invite you into a private audience in his court at the royal castle. I don’t know what he wants to speak to you about, but he’s obviously deemed it important enough to meet with you in person.” His eyes swept over Crow again in a scrutinizing fashion, as if he was trying to solve that piece of the puzzle just by looking at him.

“If you accept this invitation, I will give you escort to the inner kingdom. If not…” he shrugged. “I’m sure you already know that too.”

Crow didn’t respond right away, chewing on the inside of his lip in thought as he mulled over his options. While he disliked the idea of accepting something his father tried to offer him, anything would be better than being crippled by the knights. He cursed inwardly as he realized that John had caught him at just the opportune moment to force him to take the invitation.

It’s just an audience, he thought, trying to reassure himself. It’s not like I have to go along with anything else. I can just hear him out and leave. Still, his pride wouldn’t allow him to accept the offer outright.

“I want to think about it,” he murmured, keeping his gaze fixed on the side of the tent as he avoided John’s eyes.

The knight eyed him for a moment longer before he nodded, “I’ll give you until the end of the day. You’ll have your answer ready for me then, or I’ll assume it’s a no and hand you over to the barons here.” He stepped back to head for the entrance of the tent. However, just before he left, he glanced back once more over his shoulder. “I urge you to consider it, Lockton. He is your father, after all.” With that, the knight exited the room, leaving Crow to stare dumbfoundedly at the ghost of where he’d just been.
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A short moment after John disappeared into the tent, Gavin stepped out. Penelope met his gaze and for a brief period, neither of them said anything to each other as the male knight seemed quite shocked by her father's sudden appearance as well. He finally seemed to break out of his shock and stepped over to her with an urgent look in his gaze.

"Penelope, what.. what's going on? Your father's here and he said something about a mission from the king? Do you know anything about this?" he asked keeping his voice low and he searched her gaze.

"No of course not. He doesn't tell me anything!" Penelope said, raking a hand nervously through her hair. "He just showed up with the supplies from what I heard... He came into our meeting asking about Crow and I have no idea what the king even wants from him.. Though I'm not sure my father really knows either."

Gavin pursed his lips together and glanced over his shoulder towards the tent. His gaze lingered there for a moment before shifting to look back at her. "He must want him alive at least... If your father was here to kill him, he would have just told the barons to do it." he told her softly, noticing the panic that was seeping into her voice.

"Maybe." she mumbled with uncertainty.

"Also," he frowned and shifted his weight awkwardly. "what are you going to tell him about us? We aren't courting anymore and if he hangs around long enough, he's going to realize that eventually.."

Penelope stiffened as he brought up another concern. Though it wasn't as big as her concern for her father's plans with Crow, it was still a problem. She wasn't sure how her father would react to learn that she had chosen to end her courtship with Gavin but she doubted it would be good. He'd likely try to force her back into it and if Gavin didn't allow him to, John might just try to marry her off as soon as he could to the next eligible candidate. There was also a chance he'd remove her from being a knight all together. None of the outcomes would be good and Penelope shuddered at the thought of them.

"I.. I don't know." she admitted with a frown. "No matter what I do, it won't go over well."

"I won't let him push you into a courtship with me but.. I don't think I can help much more than that." Gavin sighed shifting his gaze off to the side. He paused and shifted his weight. "...Actually.. there is one other thing I could do. Or rather we can do."

"What?" she asked him.

"Not many here know that we even stopped courting... We could still act like we're courting until your father leaves." Gavin suggested.

"I can't ask you to do that, Gavin. Especially after all that's happened." Penelope mumbled lowering her gaze.

"I'm well aware of where your heart lies Penelope...And I know now that I can't reach it." Gavin muttered. "Just think about it. It might be your best option right now." His gaze flicked back over to the tent as the flap shifted and John stepped out again. The male knight dipped his head to the older man and shifted a bit closer to Penelope.

"You can go back inside now, Gavin. Thank you." John told him.

"Actually, I should be taking Gavin off. His shift has already been long enough because of the meeting I was at." Penelope spoke up as she took a step towards the tent. She had been planning to take the day shift anyways but even more so than that, she wanted to speak with Crow to ask him what was happening. John eyed her for a moment and she offered a small smile as she looked to Gavin. "Perhaps you can help get my father settled in first though.. How long are you going to be staying with us anyways?"

"I'm not sure yet." John admitted.

"We better get you a tent set up. I imagine you're tired from the long journey anyways." Gavin said respectfully. He shot once last glance at Penelope before turning to lead the way. "I'll help you with that, sir."

Penelope watched the two begin to walk off. She worried about what her father would ask Gavin and how the male knight would respond. However, she had no control over that now so she pushed those worries aside and headed into the as her attention focused on Crow. She felt a small hint of relief at seeing him again and wasted no time in hurrying over to his bedside. "Gods I have no idea what's happening right now." she breathed as she looked down at him concernedly. "What in the hell did my father speak to you about?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Now alone in the tent, Crow didn’t know what to think. That morning, he had been fretting about whether or not he was going to have his hands cut off by the knights. He hadn’t been at all prepared to find out that his father was still looking for him and that he had sent John of all people to come find him. There was just so much going on all at once, he couldn’t wrap his head around it.

He closed his eyes and rested his forearm across his face, feeling overwhelmed by the turbulent emotions inside of him. There was lingering fear about the barons, since, if he denied the invitation to have an audience with the king, they could still choose to cripple him. But now, in addition to that, there was also a roiling tangle of anger, hurt, and disgust that resurfaced within him towards the man who had abandoned his family. He didn’t care what status his father held. The bastard had ruined his mother’s reputation and left them both to fend for themselves in the outer villages. He had never wanted anything to do with Albin before, and he certainly didn’t now. Just the thought of standing face to face with the man made him taste bile. He wasn’t sure if he could bring himself to do it.

Crow’s thoughts were interrupted when the flap of the tent shifted again. He glanced at it halfheartedly, expecting that Gavin had returned to continue guarding him now that John had left. However, instead of the knight, he was both surprised and relieved to see that it was Penelope who had come to see him. As she approached his bed, he opened his mouth to greet her but was cut off when she spoke up first in a voice that was laced with confusion and worry.

At her question, he shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to say. Part of him was hesitant to tell her what was going on, since he didn’t like to discuss anything relating to his father, but he knew he couldn’t keep it from her forever. Even if he chose not to say anything, surely John would explain to her that the king had invited him to come to the castle. If she was going to know what was happening, she deserved to hear it from him first. He had to tell her.

“Well,” Crow started tentatively, looking up to meet her gaze. “There’s… something else I haven’t told you—but in my defense, it’s only because I forgot about it, myself.” He added the second part quickly, not wanting her to think that he had been lying to her again. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he went on to explain: “Last year, I received a letter from the king of Brerra. One of his couriers came to the outer villages looking for me, but of course, he never found out where I was, so he gave it to Evelyn to hand over in his stead.”

He lowered his gaze, “She offered to read it to me, since I’m illiterate, but I didn’t want her to… I didn’t want to know what it said. At the time, I had just been hoping my father would see by my silence that I didn’t want anything to do with him and give up, but apparently, that was too much to ask for.” He sighed, reaching out to take her hand as he sought comfort in her touch. “He sent your father here to carry out his message in person. That’s why he wanted to talk to me… He said the king invited me to come to the castle for a private audience of some sort.”

Crow bit his lip and glanced up at her face again, trying to read how she was reacting to the news. “I… I’m not sure what to do,” he admitted softly. “I told him that I need time to think about it, and he gave me until the end of the day, but…” He trailed off, shaking his head helplessly. “Accepting the offer sounds better than losing my hands, but I don’t know if I can face my father after everything he’s done.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Penelope listened as Crow began to explain that this wasn't the first time his father had reached out to him. The king must have gotten impatient waiting for a response, which was a bit concerning to her as she wondered exactly what Albin wanted to speak with Crow about. She supposed Gavin had been right in pointing out that it at least seemed like the king didn't want him dead. She gave his hand a comforting squeeze and gazed down at him concernedly as he admitted he wasn't sure what to do.

The knight was quiet for a moment, weighing out the options laid in front of him. She leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "I think you should accept the offer." she told him as she pulled back to met his gaze. "Accepting the offer will at least buy you time to heal and potentially give us enough time to figure a way out of this mess if you decide you don't want to face him." It seemed like the better option in her opinion. The only issue was that even if he did heal and they managed to figure out a way for him to escape, her father would likely be committed to hunting him down. The thought made her shudder. It'd be difficult to interfere with John's hunt for him and if they went back to sneaking out for meetings, there was a chance he'd find them together.

However, she was willing to take on the challenge so long as that meant Crow would be safe. The meeting had not been going in his favor. Perhaps if there was more time, Mia could have convinced the other barons of choosing a different fate for him but since she was eager to reach a conclusion, Penelope didn't doubt that Mia would likely cave this time. She shook her head and brushed a strand of his hair back as she looked down at him. "Whatever you do decide, I'll do whatever I can to help you." she promised softly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Crow looked up at Penelope as she kissed him on the cheek and said that he should accept the offer his father had proposed. He was a little surprised by how quickly she came to that conclusion, but as she went on to explain her reasoning, it made sense to him. If he told John that he would do it, then the knights would have to give him enough time to heal, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to make the trek to the inner kingdom. By then, he and Penelope would hopefully have had enough time to think of a way out of this whole disaster of a situation if he chose to run too.

The thought of escaping before John forced him to see his father sounded quite appealing to the thief, but somehow, he still wasn’t certain it was what he wanted to do. As much as he hated to admit it, he was curious why Albin was suddenly trying to reach out to him after over two decades of silence. The man had worked his way through the ranks of nobility to become the king of Brerra. Crow had even heard wind that he’d married, since it was well known even in the outer villages that there was a queen of Brerra too.

His father had everything he could ever want as a member of royalty, so what could he possibly want with his half-peasant, bastard son? It didn’t make any sense to Crow. The only thing he could do for the man was cause him more trouble. Perhaps, like the last king, Albin wanted him to use his thievery skills for his own benefit, and believed he would be willing to do so because of their familial ties? He wanted to snort at the ridiculousness of the thought. If the king thought he would do anything to help him, he had another thing coming.

As Penelope promised that she would help him no matter what he chose, Crow smiled up at her gratefully. “Thank you,” he exhaled, tracing his thumb over the back of her hand in a thoughtful gesture. “To be completely honest, I’m not even sure what to think about all of this. I never thought I’d ever hear from my father unless he was standing over the gallows at my execution.” He shook his head. “It’s strange that he’s been trying to reach me now.”

Suddenly, he blinked as he remembered something else that he’d left out. “Speaking of which,” he looked up at her with a curious expression. “Your father knows that we’re related. He told me I should accept the invitation because the king is my father. I don’t suppose you happen to know how he found that out, would you?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Penelope gave a small nod as he mentioned that he was unsure about the the situation. It was all quite shocking to her as well. From what she knew, she would have never expected the king of all people to reach out to the thief. Not to mention that she had just been focused on trying to prevent the barons from deciding on cutting off his hands when her father appeared out of nowhere to speak with Crow. It seemed that they had somehow gotten out of one mess only by getting wrapped up in another one.

As he gave her a curious look, she blinked in surprise as he mentioned her father knowing that Crow and Albin were related. "I don't.. I never told him anything about you." she replied. "Perhaps your father told him before he sent him to get you?" The knight paused then shook her head. "Actually I doubt that.. My father, though loyal, is not very fond of the king and I think the feeling is mutual." Surely the king wouldn't give away such sensitive information to a man that was more of an enemy than a friend. Or perhaps he told him because he was involved with a peasant woman as well.. she wondered if her own existence might have been enough for Albin to relay such information to John.

"He probably just put two and two together." Penelope mused, deciding that was likely the more reasonable explanation. Being sent on an assignment to speak with the most infamous thief in the kingdom added to Crow's slight resemblance to the king, her father had probably come to that conclusion on his own. She gave an uncertain shrug and then let out a heavy sigh.

"Of all the knights for the king to send, it had to be my father, huh?" she muttered with a hint of bitterness. She shook her head and gave a small frown. "It's going to be difficult sneaking around him until we figure this out... Especially since he thinks I'm still being courted by Gavin."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“Huh,” Crow grunted absently when Penelope said she didn’t know how John would have figured out how they were related to each other either. He hadn’t thought that she’d told him they were father and son, since he knew she wouldn’t share his past with anyone else, but it was curious to him that her father hadn’t said anything about it to her. After all, it was a rather large secret that the king of Brerra had sired the most infamous thief in the kingdom. Maybe John had only recently learned of their blood ties? That seemed to make sense, but even then, he wondered where the information had been sourced from. Surely Albin wouldn’t have told anyone else the truth, right? If word got out that they were related, the king would suffer much more than the criminal.

At Penelope’s theory that her father had simply put two and two together to figure it out, Crow nodded contemplatively. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed to be. Of course John would have found it strange that the king would send him to personally track down a thief for the purpose of bringing him back to talk. He must have been trying to figure out the reason for himself and made the connection when they came face to face.

While he’d never seen his father up close before—he’d only caught one glimpse of the man in passing during a day raid on the castle many years ago—Crow knew that he bore a close resemblance to the man based on what his mother had told him. She had even gone so far as to say that he looked like a younger version of Albin when he’d been about nine or ten years old. He knew that she’d meant it as a compliment at the time, since his father had apparently been quite attractive in his youth, but it was always something the thief had resented about himself, and he knew it had made his mother uncomfortable in spite of what she claimed. His mother had been a beautiful woman too. He wished he had taken after her instead.

As Penelope went on to bring up the unfortunate irony that her father was the one Albin had sent to find him, Crow shook his head in agreement. “I know,” he sighed. “We just never get it easy, do we?” With all the complexity surrounding the news of his own father, he hadn’t thought much about what John’s presence in the camp would mean for him and Penelope. Now that he had time to think straight, it worried him to know that the strict man would be lingering around until he was healed enough to travel. Along with that, he really didn’t want her father to find out that they were together. If John learned she had broken off her courtship for a thief, he might decide to turn him over to the barons regardless of whether he agreed to meet with the king. The thought made him shudder.

Letting out a quiet exhale, Crow brought Penelope’s hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “If it will help, you and Gavin should act like you two are still courting,” he said softly without looking up to meet her gaze. The idea of her going back to her ex suitor, even if it was just a rouse, was off-putting to him, but he knew he had to push his own feelings aside for the sake of keeping their secret. “Spend your time with him, hold his hand… even kiss him if you have to. Whatever it takes to keep your father from finding out you broke off your courtship.” He glanced up at her, giving her hand a gentle, yet reassuring squeeze. “As long as he doesn’t learn we’re together, I can handle it.”
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Penelope shifted her gaze away from him as he recommended her and Gavin acting as if they were still courting. Though the male knight had already offered to play along with her, she was still reluctant to do so. It felt wrong both because it'd nearly feel like she wasn't being faithful to Crow and also due to Gavin still handling his own feelings. However, the more she thought over the situation, the more it seemed to be their best option. Even if John only learned she wasn't courting Gavin, there was still the risk of him forcing her into that courtship if not into a new one completely.

"If you're certain," she mumbled with reluctance. "I might have to do that then... Even if he just found out about me breaking off the courtship, I don't think it'd go over well. He was already speaking as if he was going to try and take away my job as a knight again after learning I was nearly killed." The knight shook her head, feeling her small flash of annoyance return as she recalled her father's disappointment. If he took her rank away like he had before, there was much more at risk. She shuddered at the thought of him forcing her off the front lines and to return to the inner kingdom just so he could force her into a marriage.

Penelope paused, realizing that her likely had no idea what she meant by that since she hadn't told him about the short period of time when she had been stripped of her job as a knight."I never mentioned it before since I didn't think it really mattered before but, a short time after I returned from trying to hunt down the staff wit William, my father returned to the inner kingdom and was furious with me... He heard about my injury and how I went out to hunt the staff again despite the danger. He thought I was getting too reckless, too careless, to be a knight." she shifted her gaze away from him to glare at the ground.

"He made me step down from being a knight because of that... I was forced to learn how to be a proper noblewoman." she snorted and the fire died from her gaze a bit as she recalled that time where she hadn't been a knight. It had been a rather bleak point in her life. After losing Crow, losing her job too had been a heavy hit. It had felt like she had no control over her life and had been the one time that she had nearly abandoned everything to find him again. After all, if she couldn't protect her family—which was one of the main reasons she had given him up—why would she bother to stick around.

"It wasn't a fun time... But Mia got me out of it. In the end, my father agreed to let me serve under her as a lieutenant but only if i was being courted for marriage. Which is how I ended up getting courted by Gavin." Penelope explained as she shifted her gaze back over to him. She frowned and leaned down to rest her head against his, subconsciously seeking comfort in his touch. "I just hope fooling him about Gavin courting me will be enough to keep him from doing something like that again."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Crow nodded as Penelope agreed that she might have to pretend to continue her courtship with Gavin. He didn’t like thinking about what that might entail, but he was glad that she was willing to do it if she had to. If John found out about their relationship, he could kiss any prospect of keeping his hands goodbye, and that was if the knight didn’t order his execution first. He shuddered at the image of the man storming into the tent with his sword drawn to kill him.

What she said about her father ordering her into a new courtship didn’t sit well with him either. Even if John—by some miracle—chose to let him off easy, there was no way he would support his daughter being with a thief. He would probably do everything in his power to separate them and force her to marry a nobleman as quickly as he could to prevent them from getting back together again. No matter what lengths they had to go to keep their relationship a secret, it would be worth it as long as her father never discovered the truth, so he wouldn’t be able to get between them.

As Penelope went on to explain to him about what had happened between her and her father, Crow listened quietly, surprised to find out that John had stripped her from her work as a knight. Somehow, the knowledge made him feel a pang of anger towards the man. In all the time he’d spent with her, he had learned that her job was one of the most important things in her life. To take that away from her because she was even more passionate about it after losing the staff seemed cruel.

He studied her with a hint of interest in his gaze as she told him that her father had forced her to become a ‘proper’ noblewoman. It was hard for him to imagine her performing the menial tasks and duties of a wife. It was no wonder she had been so upset at the time. He was glad that Mia had come along to rescue her from such an unfitting fate. She was much better suited for the adventurous life of a knight than the subjection of becoming a housewife against her will.

At the thought, he felt a brief flash of guilt, knowing she would be losing the exact same thing when she left with him for the outer villages. However, it didn’t last long. She had already assured him time and again that she wouldn’t regret running away with him. And besides, living with a thief was a much more unpredictable life than wedding a nobleman. Whether he wanted to or not, he was going to give her an adventurous life whenever the war finally ended.

Crow nodded at her final comment about pretending to court Gavin. “I’m not worried about you,” he said with a shrug. “You’ve gotten good at lying, so I have no doubt that you’ll be able to fool him. My fear lies with Gavin.” He frowned slightly. “Do you think he’ll be able to lie convincingly enough to trick your father? He hasn’t been very good at it in the past, and I’m a bit concerned that your father will see through him, or at least think something is suspicious.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Penelope hesitated at Crow's question about Gavin. The male knight had been improving his lying skills thanks to having to work with her and Crow but he still wasn't the best at it. After all, there was a big difference between lying to some drunk villagers and lying to an experienced knight. John was a sharp man, if Gavin couldn't lie well enough, he'd likely pick up on something being off between them.

"He's been getting better at lying but..." she paused and shifted her weight slightly. "but I don't know if it'll be enough to fool my father." The knight let out a small sigh as she thought over the situation. Though lying was their best option, it would be difficult to pull off with Gavin. "It can't be too bad though.. I mean, as long as I'm around him and my father, I can help him lie just fine. I'm sure my father will spend most of his time with my brother and uncle anyways. As long as they aren't together for too long, it shouldn't be too difficult."

Suddenly paling, Penelope froze. She let out a groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Crap.. I might have already screwed this over." she muttered as she realized her possibly fatal mistake. Looking back to Crow, she frowned ashamedly. "When my father finished speaking to you, I left Gavin in charge of getting him settled in our camo. I was so focused on getting in here to speak with you I didn't even think twice about leaving them together."

The knight raked hand through her hair nervously. "Oh gods I hope my father didn't ask him anything about our courtship."
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