Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna took a deep breath before stepping out of the black sedan, pushing her hair back from her face and tucking it behind her ear. For the past three years she'd been avoiding this place, it held a lot of memories and though they were great ones really, they hurt more than she cared to admit. She'd loved this place, loved being with her friends... Sebastian, Serena, Gunner... They'd all been so close their senior year. Serena and Sebastian had fallen in love and she and Gunner had planned to join the Elites which would almost guarantee they'd be able to stay together... Except it hadn't worked that way. When they'd graduated at the top of their class both Gunner and Anna had made it into the Elites but what they hadn't counted on was more tests, more training, the constant pressure from the veterans. Though they'd excelled the strain took a toll on their relationship. Both of them were so focused on impressing the other Elites, the Queen, staying 'top of the class', that they had very little time for each other. Gunner, as always, was the more focused of the two... all business as they say and Anna, though she knew he was fighting so hard for her and his own demons, couldn't help but feel just a little abandoned. So, she too had thrown in all the harder into their work. In the end, when the Queen had asked that some of the Elites be placed with temporary Wards just long enough to buy time for the newer and more numerous generation to graduate both Gunner and Anna had said yes along with three others. There hadn't been any arguing, there had actually been very little discussion over the matter. Anna had accepted first because she felt as though she were holding Gunner back, like she was losing him anyway as the Elites seemed to have taking more of a liking to him. It wasn't the first time she'd been brushed off because of her gender, she'd proven herself just as good as the rest but barely got any recognition... Whereas Gunner was constantly surrounded and praised... She felt like she was falling to the background and though she was happy for Gunner's success... she just felt out of place. So, she'd decided maybe being with a ward was the best place for her. It would give Gunner time to shine, and she knew he would, instead of worrying about her... Then, when he'd told her he'd accepted too without knowing she had she'd been caught off guard... hurt. She knew his duty was important to him but the fact that he'd choose to leave still stung. She didn't ask him why... She'd lied about how happy she was and how maybe this would be better... Hollow words... and she'd left the next morning. Being back here... it hurt. Still, she couldn't help but smile somewhat as Sebastian's familiar vehicle pulled in and the Moroi man stepped out. It hadn't been long since she'd seen him, they'd kept in touch and often met out to eat... Anna suspected he did the same with Gunner but she never asked... ever... and it was never brought up because even when they slipped and he came up in conversations about the past the table fell into an awkward silence until someone, usually Serena, changed the subject. The Moroi came over and wrapped his arms around her warmly, no teasing today... maybe because he could see the lost look in her eyes, and she hugged him back with a sigh, "Hey Seb... Where's Serena?" He glanced back at the car, "She's coming, I think she might have wanted to give us a second... You okay?" Anna shrugged, "Yeah, fine... Let's get you two unpacked." Sebastian hesitated, "Anna, wait. You should probably know... Gunner is going to be here. He was assigned here two days ago, he doesn't know you're going to be here... I haven't gotten to talk to him. I've been dealing with my family... again." Anna suddenly felt an overwhelming torrent of mixed emotion that all combined to make her feel ill, she closed her eyes and dragged a hand through her messy hair. She should have known... nothing could be easy. Her stomach was in knots and her heart felt like it was going to race out of her chest. She wanted to see him, to assure herself that he was okay... happy... but at the same time she didn't. Two years had gone by since she'd left to meet her Ward and she'd refused any invitation to join up with the Elites for convo... eats... she just didn't feel like she belonged there and she didn't feel like tearing open old wounds by seeing Gunner... Who she was almost certain was the one sending her the invites. She'd made few friends among the Elites, they'd been predominantly male and as female Guardians were rare... Well, you see why she felt out of place... Especially with her history. Her one scar, though not nearly as severe as Serena's many, drew attention... and judgement. She rubbed the scar on her neck and then touched the molinja marks to reassure herself that she'd made up for her mistake... a few times. She shook her head, "It's fine, no big deal. Is that what Serena was waiting for you to tell me?" Seb looked skeptical and Anna, uncomfortable under his knowing eyes, headed towards the car. "Serena?" She had a desperate need to hug the girl she'd managed to become close with, and it hadn't been easy. Serena had her own trust issues to deal with but in the end Anna had beaten down that wall... partly through having something in common and partly because Anna was just that stubborn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena sat in the back of the car, her eyes glazed over and freaking out the driver a little. She might have seemed strangely spaced out to any person who didn't know about her and Sebastian's bond, but really she was spending this short encounter between the two friends in his head. Sebastian could see things that she couldn't, things like the girl's aura. Although, it was slightly dampened due to the fact that they had been working on controlling his spirit more, for the both of them, but auras were always the hardest to shut down entirely. She saw a slightly twinge in the aura when Gunner was mentioned and frowned slightly. Over the last few years, Sebastian had been teaching her about the auras and what it all meant, she liked looking at her own aura and seeing how bright it was when she was with him, she wished most days that she could see his. She noticed him suddenly turn from Anna and start heading toward the car. She quickly snapped back into her head and smiled as she climbed out, hearing him call her name, as though he were completely oblivious to what it was she was doing... Although, maybe he was... They had talked a little to the Queen about the whole bond that she once had with Rose and she said she could never really tell when it was that Rose was in her head. She poked her head over the car door, but just barely due to her short stature. She looked at Sebastian and smiled but she show him any outward affection. They had decided when Gunner and Anna's relationship crumbled that that was all for when those two weren't around. They didn't want to rub their happiness, their loving relationship (even if it had its own ups and downs), into their faces. Her eyes then drifted and looked at Anna, causing her smile to grow. She moved around the car door and closed it behind her before she ran over to the other girl and threw her arms around her. She didn't need Sebastian's ability to brush minds or see auras to know that Anna needed a hug. She pulled away and held the top of Anna's arms, "It's been too long," She told her before pulling her into another hug, "I've missed you." Even though Sebastian and herself had set out to ensure that they kept strong ties with the two friends, to ensure that they didn't feel like sides were being chosen, everyone had their own duties and things they needed to do that kept those meeting from being too frequent. She released her from the hug and smiled as she took a step back, "And don't let Sebastian make it sound like seeing his family was all bad," She said, giving away the fact that she had been in his head or at least that she had over heard. She hesitated trying to think of something nice to say about the family who had basically tried to break the two of them up their entire stay when they realized she wasn't just his guardian, "His sister is lovely..." ~ The black sedan pulled in through the gates and the wards and caused Gunner to sigh. He was without his ward, who had finally picked a permanent guardian, and was now just letting them push him around where he was needed. That was his duty to be available where ever he was needed. This time it was at the school, teaching. He thought is was pretty strange that they wanted an elite, who could be guarding the Queen or hunting down Strigoi or doing anything else anywhere else, to be teaching the new generation of Dhampirs. He guessed it was one way to make these kids want to excel. Gunner knew that if a member of the Elite was teaching him, he would have worked harder if he could have. As they drove passed another car, that he recognized as Sebastian's, he spotted the Moroi as well as Serena, who hardly ever left his side (whether she was physically there or up and in his head). Then he saw the girl he was hugging and his jaw clenched. It had been a long time since he had actually seen Anna. He had tried to see her, sending her invites to Elite events but it seemed like she had given up on being an Elite all together. He sighed, no one had told him that she was going to be there. He wondered how she had changed. He knew he had, he was more guarded now, which he supposed was good for a guardian. He rarely told people what he was feeling and hardly showed it on his face. The kid he was in class became the man he was in every day life. He thanked the driver before he climbed out. He looked over his three friends that he had finished school this, his face like stone, before he walked to the back of the car and gathered his things. He stole one last glance, the only sign that maybe there was a sadness or longing, before he pulled his bags onto his shoulders and headed toward his building and room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna hugged Serena back and smiled, "Yeah... it has." She chuckled at Serena's struggle to find something nice to say and shook her head, "There is that... but don't let them get to you. You're great for Seb, he's so hard headed it's good to have someone around who can get into that thick skull of his." Seb rolled his eyes, "Like I'm the only one..." He tensed somewhat, despite the training he spent time doing with Serena certain auras were harder to block out than others... Like auras he was familiar with or ones he was around often. He sensed Gunner even before he turned around and saw him. Anna's eyes followed his and she felt a lump jump into her throat... Her heart clenching in her chest. She wanted to go after him, tease him like she had before... Get him to say... anything. Instead, she watched him glance at them stonily and walk away as if he felt... nothing. She felt her eyes sting, bit her lip. Well, what had she expected really? They'd been apart for two years, she'd left without resolving anything, she'd avoided him pointedly. Did she think he'd welcome her back with open arms? She shook her head, swallowing down the lump in her throat and forcing back the tears. It was stupid to think he'd still feel anything for her other than maybe anger... She'd ruined things all because she couldn't take the idea that he might leave her if he decided their relationship was inappropriate or he wanted kids. The thought of children hurt and when she caught Seb eyeing her she knew it must be showing in her aura... She pushed the emotions away, blocked them out like she had thoughts of Gunner, and forced herself to smile. "Guess he's in a bad mood," she joked. Sebastian frowned, "He's changed a lot since you left..." Anna could read more into those words... but she chose not to. What she'd done, she'd done for Gunner. He'd been constantly worrying about her when he noticed her being shut out but it had only held him back. He'd worked so hard, she didn't want that wasted and she couldn't help feeling his duties would always be more important. She had worried about how he felt when the other Elites noticed her scar... She'd worried about how he felt when they frowned on their relationship. She'd pushed hard to keep up with him, to be the Anna she had been... Somewhere along the way, though... She'd lost respect for herself. Maybe she'd never really gotten over letting herself be bitten... Or maybe it's what her mother had revealed when she'd graduated. She'd never told Gunner... Not Seb... Not anyone. She wouldn't... She didn't want them seeing her differently. She'd given up on fitting in, she'd given up on keeping up, she'd given up on seeing herself as more than a tool for the Moroi. Seb was the only Moroi she still cared for... She did her job but she did it without getting attached. "Yeah well... a lot has changed," she said tiredly. "Come on, let's get you two unpacked. I think they gave you teacher's quarters so you and Serena can stay together." Sebastian glanced at Serena, shook his head... Apparently, Anna was going to continue to avoid Gunner. He sighed and wrapped his arm around his Shadow-Kissed Guardian, pulling her close. They'd agreed not to rub it in Anna's face but if they weren't affectionate at all then Anna would worry... and she didn't need more to worry about. "You know you can't avoid him forever. The two of you are going to be working together." Anna shook her head, "Not really, he's a teacher and I'm a Guard..." Seb rolled his eyes, "You remember how it works Anna... and you'll be teaching also when Gunner is Guarding. Your paths are bound to cross." She sighed, "What do you want me to do Seb? Go to him and beg forgiveness... tell him I didn't mean it and I was stupid to leave? You think he cares?" "If it's the truth maybe you should tell him... and he cares more than you think." She scoffed, "A lot of damage has been done Seb... but if it makes you feel better I'll talk to him... at least to make sure things are civil between us... for you two." Seb groaned, "Still as hard headed as ever... Look, he's angry. Maybe you should give him time, all I'm saying is that time doesn't mean forever. Somehow you two are going to have to put this behind you... at least to work together." Anna trudged up to the door in the teacher's dorm and shoved it open with a sigh, "I already said I'll try... but I doubt it will fix anything. It might make them worse. It seems like he's content avoiding me..." Seb rolled his eyes again, stepped into his room with Serena. "Did it look like he was content to you?" She shook her head and left them there, heading out of the dorm. ~*~ Seb looked at Serena and groaned, "Well that went well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena noticed Sebastian tense and looked around them. She didn't feel ill, so they weren't in any kind of immediate danger and not to mention with the wards up, she doubted it was anything with intent to kill. She allowed for her eyes to follow Sebastian's and caught sight of Gunner looking at them before walking away. Her heart hurt a little for him. She couldn't see his aura with her own eyes but she had seen how much he changed in the last two years and it wasn't because of his duty. She glanced at Anna as the two of them spoke, keeping quiet, not really knowing what to say. She gratefully leaned into Sebastian when he wrapped his arm around her. She picked up there things and walked as the two bickered about what is was that Anna should do with Gunner. Although, it seemed to come to a similar consensus that she needed to speak to him. However, it sounded like Anna was doing to more for Sebastian's sake than for her own. Which might very well cause problems with Gunner's new... personality. She worried and just hoped that they could find it in themselves to look deeper than the surface and see that the two of them really did still care about themselves. Serena carried their things into the room as Sebastian and Anna wrapped up their conversation, which was hardly wrapped up at all... Ending with Anna leaving them. She dropped their things on the couch and walked over to Sebastian, wrapping her arms around his waist, "Hey," She said quietly, brushing a piece of hair out of his face, "You aren't going to be able to fix this one," She told him. She knew he hated to hear it, neither of them wanted to plan around the separation to see their friends, "This is something that they are going to have to fix and us getting involved is just going to get things all mixed up." She rose to her toes and kissed him, "I love you," She told him, sensing he was still upset about the goings on with Anna and Gunner, "And I love how much you care about people and especially Anna and Gunner... but for now... there isn't anything either of us can do." She moved her hands from his hips and took hold of his hand and pulled him to the couch. She sat him down before sitting beside him and curling up against him, "Who knows... Maybe things will get better with them having to work together," She said before she gave him another kiss. ~ Gunner walked into his room and tossed his things into his room before he grabbed out a bottle from one of his bags. A gift from one of the Elite, a expensive bottle of vodka. He opened it and chugged some of it down before closing it and placing it on the counter again. He didn't have classes until tomorrow and wasn't guarding until tomorrow night, now was time to deal with the fact that Anna was here. He moved to the couch and sat down, placing his elbows on his knees before he rested his head in his hands. Why hadn't anyone told him? Maybe had he known he wouldn't be getting attacked by this onslaught of emotions. Sadness from her ending it just because they'd be apart for a while... Something that he thought that their relationship was able to withstand. Something that he knew would kill him but they both had their duties, it was their job to guard the people who needed guarding and Anna acted as though he was choosing that over her. Anger for her even thinking that anything or one would replace her in his heart. For thinking that he was okay with leaving her, that he wasn't going to lie in bed at night thinking about her and how he would hold her and kiss her when they saw each other again. There was hurt and pain from seeing her after all this time only by accident... It made him curious if she knew he was coming, if she'd take the job if she knew. He knew that he would have, the warning would have been nice. Worst of it all, there was still that love in his heart for her. Love that he wasn't sure that she felt for him after two years and god, it hurt more than anything else to even think about. A few tears escaped his eyes as he let down that guard for a moment. If he didn't let him do this in his time alone, he surely would have gone mad by now. He stood and grabbed the vodka bottle again, he'd wallow and by tomorrow, he'd have recovered and could function properly as though his head and heart weren't in constant turmoil.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna struggled with herself, her mind racing. She had options here... She could run away again but that would mean abandoning her duty and Anna did still have her honor left. She wouldn't run away from what she was, what she'd trained to be. She was frustrated, her hand tangling in her hair again and her feet led her along on autopilot. When she looked up, actually registered where she was, she felt bittersweet nostalgia overwhelm her. She smiled somewhat... She was in front of Gunner's old room. She supposed her feet took her there out of habit. If she was upset Gunner was always the first one she'd go to after Anya... She didn't know what to do... Gunner hadn't even looked like he cared she was there. She leaned against the wall, she needed to talk to him. She'd never bothered to explain why she'd left. Hell, she wasn't even sure she could without sounding selfish. They were Guardians, it was the right thing that he was pushing so hard... training so hard. It wasn't his fault he was leaving her behind... They were supposed to be the best they could be, to protect their Moroi. Gunner was always striving for that goal, Anna had enjoyed being the one to push him... but they'd had less and less time to train together. It was almost impossible to get him to herself, the vets were always pushing him too... Egging him on and training with him themselves. They were proud of him... she was too... but she'd missed him. She shook herself out of thoughts of the past and knew Seb was right, she'd have to face Gunner sooner or later. If she made it sooner maybe they could... try to work something out... make this as painless as possible. It hadn't taken long to figure out what room he was in, but when she made it there she stood outside awkwardly. What would she say? Would he yell at her? Tell her to leave... She took a breath and knocked, "Gunner..." ~*~ Seb sighed and kissed Serena, "I know... but they're both so damn stubborn. I can see how much you love me, maybe that helps... but for them... they're blind and they won't listen to the only one who can see..." He smiled as she brushed his hair from his face, "Sometimes I wonder how I got lucky enough to find you." Wanting to lighten things up he picked her up from the couch and tossed her gracelessly onto the bed before tossing a pillow at her playfully. "I'm hungry Guardian! Should we get pizza?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Gunner had the bottle to his lips and a slight buzz when he heard a knock at the door. He glanced at it when suddenly he heard Anna's voice from the other side. Fuck. No this was supposed to be his day to get his feelings about this very thing under control again. He sighed and wiped the few tears from his eyes before he took one last swig and put the bottle down on the counter again, closing it. Fixing his suit jacket, he walked over to the door and opened it. He looked at Anna, his face emotionless as his head went wild about seeing her, standing this close to her after... two years. He wanted to grabbed her by the face and kiss her. He wanted to slam the door in her face. He wanted to hug her and cry. He didn't do any of that though. He just stood there, his hand still on the door handle, the other stuffed in his dress pants. He pushed the door open a little before turning away, a silent offer to enter his room. He walked into the living room and ran his thumb over his upper lip a couple times, "It's been a while," He said, his voice not cold but not warm and void of any real emotion that he was feeling as he looked at her. ~ Serena smiled as they sat there for a moment, although the moment didn't last long before he picked her up and off the couch before tossing her onto the bed. She squealed a little as she bounced on the mattress before she caught the pillow he threw at her. She laughed and moved onto her knees, hitting him with it before she sat back on her heels and placed the pillow on her lap. She nodded her head, "I'm starving. Pizza sounds good," She laughed a little, "Ordering food from the cafeteria... It is weird... We don't actually have to go there. Is this what being an adult is?" She joked. She looked him over for a moment, "Do you want to call up a feeder as well? You haven't drank in a while," She said noticing the slight circle under his eyes. He had been so good about no making her uncomfortable with it for the last few years but she always worried that he wasn't drinking enough because he didn't want to make her uneasy. She had gotten better with it. Sebastian had been helping her with the addiction. He didn't tell her but she was pretty sure he was healing it a bit at night when she slept. She could tell that he had been up to something on the morning that he was particularly grumpy. There life seemed a bit like a circle, him making enchanted silver jewelry for her, her taking on some of his darkness. The cure for keeping of their insanity seemed to be something that wanted to drive them toward it as well. Luckily, with both of them being able to see into the others head, they could make sure that the other didn't push themselves too far. She bounced on the bed again before she moved to the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck, "When you have your energy up, we can do more than just eat," She teased him with a cheeky grin, "I'm fine... I promise."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian grinned, nibbling at her bottom lip a bit. "Promises, promises," he joked. He sighed and ran a hand through her hair, he loved her hair. "Alright, if you're sure you're fine..." He rang for a feeder and gave Serena a soft smile before guiding the older woman to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out with a glazed look and exited the room. Seb came out just after, he'd made sure to clean up as always and then he rang for pizza and hopped onto the bed next to Serena. He looked better, color in his cheeks and the circles gone but worry lingered just under the surface of his smile. He reached out and tickled her sides playfully, "Hope you're hungry. I ordered your favorite." He was secretly easing her addiction at night but he'd had to do it less and less often lately. She was rehabilitating slowly and it made him proud of her... more than he could say. He brushed her hair from her scars and kissed them lightly, pushing a bit of healing magic into it but not enough to come back at him later... She'd get mad at him for that. ~*~ Anna tucked her hair behind her ear and took a breath as the door swung open... and her heart stopped. He was gorgeous... She'd almost forgotten how good he looked in a suit, how good he looked in general, and it had been so long since she'd seen him. She wanted to kiss him, apologize, tell him how stupid she'd been but she couldn't bring herself to risk having her heart broken when he told her it was too late... and it was too late wasn't it? The cold look in his blue eyes reminded her why she was there though and she cleared her throat. As he spoke she smelled the vodka on his breath and nerves jittered through her. Gunner had never been one to drink... She'd had to fight him to loosen up enough to sneak out of the dorm on occasion. "Yeah... it has..." As he walked back into the room she hesitated, maybe this wasn't the best time? She almost laughed at herself, when did she think there would be a good time? She followed him in, and glanced around nervously before dragging up the nerve to speak. "I know this is awkward... after everything." She took a breath, "I guess I owe you an explanation... I got the invites I just... I thought it would make things harder on both of us." She bit at her lip, rubbed at her wrist... God, where had all her confidence gone? She used to be so outgoing... "You have... every right to be angry..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena smiled as he bit a her bottom lip, causing it to slip out from between his teeth. She rested her head against him, "You know I'm fine with," she ran one of her thumbs over the circle under his eye, "Besides, I like you best with some colour in your cheeks," She teased. She leaned back on the bed as he called and later took the feeder into the bathroom. She stayed there for a short while before she rolled over and put on some music to cover any sounds that came from the bathroom. She loved how kind Sebastian was about it all, always cleaning up before he came back out, ensuring that she didn't see anything. His family, well his parents, hadn't been as kind. They had walked out more than once with blood on their faces, even after Sebastian asked for them not to. It always took her a while to calm Sebastian down those nights. She smiled when Sebastian came back into the room, pulling her head away from the visit with his family. She could already see the blood in his cheek and the circles were gone. If you asked Serena, she'd say that she always thought Sebastian was handsome but she truly did think he looked his best with some blood in him. She laughed, kicking her legs, as he tickled her and told her he had ordered their food. She nodded her head, speaking between laughs and gasps, "I'm... Starving! I could... eat a pizza... to myself." When he stopped and pulled her hair away and kissed her neck, she smiled softly. There was time that she panicked when he touched her neck and here she was, comfortable with him pressing his lips to it. These were always the moments when she realized how far she had come. She played a little with his hair and sighed a little, "I think I could live with the whole world against us... So long as you still love me." ~ Gunner stuffed his other hand into his pocket and looked at her as she told him he could be angry, "Thanks..." he said simply in response. He held his hand though a moment later, stopping her from continuing to speak. After all she was rambling which meant she was nervous and Gunner could understand that. After all, she left with him with no explanation and now.... He didn't want it. He took a moment, holding hand in front of him before he spoke, "It's fine," However there was a edge in his voice that seemed to give away that it was not as he said, "I don't need an explanation... Just as you didn't need mine. Let's see.... You ignored all the invites because you didn't want to see me. I mean... I'm the only person that you hurt when you took off like you did... I don't see you running away from the Elites because they weren't giving you the attention you wanted... You ran away from me... Simple as that." He walked over to the vodka bottle and grabbed a shot glass, taking the time to fill it before he looked at her again, "It was nice to see you again, Anna.... It's been too long."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

At first she felt hurt by Gunner's words but then anger flared, she wasn't sure if it was at him or at herself for thinking she could make any of this right. If he'd been angry then maybe she could have accepted it gracefully but his complete and utter lack of shits given... maybe she'd been right all along and he had gotten tired of her. Either way the anger fueled her words. "I knew this was stupid, I shouldn't have let Sebastian talk me into coming here to see you. Staying away was the better plan... obviously." Tears stung her eyes as her anger deflated, leaving her feeling defeated... again. She'd hurt him... she'd known she would that's why she'd avoided him for so long. "You weren't the only one hurt, Gunner. You know what, if you want to drink yourself into oblivion be my guest. In the meantime I'm going to try and get our schedules sorted so we see as little of each other as possible... For Seb's sake... if you even care." She brushed a stray tear away angrily and left, slamming the door behind her. Her hands shook, she needed air. For the first time in three years she headed to her old hiding place. Once there, she stripped off her sweatshirt and down to her tank, tied up her hair,took the wraps from her back pocket and bound her knuckles, and went to town on the nearest tree. She ignored the pain in her hands, knees, ankles as she pummled the thing till her knuckles bled. She ground her teeth as she went, refusing to cry until she threw a bad punch and felt the shock run up her fingers and into her wrist. With a loud curse she stepped back and leaned against the tree behind her and cradled her wrist. She was pretty sure she'd heard something crack but no way in hell was she going to go to Sebastian like this, he had enough darkness and right now she was sure that she'd bleed too much onto him. She painfully unwrapped her knuckles and used the binding to tightly wrap her wrist, she'd get a brace later. For now, she slid into a setting position and let the tears flow. ~*~ Seb laughed and pulled her closer to him, "Well, if my parents have their way it'll feel like the world IS against us soon. Coming here bought us some time but..." He sighed, "My father is a... determined man." He almost bristled when he remembered the many times his father had eyed Serena, watching her a bit too closely for his liking. Seb had made it a goal to not leave Serena alone in the house when his father was there but that didn't mean his mother wasn't just as bad in other ways. She was always bringing up Serena's scars.. putting down her clothing, pointing out that she wasn't moroi... Just little things that would wear on her bit by bit. Seb had almost lost it... it's why he'd agreed to take this job. Much longer living with his parents might have resulted in murder... He heard the door and groaned dramatically, "I suppose I should go fetch the pizza." He kissed her lightly and slid off the bed before nabbing the pizza and coming back. Luckily, Seb remembered a Dhampir's appetite and so he'd ordered two pizza's... One that he'd eat over the next two days and one for Serena that she'd probably finish off tonight... It wasn't that Dhampirs were fattys... they needed the food to keep them going. "For you m'lady," he teased and passed her the pizza before playfully messing up her hair and taking a seat by her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Gunner laughed although it was humourless and hardly reached his eyes, "Why am I not surprised that Sebastian had to convince you," He stared her down as she continued her tirade and took off like she had two year ago before called after her, "But I didn't make the choice." He downed his shot before tossing it carelessly into the sink, something he'd deal with later. He paced his room a little before he noticed the painting hanging on the wall. He walked over to it and took off his coat before he removed the painting for the wall. He stared at the blank space for a movement before driving his hand through it. He took a deep breath and readjusted his shirt at the wrists and carefully rehung the painting. He walked back over to the bottle and grabbed it before walking to his bed and flopping down on it. He threw the cap across the room and drank. It was like being stuck at school all through the summer once again, drinking by himself and waiting it all out. He'd wallow and then he'd put the bottle away and be done with it. He'd be under control again tomorrow. He'd be Guardian Robot as Anna once called him. ~ Serena allowed him to pull her closer when he told her that there was a chance the world would be against them. She rested her head against his chest, "Well, then you'll just have to keep loving him," She teased. She brushed a small piece of his hair behind his ear, "And not the whole world. The Queen didn't mind our relationship. I think that's a pretty good person on our side." She kissed him before he ran off to grab the door and in turn their pizza. She laughed when he came back into the room with not one but two pizzas and handed her her own. She leaned over and kissed his cheek when he sat down next to her, "You're the best." She pulled out a piece and bit in. Dhampirs had incredibly high metabolisms and paired with their rather physically active lifestyles that they all seemed to lead, lots of food was a necessity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

True to their word, Seb and Serena did more than just eat and curled up with her pulled into his chest and his arms tightly around her they fell asleep... oblivious to the world. Only with Serena did Seb not have to worry about constant nightmares, if they even began to start she'd wake him... Especially since she tended to suffer through them too. As morning dawned he groaned, this would be the last day before classes started that he'd be able to spend tying Serena up in the bedroom... and he planned to do just that... all day. He woke her with kisses along her spine, "Morning sunshine...pronto ad andare di nuovo?" He ran his hands through her hair... It was good to have her all to himself. At his parent's home there was always the risk of his sister barging in or his mother entering without knocking. Thankfully, they'd never been caught but intimacy had been a rare luxury for them. He was enjoying having her at his mercy for once and as he ran his lips along her collar bone, he decided he was going to show her just how much... "We're not leaving this room till at least lunch time..." He kissed her softly. ~*~ Anna woke, her wrist pounding and as she carefully unwrapped it she grimaced. It was purple and green, and swollen. She'd definitely broken something. She wrapped it again, putting the brace on over it, and shrugged into her black jacket over the white tank she'd worn yesterday and left herself in the grey workout pants she'd fought into the night before. She used one hand to yank her hair up into a messy and loose pony tail before she glanced in the mirror. She looked like hell, but she didn't really care. After making sure she at least appeared presentable, she shoved her feet into her sneakers and went out to the training grounds. Breakfast would be ready but she knew how early Gunner got up and she didn't want to run into him grabbing food. Instead, she wanted to run off yesterday's frustration. Ignoring the jolt in her wrist every time her foot hit the ground she made laps around the track, she'd tuned everything but the sound of her own breathing out until she heard a voice calling her. She slowed and glanced up to see the one other person here she'd wanted to avoid aside from Gunner... Jace. She stopped and eyed him, "Why are you here and what do you want?" He shrugged, "I brought my kid brother to school and I was getting some air, grabbing a smoke, when I saw you." She scoffed, "And what possessed you to think I'd want to talk to you." He held up his hands, "I come in peace... I just noticed your arm is all." She grimaced, "I'm good." "It's broken, I can feel it... It hurts. Empathy sucks, so let me fix it." She huffed, "If I do will you go away?" "Maybe..." She held out her hand and he took off the brace and the wrapping, cradling it in his hands. There was warmth that tingled up her arm, made her a little dizzy, and then the pain was gone and he looked dazed. "Hey," she said sounding slightly annoyed. "Snap out of it... you said you'd leave." He blinked, rubbing his eyes. "I lied... What's up with you... Why's your aura so crazy?" She huffed, aggitation rising. "Why do you care?" She took a calming breath and sighed, feeling tired. "Why did you heal me Jace?" "I owe you," he shrugged... His eyes on her scar. She rubbed her neck and he sighed, "I never really apologized. What I did was pretty fucked up... I was fucked up. My Guardian is helping me out some... She's a wildcat, doesn't put up with my shit." She smiled some, "Good..." "Where's Marks? I thought you two were inseperable..." She winced and started to walk away but he caught her arm, "Hey look, I'm sorry... I didn't know. I guess that explains the aura... You okay?" She laughed, "You need to ask?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena woke to the feeling of lips on her spine and smiled as she heard Sebastian speak in Italian. She laughed a little, "Four years and your accent is still horrible," She joked. She could say much, her own accent hadn't changed much despite her getting far better at English. She moved onto her back as he ran his lips along her collarbone and laughed at his comment about them not leaving the room after he kissed her. She looked up at him, a smirk playing on her lips, "Is that so? I had plans," She teased, "A run, breakfast, looking around the school again, figuring out where I'm needed while we're here since you are beyond protected." She laughed before she rose onto her elbows and kissed him, "But I suppose that can all wait until the afternoon." It was nice to have their own room with no worries about people walking in on them like it had been at his parents' house. Even if someone did walk into their place, they would just walk into their bedroom which would give them a chance to be decent before they saw who it was. She kissed him again, "Although.... If we are going to go again, I am going to need breakfast," She grinned and slipped out of the bed, "I'm eating your pizza!" She said loudly and she quickly left the room and went into the kitchen, not bothering to cover her bare body. ~ Gunner went for a run in the wee hours of the Moroi morning and was allowed the rare chance on a Moroi schedule to see the sunset. He finished it at the cafeteria, deciding that he should get acquainted with some of the older students that he would be working with. He walked in to see a few students at tables, all of them Dhampirs. These were the kids that were like him, the ones who got up early to get themselves ready for the day. He saw a couple of them stare as he walked passed. He wasn't sure if they had all been told that he was teaching but Guardian Marks was no longer just a name. His name held weight now. People he didn't know knew about him and talked about him just like Anna and Gunner had about Guardian Belikov and Guardian Hathaway. His name had become of the household variety. It was strange and surreal but it also made him feel proud that people were interested in his abilities and strengths, along with the littering of tattoos on the back of his neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jace had finally talked Anna into going to get something to eat, his exact words were that she looked like shit... she should eat something. She'd refused to let him go with her though, he hadn't seemed to mind. Actually, the minute he'd seen firey red hair in the distance he'd taken off. Greeting the girl with a playfulness that reminded her of she and Gunner. The girl seemed annoyed, punched him in the arm, and stormed off leaving him to follow laughing. She shook her head, wondering if they were together and kinda pitying the girl to be honest. She headed towards the cafeteria and heard people murmuring about Guardian Marks and her stomach went into knots but she refused to run away every time she ran into him. So, she headed towards the line and grabbed some breakfast her shift didn't start for a bit anyway. However, she spotted Gunner making the rounds and the way his was walking showed that he was proud of himself. She felt an odd mix of happiness and pride, and bitter anger and sorrow. She shoved it away and piled her tray full... Taking a seat at the table of Guardians who were also grabbing a bite to eat. She sat somewhat at a distance from the rest, her eyes riveted to her plate... refusing to look up in case she found Gunner with her eyes again. "Really Ross, you're going to mope the whole time you eat just because he's here?" She nearly jumped out of her skin, "Jace, where the hell did you-" The other Guardians glanced her way and she schooled her features and her tone. "Mr. Szleskie... can I help you?" He laughed, "That's priceless... No, but I can help you." Ignoring the fact that the table was full of Guardians, Jace sat down next to her anyway. She went rigid as Guardian eyes glanced her way over the impropriety, "Mr. Szleskie, could we please talk elsewhere... This isn't the best time..." Jace shrugged, "I'm not worried about it, I've a point to prove. You don't think Marks cares?" He slid his arm around her shoulders and Anna immediately slipped out from under his grasp and walked away to dump her tray. "Stop it," she hissed as he waited for her by the cafeteria door when she tried to leave. "Let the old badgers talk," he stated with amusement. "You're ruining what little reputation I've built for myself. I have a hard enough time proving myself as it is without you making me look incompitant or unprofessional."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Gunner had just grabbed an apple, tossing it in his hand when he spotted Anna at a table filled with Guardians. He didn't mind much, he didn't have many intentions to stick around anyways. What pissed him off when the guy next to her. He watched as Jace wrapped his arm around the girl and Anna slip away asking him to stop. His blood boiled as Jace seemed to brush it all off as though it were nothing. He waited until Anna left and followed Jace, first to ensure that he wasn't following Anna but he continued to follow the man when he turned the opposite. When Anna was out of sight, Gunner grabbed Jace's shoulder and turned him around before he took the front of his shirt into his hand and slammed the man into the lockers, causing a small dent in one. He glared at the man, "I thought I got it into your thick skull four years ago that you weren't allowed anywhere near Anna anymore," His face was calm along with his voice but there was a threatening twinge to his words, "I suggest that you do as she says and stop."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jace cocked an eyebrow upwards as he was slammed into the lockers, "Abusing a Moroi prince... Why, Mr. Marks... how scandalous." He dropped the act and his eyes turned hard, "Aside from generally disliking me, why do you care? Aren't you and Ross over? When I healed her broken wrist this morning she seemed to say as much..." He sneered, "You know, with her as broken up over you as she is... I think I could get her right where I want her." He flashed a grin, "Oh look, here comes the other Guardians... Guess breakfast is over. Quick Marks, choose. Your reputation or your girl... Oh wait, I forgot... You already chose." "Is something going on here," one of the other Guardian's asked, watching the two of them warily. Jace glanced over at the man, "Nah, we're just going over some training... Right Guardian Marks? He's such a good teacher..." The sarcasm was thick. ~*~ Anna had left the minute she'd noticed Gunner heading over, arguing with Jace wasn't worth it. She shoved her hair behind her ear and trotted down the hall. She had the Girls Dorm to Guard till lunch, she didn't feel like being late. ~*~ Seb and Serena had made a mess of the small kitchen area... the both of them had retired afterwards to the shower and afterwards Seb got out and handed Serena a towl. "You know... you're beautiful. I could look at you forever," he teased before lifting her bodily out of the shower, setting her down, and playfully snapping her with the towl he'd just used to dry his hair. "I suppose we should probably check on Anna and Gunner," he noted with a sigh. "I wonder how much damage the two have done to each other..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Gunner glared at Jace as the boy spoke to him in a sarcastic tone. A part of him thought for a moment four years ago that he had changed a little but it was just as much an asshole as he was then. When he mentioned choosing his reputation of Anna, his jaw clenched. He continued to glare at him until the guardians came out and asked if everything was alright. He took a deep breath and looked to the others as Jace seemed to cover it all, "Yes... Just answering a question for Jace," He looked at him, "I can't strain how important it is you do just as I said, Mr. Szleskie... I'd hate to see you get hurt." He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started to head to class before he turned and looked at Jace, "Oh and Mr. Szleskie, I didn't choose... She did," He left it at that. Gunner had nearly thrown away his entire future to beat Jace's face in and he hoped that in his words that man understood that he would do it again. He held his gaze for a moment before turning and heading to class to begin training the students. ~ Serena ran her hands through her hair, taking the last few moments of the shower alone before she turned off the water. She smiled and took the towel from him and she wrapped it around herself. She laughed at him as he picked her up and lifted her out of the shower and placed her down on the tile, "I wouldn't complain," She said with a grin, "I love seeing how you look at me. Like there isn't anything else that you'd want to look. It makes me feel special. OW!" She said loudly as she bent her knees turning to escape the sudden snap from the towel against her legs. She laughed and smacked his chest lightly, "Not nice!" She kissed him and sighed when he mentioned going and checking Anna and Gunner, "I suppose we should..." She pulled his towel from his hand and used it to start drying her hair, "No more towel for you," She stated before she walked into their bedroom to get ready for the day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian laughed and followed close behind her before digging through his clothes to find something... teachery. It wasn't easy since dress clothes weren't really his style. He'd always worn them so messily because it was simply more comfortable than worrying with the tie and all the buttons on the damn dress shirt. However, with Serena's help he managed to come out looking professional... and feeling awkward for it. He'd always been the rebellious type so being an authority figure felt... odd. "I think I suddenly feel old," he muttered and raked a hand through the hair Serena had just fought to tidy... messing it up again and smiling happily. "There, that's better..." He watched her get dressed and smiled, "I suppose while I teach you could keep an eye on our two hard headed friends... Help guard the school. It would give you something to do so you're not just having to stand around the classroom..." He straightened up his tie and sighed, "I suppose that I should do the whole orientation thing now... I've put it off most of the day but it's not really required..." Ok, so he'd partly been trying to squirm out of his duties for the day but he knew Serena would be upset with him if he didn't at least try to make this job work. He moved up behind her, slipping his arms around her, "I love you..." ~*~ Jace watched the Guardian walk off with a slight smirk, "Well, that was... interesting." Judging from the Guardian's reaction he still held some feeling for Anna even if it was more over protective brother than romantic. He could read auras better now than he could before and from what he'd seen Gunner was pretty messed up... Maybe more messed up than Anna. His idea that things could be fixed between the two now was a little iffy. He sighed, he owed Anna for what he'd done to her. If he could find some way to at least get her mind off the other Guardian then maybe he'd feel less like an ass for the scar on her neck. He suddenly grinned, another idea beginning to form. Sometimes the best of friends are the best of enemies... He knew just the person to drag Anna from her pity party and possibly bring back some of her fire... Without further ado he lifted the phone from his pocket and dialed the teacher of the fire moroi. "Hey Rae... You know that favor you owe me..." ~*~ Anna leaned against the outside of the Girl's dorm in the stiff Guardian pose, face blank and looking attentive when really her mind was wandering like crazy. She couldn't focus, too much regret running around in her head. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to keep this job with Gunner here, she'd never be able to concentrate on work. There would always be times she'd run into him and she'd be right back here... upset and trying to cope. Plus, she didn't really think seeing her was doing HIM any favors. They were just going to continuously hurt each other... So, what was the point? Anna's phone rang and she touched the button of the blue-tooth in her ear... It was a way to keep her hands free in case of a problem and a way to communicate with other Guardians if she needed to. As it was, the voice on the line wasn't a Guardian. "Jace... how in the hell did you get my number?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena helped Sebastian pick out some nicer looking clothes, which included a lot of telling him to put the t-shirts away. When he was finally dressed, she went about getting dressed into some guardian attire. She didn't have to dress as professionally as she had a Sebastian's home. Which was confusing since she was also there as his girlfriend. However, this allowed her to wear more comfortable pants along with her blazer and white shirt. She ran her fingers through her hair before she quickly braided it and wrapped it up in a bun, showing off her molnija marks as well as the scars around her neck. She took a deep breath and looked at him as he listed off things that she could be doing whilst he was teaching. She straightened and looked at him, "That sounds like a lot of time that I don't get to be with you." That was something she had gotten very used to in their time together. It was her duty to not leave his side and when it wasn't for whatever reason, he was there anyways. She smiled when he wrapped his arms around her and leaned back into him, "I love you too. And I'll do my best with Anna and Gunner... But I'm not as good as getting through to them as you are." She turned in his arms and kissed him, "Come on... Let's go." She took one of his hands and led him out of the room. However, the moment the door closed, she dropped it and held her hands behind herself as she moved as his Guardian not his girlfriend. ~ Gunner walked into the gym and could smell the sweat on the mats and nodded. He had always felt at home in a gym. In fact a gym had been his home for most of his life. He looked over the few students that were there, a few of them gawking, and nodded his head, "Alright... Show me what you know." ~ Rae answered his phone groggily and rubbed his face as he sat up. He leaned onto his knee as Jace spoke in a far too chipper tone for this time in the morning. He yawned and nodded his head, "Ya... Favour.... what is it that you need this time?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jace grinned as Rae answered the phone, "I've got a girl, she's having a hard time... I need you to meet up with her for a blind date. Don't worry, you'll like her. Oh, and you're going to be late for your class orientation if you don't get out of bed.... ten minutes ago. Anyway, meet her in the woods near the lake after you get done with orientation. It's kinda her spot... I'll take care of getting her there." After he got off the phone with Jace he called Anna, her tone suggested she wasn't happy to see him and after she figured out what he planned to do she probably would want to murder him... but only for a while. He grinned, "Angelina Ross, it's good to hear from you too. Look, I feel bad about lunch. I meant the best, I swear. I was trying to prove that Marks still has it for you... It didn't really go as planned. Will you let me make it up to you?" She groaned and he had to keep from laughing, "What do you want Jace? What game are you playing? I don't trust you." He shrugged, "All I want is to fix what I screwed up. We can't be friends, I get that... but I'm trying to help. Let me help?" She sighed, "How do you plan to do that?" "Meet me as soon as your shift ends... In your spot." She frowned, "How do you know where I have a spot?" He laughed, "I know a lot of things Ross... Just do this for me, you won't regret it... in the long run." She felt some suspicion when he said that and hesitated but hell, what did she really have to lose at this point? No way would he ever be able to compel her to let him bite her again... So what was in it for him? "Fine... I'll see you then." ~*~ Seb kissed Serena goodbye discreetly outside of his class, "Anna is Guarding at the girl's dorm and Gunner should be starting orientation at the Gym... I'd go see him first. His aura has been off, I'm worried." He smiled somewhat, "Wish me luck..." Then, he entered the class and introduced himself. ~*~ Anna's shift flew by, probably because she was half anxious and half curious as to what Jace was up to... She headed towards the woods near the lake and blinked when she spotted Jace already there. Okay, so he really had known where she spent her spare time... She wasn't sure how to feel about that. She made her way over and tugged her hair down from the pony tail, "What do you want?" He laughed, "You're always so happy to see me... I told you, I just want to fix things. Anna, I know I was an ass... I was having some trouble at home and had it out for most women... You got caught in the crossfire. It doesn't excuse it... but... let me help you." Anna listened to the first half and as he spoke she found it increasingly harder not to listen to what he had to say... why not let him help? If all he wanted to do was fix things? Was that so bad? Somewhere deep down she knew he was compelling her but maybe it was that she was still sleepy from the night before or the fact that she was emotionally weakened... but she couldn't really fight it off... Plus, she wanted to know WHY... No way would he try to bite her again. "All I want to do is help, will you let me?" She sighed, "Sure fine..." "All I want you to do is meet this guy," he said and she supposed he saw her grimace because he pushed it into high gear. "Come on, what will it hurt?" "Gunner... it would hurt Gunner." Jace rolled his eyes, "Obviously he doesn't care if he hurts you... Just... meet this guy. Spend a few hours with him till curfew and if you don't feel better afterwards you can kick my ass." He wasn't pushing the compulsion too hard, just a little... just enough to make it seem like a good idea. She rubbed her molinja marks, "Fine... but just for a few hours and only for today. This isn't going anywhere... I don't feel like screwing up my life with another problem... of the male verity...." He laughed, "Just wait here... I'm not asking you to do anything more than hang out. Think you can handle that, Ross?" She rolled her eyes at him, "Sure, whatever..." Jace walked off and left Anna to re-do her pony-tail since it had been subpar this morning. She shoved her hands into her jacket pocket and leaned against the tree behind her... eyes closed. Who in the hell would Jace be trying to set her up with? She didn't even TALK to most of the males in the Academy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Serena nodded her head when Sebastian said to check on Gunner first and headed out. She walked to the gym to see him already working some of the Dhampirs through drills. She caught the attention of some and whispers began, although it wasn't her being known as a Guardian, it was because of the scars on her neck. She stayed strong though and walked over to Gunner, "How is everything?" Gunner looked at Serena when she spoke, "Good... There's a lot of work to be done... But they are good." "I mean with you, Gunner," She said softly. Gunner tensed slightly, not looking at her, "I don't think this is the time to talk about it, Serena." Serena sighed, "You know you are going to have to talk about it to someone." "I said this isn't the time," Gunner said with a little more force. Serena jumped a little, she'd seen Gunner angry but he had never been angry at her. He'd always be nice and protective in a way, like she was his little sister more than his peer. She hit his shoulder lightly, "Come on," She turned to face him and took a fighting stance, "You have some anger to get out and these kids need an example of what real fighting is like." Gunner looked at the small girl before shaking his head. He rose his hand into the air, "Alright, enough. Guardian Abatangelo has been kind enough to offer her services as a demonstration. I would like you to keep a close eye. This will be a good learning experience on how to deal with fighting people smaller or larger than yourself and using your size to your advantage." He turned to Serena and took a stance, the class seemed to hold their breath. Gunner seemed to drawf the small Serena and it was clear that not many people were thinking she was much of anything. Then the fight began. Serena seemed to dance around Gunner with ease, moving in and around his punches and kicks. Although, she landed more blows, he caused more devastation with his few. He didn't hold back and Serena was okay with that, she would have been angry if he had. The thing was that he was angry and threw a wrong punch and clocked Serena in the jaw. She didn't hesitate though before she grabbed his wrist and threw him to the ground and placed her foot on his chest. The class erupted as Gunner got to his feet, "You're all good to go." Once the class left he looked at the bruised and bloodied Serena, "Sebastian is going to kill me..." Serena laughed and wiped away some blood from her split lip, "Don't worry about it. You needed this." With the orientation over, she left Gunner to take his anger out on a punching bag and returned to Sebastian's room. Her chin was already starting to bruise and her lip was still bleeding. She held her arm as it was tender from a blow to the shoulder but otherwise, she'd survive. She leaned against the wall and waited for her ward to leave the room. ~ Rae left the orientation and stuffed his hands into his gray dress pants. His coat was drapped over one of his arms, leaving him in just his crisp white button down dress shirt. His hair stood up on ends in a stylish fashion and he had a bit of a shadow from not getting a chance to save that morning. His brown dress shoes walked through the slightly wet grass making it squish under him. When he reached the area that Jace had instructed him to go, he looked around until his eyes fell on Anna leaning against a tree with her eyes closed. He stared at her for a moment, not staying or doing anything to give away his presence. His eyes looked her up and down confused by what it was that Jace had planned setting him up with his ex-girlfriend who hated Rae's guts. He sighed, finally revealing that he was even there, "You've got to be fucking kidding me...."
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