Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass leaving memories that become legend, then fade to myth, and are long forgot when that Age comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Kinslayer's Dagger. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of time. But it was a beginning.

Almoren, Al'cair'rahienallen, Palace of the High Seat

Al'cair'rahienallen was a glistening city. Oiger built though not as famous as some of the other Oiger cities. Still the capital of Almoren was grand none the less. The Palace of the High Seat was large and bustling even as the morning sun peered over the horizon. Not that Morin'staal paid the morn any attention. The man was pacing his set of rooms in the Palace eyes transfixed by the letter he held. His boots clomped on the marble and his servants huddled against the wall. They didn't move lest they provoke his wrath. Yet they stayed ready to serve. Morin'staal usually wasn't an abusive man, but as soon as the letter arrived last night that had all changed.

Morin'staal had been awakened per his orders and given the letter. The aging man had more white in his hair than grey. His beard had no color left. Yet his black eyes still missed nothing after years of politics. Yet his sagging skin seemed to have aged years since getting the letter. Since the Trollocs had first descended out of the Waste in mass and razed Barsine, a great city famed for it's architecture and lace. Morin'staal had visited it just a few months before the attack with his son Ron Morin'staal.

The elder Morin'staal finally stopped pacing as someone knocked on his door. One of the servants ran for said door before Morin'staal could say or do anything. There was a quiet moment broken only by hushed voices. Then the servant closed the door once more. The man hesitated before approaching Morin'staal. The man looked calmer than he had. Everyone in the rooms knew what the letter said without reading it. There was one thing the old man cared about more than his city. And that was his son. Ron Morin'staal had went off as soon as news of Barsine had reached Al'cair'rahienallen. It had been over a year with little news. Nothing else was likely.

"Lord." The servant bowed. "Lady Amarr has called for a meeting. General Isede will be there." The man bowed again and retreated.

Morin'staal wasn't surprised by the early meeting. Hamlin Sorrel might be their High Seat and ruler, yet no one was really happy with him. His father had been a great man. Yet Hamlin was young and not ready for rule and the others pressed him. Particularity Sora Amarr. She was widowed twice, and looking once more. Thankfully Morin'staal was not on her list of potential targets. Their old animosity ran too deep. Her political maneuvering even gave him a head ache. The Lady could dance you around until you believed up was down.

Morin'staal looked once more at the letter than down at his dressed body. He had intended to ride out to fetch his son's body. But hadn't made it out the door. Such an action would have made it all too final. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Blue Jacket." Morin'staal commanded. First the meeting, than his daughter-in-law. His son would be delivered to him.


Tar Valon, The White Tower

Delgen barked order at his men. The morning on the training grounds was a carefully choreographed dance. All the men knew their place. Those who were already Warders were off with their Aes Sedai. Those who were unattached, like Rahien drilled. Potential Aes Sedai watched from the sidelines gauging. Of course there were a few giggling accepted, but soon they would be rounded up and sent back to their chores. One Aes Sedai watched, not for a Warder for she had three already, but for one of the women. When she spotted who she wanted she motions, turned and disappeared back into the tower.

Most Green sisters were out of the tower. They took the Trollocs as a sign of the Last Battle.Others believed it wasn't the Last, but just another play by the Shadow. Still, most of them were eager to match their skills against the invaders. The Green were the battle ajah. And without them the nation's armies would be overwhelmed by the Dreadlords. Yet not all of the Greens left. Galliana Sedai was one of those who stayed. She stayed to watch over those who were left and for those who could not leave. Those who were not sisters yet, but would be. As Captain-General, it was her task as much as her heart was on the battlefield.

Surin, one of the Blue sisters she had been raised with was sipping tea in Galliana's room. Her three warders stood to one side, though Surin's sat with her. Galliana sat down at one of the other open seats and Quinn, her first Warder, handed her a cup of fresh tea. The two Aes Sedai turned to watch Arayna Sedai, a recently raised Green Sister walk in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aranya walked into the room her somewhat nervously but still maintaining a face of calmness appropriate to that of an Aesi Sedi, her bamboo staff clacking loudly on the tiled floor, "I assume this is to discuss me acquiring a warder?" she asked the two sisters. She had been eying the potential warders earlier wondering when she would receive one herself. Obviously Galliana had noticed her watching and called her here, and since she had no infractions there seemed little else it could be for. The Greens were the battle Ajah after all, and even an inexperienced Aes Sedi could be used in fighting the Trollocs, though of course no Green Aes Sedi would leave the tower without a warder. Aranya also somewhat apprehensively noticed Surin's presence, hopefully the Blue Sister just happened to be here for a visit and it was nothing more serious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Tar Valon, The White Tower

Surin Sadi sipped her tea delicately. She had arrived earlier after she received a letter from Galliana. The two had been inseparable even though they had chosen separate Ajahs. Surin placed her tea cup down as Aranya walked into Galliana's room. The young green sister had a brave face on. No matter that she was now Aes Sedai, she still had bad habits from being an accepted to get over.

At least Arayna wasn't as timid as some other new sisters. Still, her deference could use some work. Galliana took care of that. "You forget your manners Sister." The Green sister was calm even in her reprimands. "Do you forget who and where you are?"

Surin smiled sightly. "Sit Arayna." She waved her hand at the only other open chair in the room. "This is not about your Warder, or lack thereof. This is about Almoren." Surin picked back up her tea cup and took another sip as Galliana took up the conversation thread.

"There have been events." The Leader of the Green Sisters said quietly. "I know you want a Warder, like all Greens do. But I need you to either pick one now or wait. You are to go to Almoren and be our eyes are ears."

Surin jumped back in as her friend stopped. "Within the past few months there have been disturbing rumors of dark-friends growing in Almoren. Even more disturbing is the rumor of a male channler." Surin felt her warder tense. But she continued anyways. "Almoren needs to told against the growing tide of Trollocs. High Lord Sorrel is not holding onto the houses. His rule is crumbling. If he doesn't hold, neither will Almoren. We need you to ensure that he doesn't fall, not until the war is over."

Galliana spoke once more. "I know we ask much of you sister. Are you willing to do this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aranya mentally wilted under the elder sister's rebuttal, how could she forget her manners so easily. Just because she was an Aes Sedi did not mean she could talk so flippantly. She carefully stepped forward and sat in the pro offered seat making sure to pay close attention, "My apologizes Sister Galliana, such laxness will not be repeated I assure you." Aranya got out in ways of apology before listening to what the two sisters had to say. Her calm face broke briefly at the mention of a male channeler. And she was supposed to do something about it? No, it was only a rumor after all, they had been proved false before and would be proved false again, besides even if there was some truth to it, that would be the business of the Red Ajah, not herself.

Aranya quickly regained her composure and continued listening. She was to ensure the foundation of a kingdom, herself a newly raised Aes Sedi, with the threat of dark-friends no less. Surely there was someone better for the task? Though that she was being offered this spoke volumes of the White Tower's trust in her, and it was unlikely that she would be offered such a important role in the near future. Nearly surprising herself with her own audacity Aranya confidently spoke, "Anything for the White Tower Sister Galliana and Sister Surin, I accept this task."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

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Hamlin stared into the stand mirror facing him, throwing back the reflection of a man wearied by battle and politics. Gilt ran along the edges of the object, fanciful designs made to portray wealth, yet even such features did not comfort him anymore. Lines creased a bronzed face, scarred emotionally and physically, hiding the pain and anger of a man resentful of his position. A growling escaped his lips, low and dangerous, twisting his lips into an enraged position. Leather-clad hand tightened around the sword resting on his hip.

Reducing his facial features from disgust to a simple sneer, he stalked towards the table in the center of his room, a massive affair of costly wood imported from some land in the south. It had belonged to his father, as had the mirror and every other item of furniture and decoration in this room. How he hated it!

"Light curse you, Father! You and mother always took the most inopportune moments to do things," he yelled, blood pulsing quickly under his skin. Spotting a letter lying on his desk, he snatched the piece of parchment. No use reading it again for its contents were known to him. Looking to a small candle lit in the corner, he strode quickly over to the ornate wax stick and stuck one end of the message into the flame. Smoke curled almost instantaneously as the fibrous material caught fire, crisping on the floor as Hamlin let the item drop.

Already he was entangled in the webs of politicking which he so despised and now Sora Amarr had decided to call a meeting! The purpose of it he could not be sure, but it likely related to the Trolloc hordes bearing down upon Almoren.

"Let them come," he whispered. "My blade thirsts." Realizing the parchment at his feet had reduced itself to burnt pieces of ash, he sniffed before turning away towards the door. Crossing the distance quickly, he slammed the portal open. If the fools desired a meeting, he would make himself heard. His bodyguard and friend since childhood, Carso Baren, stood to attention, clad in armor.

"Carso, it is time we made our position clear in Almoren. Prepare the House's armsmen. Then we go to this meeting. It is time for a change, my friend," he commanded. Carso smiled grimly. He knew what was coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Tar Valon, The White Tower

Anything for the White Tower Sister Galliana and Sister Surin, I accept this task.

Galliana and Surin nodded their heads. The two then exchanged a look.

"Sister." Galliana said turning back to Aranya. "You must make preparations to leave before the week is over. It's imperative you arrive in Al'Cair'rahienallen quickly."

"Which," Surin picked up. "Means you must decide soon if you'll take a warder before you leave." She nodded to Galliana and rose. "I wish you fair winds." With those words she swept gracefully out of the room. Her warder following right on her heels.

Galliana poured herself a new cup of tea. "If you need anything for your journey and you cannot get it on your own, ask for me and I will see to it." The dismissal was obvious.

Almoren, Al'cair'rahienallen, Palace of the High Seat

Lady Amarr didn't pace. Instead she lounged on one of the plush sofas in her solar. Next to her General Isede did pace. His heavy boots clomped on her fine marble floors. Whenever he looked at her she frowned. The others in the room were two men from minor houses. Lords Farim and Bashere. Lord Morin'staal had taken to standing by the door. The other adviser had taken to rummaging through her late husband's liquor cabinet.

"Oh, do be seated, Joune." Sora snapped, losing patience. "It's the exact same as last time you looked five minutes ago."

The aging adviser looked up, chastised. "Sorry, M'lady." He grabbed the nearest bottle and retreated to his seat. His wife patted his knee. Lady Kate wasn't the brightest and tended to follow her husband like a lost puppy.

"How long are we to wait?" Lord Farim muttered as Joune situated himself.

Lady Amarr switched her disapproving glare to the offending lord. He shrunk a little, but remained defiant.

"You said he'd be here. And with him all this," He gestured around the room, "Will be more than talk."

Sora had Farim pegged since day one. He was greedy and stupid and had delusions of grandeur. But he had men who would follow him. And those men she needed. Almoran needed a strong leader. Farim believed it was him. More fool him for it.

"Peace." Sora placated. "He'll be here. I promised you did I not?" She smiled, a smile that made most men quiver at the knees. For while though she was older, she was still beautiful. She used that beauty for all it was worth. "And I always keep my promises."

Farim licked his lips. But before he could reply, the doors to Sora's Solar burst open.
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