Starfleet thinks us gone. They believe that their alliance with the Cardassians eliminated us. While they destroyed most of our bases, one of them survived, and many of us are spread throughout the quadrant, gathering new strength so that when we are big enough, we can return.
A few years ago the Dominion invaded, allying themselves with the Cardassians. They went to war with the Federation, giving us an opportunity to return. With the Cardassians as an enemy, Starfleet will now let us function within there territory.
The time has come to make our return.

We are prisoners in a Dominion prison on Cardassia. We must escape, steal a ship, evade the enemy, and find our allies within Dominion territory, especially on Bajor. We will then hit valuable targets, crippling the enemy as best we can until the Federation steps up and launches a full-scale attack on their enemy.