Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keitsumah


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Valkor "The Impaler" Orion

House: Orion (Dead House)

Age: 24

Bio/Story: Valkor was born the bastard son of Lord Orion to a house servant. The woman was harsh on him from the beginning, always telling him that he deserved to be Lord of the House, rather than the one legitimate daughter Lord Orion sired in his lifetime. But Valkor was an observant child, and knew trouble would be on its way to his small home soon. The other Houses did not like them, wanted the rash Lord destroyed and his lands torn asunder to further grow their coffers.

Eventually, the day came where his father challenged the Lord of Baratheon. As of yet that house had been young, but even to Valkor's young eyes he knew the fight would be foolish. Knowing what would come of his father's drunken rage, the boy stole into one of the barns and fled on horseback.

House Orion fell not long after, their words "Look to your Nightmares" lost on the wind, and the bastard son grew to avoid responding to his true name, even though his stark white hair and ice-blue eyes mark him out as an oddity among others.

However, his keen sense of self, and sense of events around him have shaped him into a master mercenary. Now a young man, he works only for the noble houses, and though he does not enjoy doing the Lord's dirty work he hopes to make enough ties within the houses to one day rise in power and regain his old homeland.

Occupation/Rank: Mercenary, Bastard Heir of Orion

Personality: Quiet, Serious, Observant. Valkor is not one to be taken by surprise lightly, and despite the oft offer of a bed and room, he prefers to sleep with his horse in the stables. This is likely due tot he fact that the beast will lash out and attack anyone else who dares get too close.

Appearance: Valkor is a tall man, but relatively slim in build. He is a Lancer, with strong arms, but uses the force of his charging steed to do most of the damage. His only other weapon that he keeps on him is a slim rapier, and his armor consists of battered iron gear with a tattered cape. However, if one were to manage to get into his saddle bags they woudl find a complete second set of polished steel armor with a white fur cape, all etched with the rearing Nightmare of House Orion in blue.

Other: Despite his cold nature Valkor is not without a heart, and has had it used against him before. His horse is also not what many think it is: just a rather angry animal. That anger can be changed into something far more destructive...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RPforthatPR


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Mychael

House: Lannister

Age: 37

Bio/Story: Mychael is the eldest son of the late Jonnen Lannister. More skilled with his wits then a sword, he leaves most warfare to his younger brother and instead rules peacefully at Casterly Rock, taking care of the economy and other important affairs.
He is currently celibate, and a great friend of the new King.

Occupation/Rank: Lord of Casterly Rock

Personality: Smart, cunning, witty. He has a way with words in which he can resolve conflicts without spilling any blood.

Appearance: He bears the traditional blond hair and green eyes of the Lannisters. He is very tall, at 6'2, and wears his hair short.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Daemon Targaryen (Aeryx Laeniar)

House: Targaryen

Age: 26

Bio/Story: Daemon was born into a time of trial for the Targaryens, his uncle the king was not well liked, and the great houses of Westeros had grown unhappy with the Targaryen leadership. When most houses rose up in open rebellion soon after Daemon's birth he was smuggled away to Essos by secret loyalists, and grew up in the protection of a member of his fathers Kingsguard, who raised him with the intent of returning Daemon to his rightful place on the Iron Throne. Finally with the death of the King of Westeros and his replacement with Rickard Arryn, those who still hold a secret loyalty to House Targaryen have arranged for Daemon to return to Kings Landing, under the guise of a diplomat from Volantis named Aeryx Laeniar, using the fact that the Volantine people often had similar physical traits to Targaryens to disguise his violet eyes and pure white hair.

Occupation/Rank: Exiled Prince/Volantine Diplomat

Personality: Daemon has been raised to know the proper manners of a Targaryen prince, but he was also raised as the subject of a secret plot. He knows how to hide his nature and play the part of the diplomat, even if he finds it rather distasteful to do so. His true personality lacks the insanity often typified by Targaryens, as it seems the gods coin-flip landed on greatness. He is good at making people like him, but he does often lose his temper when things don't go his way, even if he is usually good at hiding it.

Appearance: Daemon stands tall, easily a few inches higher than most average size men, with pale, snow white wavy hair falling near his shoulders, and piercing violet eyes set on a handsome, pale-skinned face. His body is square-shouldered and lean, but his body is solidly muscle, honed by training with a sword under his guardian, once a loyal member of the Kingsguard. As far as clothing, he usually wears the gaudy robes of an Essossi diplomat, specifically chosen to hang loose on his body and hide the chainmail and boiled leather he wears underneath.


KILLABLE by others?: YES
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oak7ree
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Oak7ree Mr. Rock n' Roller

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ser Arthur

House: Baratheon

Age: 24

Bio/Story: Ser Arthur is a Stormlander and the firstborn son of the lord Baratheon - fierce in battle and decisive in action, and not without a hot temper of his House. Ser Arthur is a well-known knight with many tourney championships below his belt. He is situated in the King's Landing as an envoy and a representative of House Baratheon in the capital. He often brawls and spars with his men-at-arms and knights in the Red Keep's barracks and training field. Sometimes he finds his way to the local taverns. Ser Arthur is married to lady Alys Selmy, a prominent landholder in the Stormlands. His father is the Lord of Storm's End.

Occupation / Rank: Knight

Personality: Ser Arthur is a tactical prodigy - aggressive, rash and a front line leader, but not much of a strategist. He has a booming voice that enables him to shout commands to his men. He is a quick thinker, but not really a genius. Ser Arthur often jumps to conclusions too soon (except in battles), and often follows his instincts and intuition. He dislikes bards and singers, but enjoys singing a ballad known as "The Storm's End" by a famed bard Dandelion of Oldtown.

Appearance: He is slightly taller than most men of the Stormlands, about six feet, and has a long, pale scar running across his face, thanks to a duel with a Martell. He has cropped, black hair and a small beard. Arthur has the green eyes of his mother's. He is quite strong, thanks to his upbringing. It's like he was born to fight in wars and battles.

Other: Ser Arthur carries a Valyrian bastard sword called the Doom into battle. It is engraved with strange symbols, and no maester in Westeros knows what they mean. He has a black destrier named Roach.

Killable by others?: Yes
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oak7ree
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Oak7ree Mr. Rock n' Roller

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Regulus

House: Baratheon

Age: 46

Bio/Story: Lord Regulus is the current lord of the Storm's End. He spends much of his time in the world of finance and economy, financing caravans and merchant ship across the Narrow Sea. He has a great network of agents, spies and associates, ready to report the news both home and abroad. He is a cunning man, a true strategist and a solid cyvasse player. Regulus' heir is Ser Arthur.
In his youth, he had to crush House Orion, a defiant young house which tried to gain too much, too fast. Regulus campaigned against their castle and holdings, and after a siege of three months, his soldiers broke the defenders and assaulted the castle.
In the ensuing fight, two things of note happened; first, Lord Orion was killed along with his offspring. They weren't missed: other Stormlander lords didn't like Lord Orion due to his rash and arrogant behaviour. Second, Lord Baratheon found the Doom from the castle and gave it to his son as a present when he was knighted at age 19. It is told that the last of the Orions were defiant to end and fought bravely against much greater numbers. Their resistance was a stuff of nightmares and their end serves as a grim reminder to the other houses what happens when trying to cross the Baratheon stag...

Occupation / Rank: Lord of the Storm's End

Personality: Gambler, plotter, backstabber, schemer, can appear as ruthless. Loves the thrill that comes with complicated plots and investing his money for a risky profit. Loves dark beer, apple cider and roses.

Appearance: A tall and lean man, not the most handsome man, has strikingly blue eyes. Few really can stand his gaze. Agile and fast, not very strongly built. His strength is his calm demeanor and cunning wits, not in his muscles, although he's a solid swordsman.

Other: Regulus is the Master of Coin in the king's small council.

Killable?: Yes
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