Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

As Keisuke walked on he was suddenly stopped when a woman fell from a roof and onto the ground infront of him, however Keisuke's eyes quickly caught her Shinigami uniform yet her reaction didn't seem like a shocked one...this woman probably had no idea who he was and that was fine by him, even if she did it wouldn't change to much but he had to be cautious...still...this woman wasn't much of a threat and that was a good thing. Keisuke extended his right hand to the woman as he spoke "Hey there...so what happened there huh?" Keisuke looked up to the roof which she had fallen off and noted the missing tiles...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


Nishiki giggled once again as the man held out his kind hand in a bid to help her up. Taking his hand with her right, Nishiki pulled herself off of the floor and dusted down her uniform. Once on her feet, she left go of his hand and moved her palm to the back of her head. "Ehehe, I didn't notice how loose the roofing was, Oopsie" Scratching the back of her head sheepishly, Nishiki sweat-dropped with a look of amused embarrassment on her face, mainly amused at her own obliviousness. "Thank you for giving me a hand! My name's Nishiki by the way, what's yours?" Letting her right palm drop, Nishiki brought both of her hands behind her back and entwined her fingers while leaning closer to the grey-eyed male in cute curiosity. This could possible be a new friend! Oh how Nishiki loved making friends and meeting new people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Koyo's eyes went wide as she felt the ground under her start to crack and give, of all the places it could come from the darkness it was from below?! The intense force that the hollow used to burst from the ground sent Koyo flying back towards the wall, her body flipping in the air as she tried to right herself so that her feet would slam into the wall to stabilize her. The grim red light of the cero illuminated the room, and horrified faces of the chained up spirits caused Koyoshi to lock up for a moment, her eyes trailing the room until...

"Hadō #31. Shakkahō!"

Aki's voice seemed to echo from her lips for a moment, her hand with the Shakkahō ball of light not obeying her own will as he was brought up and fired directly at the hollows cero, blocking it and detonating the two attacks between their users. "Pay attention! You have to deal with all this..." Koyoshi was brought back to her senses and raised her blade to her shoulder "Yeah, I don't like these guys power levels. The best course of action would be to finish them off now... First, him."

Putting all of her power into her legs Koyo leaped forwards, her sword being brought over her head and grasped in both hands. "Single Stroke!" With that she would attempt to split with creature with the Ryōdan technique, it may have looked tough but she was sure she could finish a simple hollow off with such a attack, after all she knew there was likely more dangerous things within...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

Keisuke looked at the woman and listened as she introduced herself "Well hey there Nishiki. You can call me Keisuke...so Nishiki. How long have you been a Shinigami?" Keisuke couldn't pass up the obvious fact that she was wearing a Shinigami uniform and it did make him wonder as to what she was doing out here. He knew she wasn't in Squad 6 as he knew just about everyone in that Squad...could she have been apart of Squad 7? they'd often patrol these parts...even so they'd usually send them out in pairs at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


"HaiHaii Kei-su-ke-san!" Nishiki spoke, adding emphasis to each syllable of Keisuke's name in response to his introduction. She giggled a little before continuing to listen, his question surprising her. "Huh?... O-oh, yeah! Well, the real question is why'd you ask?" Titling her head the left with a grin, Nishiki replied in a slightly higher-pitched voice. She thought it was abit weird for him to ask but if he was some kind of undercover Shinigami or someone important from the Gotei Thirteen then atleast she'd know before lying to him and potentially getting into trouble. If he was, she'd just continue to pose as a Squad Eleven lackey, Shinzo wouldn't mind of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago

::Squad Thirteen Mission Update | Koyo-shi::

The Shakkahou fired from Koyo-shi's palm hit the Cero which then caused a blinding flash of light to fill the cave for a few seconds. Once the light had dimmed down, it became dark once again. Koyo-shi's attack landed, but nothing was there to take the damage.

The exploding Cero left behind dust but oddly nothing was damaged... and the huge Hollow that was just there a few seconds ago had vanished, however it's spiritual pressure still lingered in the area as if it was still there, it's exact location was hard to track though. A voice then weakly spoke up just as the groans from the Demi-Hollows abruptly silenced. "L..... Leiu....tenant" The sound of something being dragged across the floor grew louder with each scrape across the rock, slowly getting closer to Koyo-shi. "Hel...p"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

Keisuke listened as Nishiki seemingly tried to avoid the question which made him a little suspicious. Why would she try avoid such a simple question? it wasn't as if he could do anything with that sort of information anyway "Am I not allowed to be curious? What's wrong with a question like that anyway?" Keisuke was curious as to how she'd respond to this...after all she was seemingly trying to avoid answering that simple question. Keisuke didn't really need to know in all honesty but he wanted to as she was just here by herself and without a partner...something that you often needed when patrolling anywhere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


"You are allowed to be curious and nothing wrong hmhm" Nishiki stood up straight before balling her hands into fists and resting them on her hips. "Anyway what do you do for fun? Back at Squad Eleven I'd watch people beat people up but since I'm not there, I'm getting kinda bored... Are you doing anything? Mind if I tag along? Pretty Pweassse?" Nishiki smiled happily, hoping Keisuke would say yes. "Anyway Keisuke-san, are you a Shinigami? Are you undercover or something? Or is it that you wanna be a Shinigami?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

"What do I do for fun? Hm...not sure...I'm to hungry to be thinking right now. I don't know why you'd want to tag along with some random man but fine." Keisuke then began walking, expecting Nishiki to follow "No I'm not a Shinigami. I'm just an ordinary guy...nothing special. I don't really feel like becoming a Shinigami so yeah...not for me to be honest. Anyway...I feel like dumplings, I hear there is a nice shop around here...it's not to far" it would only be a short walk there so that was alright
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


"Why wouldn't I wanna tag along with a random person I just met? You should probably learn to live a little more, the world is full of surprises and new stuff to discover! New people and personalities being one of those things" Nishiki danced around and used gestures to emphasize her point before giggling and skipping towards Keisuke to walk next to him. "No you're not, I sensed you earlier, you don't seem just ordinary to me Hehehe~ Which is good! Why would someone want to be ordinary? That's so booooring. Ooooh dumplings! My partner would love them, I doubt she's tried them before" Nishiki continued to walk alongside Keisuke very casually, holding her right hand over her mouth every time she giggled. "Shinigami life isn't for me either, I like to be free, I hate being restrained hmhmhm~ And really? Sweet! I wonder what it looks like, I've been to a few sweet shops but I haven't been to one just for dumplings before" A permanent smile made itself comfortable on Nishiki's face as she continued to walk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Yu Amagi

Yu tapped his chin as he thought of something. "Lets see... Sieg Oda is a former captain and wiped out his entire clan, they are supposedly demons. So if he doesn't last long in a fight he would entertain you with those demon forms. And waiting is a good thing. I know all their current captains I could take on easily, so at the moment they wouldn't be of any fun for you. As for these interesting individuals, aren't they picking a fight with the Gotei thirteen? Wouldn't that put them on the same level as them? I'm certain you have your reasons though. And soon we leave this area before any shinigami show up? It would be a hassle for them to intervene now."
Ike "Mr. God damnit"

Well he got the floor clean after a fucking group of people came in, and managed to get the giant foot prints of a hollow off the floor as well. He cleaned the entire area where everyone would eat and groaned as he looked at a window where a fly was. Ike would sneak up and with no hesitation would thrust his palm forward and ram his hand through the glass. The bright side being he got the bug, the shit side was Yakima would yell at him. Meh he always did. So stepping outside he looked at Yakima and held up a finger. "Now before you go and yell let me say this now. Will it really solve anything? Cause we both know Ima fuck something else up and yelling wont fix it." Ike would see two people approach a man with and old mans hair color and some big tit shinigami woman. "Hey mind the glass on the ground near the shop....Don't wanna get yelled at because some people cut their damn feet." Ike said walking inside then back out with a broom and dust pan and cleaned up the glass. Yet with one more stroke with a little too much power Ike snapped the broom and looked at the half on the ground and the half in his hands. "God fucking DAMNIT!" Ike said slinging the broom handle literally out of sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The dust was split asunder as Koyo's attack came down towards where the hollow was, however it did not meet its target as nothing but air remained where the monster once was! She could still feel it so she lowered her blade to her side in a fighting stance, she didn't like how it just vanished like that but the creepiness just continued as suddenly the demi-hollows stopped in their groaning... Damn, something else was coming closer now! She tried her best to ignore the voice as she scattered two flares, one behind her and then in front of her before grabbing onto her sword with both hands, ready for whatever came!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima was in his happy place, surrounded by a lush garden of various plants. A nice breeze constantly passing thigh his hair and an alluring fragrance. For a small while he was at peace...until it all came shattering down to pieces. Yakima returned to reality, opening hisbeues to see his employees hand through the window. Yakimas face was a mixture of a dead pan face and a "I'm getting sick of this shit" face. Usually he would start yelling at Ike Immediatly start yelling at Ike but he didn't have the strength to do it. Ike tried to prove a point...which was completely stupid to Yakima but he was too tired to respond. However, he awoke when Ike said there was a Shinigami coming. Ignoring the other parts, he stood up and sensed them

"Hmmm...there aren't here for us. They'd send more than that" As Yakima finished, Ike had snapped the brook on half and threw it off to God knows where. They were close and Ike was a magnet for trouble so Yakima did something unusual. Or could be the constant days of frying his brain in his head. Instead of yellig at Ike, he placed his hand on his shoulder "Ike...take the day off. Go inside and relax. I'll make you some dango or dumplings, which ever you'd like" He looked at the two customers and nodded at them. By the way Yakima was dressed and how tired he looked, he really did appear as a workingan rather than a former captain. He opened the shanty door "Please come in and take a seat where ever you like" He'd wait for them to enter and take a seat before going up to them to ask what they'd like. All he could do is hope Ike didn't do anything reckless....he was doomed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

Keisuke listened as Nishiki spoke then rubbed the back of his head before speaking "Well I could be some sort of criminal or something, You never know..." Keisuke shrugged before speaking once more "Well I don't think I'm anything special...I enjoy being ordinary, it's not bad at all...it's a strength if anything." Keisuke then raised an eyebrow before speaking again "Your partner? where are they now? and if being a Shinigami isn't for you then why did you become one?" Keisuke then looked at the shop that was in clear view when one of the workers told them to mind the glass on the floor "Okay thanks..." Keisuke then heard the man go into some sort of rage but he paid no attention to this.

Keisuke looked at the man that opened the door and nodded as he entered the shop "Thank you" walking into the shop Keisuke took a look around before taking a seat and waiting for the guy to come up to them "So what do you offer here? I take it you make very good dumplings...at least that's what I heard" Keisuke then looked to Nishiki once she'd take a seat "What will you be having? it's my treat..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinji Akihiko

Shinji would have listened to what Yu was saying but in truth he lost interest after a few seconds and actually went to feed a nearby Squirrel a nut before looking back at Yu with a rather bored expression "Sorry I lost interest in what you were saying...have you found anything interesting for me to do yet or do I have to replace you with this Squirrel? because right now it's doing a far better job of enertaining me than you are...best find something quickly." Shinji then turned his attention back to the Squirrel before speaking again "Also I don't want anymore food...so find me something or someone to fight..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yu Amagi

Having no idea he was talking to himself he heard Shinji speak of replacing him with the squirrel if he couldn't find something to entertain him, and food was out of the question. So he pretty much had to pick someone for Shinji to kill and at least enjoy a tad bit. Yu quickly flipped through the pages and held up his finger. "One second." Yu said and shunpoed off and appeared in front of Insig who looked at Yu before being grabbed and appearing back in front of Shinji in quite literally a second. "He is the leader of the Tsugi clan and is a master in Hakuda. I also just took him so the rest of the clan is probably on its way here." Yu said before pushing Insig forward. "Okay Insig go ahead. Try to beat him." Yu would say before shunpoing onto a roof nearby while Insig would look at Shinji and shrug. "Well alright then.... I won't hold back though. So this is what it feels like being kidnapped though..." Insig said and appeared in front of Shinji with his fist flying forward at an insane speed, about three times the speed of a machine gun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago


"Exactly! I'd never know, finding out is the fun part! I'm not going to let extreme possibilities stop me from meeting new people and enjoying myself, I can take care of myself anyway" Nishiki grinned before adding more to her speech bubble. "Heh, well whatever, if it makes you happy then there's no harm in thinking that eheh I wasn't trying to make you feel special anyway" A slight skip was added to Nishiki's step as she continued to talk. "My partner is enjoying herself right now, I don't want to get in her way hmhm. And you'd like to find out right? One of the beauties of meeting new people!" Completely dodging the question, Nishiki giggled before a guy suddenly talked to them about smashed glass scattered on the floor. He was wearing an apron so she assumed he was a worker. She didn't respond to him as Keisuke already had but couldn't help but giggle when he broke a broom and flung it in a rage. "My my, someone has abit of a short temper" Nishiki commented playfully before following Keisuke into the shop.

"Ummmmmmmm~! Smells fantastic! My partner would love this place!" Taking a huge - and emphasised with gestures - deep breath, Nishiki breathed in the sweet aroma produced from freshly cooked dumplings. She didn't want to take a seat just yet. Walking up to a counter displaying what was on sale, Nishiki scanned over the various sweet treats available. "So much choice, I don't know what to get!" Leaning towards the display, Nishiki took a closer look at the options before standing back straight and clasping her hands together. She then turned around and waltzed happily towards Keisuke's table before sitting down across from him and listening to his question. "Oh no, I hard a big lunch so I don't feel like eating, but I do want to get my partner some stuff. I can get that afterwards though, you just order something and we can get to know each-other a little more hmhm" Nishiki couldn't stop smiling, already excited to see the look on Nairin's face once she gives her the unexpected present.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 days ago

::Squad Thirteen Mission Update | Koyo-shi::

The scraping continued to grow louder and echoed throughout the cave. Once Kistsune had lit the area, she'd find the origin of the scraping to be from a brown-haired, brown-eyed Shinigami. This Shinigami was from her Squad and was the member she was ordered to look for, Tohano. "Le...Lei...t-ten..." Dropping his arms and hands flat on the floor, Koyo-shi would soon notice a long trail of blood followed behind him... as well as the bottom halve of his body missing. Somehow he managed to survive for a little longer than one would expect, however if Koyo-shi were to check now, she'd find that he had died at her feet right there and then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinji Akihiko

Shinji continued to look at the Squirrel who suddenly ran off as someone appeared before him, throwing a punch towards Shinji's face "How amusing..." Shinji released a powerful burst of spiritual energy that would then release a giant shockwave that'd shake the ground and near on level the nearby area, the force from this would be enough to throw a person back a very great distance "This trash is supposed to entertain me? How dull...regardless...I will have some fun with this piece of trash..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Koyo dashed to the shinigami as fast as she could to lend aid, but when she got closer she could see he was far beyond any sort of help that she could have given him... Reaching down she collected his identification before removing the top half of her uniform and using it to cover the body with. Standing up from the floor the sad expression she had once before was now replaced by anger, and it was only building as she let her sword drop a little, her hand gripping tightly onto the cloth at the end.

Her eyes followed blood trail that was left behind from where her subordinate had come from, at the same time swinging the blade above her head and sending it out towards the walls where she intended to cut down all the demi hollows that remained before pulling her sword back to her hand. With that supposedly finished Koyo dashed forwards towards where the blood led. She was going to purge this place once and for all.
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