Hey there. How's it going?

First, I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I'm Dylan; I'm nineteen years old, a full-time student studying marketing, and I hold a strong passion for the written word. I am inclined to say that I write at an advanced level, and I usually post anywhere from two paragraphs to several pages depending on what I am given to work with. I am a strong believer in quality over quantity, and do not expect anyone to dish out gigantic responses if they feel as though they cannot do so. As long as you are detailed, and your post is well thought out, I'll hold nothing against you. I tend to play male characters (because I am one) but I am completely capable of playing a female character as well. My most notable characteristic in regards to my life would be that I am legally blind, so if you have any questions about that, I'll be happy to answer them. But enough about myself, allow me to describe some of my expectations.

I'm looking for someone who is patient above all else. My schedule can be extremely unpredictable at times, and it might be hard to tell if i'm still around. However, I will let you know immediately if I do not wish to continue a story. If you can deal with an unusual and non-uniform posting schedule, you're already prepared to roleplay with me. As a result of my schedule, I ask that if I choose to RP with you that we establish an alternative method of communication other than using the guild's PM feature. Whether it's skype, Facebook, or something else entirely, I just prefer having a way to get in touch whenever we want to discuss the RP. Aside from that, I'm just looking for someone that's passionate. If you can write a quality group of paragraphs with few spelling mistakes and gramatical errors, and genuinely put your emotion into the words you write, we will get along just fine. Please be able to write at the advanced level, because that is the level which I am most comfortable roleplaying at. Aside from that... Just try to have fun. :D

Now, onto the good stuff. My thoughts are all over the place most of the time, so please excuse the apparent lack of organization to the following list.

Wow, talk about a lot of text. Kind of exhausting on the eyes. (I think.)

If you're interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to post here. But if you want to hear back from me quickly, please PM me; i'll notice that before I notice a post on the thread. I'm kind of forgetful like that at times. Thank you all for your generous contribution of time and strain on the eyes for reading all of this, I appreciate it even if you aren't interested. Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful life.