Name: Aldo Corvatta

Gender: Male

Age: late 30's

Appearance: Around 6'3'' with emerald green eyes

Augmentations: Muscle fiber and bone weave (increased stamina, resistances and strength), augmented left eye

Equipment (normally): Communications earpiece, collapsible holotablet, suit

Equipment (When preforming less than savory acts): A mask, a pair of compact rail-handguns, a stiletto knife, suit and gloves

Job: CEO of the Tetri-Corvatta Medical technologies company, Crime Lord

Aliases (If necessary): The Gargoyle

Notoriety Rating: A

Personalty: Calm, confidant, manipulative, collected

History: To say that Aldo Corvatta came out of nowhere a good number of years ago, would be an understatement. One minute no one knew his name, and the next he was leading a bio-medical company that was slowly eating the proud Teri Technologies, and forging what would become Tetri-Corvatta Medical technologies from its bones. The canopy was abuzz with whispers about this newcomer, some saying he was just some low tower nobody that had made a few lucky decisions and had found himself in the big pond. Others that he was the lone child of some eccentric tycoon, that had inherited his parents wealth. Perhaps all the rumors had some truth to them, perhaps they didn't, it honestly didn't bother Aldo that much as he sat in his own grand apartment in the glittering canopy. Over time the rumors faded, parties were held and attended, auctions won, advancements made. Throughout all of it Aldo maintained his public figure and standing and that of his company, and now ask any soul above the ground floor what they think about them, and you will only hear good things. Aldo has even made a name on the ground, with Tetri-Corvatta owning, and opening, many of the free clinics that treat the masses. But like all things on the ground, they only really care that its there, not who id behind it. As they have another figure to deal with.

Almost as suddenly as Aldo appeared on the canopy, so too did the Gargoyle appear on the ground level. He started out small, his group only running small scale stuff until they suddenly exploded outwards, engulfing smaller gangs first the Gargoyle's group carved out a large section of the underbelly for themselves, and it only grew over time. Especially when they began to run spice, on of the few groups to do so, securing the Gargoyle as one of the primary Crime Bosses of the Under City and and spot on the NRPD's most wanted wall. Still through all the horror stories surrounding the group, it is said that they stay loyal and only follow a small set of rules
1) What Gargoyle says goes
2) Never betray your own
3) You are to not to harm without reason
4) You are to keep the peace within the Territory