As Olivia opened the grimy and dirty doors to the supermarket, the doors creaked as it slided open. What she saw gave her a fright. Sitting on the floor with his legs splayed out towards her was an African American man, with an afro hairdo. His appearance suggested one of the stereotypical afro-american gangster. He looked young enough, and she wondered how long he had been dead for. Although her knowledge of corpses was limited, she still had the common sense to know that if his body had not decayed yet, he couldn't have been long dead. What drew her eye was the object he held in his left hand. A weapon. Not just any weapon, but a Taurus Model 605 Revolver. Any weapon would be nice. He wouldn't be needing that anymore anyway.

Slowly moving towards the body to make an attempt to retrieve the pistol, she kept any eye on the figure the whole time, making sure he really was dead. As she got to the corpse, she crouched down slowly, eyes ever watching on the man, she tried to pry the weapon from his hand. His hands had long since gone stiff as rigor mortis set in, his grip on the revolver was like a miser holding on to his coin pouch. After several futile attempts to pry his fingers loose and failing, she then use her machete to chop off the fingers around the grip of the gun, making the process much easier to accomplish. Finally managing to get rid of the dead man's fingers, she checked the gun, and noticed it was still in relatively good condition. Opening the bullet chamber, she noticed that out of the six bullet slots, there were still four bullets in them. That was great. She now had a sidearm of own, even if it was just four bullets.

Walking through the deserted supermarket, with its shelves either empty or in disarray, Olivia kept on a lookout for any items of value. Both food products would have spoilt by now, so it would be a better idea to look for something that she can use. The freezers had long gone out of power, and the stench of rotting food as she passed by the frozen section was overwhelming. As she walked past the many shelves, she past by food, food and more food. All spoilt and useless by now.