Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So this is where you post your character sheets and stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eschatologist
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Eschatologist Don't Tread On Me

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Natalia Dmitrievna

Age: 23

Height/Weight: 5'2, 60 kilograms

Appearance: A short woman, solidly built and plentifully endowed, Talia is the picture of joviality. Her black hair is kept short and unkempt, flaring up in unpredictable fashion at the slightest disturbance. Her face is rarely devoid of a smile, and her sanguine countenance is wide and inviting, her soft brown eyes large and wide open. Her larger build is almost devoid of fat, and her body is in peak physical condition, the soft outline of muscle visible on her exposed extremities, though not morbidly so. She has an upturned nose and small ears, with full lips and a wide smile. Her fingers are long and dexterous, and her hands marked with scrapes and scars and more than often grease or solvent.

Birthplace: A small farming village well off the beaten track, in the western regions of the plateau. Her family's house was small, their farm sufficient, and the woods surrounding them dark and foreboding.

Profession: A gunsmith, mechanic and part-time scholar, Natalia is by no means dim, despite her rustic upbringing. She learned her way around a rifle at a very young age, and has been fascinated with them ever since. The youngest in a pack of siblings 13 strong, she found her way initially hunting in the solitude of the dark forest around her house, but dreaming of bigger and better things made her way to Custos to learn a trade and find employment. After a two-year stint in a factory, during which she spent every free minute learning how to operate and repair as many machines as she could, she set out at 20 to find more dignified work. She found employment as a gunsmith at a local family-run business, and enjoyed it tremendously, using her now-ample free time and available funds to pursue her interest in firearms and history. Unfortunately, the store was forced to close due to a lack of business, and Talia found herself working for the Novaks as a technician and part-time guard, a position she has kept for several months now.

Skills/Talents: Talia has spent an inordinate amount of time with a firearm in her hands, and has become quite proficient with it. This, combined with her occasional dalliance with illicit activities and her previous residence in the worse parts of the city have made her more than capable in a fight, firearm or not. She keeps herself as fit as she can manage, and sets time aside to unwind by running long distances. She puts her natural dexterity to use in her primary occupation as a technician, and she knows her way around and within the better part of common machinery, large and small, and has developed an aptitude for figuring out how things work, usually through disassembling them.

Association: The Novak family= Employed primarily for her skill in keeping their machines running, and secondarily for her skill with a rifle, she enjoys her job and is fascinated with the Novak family, and the pieces of secrets that she has managed to ferret from her isolated part of the mansion.

Personality: Talia is a happy woman. She loves to gamble and drink and sing and dance and talk the night away. She loves to meet new people, to learn new things and to see new sights. She is friendly to everyone she meets, and is remarkably slow to anger. She is quick to forgive, and quicker to forget, though this is indicative less of a graceful personality and more a natural absentmindedness. She is inquisitive, determined and envious of secrets and wealth. She is lazy when she can be, and a hard worker at all other times. She is easily motivated by things she enjoys or finds intriguing, and loses interest quickly in those things she does not. Quick to fall in love, be it with new foods or drinks or games or men [or women, when she is deeply in her cups], she has fairly poor impulse control, though is highly skilled at justifying her impulsive decisions on some fictitious logical basis.

She is highly paranoid of authority. She values freedom of choice and expression above all else, and never wants to infringe on anyone else's freedoms. She views most government as tyrannical, especially the Church, and despises dogmatic beliefs or moral systems. She is careful to a fault, and some have claimed that her paranoia belies deeper instability, though she is quick to dismiss these statements as ridiculous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kat in the West
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Kat in the West

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Peregrine Magistri Ferri

Nineteen years old.

163 cm, 47 kg / 5'4", 103 lb

A short and slim girl, the youngest daughter of the late noble family of the Magistri Ferris, Peregrine is just on the verge of being and looking underweight, her ribs hardly visible through her pale, but fairly weathered and tough skin, soft but strong. With an appearance similar to the misused cavalry sabre she wields on her back, she is slim, sharp and her features are pretty, if not especially above average, with an appearance similar to any common whore, just lacking the sheath of makeup. She has dark eyes, her pupils looking similar at a distance to the irises around them, similar in color to her hair, which she tends to keep clean and roughly cut short to a near shoulder length, for reasons of easier maintenance, curling on the ends where it meets with her clothes.

On the subject of clothes, she wears a mixture of leather and cloth "armor" (though the use of that term is being quite kind to the set of rags), with a hood and numerous cloths of dark dyed colors, though it could be considered that this is only due to the wear of the clothes. She wears her former house's sigil on her shoulder, fashioned from hard, old leather, formerly shined to a bright polish but now only peeling at the ends. Still, it's most likely for the best that the colors are more subdued, considering her "profession" and though she takes good care of her outfit, it being one of the few artifacts of House Magistri Ferri, she takes care to let it collect enough weathering to be viable as basic camouflage.

One of the most defining features of her limited equipment is the large blade dominating her back, long, straight and yet not actually oversized, instead, her weapon is a cavalry blade originally meant to be carried on the saddle of a horse, though it suffices for self-defense. The hilt is dirtied and rusted, but the blade is well-maintained, as per tradition of the Magistri Ferri, armorers and weaponcrafters par excellence. Though unwieldy for her small frame and made for another use than the one it is used for, the ancient sword proves formidable enough against opponents lacking in skill.


Peregrine fancies herself a wandering freelancer, but in reality, she has more the appearance of a wandering freeloader. She has never once been employed for more than a few days at most, and even then, said employment was nothing much to be proud of, her most glamorous and well-known enterprise being that of using her relatively good linguistic skills to help a monastery with a bedridden monk in copying religious manuscripts until the end of his period of infirmity, books that would eventually be sold throughout the known world. Otherwise, most of her life has been spent wandering from city to city in search of work, advertising her skills as an “assassin”, “saboteur”, “mercenary”, or “jack of all trades”, depending on the occasion, and instead scavenging for food and begging for coins in the face of unemployment.

However, due to her strong sense of justice, she has never once stolen except when absolutely necessary, or when her current work demands that she commits crime. Due to her ways of finding work with whoever might pay, she has upon occasion worked with associates of the Novak family, despite them being her late noble family’s rivals, the elusive Resistance and even the Church of Innumerable Ones and even their feared Inquisition. Whoever pays her, no matter how little, that is who she and her ancient cavalry sword is loyal to...

...but only as long as he is actually employed. Otherwise, she returns to her ways of wandering, “adventuring” as she herself calls it, perhaps in an attempt to keep herself going, living off those willing to throw a scrap of food into the trash and, occasionally, those kind enough to give her a warm place to stay in for the night and a parcel of food for the road.

[u][i]Survivability[/u][/i] — Having survived many years on her own, despite her general lack of real skills, Peregrine is excellent at fending for herself and is adaptable to most situations she can ever find herself in, easily escaping from most bad situations and surviving the aftermath. She can go for a good while without food, though she certainly hopes it would be the otherwise, can live on the lowest quality of alimentation, again, she hopes the contrary was the case and, finally, she can march for long periods of time without faltering, though, being human, she does actually need to rest at times, and in these cases, she can easily make herself a place to safely slumber and recover her strength.

[u][i]Cunning and Wit[/u][/i] — Peregrine is a stunning example of ingenuity, easily finding her way through, out of and into complex situations, having escaped the hands of even the Inquisition’s commanders, she is also adept at reading situations and making intelligent use of the resources she has to complete the duties given to her by her employer and her bodily needs. She has quite good memory and when, for example, trying to her find her way into a guarded area, it only takes her a few moments to uncover and memorize the movement paths of the sentinels protecting against forbidden entry.

She also moves quite well, not as fast as the best trained of assassins, but she is agile, quiet (excepting the circumstances when the size of her cavalry sabre ends up making unwanted inconveniences) and not a single movement is wasted, efficiently moving to conserve as much of her limited energy as possible.

[u][i]Intelligence and Easy Learning[/u][/i] — Peregrine is decently learned, thanks to her rather short but detailed education as the child of a noble family. She can read and write with rather good calligraphy, has the tell-tale sound in her voice of a noblewoman (though exchanging the generally pompous and pretentious sound for the more clear tone of the cultured common folk), can do various maths rather quickly and, though lacking many excellent skills that others might have, she is quick to understand new concepts and can pick up new capabilities without any trouble. With work, her limited skillset could be quickly filled out.

Formerly Church through family ties, currently unaffiliated.

In many ways, Peregrine's past of a little noblewoman in the Church-affiliated Magistri Ferri house, that is, before the rest of her kin were killed by the Inquisition for reasons unknown to her, shows in her personality. She can't stand being dirty for more than a certain period of time, she can, at times, think rather highly of herself and finally, be quite idealistic, though this clashes with her more realistic side that comes from her life of being nothing more than a cultivated commoner.

Cunning, witty and dark, Peregrine is ironically gregarious, never passing up on a chance to comment on the situation at hand. However, even if she may jokingly complain about many things, she is diligent and perseverant, ready to push through just about any situation if it means earning her another week of life. She doesn't work particularly well in a group, but at the same time, she doesn't work all that well alone either, often longing for the company of a comrade and a companion. In any case, on the outside, she never does seem particularly happy with any situation at hand, though, inwardly, she can be quite the optimist, this being the most likely source of her aforementioned determination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by eloraczyr
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eloraczyr Rabid fangirl of mediocre things

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Cassius Ainhart

Age: Thirty One

Height/Weight: 5'6" - 145 lbs

Appearance: Cassius could be considered classically beautiful, a feature that she has used on more than one occasion to compliment her place within the church. She takes a lot of care and pride in her appearance, believing the importance in maintaining presentation within the church, and that its members be pleasant to the eye as a means of indicating godly virtue. Her hair is blonde with tailored waterfall curls when left down though she often has it done up in some means of an attractive manner. Her skin has a healthy pallor, always looking on the verge of sunkissed without being too terribly tanned. Whether this is an outcome of cosmetics, or of her natural appearance, it's hard to determine. But she is very rarely found without cosmetics to keep herself looking presentable. Despite all her efforts, she is beginning to show signs of lines around her eyes, mouth, and forehead but they are as yet subtle that an initial glance would not be too telling. Other than the lines, her face is diamond shaped, but with a healthy weight to it, giving her the impression of being well fed, well cared for, and over all in good health.

She is of average height, and belongs to a bit more of the thinner stock, but carries a healthy musculature in her arms, legs, back, etc. She is definitely not a woman to shirk any duties, and maintains her physical health as devotedly as she does her appearance. She isn't particularly well endowed, but is still pleasing to the eye, and of average proportions all around. She over all carries a matronly or motherly appearance at a glance, incredibly welcoming, and incredibly feminine.

Birthplace: She was born in one of the farming villages relatively close to Custos, but eventually relocated herself to Primum to pursue her religious passions.

Profession: She is a Cleric for the church and can be often found traveling to spread the word of the Church, bestow blessings, last rights, take confessions, etc. At times, because she travels as much as she does, and is out making connections with people, she may be asked to pursue intelligence on the Novaks or the Resistance.

Skills/Talents: Cassius is by default a people person. She has great interpersonal skills, and exudes a great deal of authority whilst earning the respect of her peers and equals. Being a humanitarian at heart, and with her approachable demeanor, she tends to find herself using her knowledge and passion of the Church to save wayward souls. She's a little jaded in the sense that she really believes in the order of the Church and seeks to spread its message everywhere. Her genuine manner usually seems to win out with the masses.

On top of that, having grown up upon the farm, she is no stranger to hard labour and can surprise most with her knowledge of agriculture, her willingness to enter so called "messy" situations, and her ability to operate technology most Churchmen might scoff at due to her proximity to the southern reaches where technology runs rampant.

Association: Cassius is a representative of the Church, though to keep things exciting, perhaps her additional knowledge, and compassionate personality make her ideal to accompany part of the inquisition.

Personality: Cassius is strong headed, but compassionate. She has a strong sense of morals to guide her and so she often believes she is doing right, and doing things for the better good. She is strongly affiliated with the Church and their message and believes, though she does at times scoff at the parishes that run separate to her own ideals. She can take on a bit of an elitist attitude, especially when speaking to members of the Church who would take her gospels as law. She believes she truly is helping towards the salvation of others, and because of that, she can be a bit jaded at times.

She does not shirk away from responsibility, is good willed, and generally a happy person. She is content with her lot in life and tends to roll a lot with the punches, so long as they do not contest her belief system. She is tough on those who disagree with her, but as always, is willing to offer concessions over being shunned, so long as whoever is in disagreement with her accepts her way.

(I'm a bit reluctant to throw a lot into the setting atm till I understand a bit more about it, so by all means if you require more details of me, let me know and I shall provide! Also, I'll probably get to know the character more as I play her/become familiar with the setting)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Luke Calligan
Age: 18
Height/Weight: 6’2, 154
Appearance: Luke has shaggy fiery red hair, the color of early sunrise. Often it looks even brighter in the sunlight. It falls down to his forehead or so, unkempt. It has a raggy, disheveled look, yet still somehow is endearing. Luke has pale white skin, lighter than most. It is dotted with freckles, which often gives him a more childish look. He is stall and lanky, long-limbed. He is well-muscled, though they are not very obvious due to his skinny frame. His nose is an average length and shape, not being a very prominent feature. What really stands out about him is his eyes. He has two deep blue eyes, somehow both as dark and deep as the fabled oceans of the Old World and as light and clear as the sky that surrounds them. It often takes many young ladies breaths away at their appearance, much to Luke’s pleasure.
Birthplace: Custos
Profession: Street Rat
Skills/Talents: Running- Luke has spent much of his life running. From the authorities who would lock him up and throw away the key, from the enemies he’s made on the streets who would beat him until he was little more than a pool of blood and crushed bones, even from his past, Luke has been running. He can run far and fast and is even proficient on running on rooftops.
Pickpocketing- Living on the streets of Custos was hard and you had to find a way to eat somehow. So, Luke did the sensible thing anyone would have done. He learnt how to pickpocket. Now, he can steal a purse of coins right out from underneath someone’s nose without them even realizing it. Not to say he’s a thief or anything, though…
Charm- Luke has a charm to him. It’s a born talent, a gift really. Something about him makes people instantly like him, even if he can be extremely annoying. This skill has proven useful numerous times, allowing him to talk his way out of many particularly sticky situations. Without his charm, Luke’s head would probably not still be attached to his shoulders.

Association: The Resistance- Luke was once part of the Church. He was taken in as a child, after his parents died. He would have been trained in the ways of the faith and inducted as one of their own once he reached a certain age. That is, if he hadn’t run away. Luke couldn’t stand himself to be one of them, the people whom his father had repeatedly spoken out against. So he took to the streets and struggled to survive for the rest of his life, though it was worth it. Soon enough, he became involved with the resistance through some shady contracts and business dealings, but is now a trusted member. He typically serves as a messenger, smuggler, gatherer of information and “procurer of goods” as he likes to say.

Personality: Luke is a child. That is the best way to describe him. Living on the streets as a child, he was forced to grow up fast. Except he never grew up, at least not personality wise. He still jokes about everything, one never far from his lip. A permanent, cocky smile is planted on his face, revealing surprisingly white teeth. He is cocky, arrogant, and a bit of an ass, yet somehow in an endearing way. No matter how many nerves he breaks, no matter how many people he pisses off, they still like him. Luke is selfish, too. He is always watching his own back, making sure that he’s going to benefit from the situation. It’s how he’s stayed alive for so long. This doesn’t mean he’s not kind, though. He has cared for numerous other children who have been put in the same position as him. He’s just not running a charity. Luke is loyal, too. If you get close enough to him, if he considers you part of his gang, then you can rest assured that he will protect you with his life. He may not be easy to get him to like you, but once he does, he will have your back, forever and always.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire
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Grimoire Awesomesauce Since 1623

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Larson Valenti,

Age: 27

Height/Weight: 6'1


A lanky, even skeletal man with chocolate skin. Larson generally sports a well-groomed appearance, with short-cropped black hair. His face is unassuming, the kind that is easily forgotten. If one were to look closes the may find his features are perhaps a bit too angular and taut. He usually sports the aloof haughtiness of an aristocrat, however his eyes are always roving and taking measure of his surroundings. It is perhaps his eyes that are his most striking feature, with a rare hazel color, which are usually hidden by a pair of tinted half-moon glasses.

Birthplace: Custos


Larson Valenti to most people is the son of some remote unimportant rural baron, with just enough money to be considered an aristocrat. Appropriate to his station, Larson spends a majority of his time doing aristocratic things such as attending parties and flirting with the women of high society.

However, as with many things with Larson Valenti, this is merely a veil. If one were to visit his father’s house one would find an empty shed in the midst of some farmlands. What Larson in reality is and in his own words, an "Information Professional" or in lay terms a spy for hire. One can purchase his services from little teashop called the "The Intrigue", the man in charge for the shop just happens to be a far cousin of Larson's butler Mr. Miles.

The Cavalier Condor, Larson’s street name comes under is beginning to do the rounds. He has a healthy count of deeds and misdeeds to his name involving a variety of activities from the theft and con of fortunes to cracking open one merchant's human trafficking, to the murder of a certain Lord Sarle.

His clientele range from the Aristocracy to rich wives’, and somehow Larson manages to complete most any job that comes his way. Although recently with business brimming, he has had the luxury to become far more selective and particular


Spy craft: One of the best of the lot amongst the orphans trained by Mother Moss, Larson has been taught from the basics to the intricacies of spy craft from early on in his life. Being taught by one if the best in the business has him grow up to be a formidable agent, untraceable, discrete and completely professional.

Funds: Money makes the world go round; perhaps some would say the church. However, Larson himself has stronger faith towards the former. In fact he has made sure to amass a good sum of liquid and frozen assets to help him execute his jobs. He has keen sense towards business and has managed to grow his funds over time, albeit with stolen money.

Longshot: Though he prefers not to engage in such "uncivilized" activities, sometimes the job requires that he do spill blood. Apart from his usual repertoire of poisons, he is also very skilled at marking targets from long distances. This aligns with his policy of being as far away from the "dirt" as possible when it needs to arise.

Association: Freelance


Larson displays a veneer of aristocratic refinement, with all its tee totaling, shallow snobbery and general foppery. However he is in fact an orphan, which imparts onto him a certain amount of grit, making him more than likely to climb over a given wall when one confronts him. This kind of pragmatism is sharpened by a healthy dose of pessimism birthed by the hard life of an orphan, which comes out in his tendency to plan with great depth. Larson has a very flexible moral code; he will not bat an eye from stealing a man's fortune or using blackmail to get what he wants. However, discipline and training guide him from doing anything overly impetuous.

He can be a charming young debutant when he needs to be, but behind closed doors, he is a sullen introvert. The kind that prefers to eat alone with only his dog for company. He is by nature a private person, realized by the fact of how little most people know about him. A good trait to have for one in his profession.
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