Hi there! =D Thank you for checking this fella's posted musings. Before I proceed to the meat and potatoes of the 'where, when, who, etc' allow me to go over a handful of things that should be made clear beforehand.

First, mostly seeking women to play with, as I do like my roleplays to have the option (though not necessity) of romance, or at least romantic tension, and for some reason I'm generally happier bouncing posts off someone who's a different gender in 1x1 roleplays. I'm weird that way.

Second, I'm open to pretty much any level of content, i.e. language, violence, etc, etc, BUT in order not to make anyone uncomfortable, I try to figure out my partner's own limits before roleplay even begins, to avoid any faux pas and make them uncomfortable as a result; as a result, generally a short brainstorming/interview on the subject of any limits you may have will come up, and I encourage you to be as detailed as possible, and totally honest. (: Preferring to avoid certain levels of violence or language will not deter me from playing with you, but again, I just want to know where we stand going into things.

Third, this is going to sound nit-picky, but though I love playing within Fandoms, I prefer playing an ORIGINAL character within the universe that Fandom creates, as opposed to assuming the identity of an existing character. (I'll play canons as secondary characters, mind you, just not my main fellow.) You are welcome to either play a canon, or an original character, as your own main, again, neither pick will deter me from playing with you. But if you're hoping I'll play a favorite canon of yours as my main, then unfortunately I'll have to disappoint.

Now that that's out of the way! Though I'll list some cravings, feel free to approach me about any fantasy setting, or a setting based on any Fandom; worse comes to worse, I won't have heard of it, and we can brainstorm from there.

Primary craving at the moment: I've been re-watching Sword Art Online, and dear God I forgot how much I missed that show. The exact details of a roleplay are something I'm still a bit shaky on, but ideally I'd like something that spans the rise of a couple of players, maybe as early as their very beginning when they're trapped in the game, and eventually ending up on the Strike Force. The main canons could be more referred-to and occasionally encountered, and maybe even tweak the ending of the SAO segment so it doesn't come to its sudden end, but this is a fairly nebulous idea atm, ripe for brainstorming!

Secondary Cravings: Fallout 3. Again, I prefer to play an OC, so the specifics of what happens will depend on what YOU decide to play as. (I have a suggestion on that count, but of course it would just be a suggestion.) Mine would be a Regulator (think Wasteland bounty hunter cowboy) who, on the side, scavenges any ruins he comes across for components.

Will add more as they occur to me!