Dramatis Personæ

Cowboy Detective/ Bill Montana- Gets unwillingly dragged into investigating the murder. Late 20s.

Indian Shaman who "Knows All": The mysterious old Indian that warns the white men of the danger, but is just vague enough to never be of any help.

Alice- Our Femme fatale/ Virginal Maiden

Sherriff Hawkins- Corrupt

Deputy Roger & various other Deputies- Also Corrupt

Dr. Hanson- Local Doctor.

Daniel- A down-and-out writer. Now dead.

Older, Foolish Woman

________ - The Mine Owner. Fullfils our Tyrant/villain spot.

_______ - Father of Alice.

Jealous husbands

Railroad men


Clergy -"The missionaries sent out there are almost everyone mean, vicious, weak, immoral, useless men."

The Town/ Lone Mine

Native Americans