Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The bulb seemed to throb at the poke as it suddenly rose up on a large thick stalk, swaying slightly before them. From the ground around it, thorny vines erupted from the earth and lashed out like a pair of emerald whips at the two looking so intently at the plant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eldarin immediately leapt back slashing the vines in his way and retreating to a safe distance as quickly as he could several feet away. Well better to have learned that now then later. He'd hate to run into the plant if he had to flee from some threat, now he might even be able to use it as a sort of trap. Now one last thing to test. Eldarin snapped his fingers and a small flicker of flame appeared on the bulbous plant, he wondered how it reacted to burning. He took several steps back just in case the plant had more, further back roots and went into some sort of frenzy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The vines offered surprising resistance and whilst they did take damage, were not completely severed. The plant shrieked at the fire but it didn't seem to damage the fresh vegetation too heavily, whilst its vines went to wrap around Eldarin's legs and yank him onto the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Tough bugger aren't ya." Eldarin muttered as he leapt backwards at the last second away from the ground creeping vines, this time he fled down the river in full fledged retreat, he'd learned all he needed to from the plant. It was dangerous and not easily killed. More than enough reason to leave it alone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The retreat, not much of a surprise, ended the battle with the vile plant, as it was unable to move or follow in any degree. Of course, retreating down the river had put them back further than whence they started. From here, if he didn't want to cross paths with the dangerous vegetation again, he'd have to try the woods on his left. And there was no path in sight, just dense clusters of trees crowding in the darkness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Eldarin caught his breath for a minute and considered what best to do. He could bring out a flame to help light the way, but odds were it would reveal his position and possibly start a fire, neither of which were any good. Sighing, he resigned himself to pushing through the thick woods as best he could, listening for the river to make sure he didn't stray too far off course. Naturally his blade was out and he constantly scanned the darkness for anything that indicated a threat. He wasn't sure what was more dangerous in this place, the animals or the plants.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The thick dense trees block his path at every turn, the situation becoming akin to moving through a crowd in a large city. But no noise, nothing other than the rustle of the wind in the leaves and his footsteps on the dew kissed grass. As he continued, he suddenly spotted something in the distance, about north east of his position. It was a strange flash of orange, a welcome hue in these dark woods... it moved almost akin to fire, flickering back and forth in a circular pattern. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be an animal of some sort. What it truly was, he would not be able to tell unless he approached it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Eldarin frowned as he looked ahead at the strange color. It looked as though a living flame was dancing through the woods. He cursed softly as he stumbled on yet another tree root, nearly clanging his sword into another tree. These pesky plants were everywhere, if he got into a fight it would be a nightmare trying to maneuver in these, even swinging his sword would be a chore. Eldarin looked at the flame again, he was reminded of a will 'o wisp. There were many tales about them, but a good half of them indicated that following one was the same thing as walking towards a grave. He was tempted to get a closer look anyway but decided against it, instead skirting around it, keeping the color in sight in case it did something, but otherwise avoiding it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Keeping an eye on the orange thing might have been a good idea, as he can see it noticed him and was fast approaching, darting gracefully over the tree roots and the gnarled plants that lined the grass. It was on him in seconds, leaping into his path and looking directly up at him. Now it was closer, he could see it was... a fox. A completley harmless, ordinary looking fox. It was looking up at him as it stepped into his path, its tail curling gracefully behind it, akin to its firelike movements he had seen only moments before... it seemed... curious...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Eldarin set his feet firmly and turned to face the light that came nearer and nearer, ready to fight off whatever it was. But to his surprise he found it was only a fox, it barely came up to his knees. Still he'd been attacked by a killer plant earlier today so the cuteness was somewhat wasted on him. Still, he relaxed somewhat and made a shooing gesture with his buckler. "Run along foxy, I've got a lot of ground to cover and I'm reluctant to try sleeping here." in these woods he was sure any attempt at sleep would be rewarded with death. Which was of course sleep in its own way, but Eldarin had no interest in that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The fox seemed slightly insistent as it bounded around in front of him, its black beady eyes looking up at him... but at his words, jinterestingly enough, it turned and trotted forward a bit before glancing back at him and flicking it's fire like tail slightly toward where it was going... was this beast actually trying to coax him to follow it? He couldn't see much to where it was going... but then again, there wasn't much to see on the path he was taking anyway, so it was an even split.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Eldarin sighed. Here was in an unknown forest, being offered to be led by an adorable fire fox or given the option of taking the beaten path. He really must be an idiot, he thought to himself ruefully as he took a few steps after the fox. "I'm warning you, if you led me astray none of us will be happy." was all he said to the little creature. Odds were the road was just as dangerous as following the fox thing anyway. It was the most obvious place for travelers so who could say what dangers awaited? Of course this might very well be one of those dangers, but Eldarin was quickly growing tired of this place and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible so he was willing to gamble a little. Besides, something that cute couldn't be malevolent. Eldarin once again reminded himself that this was possibly the worst idea he'd ever had and carefully followed the fox.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The little fox acknowledged his words and nodded, prancing off into the trees and leading him quickly back to a somewhat well beaten path. Familiar, but lacking the river at his side... even so, he could see those vicious plants laying by the wayside... undisturbed and not moving as the fox led him onward through the woods. After a few minutes, the fox led him to an oddly natural looking hut in the woods. It was made entirely of trees, curved into a bizzare roof with a functioning door that the fox slipped inside, leaving it open a crack with which he could follow. There was warmth and light radiating from within.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Well at this point heading back couldn't result in anything good, those plants might not be so courteous without the fox leading the way. The fox itself seemed to have no ill intent, at least for now, and the small hut it had led him to looked downright cozy. Eldarin pushed the door open wide enough to admit him and stepped in, carefully looking around the small structure and closing the door behind him. This looked to be as good a place as any to take a break, the woods were much easier to traverse in daylight. The only question was, who was he sharing it with?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The interior spoke of nature's best comforts, a floor of smooth stone akin to those you'd find in a blacksmith's forge, clean and flat. The hut was lit by small glowing plant bulbs that hung in the closest thing that could serve for corners in a rounded hut. In the middle a little fire surrounded by stones was heating up a small cast iron pot hanging by a little rod, bubbling contentedly. He could even spy a mattress of straw laying near the back. Primitive, but comfortable in this kind of condition.

But his eyes now were drawn to the left side, a large oaken chair stood and was sat upon by a woman. She was draped in forest green and ash grey robes with a leafy texture to them, ragged hems that spoke of age. The lady occupying these garments looked somewhat middle aged, a youthful face with fading blonde hair that would one day become white. Around her sat more foxes, about 3 in total as the one whom had led him in sat at her feet, looking toward the incomer. A younger fox laid in the woman's lap as she was feeding it from a small earthen jug. Once he was inside, she looked down to her recent incoming fox.

"Oh Brownie... what have you brought upon my doorstep?" She then looked up to greet him. "Greetings traveller. I am Sorreau of these woods."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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How very odd. He'd had no idea what to expect but this was rather surprising. Anyone who lived in these woods was certainly a little strange, especially with such slight a build. This women was almost undoubtedly a wizard...ess of some sort. Eldarin gave a graceful half bow to the druid in front of him and said, "Greetings I am Eldarin Vrus, distinctively not of these woods. Brownie apparently decided that I needed a helping hand and I can't say he's wrong. May I perhaps intrude upon your kindness by seeking lodging here for the night? I would be more than willing to pay my way, through coin or labor." Hopefully this women wasn't one of those evil hags who lured in travelers and eat them. Regardless he'd already decided to place his trust in her and her foxes, so if he was going to die here there was no point worrying about it. Feeling slightly more relaxed now he sheathed his sword as he awaited her answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"In times of need, even the smallest touch of kindness can change the fate of many..." Sorreau said that to herself as if remembering something. "Of course you may stay. I'll require no payment... gold carries little weight to me, you see." She stroked over the head of the fox she was nursing and gestured toward both the pot and the straw mattress. "I'm preparing a stew of nettle broth and mushrooms. You may partake of it, as well as use the mattress for the night... however, I must ask a little favor in return for your stay."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nothing more than he expected, though of course what the women counted as a little favor might be very different to himself. Never the less, he had little other choice in the matter. "Thank you for your graciousness. If your favor is in my ability to grant I will do so eagerly." Eldarin said elegantly. His stomach let out a small, embarrassing, growl at the smell of the stew. Personally any food with the word nettle in it didn't seem like it could be any good, but hunger was a most excellent seasoning. He didn't bother setting his weapon down in case she wanted him to go outside to do something, perhaps clear out some of those plants. Hopefully it wasn't... That type of favor. Eldarin of course had no one significant in his life but he certainly wasn't going to be casual about such a thing, he never had been.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorreau smiled as she saw from draw up a bowl of the soul. It had a strongly herbal taste to it but it was satisfying enough to serve as a meal. She set down the young pup she was holding as she turned to him.
"My favor is simple. One of my foxes has gone missing this last day. Tinder is never one to stray from home... and judging by your appearance, you intend to travel father into the kingdom, I suspect. Please, if you could locate my Tinder and send him home, I would appreciate it dearly." Interesting that she seemed to know of his quest just from his appearance... maybe it was her eyes...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mhm, it was far more tasty then he expected as well as more filling. It had a strange, earthy feel to it, but was certainly passable. Eldarin let out an internal sigh of relief upon hearing her request. Ah, that should be a simple matter, easy to complete. If the foxes were similar than searching for this one would be like looking for a lit lantern. Not the easiest thing to do in a forest of this size but it could've been a much more difficult task. Eldarin spoke up once more, "As you wish. Would you prefer I seek him out tonight, or would tomorrow suffice?" He would prefer a good nights rest, but the fox would doubtless be easier to find in the dark. Still, as a guest, he was to follow the host's desires.
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