So I just recently got back into role playing and tried out some 1x1 and I actually enjoy them. I'm still very new to 1x1. I have 18+ in the title because for one, I'm in my 20s and two I enjoy a good story and good story comes with blood, sex, and violence :3
So I'm expecting one of the three or all three to happen. I encourage romance in all of my role plays(I'm a hopeless romantic :c) so I have no problem with sexual content. My ideas so far have been more so under the Fantasy or Paranormal genre and some modern ideas with fantasy or Paranormal elements.

Demon x Human
Assassin x Target/Assassin
Princess x Knight
Werewolf/Vampire x Human
Musician/DJ x Bar/Club Owner
Student x Professor

I've only done MxF, but I'm also open to FxF

That's all I really have for now. I have ideas of plots for each, but we can always discuss the plot together. PM with whichever one interests you and I'll gladly share my thoughts. Seeing as how I'm female(my username is deceiving ;-;) I obviously play the role of females, but if I had to play a male I'd have no problem. I'm open to new ideas so don't be afraid to share your thoughts!