Blitz laid the boy down on her bed letting him snuggle into the spot where she was originally laying. She's worried about him. He had a panic attack and that could possibly affect him while they are in the middle of a battle. Then she sighs and looks at Noah, she knows that the boy is smart enough to stay calm in the middle of something urgent. Blitz can't go to sleep now her insomnia is to bad and she can't really sleep knowing that the Xenomorphs are right outside waiting for them. She scoots closer to Noah and lays on her side wrapping her arm around him and stares at the wall just listening for anything Alien like.

Noah had been awake for a bit now he can't sleep. Not without seeing the monsters coming to get him or his mom..or Blitz and Kiley. When Blitz put her arm around him he nearly screamed but relaxed as tears started to go down his face.

"Shh it'll be okay," Blitz says.

"Don' lie Bwitz," Noah mutter sniffing,"Kawrama will get oo if oo do,"He says.

"I think Karma's got me, kid," Blitz said with an empty laugh. They both went quiet listening to the noises or lack of noises. Staring at the wall in front of them. Blitz felt a small hand poke hers making her smile.

"Hey Bwitz?"


"Do oo has any famwy?" Noah asks turning his head to look at Blitz. Blitz sighs thinking of her old team before smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, I did,"She whispers earning a smile from the boy,"What about you Mister? Got any other family?"

"I have a cwousin," Noah said after a moment," But that's really it," He said turning on his back to look at Blitz.

"Only one other family member, huh?" Blitz says.

"Well oo're like my 'ong wost big swister so," Noah shruggs but smiles when he see's Blitz eyes brighten to a sea blue.

"Really?" She asked trying to hide a grin.

"oor eye is blue," Noah says pointing at her eye smiling. Blitz brought the boy into her arms and began to tickle him to try to distract him.