Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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The other clan was getting bolder. Taiga sat near the main fire as she toyed with the head of one of her spears. Taking a sharpening stone from her pouch, she began to sharpen it. A lesson of the sins of having faulty equipment was one of the few things that firmly imprinted on her mind. The memory of her spear unable to pierce a ghoul bear was enough to make her shudder. The wounds and scars from that encounter never healed. It was her reminder to refine and upkeep her arsenal.

Ignoring other conversations as best as she could, there was one in particular she couldn't filter out. It was about the Coalition. Supposedly - far from them - a clan successfully untied thirteen clans under one banner. Taiga smirked. That'd be a sight to see indeed. While the elder and head warrior sued for diplomacy, the terms often brokered between a potential ally and them never reached a compromise. If no compromise was met, the next easiest choice was always made. War. Fighting. A brief skirmish. It never escalated past a few battles, but there were some that did. Taiga found herself locked in one such conflict presently.

"It's sharp enough." Taiga looked over and nodded to Fenra who took a seat next to her. "You might as well move on to the next. Now it's busywork."

"Since when are you the expert?" Taiga asked. She placed the spear to the side and took up another one.

"You took my advice."

Taiga shrugged as she began to sharpen the spear yet again. "We had a close call today. If Ajax arrived any later, we would've been cut off."

Fenra took an apple from her pouch and bit into it. "But we didn't. We bled their warriors dry. Remember: we didn't start this war Tai." Fenra took another bite. "We're going to finish it though. Lest they turn coward and submit. I hope they don't."


"It's either kill them or resort to my other ways. I'd rather kill them."

Even with the masterful control Fenra had placed over her darker nature, Taiga knew how fine the line her beloved friend had to walk. Taiga relished the fight. She was good at it. It was simple and there was very little room for grayness. It was all black and white really. Fenra on the overhand relished the carnage on a different level. Many in the village feared it, but they were glad to have Fenra fighting for them. The woman enjoyed the sight of blood. On occasion, Taiga had seen her taste the blood of others. Taiga confronted Fenra about it immediately and kept it a secret. There wasn't any need to provoke the fear of the village any further about her.

Finishing up sharpening her second spear, Taiga placed it in line with the first as she took out one of her daggers. She had two matching crescent moon ones as well as a tomahawk. "Remember what we talked about."

"I remember, Tai."

Taiga smiled at the nickname. If it were anyone else, she'd smack them silly. "Got anymore of those?" Taiga asked motioning to the apple.

Fenra took one out of her pack and handed it over. "Savor it. They're not easy to come by. The next harvest doesn't start for some time."

Sheathing her dagger, Taiga took the apple. She tore a huge chunk out of it as she looked into the fire. "Blood begets blood."

Fenra tossed a twig into the fire. "Blood begets blood."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 8 days ago

The human girl Eretria sat by the bottom of a large tree, leaning against it as she cracks nuts with the end of her sword. Crack. Crack.

Alëa sits in the tree, leaning against the bole and one of her legs dangling off it. She braids her hair as her sister keeps cracking nuts with the sword. Crack. A nearby bird fled as the cracking sounds startled it.

"I am bored", Eretria complains. "I need something to kill."

Alëa kept braiding her hair. "There's a city only five miles away." She pointed into the direction.

"What? You mean Reakyth?", Eretria answered. "That city full of warriors? I don't think attacking that would be a smart move, Alëa."

The elf sighed heavily and dropped braiding her hair. "I never said anything about attacking it. I still have a few coins left. We could stock up our inventory."

Eretria got up and put her sword into her scabbard. Ready to walk those five miles. "Get down, elf!"

Alëa jumped off the tree and landed on the ground. She put her bow and quiver over her shoulder and followed her sister through the woods. "Don't call me elf. Many people would like to shoot me for my ears."

Eretria sped up the pace. She was really done with all this boredom. Time to find some adventure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What do you think?"

Unable to rest before the moon patrol, Taiga noted the many tracks scattered about the forest floor. Someone had been here - rather a dozen or so. To pass away the time, Fenra had suggested hunting. That's what they'd be doing right about now had a villager not stopped them.

"Might be the children. Too far in for an enemy patrol. The border guard wouldn't let them in without a warning," Taiga said. She pawed at the surface beside the tracks. "Hard to say though."

Fenra frowned as she walked about. She looked at the villagers that had called them over. "How did you notice these again?"

"Was about to harvest the field. Found these instead," said the man. "Not too sure if it's anything to worry about. Just thought I'd mention it and such."

"Sound judgment," Fenra said. She crouched beside Taiga. "We should warn the head warrior. If it's kids, then all's well. If not? Then we have a problem."

Taiga nodded. Her blue eyes crossed over to the man that spoke earlier. "Can you manage the message?"

The man nodded. "Tell the head warrior that we may have trespassers?"

Taiga nodded. "Fenra and I will stay. Look around a bit more and see if anything reveals itself," she said as she looked at the middle aged woman and the child, "stay vigilant as we piece things together. You see anything, come tell us."

Fenra narrowed her eyes ever so slowly. "Understood?"

Seeing the reaction of fear from the villagers, Taiga nudged her companion. "Then go," she said to the man. "If these tracks are for the worse, the village needs to be ready."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Eretria walked towards the city with confidence. She didn't expect an attack if they just approached the front gate with open arms and the intention to spend money.
Alëa was close up behind her sister. She didn't reach for her weapons but was ready to grab to her arrow and bow in a second. She was a quick handed woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the two warriors were left alone to their own devices, Taiga walked the perimeter again looking for anything. Anything to give her an idea of why there were so many foot prints within clan's boundaries. Pursing her lips, she walked back over to Fenra. "You find anything?"

Fenra shook her head. "Nothing telling. Otherwise, I found a worm?"

Taiga sighed as she nodded towards the village's gate. "Come on. Lets walk the perimeter. The head warrior will send people here. Trackers," Taiga said. "Whatever happens, I'm sure they'll know best."

Fenra shrugged. "Wherever you go, I go."

The warrior shook her head. "Stop joking around."

"I'm not," Fenra said. Taiga looked at her eyes. They were solemn. Non-playful. It drove Taiga crazy at times, Fenra's apathy.

Saying nothing, she led the way.

Expecting only tranquility and boredom, Taiga saw two strangers approach the village. She was already on the outside as she gripped her spear. Fenra followed closely behind her carrying a spear of her own. Unlike the bow Taiga saw, the clan's weapons were the spears. The range was lacking but not to a practiced, season warrior. She could make the spear kill with pinpoint accuracy. It was necessary when fighting the other clans.

This close to the village, Taiga was sure there were already hunters perched among the trees. If the strangers meant to do harm, she was sure they wouldn't leave alive.

Coming to stop a good distance away, she studied the two women. Her muscles tensed then relaxed. "Which clan are you from?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Alëa tensed as she saw the two women approach them with spears in their hands. She itched to grab her bow but resisted. This was not gonna end in a blood bath, she would make sure of that if she could.

Eretria didn't give any sign of noticing the weapons whatsoever. With pure confidence she stepped closer to them until the blonde one spoke. "Which clan are you from?"

According to the body language and confidence in the lady's voice she was sure they'd win a fight. And considering they're basically having a whole city behind their back, Alëa understood why.

But never underestimate Eretria. She learnt that the hard way. Several times.

Eretria answered the blondes question. "We are loners. Is that hair color natrual?" Eretria didn't sound insulting or anything. Just honestly curious.

Alëa knew she was playing mind games. Don't let the enemy think you're intimidated. But in this case she was sure the human wasn't intimidated at all.

The elven girl had her hair above her ears covering them from anyone's sight. Her fingers itched to grab the arrow, yet she was still resisting. Her body language was relaxed and harmless. Just a girl asking for entrance.

"We were wondering if we could spend a few coins on useful items and some food in your lovely village", Amberle explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"We are loners. Is that hair color natrual?"

Taiga narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. Ignoring the question, her mind mulled over the duo's claim. Loners? She'd heard of nomads in the area, but never had she stumbled upon them. For the most part, the roamers stayed out of the forest, which her people didn't mind one bit. It prevented any actions of misunderstood violence.

Studying the other woman, whatever conceptions were formed from physical appearance was dispelled from her mind. Taiga had fought those who looked harmless. They turned out to be the most dangerous due to being underestimated and possessing a cunning brute-ish warriors lacked.

Taiga heard the other woman loud and clear. Trade? Had the travelers no idea they were in a potential war zone? Turning to one of the nearby warriors, Taiga switched over to her clan's dialect. She didn't want the strangers understanding her.

"You heard their request?"

"Yes," said the hunter.

"Go tell the elder. Ask what's to be done."

Taiga refocused her attention on the two as the hunter scurried off. Fenra was characteristically quiet as usual.

"Our elder will decide whether to permit you or not," Taiga said in the common tongue. "You chose a less than opportune time to trade here I'm afraid."

Fenra stiffened ever so slightly. "That's putting it mildly," she said. "We're not too keen on strangers either. Loners, right? What region are you originally from?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Eretria raised her eyebrows. "We are from a town that got burned down many years ago. Our parents died. Everyone died. You understand it's a rather unpleasant topic."

The elven girl looked both of the Warriors up and down. They were beautiful but asked way too many questions. If they'd bother her sister with more questions she'd might cause a fight. Eretria was eager to get an adventure started. Although Alëa rather wanted that adventure to be not exactly a needless war.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Death was never a pleasant thing, but it was a normal part of life. Taiga had friends who died. Even family. Even if the question wasn't something the strangers wanted to talk about, she had to assess whether they were a danger or not.

"A bit vague but it'll do," Taiga said as she looked back. The hunter hadn't returned yet. "Our clan is currently at war. Anyone could be a spy. I'm trying to see if you are or not. I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, but only a fool trusts without verifying."

"And they're the first to die," Fenra added in. "Just trading though. I don't see the harm. We'll be watching them of course."

Taiga shrugged. "That's not our decision to make," she said. "All we can do is wait."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Alëa gave the two girls a smile. "I agree. And you do not seem foolish to me. Though I think when being at war letting in strangers isn't quiet fortunate. We will leave you two gorgeous girls alone and find another place to go. Thank you for your time." The elf bowed slightly and then turned away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Gorgeous? Did the woman just call Fenra and herself gorgeous?

A bit confounded by the choice of words, Fenra made a clicking sound as the hunter from before came back. Taiga looked to him. "What does the elder want?"

"They can trade. They must leave all their weapons at the entrance. They will be searched for security. They'll get them when they leave," said the hunter in the common tongue. "Those are the conditions. Unless they prove hostile, they'll keep their lives."

Looking back to the strangers, Taiga regarded the bold stranger then the gentler stranger who was half-turned away. "If you can do without your weapons you're free to trade," Taiga said. "Commerce remains of some importance even in conflict. Just mind your manners."

Fenra regarded the two with suspicion. She didn't like this. Both women seemed seasoned. She supposed it was expected from wanders and loners. "We'll be watching," she said to the two as she motioned to the village. "This is Raekyth."

Giving her friend a look, Taiga motioned for the two women to follow her. "We'll take your weapons at the gate. You'll get them back when you leave. All of them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Before Eretria could say something, Alëa spoke. "Please be careful with these", she gently asked as she took off her bow and arrows and handed them to Taiga. She smiled and kept handing over all her blades including her sword.

Although not liking it Eretria went with it and began dropping her weapons. She knew her sister would make her pay for it if she would just refuse and walk away.

Alëa smiled gently at the two women. "I understand your concerns. We don't want trouble."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Koda
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One of the women complied. It would've been a shame to cut down travelers as well as lose hunters. Taiga felt this presence about the two. They were dangerous even though they didn't look the part. As were Fenra and herself as well. Though the clan could surely return these two travelers to the Earth, the potential collateral damage was astounding. She grimaced to herself. As long as they were here, they'd have to be watched. That was a given.

When another hunter took the weapons and brought them to the gatehouse near the village entrance. Taiga waved for the two to follow her. "I'll show you to the merchants. Typically, we welcome traders. Commerce and merchants brings interesting things to the village. And people," she said. When they neared the market square, Taiga turned about. "What're you looking for? Anything in particular? We have food merchants. Artisans. Trinkets. Ale. If you're seeking luxury, the great city southwest of here is the place to go."

"If you travel," Fenra interjected, "if you've traveled past the eastern mountain pass, how are things there? A merchant spoke of mountain men roaming those parts. The vermin. They kidnap children - people. We've heard nothing from our sentries out there. Doesn't mean their not active however. Reapers too. Surely you've heard of the Reaper clan forming to the west?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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The girls listened as the two warriors talked.

Eretria nodded then. "We know about the Reapers and the Mountain Men." But she said nothing else.

Instead Amberle offered a conversation. She was way more into talking than her sister. "The clan gets quiet string around those days. You should be careful. As for supplies, we look for some food and I'd like to check out your arrows. Maybe a new knife can do too?"
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