(There will be more on the OOC later)

The years after the Stark Hyperspace War had been ones of peace for the entire galaxy for jedi and sith alike have long since ceased conflict with the sith assumed practically dead. Having lived in peace for many years the economy of many worlds have prospered and things like the techno union and trade federations have risen to power within the years after the Treaty of Coruscant. To say things have gone well for the jedi is an understatement as despite the loses of notable masters during the previous war they have grown in numbers with jedi such as Mace Windu joining the council and Master Yoda serving as grand master of the jedi order.

The Jedi have prepared themselves quite well for possible threats since the end of the Stark Hyperspace War and have taken up the job as custodians of sorts of the republic space and have been cleaning up various problems. However word has reached the jedi of possible threats in the outer rim and near the unknown regions. Master Yoda feels a disturbance in the force. In response Yoda has decided to send a group of jedi to find the source of disturbance though the sith have gone instinct there are still remnants of their taint and monsterous power still left through the galaxy. The republic has even agreed to send some of their agents to help the jedi in this affair at the behest of the senate for reasons of possible threat to the republic's safety.

What this threat is, is unknown however the sith are most likely not at fault here as their agents had vanished many years prior to this recent disturbance. However relics of their dark nature still are spread through the galaxy and perhaps one of which has awoken this or maybe some old enemies of the Republic are up to something devious. There are definitely reports coming in from the outer rim of some activities happening around Nar Shadda. The intention of this new team being formed are to find the ones responsible for whatever is at works and put a stop to it if failing that to contain it and report back to the Republic. Their goal unknown and the stakes possibly high they will find their destiny on Nar Shadda and wherever the trail leads them.



1. All standard rp rules apply. God modding, Meta gaming, and other such rules apply and are not allowed.
2. As the acting Gm what I say goes. I am not a dictator so you can say and ask questions but I will enforce my rules and if I see something in a character that is not allowed in this roleplay I will say so.
3. This takes place in the legends continuity and thus Disney's continuity is thrown out the window. I am not the end all be all of star wars so if i get something wrong however please say so and cite my mistake with a link.
4. Vaapad, and Juyo won't be allowed for jedi without reason. Both forms are rare methods and Vaapad hasn't been invented yet.
5. Sith, Dark Side, and Generally evil characters aren't allowed as we will be fighting for the republic. morally grey characters are acceptable though.
6. Please do not puppet NPC's without me allowing you too do so.

Character Sheet:

Utility Equipment: (Jetpacks, knives, other sorts of gear that may or may not be needed on a character)
Armor: (if applicable)
Droid Companion(s): (If applicable)
(Jedi Section)
Class: (Sentinel, Guardian, Consular, Padawan)
Preferred Lightsaber Form: (May have up too two so that people can mix and match styles though purists may have an advantage in a straight out fight. Padawan learners are restricted to one. All jedi must at least have a passing knowledge of shi-cho to become a knight so don't put that on there unless your character is adept at it.)
Lightsaber Crystal: (This also dictates the color of the blade)
Lightsaber Type: (single, tonfa, double bladed, whip, club, etc. Must be from lore.)
Force Powers: (Keep your class in mind and remember to restrict the level of your force abilities. We aren't Darth Revan, Anakin, Luke)


NPC List:


Character List: