Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

''Let's go! Let's go! Move it soldiers! No slacking!'' It was pouring on Kamino, as it was always. But this time the sounds of the storm got overwhelmed by the sounds of a siren and the roaring engines of the Acclamator I-class assault ships. The ships were being loaded with hundreds, if not thousands of clone troopers, ready for battle. But that was not the fate for RC-2626 and his brothers, for they were Commandos, and they were to deploy behind enemy lines, and delay the reinforcements of the Separatists. Geonosis would be their first real mission outside of the simulation rooms, but they were born and bred for this.

Rep stood outside in the rain, watching as the clones marched into the huge ship. He himself was waiting for his LAAT which would bring him to another Acclamator, which would then deploy him on a designated position on Geonosis. He hadn't seen Chief, as he liked to call him, and the others since the siren went, but they had their orders and they would rendez vous on Geonosis.

And there came his ride, descending from the sky until it came to a full stop on the landing platform. Rep climbs aboard and turns around to see Tipoca City one more time, and then the bulk door closes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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RC-2628 stood with his hands folded behind him in the pounding rain. The only sign he was alive or moving was the side to side scanning of the organized chaos that was this invasion force. His squad was lost amidst this chaos. At first he sent in requests for their locations but his orders were relayed to him. He would gather his squad after deployment and strike hard at their first target. He watched the regular clones march in perfect ranks, file by file into the assault cruisers. This was their first test, their entire purpose for existing. They would invade this hunk of rock known as geonosis and shut down its productions and kill its leaders who would oppose the republic.

Soon his own LAAT arrived and landed with a soft 'thump' in front of him. The blast door slid open and he saw several other clones in with him. Some were commandos others were regular clones, probably to act as bait to protect the commandos after landing. He broke his stance of vigil and climbed into the cold metal ship. He didn't need to see or think of the expressions behind each of the helmets on board. They all looked just like him and would be thinking the same things he was, More or less. He reached up and took a handle as the blast door slid shut and the engines kicked off. The ship stuttered in the rain but gradually lifted off the ground to take him to the assault cruiser he would be riding into Geonosis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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RC-2632, Bear, watched the clones pile into ships by the thousands, a sea of white and black armour..Kamino's heavy rain splashed of Bear's armour. he watched Rep and Chief board seperate LAATs and in moments, Bear would also be on route to Genosha.

He knew and studied the plan inside out. Upon deployment he and his fellow brothers would block of routes using explosives and then meet up and all Bear would have to do is follow orders and assist the Republic in claiming victory, or die to proect it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Crunch was sat in the back of the LAAT, slowly and deliberately pushing slugs into the magazine of his DC-17. He didn't really have any reason to be apprehensive; Every single Clone had logged thousands of hours of simulated combat, and the Commandos and ARCs significantly more, mixed up with some more... realistic training from the Manalorians Fett had dragged to Kamino with him. There was nothing waiting for them on Geonosis that they hadn't been prepared for for years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hours passed and there was a dead silence in the four LAATs. Some troopers checked each others gear, while others simply stood silent, waiting. Suddenly a voice cracks through the ships intercom. ''Warning! LAATs dropping in ten seconds. Prepare yourselves. I repeat, LAATs dropping in ten seconds.'' Soon after, a loud clunk, the LAATs are dropped from the Assault Ships. The ships shake as they plunge towards the planet. The on board computer rapidly notifies the altitude. ''Thousand... Nine hundred, Eight hundred, Seven hundred...'' At 300 meters the ship activates his roaring engines and the ship flies forward as the bulk doors slowly slide open.

A red landscape filled with canyons and desert hold your view. Everyone has read about Geonosis, but to behold it for yourself was something special. The LAAT makes several stops to drop off some troops and other Commandos, until the members of Alpha squad are left.

Then the holocom turns on. It shows a clone whose apparently reading things off come kind of computer. He looks up and gives you a nod. ''Good to see you Alpha Squad. It's good they finally decided to let you go from the simulations. I am TR49687 and I will be your eye in the sky. You can call me Guide. Your objective on Geonosis will be to disrupt enemy reinforcements which appear to come from behind enemy lines. Your secondary objective will be to locate the origin of these reinforcements and take out whatever it is.'' A map of a canyon appears where five positions are marked. ''Each member of your squad will be dropped near the location. You are all armed with a strong explosive that will block the passage. At this position, '' and one of the marked areas glows up, '' the enemies will be forced to go through here. This will be the perfect point for you to set up an ambush. This will also be the rendez vous point. Only use communications if bare necessary, for we think there are interceptors in the area. This is your objective. It is vital that you succeed, for with these reinforcements, the Separatists would be able to crush us. A rather bad start of a war don't you think. Good luck Alpha Squad. Guide out.'' And the hole image fades away, leaving the in the LAAT.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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RC-2628 descended smoothly down from the gunship. The firm plasfibre cord helping him absail down the twenty for so feet between them and the ground. When his feet were firmly planted on the reddish brown rock he disengaged the cord and readied his DC-17. He put it into the standard Carbine attachments and loaded it with a fresh magazine. He didn't know exactly where the rest of his squad was landing. But he hoped they wouldn't draw to much attention to themselves on the way to the objective.
At a half crouch he jogged forward. Constantly scanning the skies and the ledges around him for Geonisians and their battle droid armies. He could easily hear the roar of gunfire and see flashes of green and red laser bolts flying overhead in both directions. He came to an intersection and was about to continue around the bend and instead chose to throw himself against the ledge as A small collumn of battle droids clanked by to reinforce whatever trench they were ordered to. He reached onto his belt and clicked one of the thermal detonators and lobbed the grenade into the heart of the small column. As the resounding blast blew apart the majority of droids and sent spare parts and robotic limbs flying overhead he rolled out of cover and blasted the last two remaining and somewhat damaged droids with a handful of shots to the chest each. When they were scapped against the rocks he quickly continued down the path they came from. That would be the logical place to assume the reinforcements were arriving from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 1 day ago

When Bear landed and deployed he immediately went to carbine mode on his DC-17m. Stalking the barren wasteland that is Genosia, Bear watched the ledges and hive-like mountains, slowly and cautiously (which is not his style) making his way to the objective. The crescendo of war echoed everywhere, a joyous melody to Bear. He approached a large mountain and decided to clamber it. With his rifle slung over his shoulder he took one hand and foot at a time. All of a sudden, marching resounded the surrounding area, and the sillhouette of a battle ready troop of droids grew bigger and closer. Bear rushed his ascent and then switched out to the A-A attatchment. In 1 minute the droids were blasted apart. A quick jump down onto a droid and gutted the last droid with his knife. The path was long and narrow, a perfect and subtle way to churn out reinforcements. After another clamber, Bear took the high route.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rep his LAAT descended and hovered above the top of the canyons. He looks down and shakes his head. He hated heights. Rep quickly used the cable to absail and land on the surface. He detaches the cord from his belt and looks up as the LAAT flies away, leaving him to his mission.
The Commando looks around and sees nothing but red rocks, and of course the giant holes that were the paths in the canyon. He approaches one and falls on his knees, looking down. ''Did they also train us for falling from incredibly high? I can't recall.'' He shook his head once more and made his way to the bomb location. It was relatively quiet here on top, apart from the drumming sounds of battle on the background, but he could also here droids moving in the canyons. He approached another ledge and saw a platoon of droids, slowly marching towards the sounds of battle. A well placed shot from his Anti Armor gun would take them out, but would also attract the attention of the local residents. Rep considered and decided not to take the shot. One platoon of simple droids wouldn't tip the scales of battle for now. He just had to make it to the location.
After a small walk he reached a large natural pillar. This was his target. It would fall into the canyon, and block off the route. Rep takes out the explosives and starts planting them on designated positions on the rock.
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