Vampires live in a dark and hidden world, unbeknownst to the general, human population. They are government by a council that makes and enforces laws, all for the sake of keeping their existence a secret.

As of two decades ago, the council made a huge decision that didn't go over so well with the community. Due to suspicion raised by sloppy individual, despite guidelines being put into place, hunting humans was made illegal. The blood that the vampires needed to thrive would be sold by the council at different outposts around the world. Keeping blood slaves, a practice that dated back many centuries, was also acceptable.

Despite the outrage, this no-hunting law was strictly enforced.

So flash-forward two decades later. Out story follows a finicky feaster who just isn't satisfied by this 'store-bought' blood, watered down and thin. So, despite not being a particularly wealthy individual, she decides to save up and buy a blood slave to supply her own personal stash. She gets one cheap from an underground auction hosted by the council itself. Every few decades, they try to sell off their blood donors to make room for new, fresh ones. This particular human met the requirements for being a donor...about two decades ago.

Our vampiress buys this servant sight-unseen and picks him up the next day. He is brought out to her in an animal cage, pale as a sheet and thin from malnutrition. His arms are purple from the IVs and drip bags that he had been constantly hooked up to over the years. Obviously, this sickly servant isn't what the vampire had in mind, but she had already paid, and there was no return policy.

So she takes the lack-luster servant home and decides that she will nurse him back to health. However, having not been human herself for centuries, doing so may be easier said than done. Perhaps she has bitten off more than she can chew.