Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well hello to whomever you are, welcome to the Forgotten Class of Hogwarts

I could continue to babble I suppose but thought it would be better to offer this

The mysteries of death have long been studied by the most intelligent of wizard scholars , to no avail. In the macabre topic of death, wizards look to Ghoul Studies in attempt to better understand something that has baffled magical and muggle societies alike. By studying, Ghoul Studies, we can better understand not only ghouls and ghosts, but death itself. 

   Through the understanding of creatures of the postmortem, one can understand how death works, and the connections between life and death, and the possibilities of a realm that dwells between the two.  Over the years, ghosts have begun  to merge into magical society. Some ghostly figures have actually contributed to the wizarding world, an example being Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's former History of Magic professor, Cuthbert Finns.

You have for your own reasons chosen to attend a class that won't count on your final grade because like Quidditch it's an Extra Circular.

The Class takes place Two hours after dark three nights a week with special weekend classes known to last as long as ten hours and a few times forty-eight. This is because the class must sometimes go deep into the Catacombs of Hogwarts in order to meet some of the more shy Spirits.


Acantha Hecate Oxynte
Ghoul Studies (This is an elective class and takes place 3 nights a week shortly after night fall)
(Primary) Koldovstoretz school of Witch Craft and Wizardry
(Specialized) Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages

Pure blood


Tall (5' 9") with what is described as a lithe willowy form Miss Nyte is a striking young Instructor who exudes a cool aura of detachment and causes some to speculate if she is actually human or one of the undead.

Her hair is a glossy black and falls to the center of her back and is simply styled.

Her eyes are so black that her pupils seem to blend with the iris in a disturbing manner.

She is never seen dressed in any colors except black always looking as if she is going to or coming from a funeral.

Acantha is in simple terms spooky many claiming they get a chill whenever she's near, this could be due to the fact that she is always accompanied by a Ghost or just nerves. She's most definitely a night person who's rarely seen out in daylight and when she is she wears dark glasses and a large hat.

Friendly unless angered Acantha can become a powerful foe who's mastery of spirit magic can summon an army of Ghosts to her aid.

Patient and thoughtful she genuinely enjoys teaching often helping her students in classes outside of her own.

Born somewhere in Greece Acantha was what was known as a temple child because her mother was the Last High Priestess of Hecate and her father an unknown wizard.

Conceived to be her mother's successor Acantha's destiny changed in a senseless attack which left her an Orphan and destroyed the temple she'd called home for her first nine years of life.

Raised by an Aunt who was barely related her she continued her training as a temple Priestess and is considered one of the Wizarding World's experts on Ghosts, Specters, Spirits and Poltergeist because of her association with what was once one of the oldest temples to the Goddess Hecate Mistress of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, and necromancy.

She attended Koldovstoretz in Russia where she proved a quick learner but a problem because of her ability to call Ghosts to herself. Still even with all of Acantha's Spectral troubles she graduated in the upper 10% of her class and went on to study Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages in Paris France.

Also an expert maker of potions it is known by a few that Acantha has discovered a potion to slow aging or that is at least the suspicion which is why her actual age doesn't match her perceived age.

She has written 23 books on the various types of Ghosts, Specters and Poltergeist her most famous "The Fetters that Bind and The Dead have Feelings Too" she has also has written 9 books on deciphering the texts of antiquity.


Miss Nyte's Wand is made of Willow a naturally neutral wood (the stronger the will, the more effective the spells.)
11 inches slender and flexible it's core is made using a shred of Lethifold Cape (Extremly Useful for Dark Arts, Necromancy and Stunning)

A Blazing Sun
Direct Sunlight limits her spell powers to 10% of their normal strength


Acantha's pet and guardian is Jager a huge steel gray Irish Wolfhound who could rest his paws a a full grown man an look him directly in the eyes
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am interested in this! Do the students need to be deceased?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Actually the Uthur is a special case an the only requirement is you be 6th to 7th year
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I addressed this the other day that Horace Uthur is jokingly in his 166th year at Hogwarts because he's a former Gryffindor 7th year who died in Ghoul Class an never left but think now perhaps I should be more detailed in the hook's description of him.

Presently it reads like this
" The Ghoul Studies class at present has only one student Horace Uthur 166th year At Large former Gryffindor 7th year till he died in Class an never left."

So to prevent confusion

Ghoul Studies has no living students yet though is still haunted by the ghost of Horace Uthur who was killed 166 years ago exploring a forbidden book of necromancy in the seat which his soul is chained to

Hmm..... I think it needs work so give me time lol

Well I suppose that because of a lack of activity on the RP I'm involved I could touch on "Things"

This is a simple thing as far as HP RP go because it takes place in the subterranean parts of Hogwarts, who knows maybe there's a path to a lost world or you find the world is hollow

I Know what about the creepy stuff we can do lots of that
I have a girl ready with a haunted wand an we can do a crawl of Europe's supernatural monsters, moat haunted places, we can do exorcisms, help the possessed or be possessed

Oh and no Fraidycat, Jump at the things that go bump, scared of shadow types; this is GHOUL STUDIES not flower arranging. We spend our nights, some us our lives walking the edge between life and death. Sure some things make us nervous but only as much as a direct confrontation with a dragon did Harry Potter.

Now if you'd like me to babble more ask a question

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