Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Standing up the girl took a small moment to ready herself before diving back into the warm water. Although her vision underwater was not one hundred percent Melody knew it was a lot better than the average human, as was her breath hold. Probably a benefit of growing up next to the ocean and spending most of her time there. Flittering glimpse of silver skimmed past her vision, small fish and larger shadows lurked further beyond. Though it was too shallow here for the bigger predators, smaller ones that packed quite a bite reminded her to keep a respectful distance.

Reaching the submerged wreck, ruminants of an unlucky sea vessel, Melody made her way inside. She was able to quickly skim through another room of the wreck, more feeling than looking as she opened anything that would budge and an her hands through it, feeling for anything and hoping it didn’t bite her fingers off. Her hand eventually closed around something smooth, cold and metallic feeling and she thrust it into her bag, giving another quick run through the draw, feeling something else than had a coarser feeling to it. It could simply be a rock or shell, but things tended to grow on anything down here. After clearing the draw she decided to return to the surface.

The surface water broke and Melody took in a small gasp of air before she slowly swam over to a nearby rock. The ocean was calm today, and the recent weather made the water crystal clear. Pulling herself up onto the rock the girl pushed some of her raven black hair out of her face before placing the small, glittering item in her hand into the small net bag hanging off her shoulder. Free diving for treasure in the nearby ship wrecks may not be the most glamorous way of surviving but it was certainly better than some of the other options.

A familiar sound caused her eyes to turn skywards as a spaceship descended, eventually pulling into the port that had been built some years ago. People seemed excited, or at least intrigued about the approaching vessel. It flew no colours, so it wasn’t a ship of any governed body, so it meant potential trade and revenue possibilities for the local inhabitants. Seeing as how this didn’t affect her Melody couldn’t find herself getting very interested about it. Whoever they were they probably didn’t realise how small and insignificant a port they had just landed on was. Nothing exciting ever happened here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Liam sighed as he stood on the deck and watched his crew starting to make preparations to dock. They had been sailing for a few months now from place to place, gathering things to sell. He hoped they would make a profit when they arrived. They were getting short on money and if they were to make it to their next destination in time the profit would need to be mighty indeed. In order to reach their true destination and achieve their main goal it would take much more time and profit than this bit of cargo could hope to bring. Unless things started to turn around and soon they might just be in trouble. The deadline was soon approaching and they had no choice but to be successful in making it. Too much depended on it.

A sound from the port side drew his attention and Liam yelled, "Watch the sail you bloody fool!" as a near miss almost brained his first mate in the head because of the negligence of one of the crew. The resulting fight that broke out was over almost before it started with the first mate quickly showing the crewman the error of his ways and sending him to the crows nest for watch duty. Walking over to the railing, Liam took a deep breath of the sea air. The lower they descended the more pronounced it became. It always made him a bit homesick as he had grown up in a port town and only in his late teens left it to sail the skies. The crew of the ship he had sailed on, and eventually became captain of, had taken over as his family and home. He wasn't sure if he would ever be content to live a boring life back on land, even though he did miss it sometimes.

"Captain?" his first mate, Wilson, inquired as he walked over to join Liam at the rail. Turning his head towards the man Liam replied, "What is it? Is everything ready for docking. The cargo is secure?" Nodding his head Wilson stated, "All is well sir. We are close now. Whenever you are ready you can guide us in. It will be good to get a little shore time. The men are starting to get antsy."
"Very well. Tell the men to prepare to dock. No one gets leave until the cargo is offloaded and transported to the buyers. Then they have two days to do as they will before we leave at dawn on the third. Make sure that they know if they are late they will be finding alternate transportation. We have no time to waste if we are to reach our next destination on schedule."
Taking the wheel, Liam guided the ship into the waiting dock with only a small bump as they touched down. He smiled to himself and yelled out," Alright men, let's get to work." His last thought before he went to join the crew in the offloading procedure was Did I see a girl on the rock right before we landed?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After another couple of dives, which resulted in only one more piece of treasure, and even then she was using ‘treasure’ liberally. It was just a mirror with a silver handle, at least she was hoping it was silver, it could be stainless steel or something. Eventually she swam back to the shore, squeezing her hair to try and get some of the water out of it. Looking around her eyes fell upon the sky ship, not used to the familiar sight. Not many ships visited here; surely they’d be gone soon too.

She tried not to let it bother her or take up too much of her attention. However the dive had left her hungry. Stowing her treasures away the girl began making her way into town, the sand making way to gravel on her bare feet. The towns’ people looked at her as she passed, some waving or smiling, others just nodding in acknowledgement. She eventually found herself up on the very top of the headland, a small cottage perched up at the very top, the local inn. The girl simply let herself in, a small crowd looking up at her as she entered but offering nothing in the way of greeting.

“Melody!” An older woman, not old but certainly old enough to be her mother, with long, flowing light brown hair and green eyes. She looked tired, but that was nothing unusual for her. “Just the usual? Didn’t find anything special today?”

“Thank you, Sarah. Nothing amazing.” Melody said as she moved over to sit at an unoccupied table by herself, water still dripping from her clothes and hair every now and then. She placed her bag on the table and began rummaging through it. Unfortunately nothing life changing. The mirror, a small golden locket in the shape of a seashell. Looking at it Melody began gently trying to clean all the gunk and grime off it. Opening it up a small amount of water spilled out onto her lap.

“Oh, that’s pretty.” Melody looked over her shoulder as Sarah commented on the necklace. The woman placed a steaming bowl of some kind of stew in front of her as they both looked at the pendant.

“Hopefully it’ll fetch a nice price.” Melody replied hopefully in return as she stowed it away in her bag. Placing the bag in between her feet the girl began eating, the hot stew helping to warm her up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It took a few hours to offload all the cargo and deliver it to the merchants to sell. By the time he and the crew were finished, Liam was hot, tired and drenched in sweat. He wanted nothing more than to take a hot bath and get some food. He made one last trip around the cargo hold to make sure that nothing was left behind before going topside where the crew had assembled. They were all just either sitting or leaning on the rails talking among themselves. "Alright men," Liam yelled to get their attention, "Now that the work is done you have until the morning two days hence for shore leave. If you are late then you will be left behind. Dismissed." As the men cheered and took off, Liam sighed and walked over to the railing.

"I am going to this little inn I was told about by the cloth vendor. She said they have the best stew in three counties. The waitresses are supposed to be easy on the eye as well." Wilson said as he slapped the captain on the shoulder and laughed.
"Sounds like a damn fine idea, Wilson. I could use a good meal and some nice scenery would help in the digestion. Let me clean up a bit and then we can head off. In fact if it turns out that this inn is nice enough I will probably get a room there. I could use a room that doesn't sway under my feet for a few days." With a laugh, Wilson agreed and Liam went to clean up in his cabin.

As they approached the inn, Liam felt a shudder go down his spine. The last time this had happened something had happened to him that changed his life forever. Hoping that this was just a reaction to the chill in the air and not another premonition, Liam opened the door to the inn. They were shown to a table by the far wall with a good view of the room and quickly had heaping bowls of stew and beer sat in front of them. With a nod of thanks to the shapely waitress and a wink in return, they tucked into their meal. The next few minutes were spent in easy silence as they paid homage to the good cooking and drink. With a last spoonful, Liam pushed the bowl away from him with a contented sigh. He saw that Wilson was still eating and decided to look around the room. There were the usual merchants, farmers and such but at one table sat a girl with wet hair that caught his attention. That looks like the same girl I saw from the ship. I wonder why her hair and clothes are wet? Was she swimming out there? And why is she alone?

He sat there staring for a few minutes until the girl looked up and caught his eyes. He smiled at her and when she looked away frowned. He wondered if he should go over and say something to her and let her know he hadn't meant to make her uncomfortable by staring but as he was fixing to get up and go over there, Wilson let out a mighty belch and drew his attention back to his first mate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Melody turned slightly as the door opened; gently eying the pair that walked in. they definitely weren’t from around here. The pair carried themselves like sailors; it was always easy to tell since sailors usually had a bit of unsteady footing on a planet with full gravity. However, like at the docks, they held her attention for only a few seconds before she turned away and continued to focus on her stew. When it was finished Sarah approached her and took the bowl, placing a tall milkshake in front of her.

Melody simply sighed contently. “You are the best.” She reasserted before turning her attention to the milkshake and sipping at it contently. After a few moments she felt eyes upon her and glanced over her shoulder again to find one of the sailors looking at her. He certainly wasn’t bad looking, well kept enough for someone who spent a lot of time in space. Then again proper sailors were some of the most well kept people they ever saw around this place. However she still didn’t appreciate the staring. Her eyebrow arched before she eventually looked away and finished off her milkshake.

When she heard the large belch a small smile crossed her face before she stood up, leaving a few generous coins on the table, grabbing her bag and making her way outside, smiling and giving Sarah a final wave. Outside the winds were strong, as they usually were on the headland but they smelt of salt and the ocean, it was always such an incredible smell. Melody began walking down the path back towards the piers and docks completely unaware that the necklace she had been polishing before her meal had slipped out of her bag.

She eventually arrived back at the dock, passing them whilst trying to ignore the attention from the sailors as she passed. The girl was well aware what was usually going through their minds as they tried to call to her. Back at the beach the girl walked along the empty sands alone, making her way around towards the base of the headland where a ship had run afoul of the rocks. Much to her pleasure anyway, since this wreck was where Melody called home. She slipped through the small opening near the rudder and began weaving through the different rooms. Reaching the one she used as a bedroom she placed the bag carefully upon a set of draws and let her hair down, shaking it out slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While Wilson was finishing his meal, Liam got up and went over to the barkeep. "Can ya tell me if there are any rooms available for a few nights and who I would need to talk to about renting one?" He smiled as charmingly as he could. He knew that the more dashing he seemed the better the rate seemed to turn out. Scratching her head, the barkeep replied,"I can help you out. There are a few rooms available. If you want one with a bath it is extra. Morning and evening meals are included in the stay but midday is not."

"I definitely want one with a bath," He replied with a grin and set to haggling over the price. It wasn't long before they were both content with the deal and he was given a key with directions. "It is up the stairs in the back and the fourth door on the left. Just let one of the girls know when you want that bath." Thanking her, Liam walked back over where Wilson was just now finishing his third bowl of stew.

As he sat back down, he glanced over to where the girl was sitting and saw that she was gone. For some reason she intrigued him. Maybe it was the fact that she seemed like she didn't are what anyone thought about how she looked. Coming into a place dripping wet was not the norm in any of the places Liam had been to before and she made it look as if it were. "Why did you keep staring at that wench, Captain? I know we have been aloft for a while but if you are lonely I am sure that there are places we can go where at least the girls are dry." Wilson joked and laughed aloud. Rolling his eyes, Liam retorted,"It is not that way and even if it was I know for damn sure that you have been with stranger and more bizarre girls ya nosy bastard so don't worry about me. Besides, I am not looking for a wench and you damn well know why after how I was done last time. If I get lonely, Rosie will do me just fine." He wiggled his hand at Wilson who almost fell out of his chair from laughing so hard. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something shining in the doorway. "I'll be back," he stated as he got up abruptly and walked over to the door. He bent down and picked up the item. It was a necklace; in fact it was the necklace that the girl had been messing with when he first came inside.

Waving at one of the waitresses he asked,"The girl that was in here earlier, the soaking wet one, where could I find her? Is she a local do you know? She seems to have dropped this." She shook her head at him that she did not know but before he got discouraged a lady called out, "You might try the docks or the beach. She tends to hang around there." "Thanks, Ma'am." he yelled and called out, ""Wilson I will see ya later. I've got a room here if you need to find me." He took off out the door and headed towards the docks. He did not know why it seemed so important to return the necklace to the girl, but something made him almost run in his urgency to get it back to her.

He scanned the crowds at the docks but did not see her anywhere. Upon asking a few of the men standing around, he found she had headed off towards the beach. "She is a fine looking lass to be sure but cold as the sea in winter. Didn't even stop to talk with me and my boys here. Just put her nose in the air and kept going. Good luck to ya lad." one of the older sailors said and Liam nodded his head. He knew that these men hit on anything that breathed so he didn't put too much credence in what they had said. He stopped to pull up his boots and slowly walked down the beach, looking up and down but not seeing her anywhere. The only thing he saw that was unusual was an old wreck. Making his way to it he said aloud, "Now where did she go?" If she is anywhere other than inside this thing then I am damned for a fool.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Melody was enjoying the quiet; nothing really relaxed her more than the sounds of the waves or the feeling of salt water. Still, she often found herself feeling… empty at the end of the day. This, what she was doing right now, it was surviving, it wasn’t living. The same routine day in day out, the same faces, the same places, the same thoughts. She had never intended for this to be a permanent set up, but somewhere along the lines she had allowed the comfort, routine and safety to suck her in and trap her here.

However she heard something that put her on alert, the sound of boots on the sand. The girl sat up in her hammock and reached for the dagger in the belt around her waist, drawing it as she slipped into the shadows, moving lithely through the wreck as she tracked the intruder’s position through the noises he was making, unused to the weak spot or terrain the wreck contained. She, however, made not a single sound. This old boat had been her home for a long time; she knew every inch like the back of her hand. Eventually she was able to come up behind the intruder.

A man, bigger than her certainly, she could make out that he was well muscled. He could probably overpower her in a fair fight; her skills were more of the stealth and endurance variety. She honestly hoped it did not come to a fight, hopefully he’d leave when asked… along with some prompting. Moving up quickly behind the man she pressed the blade lightly into his back, just enough that he’d know she was there, but not hard enough to harm him in any way. Hurting him was not her intention, just letting him know that she wasn’t messing around.

“I’m going to give you a chance to explain yourself and then I am going to give you a chance to leave. One chance only. Why are you here?” There was the potential that he could simply be someone who walked in here off the beach, if she she’d let them be on their way. But the bottom line was that this was still her home and she’d defend it if the need arose. It wasn’t a secret around the town that she collected treasure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Standing on the bow of the wreck, Liam sighed. He had been there a few minutes and still no sign of the girl. He was trying to decide whether or not to go inside the wreck itself when he felt something sharp touch his back and a female voice asking, “I’m going to give you a chance to explain yourself and then I am going to give you a chance to leave. One chance only. Why are you here?” Well this is wonderful. I bother to track down the wench to return her stuff and she turns out to be loony. Just my luck.

Turning his head slowly, and raising his hands in the air, Liam replied, "I don't mind answering whatever questions you want as long as you remove that blade from my back. I swear on my honor that I wish you no harm and am only here for good and true purposes." He stood there hoping that she believed him. He had too much at stake to die here in some small port town. If he wasn't able to finish what he had started so long ago then too many people would suffer.

He shook his head to clear it. He couldn't afford to go down that path right now. Instead, his mind decided to remind him of the last time a woman had pulled a blade on him. It had been two years ago in Grailston. He had just taken over the Captaincy of his ship and was loading up cargo and taking on some new crew before heading out on his first big mission. He was checking the moorings on some of the crates on board when he heard a noise behind him and a girl of no more than 15 jumped out at him, brandishing a knife. She had told him that he had killed her brother and she was there t seek revenge. Seeing how at that time Liam had never killed anyone, he knew at once that she had mistaken him for someone else. "Calm down lass. It is not me you are seeking. I did not kill your brother." He said. "You lie! I saw you grab him the other night and break his neck. He had done nothing but bump into you in the alley and you murdered him in cold blood. He was all I had and you will pay for taking that away from me!" She lunged and he grabbed her arm to stop the blade from hitting home. He twisted her arm up behind her back and pushed up until she dropped the knife. Then he lent close to her ear and stated, "I could take you into the authorities and let them settle things, but if you will just listen I can prove that I am not who you seek." When she slowly nodded, he cautiously let her go and backed up a few steps. She bent down and grabbed the blade bu did not further attack. "I'm listening." She stood there glaring at him angrily with tension plain to see in her slight frame. "We arrived in port four days ago that is true. However, three days hence I was passed out from food poisoning in my room all day and night. My first mate, Wilson, had taken to me for what he swore was the best dinner in town and damn near killed me. You can check with him and the inn keeper as well to verify my story. I will even go with you if you wish." He smiled at her and tried to convey through his words and actions that he was indeed innocent and harmless. He saw doubt flit across her face before it became the rage hardened mask of anger once again. "Fine then. You Lead." she stated and gestured with the knife for him to walk ahead. He waved to his fellow crewmen who looked on with concern and smiled at them like this were an everyday occurrence of no import. The next 45 minutes proved his innocence to the girl and he was able to set sail on time. He later found out that it had indeed been a sailor who had killed the girl's brother and he did bear him a striking resemblance.

Hearing the girl once again ask her questions snapped him out of his memories. "I see that you are not willing to put down the knife. If you will just reach into my pocket then you will ind something of yours that you left behind at the inn. Take it and I will be on my way. I don't have time to waste on someone antagonistic as you." Liam frowned and waited. He just wanted this whole day to be over. It had been nothing but a pain in the ass, excepting the awesome food at the inn, since he saw her on the rocks.
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