The year is 4032, humanity has just managed to get their first ship to travel at FTL(Faster than Light) speeds and wanting to spread through the universe, they equipped most of their space faring ships with these engines and launched explorers and colonists to establish colonies on the planets they would inhabit. However, they found a hitch in their plan to colonize the rest of the galaxy... many solar systems already had space faring empires with the same wish.

However, the leaders of the newly founded Human Galactic Empire simply wanted to expand beyond their galactic borders, by force if necessary and despite humanity being only a very recent player in the space fight, they were able to conquer their own galactic arm faster than any other species expected them to. However, as soon as they tried to expand outside their galactic arm, they found a nasty surprise waiting for them.

Many of the sentient space faring empires declared war on the Human Galactic Empire and soon it found itself outnumbered and assailed by a large coalition of alien species. However, with their superior technology, the humans were more than able of protecting themselves. However, neither the Great Coalition or the HGE were able to secure victory for their side and it would seem that these two would stay in a stalemate forever.

Unless the Blue Comet Mercenary Guild has anything to say about it! Founded by none other than the human Magnus Keinz from Earth, the HGE's capital, however, unlike most of humanity, who despised other alien species, he welcomed anyone wishing to join his crew. This made his ship a melting pot of many alien species, however, it also gave him an advantage when talking to an alien species as he could communicate with them and get a contract.

[hider= Current Playable Species]

Humans- Everybody knows the humans, and not in a good way. Despite their rather average look, these bipedal creatures have been able to conquer and spread thanks to their out of the ordinary ingenuity. Most humans are quite hateful of other species other than them.




One of the oldest species in the galaxy, the Terraformers(as the humans call them)/Argallio(as they call themselves), have been the founders of the Great Coalition against the humans, who they see as a destructive and warlike species that will tear the galaxy apart. While their technology is quite better than of the humans, they are very low in number and they aren't willing to share their technology with the other members of the Great Coalition. Individual Argallio are very resilient as they can regenerate grevious wounds and even severed limbs in several hours(as long as their head is severed or destroyed).



An actual warlike species, this reptilian species, who were also in the process of establishing their own empire, joined the Coalition more to weaken the humans and establish themselves as the dominant power of this galaxy. However, despite that, their tech is quite weaker than what the humans have. However, for a species that preffers to board ships rather than have a space battle, it's more than enough.

The Database:

Led by a impossibly complex A.I created by the Argallio. The Database is a faction made up only of machines that are directly controled by the Database(though they do have an A.I in them in case connection with The Database is severed). The Database escaped from the grasp of the Argallio and transfered itself on a old deserted planet that had been abandoned by it's creator. Luckily for it, there were left a great deal of robots and factories there and it didn't waste time. In only 200 years, the Database had a space empire the size of the Argallio and technology the same as them.

Odd enough, the Database has chosen to stay neutral in this conflict as quite a few of it's machines started to gain their own sentience and it couldn't lead a cohesive force if some robots might not obey it's orders. Despite all this, if someone somehow is able to tip the balance in their favor, they might actually join their own war.

Land Unit:

Space Fighter Craft:

Main Battleship:

Please note that the battleships of this faction are controled by the Database and more often than not, these ships don't have crews unless they plan an invasion.

First the Character Sheets:




Species(if you wish can create your own, but don't make it to OP):





Plot Hooks:

Faction(The Great Confederation, The HGE, The Blue Comet Guild, or independent if you wish to be by yourself):

If you do decide to make your own species then PM me with a brief overview of the species and how they look if you don't feel like any of the ones I've listed suit you. If I like it, then I'll add it to the playable species list.

'Plot Hooks' are things I can use to get your character involved in a plot. Ongoing goals, pre-existing obligations, enemies or friends who might look them up, you name it. You decide, space is the limit(puns FTW!), however if you still can't come up with one, PM me and we'll decide on one.

For those guys who choose independent, be sure to write what sort of independent faction you are(bandit, mercenary, independent organization, etc), also use this site to get your ship design.

And now, to those who are in the Blue Comet Guild please PM me which design you wish this group to have. Once I have reached 10 votes, I will post the result here.

CSS Chimera (Great Coalition Design)

The Directive (Previously Rogue Database Ship)

Der Riese (Human Galactic Empire Design)

UES Gallant Ganymede (Human Galactic Empire Design)

USS Yamamoto (Human Galactic Empire Design)

USS Prince of Wales (Human Galactic Empire Design)

HSV Luna (Great Coalition Design)

Earthship Liberty (Human Galactic Empire)

ISV Amaterasu (Great Coalition Design)