Kazumi Isano

Full Name: Kazumi Isano
Nickname(s): Best WaifuGender: Female
Age: 1325 years old (it's fairly normal for a nine-tail to live this long)
Birthday: 31/12
Affiliation: Isamu
Written Appearance: As well known shapeshifters, kitsune, especially ones who grow to be as old as Kazumi often get to choose how they appear before other people if they do not wish for them to see their true looks, so, nobody knows what the fox's true appearance is. And as one would expect, the current form is extremely beautiful and alluring to most people.
Kazumi wears a long flowing white and red traditional dress, though not one you would see in any modern Shinto temple. She tends to switch it with a black one when going out on a mission and covering her nine tails and ears to not attract anyone else's attentions.
Personality: As all benevolent kitsune are, Kazumi herself has a friendly and quite kind disposition towards anyone who might interact with her and she is absolutely happy to help anyone with whatever they might need, should it be in her power and as long as it does not harm anyone, even if it's helping with a job or something of the like or even with some advice, should anyone require it of her.
However, though she is a old and wise kitsune, some of her more younger more trickster self does get out from time to time and she starts playing harmless pranks, teases and sometimes even flirts with some people, though because of her own lifespan, she refuses to even try find a romantic partner as it only end in grief for her eventually.
The only people she is completely truthful and honest about her feeling are with those of the main Maylis family and throughout centuries of serving the family since it's inception, she has formed a nigh unbreakable bond with the family and has actually started to become drawn towards anyone part of this family.
Likes: -
Maylis: Though most of the Isamu love Maylis as one would expect, Kazumi's connection and her now near unbreakable spiritual bond with the family has led her to love the young woman as one would love their own child, for if Maylis acts like a mother towards the Isamu, Kazumi acts like a mother towards Maylis.
Peace: Kazumi knows that conflict is inevitable and she would fight without hesitation for the family, however, she has seen it throughout her long lifespan that conflict benefits nobody. If she could help it she would rather have no conflicts happening at all, despite how naive that may sound.
Love: Though she herself does wish to partake in it anymore, she is absolutely elated to see love blooming between people and will often attempt to help the two people in love to cultivate it, even if she would have to use a bit of magic on her side to help with the situation at hand.
Sweets: Though Kazumi is calm and collected about most things, the kitsune will almost always get excited when someone presents her with sweets of any sorts, from regular candy, to ice cream and many other types of sugary goodness.
Conflict: Kazumi has seen enough combat to last her a dozen more lifetimes and has seen the pain, loss and hatred conflicts of any scale cause, be it a small gang war to a conflict between nations. As such, she will fight only if she has to protect her family, or herself.
Family Rivals: Though this would be a self-evident thing to dislike, she dislikes those who would willingly cause harm to her family in particular and despite her being mostly a pacifist, she will fight against those who would raise their hand against anyone part of the Isamu.
Undeath: Death itself causes enough suffering for people, but daring not to let those who have passed on to have their eternal rest is the worst crime anyone could do and anyone who indeed does practice this art deserves nothing but the worst punishment one could get.
Personal Romance: Though Kazumi loves to see the budding romance between other people, she does not wish it for herself at all. She's lived over ten times the lifespan of a normal human and has had her heart broken times merely because those that she had fallen in love with her mortals. She does not wish to go through said suffering anymore.
Dogs: The ever present foe of all foxes, Kazumi dislikes dogs with a passion. It is often a very irrational fear/hatred with the kitsune often losing her usual cool and fleeing most of the time, or hurling curses at the person who brought the dog there.
Ancient Wisdom: Though she herself does not like being called that, Kazumi is indeed ancient and her wisdom is to match. She has countless years of experience to draw from and has probably experienced most things a regular human has not.
Dormant Powers: Though they are currently locked away because of circumstances, Kazumi has great power hidden deep inside her, a power that would perhaps not equal most family heads, but it would certainly bring her close to it.
Heightened Senses: Once more thanks both to her advanced age as a kitsune, Kazumi's senses are much more advanced than that of most humans, able to sense things that many would not even be able to notice.
Absolute Loyalty: Having been basically bound to the Isamu by the first head of the family, Kazumi's loyalty is to this family. Though she has a fairly strong inclination to obey the orders of those part of the main family, she can refuse them if she chooses to, orders from the head of the family are absolute for her. She can absolutely not refuse them, except if it pertains to her harming herself or something that would put her in obvious danger.
Hates Evil: Though it may sometimes be objective, for Kazumi there is no gray area, you are good or you are not. Anyone to have done a few too many things considered to be evil and she will not even bother talking with them, they are evil and she will cleanse them from this world.
Dormant Powers: Though they may awaken at a later time, Kazumi is currently stuck in a rather weak form thanks to a botched awakening, limiting her already not very strong offensive capabilities right now by a great deal. She can currently act as mostly a support, providing healing and scouting for any party she might be assigned to.
Maylis Isamu: Kazumi loves Maylis akin to a mother loving her child and though she is technically bound to the family itself, she would give her life for the young woman even if she had not been. Though she technically acts as one of Maylis' main advisers in most situations, she also acts true to her nature by trying to get the young woman to loosen up a bit and have more fun.
Alister Rose: There is a sort of a friendly rivalry between these two as they now technically have many of the same responsibilities regarding Maylis, though their methods of taking care of the girl are certainly different, with the fox advising each time for the young woman to loosen up, to more
"daring" stuff so to say. Needless to say, the two butt heads quite a few times, though Kazumi has made it her personal mission to make Alister be just a little bit less stuck up.
Rena Kirizaki: The moment that Kazumi set her eyes on the young fox-like girl, the older kitsune took an instant liking to her and a very strong desire to protect and nurture the young woman which may have caused her to be a bit too forward with the overly cautious girl. Though now, a few weeks after her awakening she has calmed down and has begun to try and build her relationship with the young woman in a slower and more natural way.
Rinshi Kirizaki: Though taking somewhat less of an interest in him, Kazumi still can't help but be attracted to the young man and having a desire to protect and raise him to the best of her abilities.
Akio Rikimaru: Thanks to info from Maylis and a few other members of the family, Kazumi has come to believe that Akio killed the previous head of the Isamu and has as such earned Kazumi's eternal hatered.
Kazumi's tale begins long before the actual start of this story, over 1300 years ago, when a young fox was sent on this world by Inari, the patron of all kitsune and foxes in general, to act both as a messenger for her and as their eyes and ears and to relay anything that she might consider of interest back.
Her first few hundred years were fairly quiet as she chose to avoid humanity as best as she could, however she eventually found out that interacting with humans was quite fun. She quietly helped people down on their luck as inconspicuously as possible to make their lives better, but as time went, her help became more and more direct, with Kazumi helping said people in person - though disguised - and claiming to be some powerful mage when doing so as revealing her actual form may have gotten her killed.
This direct contact made it inevitable that the fox would fall in love with mortals. And she did on a fair few occasions, even siring a few children with said people, children who most of the time joined Inari back in her own world. With each mortal she fell in love with, she slowly realized that romance was not for her, it would only bring her suffering as none of them could hope to live by her side for long.
The last person she fell in love with was the founder of the Isamu hundreds years ago. This young man was everything her previous loves had been and more and she felt so much closer to him than anyone else. Years passed by and she enjoyed her life by his side, but her suffering was all the greater when the man was on his death bed. On this death bed, the founder of this family had Kazumi promise him two things.
The first was that these children would not be taken back to Inari to be raised and instead be allowed to live their lives here. The second promise was to have Kazumi always watch the Isamu family, to always advise them, to always be by their side and to always listen to them in turn. Perhaps because of the grief, perhaps because of the love she bore for the man, Kazumi accepted both promises, despite how binding said promises are for a kitsune.
After this man's passing, Kazumi served for a long time as advisor to her children, grandchildren and so on, doing her best to guide them. However, after so many centuries out without recharging her powers began making her weak and so, around a century before the current events, Kazumi informed the current head that she would need to slumber for a while and if there was ever a need for her, they would need to properly awaken her with a certain ritual.
A hundred years later, however, it seems that that ritual had been forgotten and the current head of the Isamu family, Maylis accidentally stumbled into the shrine the nine-tailed fox was sleeping and woke her up without the ritual that would wake her up at her full potential, instead, most of her powers were still dormant, sealed deep inside of her. It would take a fairly long while, but said powers could still be awakened, until then however, she would just have to serve as an adviser and support for her family.
Though fairly powerful magic, the botched awakening, has unfortunately limited the power of her spells, so they are nowhere near as powerful as they could be.
Fox MagicFoxfire: Foxfire can take the form of either lightning or white fire. While these do the damage one would expect it to do to regular humans, they are especially more effective against spiritual lifeforms.
Shapeshifting: Though its capabilities were once vast, for now, Kazumi can only change between her normal kitsune form and her fox shape.
Healing: One of the few magics to have not been overly limited by her current power limitations. It's a fairly simple and obvious spell that simply allows her to heal people's wounds by touch.
Clairvoyance: Though she could once do it at will, now she can only do it with her kitsune sphere thanks to her limitations. She also can only watch the people she has met and formed a certain bond with thanks to said limitations as well.
- Once every week or so, Kazumi can contact her patron goddess, Inari and talk to her about the state of things down in the actual world, though as ever, Inari can't help her in any direct sort of way, so these talks often are just that, talks between friends.
- Though having sworn not to romantically love mortal folk again, Kazumi is not opposed to fooling around with certain people that may seem attractive to her, both in order to just have fun and to gain a bit of extra power.