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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Alright, here we go. Might have had too much fun with the backstory, holler when I need to change or clarify a few things!

G R A N T "R E A C T O R" S U M M E R S

Interacting with:

They were told that they would be receiving new members. He had been to quite a few of these at this point; something like a small welcoming party to get them adjusted to the new environment. Or, well, that was the goal anyway. After the whole welcoming thing, it was a coin flip whether they would mesh well with the group but they had worked it out sooner or later thanks to Night Vision's guidance.

He woke up early in the morning to get some form of training in— collecting and releasing the energy to keep it stabilized. There weren't any missions as far as he knew so he had to keep it at a more stable level. Once he was finished with his morning routine, he donned a more casual fit and grabbed his bomber jacket as he descended to the lobby to join the others.

Unfortunately, he was a bit late as Vic had already arrived with the others. Grant waved at them as he entered with their cyborg already starting out his story about the fight with Doctor Pyro. Well, it looked like Vic and Gary had that whole welcoming committee covered so he banked towards the kitchen to grab something to munch on while they were idling.

In the middle of opening the refrigerator came their unexpected guess.

Night Vision had called them to arms as the Herald of Cytorakk burst through their door like it was nothing. Which was fair for him, Grant supposed, as he quickly shut the door to join the others in the lobby once again. Gary and Laura had already started their assault on the Herald, going up close and personal with him immediately. The device on his belt glowed as he harnessed what energy he could and aimed a plasma shot straight at the Herald once his teammates gave him a window of opportunity to hit a clean shot.
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

A "Better" New York (missing smoking)

So their Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin too and had quite some history with Danny. "Damn, must have been a downer that your boss is some villain that you regularly fought." She slid his pockets inside her suit's pockets. "I guess it'll put quite a damper on your friendship when you fight someone's dad." It made her feel better about the fact that she, aside from other superpowered people, she wasn't exactly close to many civilians who could get caught in the crossfire.

"Alright, fine, fine. Danny, Fisk, name's Sam since we're using real names anyway." It was a common name enough that it didn't really matter in the long run, as Danny had said. She raised an eyebrow when a portal appeared and a device popped up. She read the note on how to operate and then nodded. "Okay this is pretty useful." She gave Fisk a salute. "Alright, holler when you find some other spiders too. I'm going to explore your little New York."

She looked over at Danny. "I'm going to look for this one place that we don't have anymore in our universe. If you need anything, transponder." Sam gave him another nod before shooting out a web to begin going around New York. If Kingpin became a hero in this universe, that surely meant that he would be safe. Surely, nothing can stop her from getting to taste her favorite ramen again!
OH SHOOT my bad I didn't see this pop up ;-; I'll get my CS out
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

A "Better" New York (missing smoking)

Sam chuckled at Spider-Man's concern and gave him a thumbs up but didn't really move away. She couldn't help but poke Norman's side a couple of times as Fisk continued to explain about his intentions with Norman and why he was still alive. "So he's not always like this? Like... what, he wakes up and he's just good 'ol Norman Osborn and not this weird goblin guy?" She couldn't really remember much about the Green Goblin of their universe. By the time she had arrived in New York, he had already been dealt with. She turned to Danny and squinted. "If memory serves correct, didn't you handle Green Goblin? Was he like this?"

"Daredevil... from Hell's Kitchen, right? He's a pretty chill guy, shame you killed him." Sam had encountered him every now and then when she found herself in the neighborhood. Though, it was more often that they met when she was just Sam and not Araltus. She whistled as she finally stood up and dusted herself off. "As good a hero backstory as any, I guess. I can't really judge since I wasn't exactly in a much different position than you. It was more of a personal grudge than anything heroic or noble when I became one of your problem spiders." Sure, his face pissed her off to hell and back but it wasn't like he killed her favorite ramen guy.

She nodded along as Danny explained it more thoroughly but Fisk didn't seem the least bit concerned. As he said, considering everything he was, it didn't seem like anything could take him down. Not even a firebreathing green goblin mutation could even put a scratch on him. "Yeah, I feel like if anyone punched you, spider or not, their hands would literally break." Followed by a long pause as she considered testing out the theory. After a second or two, she shook her head. Anyway, even if you can handle them yourself, we're kinda stuck here so we might as well help. I was promised a fight."

"Name's Araltus, by the way. What do we call you? 'Cause buddy over there is already Spider-Man. If you're also using that alias, it might get confusing fast."
S A M B L Y T H E | A R A L T U S

Home Sweet Home...? What...?

It was like talking to a completely different person... or well, she supposed this Fisk was a different person. There was no way she was hearing that Kingpin would have banned nicotine and tobacco! That man smoked more than her! "Sorry, cigs are... banned?" She had to say again in a moment of disbelief. She remembered so many times that someone had tried to enact a ban on cigarettes or a policy heavily discouraging it through higher taxes imposed on it, but to successfully do it? It would take a very powerful man indeed. "I mean, I guess that's fair. Doctors and environmentalists hate it."

Look, just because she didn't follow guidelines didn't mean she was unaware!

Sam watched as Spider-Man came in to join them, hurriedly trying to smooth over whatever aggression Sam could have incurred in the short amount of time he wasn't there. Before they could rightly respond, every hair on Sam's body went up. In an almost split second, the Green Goblin had risen and he breathed fire straight into Fisk's face. Oh. That was definitely Wilson Fisk, there was just no mistaking it. He got it all the way down to that pissed expression. It was kind of nostalgic.

"Damn, now that's a hit, slugger." She couldn't help but whistle. She was pretty sure she heard the crunch of his bones breaking from where she had been standing. For a moment, Sam thought he was as good as dead before seeing Green Goblin's chest still heaving. The villains here must have been sturdy as all hell to match Fisk's physique.

Curiously, Sam moved closer to the unconscious villain. "Yeah, yeah, different universe. We fight a lot there, you know, Kingpin and shit. Anyway, something about looking for spider allies and we got dropped here— how is this guy not dead?" Seemingly dismissive of the actual task they had at hand, the shadow spider knelt down to inspect more of the Green Goblin.
@Polaris North Looks good, only thing to note is I've got Sinister already used in Psimon Sinister.

Ohhh shoot I missed that. I'll just change him to Psimon Sinister! Unless you had other plans for the kind of villain he is? Or in this case, if it would break it timeline-wise?

Mission: Idle | Interactions: @PaulHaynek

Shavis arrived at their assigned meeting place decked out with more weaponry. The spoils of the battle she had collected had now been permanently added to her arsenal with one sword sheathed on her waist and the spear placed across her back. She gave them a wave of greeting before settling into the ranks of her fellow reavers.

Teleportation wasn't something Shavis had ever experienced before. So when Arteus had transported them through the use of his magic, the hairs on the back of her neck stood and she balled her fists as they reconstituted in Cambridge. Shavis let out a huff as she lightly shook her entire body, reminiscent of how felines did after they got wet.

However, some things appeared to be amiss. With the arrival of a frantic apostle who took away both Tethys and Grisha while Alexandra was ordered to take them somewhere to wait for further orders. Shavis's ear twitched as she tried to listen to more of what happened to this mysterious fire that had claimed the life of a Marquis. She didn't really know who that was nor cared about positions, but it sounded like a big deal.

Still, Shavis followed behind the others. As curious as she was about the current state of the area, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea to be caught away from the other reavers. As far as she knew, the relationship between the Church and Eon Tower was rocky at best. Instead of taking a seat, however, the belua began to pace across the room— too excited to really sit down and relax.

The quiet waiting room was disturbed by a sudden knock on the door only for another acolyte to enter. For a moment, Shavis thought that he was here to take Alexandra to deal with whatever was happening with the Marquis; however, it was soon revealed that it was just another magus.

"And so our numbers grow again." Shavis chuckled as she gave the new member, Morgan, a wave.

Her ears twitched as Einer spoke. Curiously, she moved over to her fellow Reaver and leaned against the sofa. "Miasma? Here?" She looked at Alexandra for a moment before turning back to Einer. "Think that's the cause for the incident earlier?"
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