Avatar of GubGar


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29 days ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Tentatively interested! Looks very rad I just have to decide if I have the time to give it the attention it deserves.
Hey folks! Sorry about the inactivity. Been swamped with school stuff, but I'm going to get a break semi-soon (after tomorrow I should be free). @GubGar, I apologize for the wait, but I'll have a response up sometime either tomorrow or the next day.

@c3p-0h If you want, @Yankee or I could move the trio along. Let me know.

It's all good! I totally understand that real world obligations have to take priority over roleplay guild stuff LOL
Vinny post is up! He's got all of his goodies and is thus ready to be moved into whichever place he is needed. He's a cheapskate so no way was he going to go shopping right after getting so much free stuff.

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With:@Brose (as Noah Magnolia)

Vinny stops on a dime, and proceeds to spin on his heels to face the Professor after he explained his reasoning for caution. He's met with a pair of finger-guns pointed right at him, and an easy half-smile from Vinny. "Hey, no worries, Prof. That's solid reasoning. You didn't seem like the type to give a 'Mon the cold shoulder.. I just needed to be sure. Gotta look out for my buddy, after all. Now I am sure, so it's all right as rain!" And with that, he spins on his heels again, and continues on his merry way. It really was that simple.. He wasn't the kind of guy to make a scene over nothing, but Trubbish weren't treated the best, and he knew for a fact he couldn't tolerate traveling with someone who'd try and snub his little buddy.

Living in the busy Castelia City, Vinny had gotten pretty good at navigating through crowds. Unfortunately for the crowds, sometimes that meant shoving. So while he made it through the bustling festival in potentially record time.. it might have left him with a few enemies. At least Noah would have no trouble following after him, given his easy to locate appearance. When arriving at the booth, by this point the lines had grown short enough that it wasn't much of a wait. So Vinny got to the front practically without breaking his stride. He leans one arm on the counter and bares his teeth in a whitening strip-enhanced grin. "Heya, pal! Do me a solid and grab me a sturdy one, kay?" The poor person running the stand blinks at him, and asks; "Um, any.. further requests?"

"Nope! Just make it sturdy! Oh, and not too heavy. I don't wanna pull something."

"..Right.. Okay." As they went to the back of the booth, the person running the stand couldn't help but wonder if this guy was in any way equipped to handle one, even if it was for the short amount of time before it'd hatch. But decided to (somewhat reluctantly) give Vinny the benefit of the doubt, and assume he was less shady than the energy he gave off implied. Sturdy but not too heavy wasn't all that helpful, but they did their best and grabbed one that fit the bill (or was close enough). "There you are, sir!" Vinny was handed an egg carrier, along with a purple egg with a cream colored, stretched tall X-pattern across it. As promised, it seemed sturdy without being excessively heavy.

"Thanks, pal! But.. woof. This egg carrier ain't the best of accessories. Doesn't match my suit at all.. Little guy ought to do me a favor and hatch quick so I don't have to clash for too long."

With that, he steps out of line and turns around, operating under the assumption that Noah had come with.. Even though Vinny had not turned around to make sure he was following even once during the trek. Fashionable bag hanging from one arm, and egg carrier strapped across his chest, he was ready to start his journey in earnest! Confessionally, even though he was primarily here for an interview.. A little childish part of him was pretty excited to go on a proper Pokemon Journey. Plus he had a Pokemon Professor tagging along, so that'd be like easy mode, right? Probably! Hopefully!

"Awright.. I'm ready if you are, Prof! Let's make like a Nanab, and split!"

I'm game for either, but it might be easier to have them link up shortly outside of town just in terms of flow. No worries on post length btw! I'll go ahead and get Vinny his egg in my response so he and Noah are free to go wherever they are needed afterwards.
Might be able to cook something up to help balance out the team. Thinking about a weird monster guy at the moment.
Heya, folks! Sorry for the delay. I sprained my ankle yesterday so I've been busy trying to recover from that + other stuff going on. With that being said, my post will be delayed for tomorrow, most likely. Sorry about that! Hope everyone is doing well!

Absolutely no worries! Hope your ankle heals up quick
Ngl I felt kind of bad of writing my previous post cause Garamond is such a cutie/sweetie! Looking forward to see him getting some playmates in the future!

Will post Noah's response either sometime tonight or I may wait until Yankee posts so I can do both Noah and Mags at once.

Honestly I think it was pretty responsible of Noah to be cautious around a poison type he just met! Vinny's just a lil over protective.
Awwww he’s so protective of his little trash buddy! I’m in love lol.

If anybody mentioned it, he'd brush it off and claim it's just because Garamond's an employee he can pay in candy wrappers. But truth is Vinny's a big softie.
Vinny's response is up! Now that he's partnered up with Noah all he's got to do now is get his egg.
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