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Hey folks! Sorry about the inactivity. Been swamped with school stuff, but I'm going to get a break semi-soon (after tomorrow I should be free). @GubGar, I apologize for the wait, but I'll have a response up sometime either tomorrow or the next day.

@c3p-0h If you want, @Yankee or I could move the trio along. Let me know.
Vinny post is up! He's got all of his goodies and is thus ready to be moved into whichever place he is needed. He's a cheapskate so no way was he going to go shopping right after getting so much free stuff.

Apologies for the delay response! Had a hectic weekend. Will get a reply out as soon as I figure out what I want to do with the two of them (for right now). We could go ahead and have them depart Beryl Town and have them join the others later, as I have something in mind that'll keep the two of them busy for a bit. Or we could wait and see what @c3p-0h does and maybe have them join shortly after? Not sure.
Hnnngh. Not crazy about my post as it's uber short/rushed, but we need to move things along. Apologies about the quality, regardless. If there are any issues with the content, let me know. Gonna work on getting back into the writing flow, as I've been off this week due to irl shenanigans.

@c3p-0h & @Yankee

Either one of you can go ahead and move the line up so the characters can get their stuff if the convo is mostly "done." After picking up the money/goodie bag, I do want Mags to have a stop at a PokeMart before departing the town, but you guys' characters don't have to join her for that (I can make it a quick thing).

@GubGar included

As far as linking up with Noah and Vinny, we can do that while characters are still in town, or we can do it shortly outside. I have something planned for the characters once they step outside Beryl Town and we could have both groups link up there. Just let me know which y'all would prefer.
Noah Magnolia

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting With: Vinny @GubGar

While “getting a sturdy egg” wasn’t exactly what Noah had recommended to the younger man, he figured things would work themselves out, regardless. Noah followed after the guy promptly, with Kit tightly in his arms, making sure he wouldn’t try and wiggle loose. The two of them continued walking past crowds of people when, suddenly, he heard Vinny speak up.

"Oh uh, not to make a big deal, but if we're gonna be traveling together I gotta clear something up. When you picked your lil buddy up when they got close to Garamond, was that just 'cause he was a poison type? If so, we're kosher. No problems. I just wanna make sure.. Some people take issue with Trubbishes, and that's not gonna fly with me."

The change in the man’s tone did not slip past Noah, nor did he fail to notice the risk of offending the man if he had said the wrong words. Making a few mental notes to himself, Noah proceeded with caution…as best as he could, at least.

“It wasn’t because he was a poison type, it was because Trubbish are known to belch noxious gasses that can be fatal to small Pokemon and children if inhaled.” He stated factually, his smile faltering. “I meant no disrespect. Trubbish are wonderful Pokemon. It’s just…I just met you and Garamond. Not only that, when my little one just ran up to yours face-first, risking potentially overstimulating or over exciting your little guy…well, hopefully you can understand my concern. It simply is a lot of trust on the line for individuals you just met. I still need time to get to know you both. I hope you understand.”


Mags Specter

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Ikkou (by @Yankee) & Kazu (by @ c3p-0h)

Quickly approaching the pair that stood in line, Mags made quick work telling Ikkou her plan and was pretty pleased with the young man’s response.

"Oh, um... that doesn't sound too bad? ...in place of fees? I suppose I can accept. As long as you're alright with Kazu coming with us. And Kazu - would you be okay with Ms. Mags?"

“Yep! Basically, you cover my butt and I’ll cover yours. But no touching, got it?” Mags replied, wary of the guy. “It is a great plan, though. Mostly because I thought of it.”

Suddenly, the line ahead of them made some movement, and Mags took the charge to go ahead and walk forward a few paces, following along the people ahead of the three of them. She turned herself around and continued to run her mouth.

“Honestly, you’re getting the better end of the deal, really. Cause Mim and I are tough stuff.” She proclaimed loudly. Next to her, Mim emphasized the point by flexing his spectral arms in an exaggerating manner. “Sure, our battle history isn’t extensive but…listen, we’re just strong, okay? Just…don’t expect us to carry you guys all over Starre. And yeah, sure. I’m fine with Kazoo, here. The more the merrier. In fact, if we can get more people, we’ll be better off. But we don’t have to worry about that yet.”

Suddenly, Mags face lit up as she was reminded of something.

“Oh, yeah. Can it with the ‘Ms Mags’ schtick. It’s just ‘Mags,’ got it?” She told him, mildly annoyed. Mags couldn’t figure out why he addressed her like that – she couldn’t have been that much older than him. She was quickly reminded that this guy was in fact, definitely not from Starre.
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Will get the post out ASAP. Ankle has been healing slowly (or not healing as fast as I want it to) + got overwhelmed with irl stuff for a bit. Will post soon.

Edit: Noah's is mostly done. I just need to do Mags' (which I will have to do tomorrow, unfortunately) and we're good to go! Again, sorry for the delay!
Heya, folks! Sorry for the delay. I sprained my ankle yesterday so I've been busy trying to recover from that + other stuff going on. With that being said, my post will be delayed for tomorrow, most likely. Sorry about that! Hope everyone is doing well!
<Snipped quote by Brose>

It may yet be a day or two for me, but I'll try and speed it up!

No rush/pressure! I can always just post first/before you. It's not a big deal.
Ngl I felt kind of bad of writing my previous post cause Garamond is such a cutie/sweetie! Looking forward to see him getting some playmates in the future!

Will post Noah's response either sometime tonight or I may wait until Yankee posts so I can do both Noah and Mags at once.
Post is a little rough, apologies for that.

If the post is too pushy towards forming a group too soon, I can edit it. I just figured now is a good time to get that ball rolling and that was my idea of how to do it. Let me know if I should re-do the post.
Mags Specter

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Ikkou (by @Yankee)

‘A Ringding? Never heard of a Pokemon like that before.’ Mags thought to herself, as she listened to the boy introduce himself and his strange Pokemon. She watched slowly as he began to wilt and flounder at the mention of “bills.” When he started talking about having just got to Starre and not being able to afford it, Mags winced. Just her luck; he’s broke. She watched as another girl called out to him from a distance and the guy responded back in kind. She picked up the vibe that he wanted to go to speak to her, but Mags wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.

“The name is Magdalena Specter. But I go by ‘Mags.’ This is Mim.” Mags said firmly, gesturing to herself and then to her spectral companion. Mim made some low gurgle noises and made a brief wave towards the new people.

“But what do you mean by ‘first aid?’ Like, you touch my butt or something? Not a chance, you pervert.” Mags continued, practically hissing at the boy. “And I don’t care if you don’t have any money. You’re not getting off that easy. You need to take responsibility!”

The irony of the conversation was well lost on the girl. But as Mags opened her big mouth to go on another rant again, her attention and many of those around here was quickly cut off by the chiming of a brief tune on nearby speakers that spread throughout the town. Soon after, a voice could be heard on the speakers.

“Remember everyone, Starre can be a tough place! Don’t embark on your journey alone, go with a group! There is safety in numbers!” The voice said, presumably an Institute staff member. The same tune from earlier was played again, signaling the end of the announcement and people in the crowds began to go back to their business and their conversations. Gazing at Ikkou and his strange Pokemon, a most dangerous thing occurred - Mags suddenly had an idea.

“Mim, come over here for a sec. Huddle time.” She said, gesturing for her spectral companion to follow her. She turned back to Ikkou. “You. Stay right there. I’m not done with you, yet.”

Mim flashed his trainer a quizzical look, but followed her nonetheless. The two took a few steps away from Ikkou and “Ringding,” far enough that their conversation could not be heard, but not too far away from them.

“So, what do you think? Think we should have them join us, make a group or somethin’?” Mags inquired, squatting down so she was closer to eye level to her companion. Mim simply looked at Mags like she had three heads on her shoulder.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Mags replied, bracing for some sass from Mim. “You heard the lady - it’s safer to travel in a group. Sure, these two look wimpy, but worse comes to worse we can always ditch them later if they end up dragging us down. What do you say, bud?”

For a moment, Mim just stared blankly at his trainer. He turned to gaze at Ikkou and the “Ringding,” stared at them for awhile and then returned his gaze back to Mags, nodding his head. He was in.

“Great! Come on.” Mags said, beckoning Mim to follow her back to the other pair to deliver “the good news.” Diligently, Mim followed suit, emitting only a light, curious sounding gurgle.


Noah Magnolia

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting With: Vinny @GubGar

Noah didn’t think much of Vinny’s initial slightly-sour remark, but he was more amused by his garbage companion nearly absorbing the bottle of hair gel. He had seen Trubbish and their evolved forms a few times but rarely watched one this close. Noah smiled. Pokemon always came with surprises.

Noah listened as the man with the strange hair introduced himself, along with his companion. Kit quietly jumped down and cautiously began to approach Garamond, sniffing the air towards the Trubbish’s direction. Recalling that Trubbish can emit poisonous gases, Noah quickly picked Kit back up. He had also known that Trubbish that were closely bonded to their trainers were known to not emit these poisonous gases, but just to be on the safe side, he kept Kit away, for now.

“Yes, I am Professor Magnolia. But you may call me Noah. This is Kit.” Noah said, gesturing to the red and white Zorrua in his arms, who began squirming, wanting to break free. “As far as egg caring goes, the individual needs honestly depend on what kind of egg it is. But the best general advice I can give is not to drop it.”

Noah briefly thought of his previous encounter with the other girl, who had dropped her egg and was left with an egg with a bad crack on it. He hoped she’d be more careful in the future.

“I wouldn’t worry about the egg caretaking too much in general, however.” Noah continued, turning his attention back to the guy in front of him. “Nearly all of these eggs are close to hatching. You won’t be egg-sitting for long.”

Pausing for a moment, Noah opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off by the chiming of a familiar tune coming from the speakers nearby. The tune came from the Institute, and signified an announcement was about to take place. The voices in the crowd around him suddenly fell quiet, as everyone listened in for the announcement.

“Remember everyone, Starre can be a tough place! Don’t embark on your journey alone, go with a group! There is safety in numbers!” The voice on the speakers said. It was a familiar voice, and Noah knew it was one of his fellow Institute employees, but he couldn’t tell who’s it was. The same tune from earlier was played again, signaling the end of the announcement and people in the crowds began to go back to their business and their conversations.

Following the announcement, Noah watched as young trainers began to come and go in groups, some big, some small. It made him a little envious for these trainers to either bond so quickly with one another or come prepared and were together prior to the event. He realized at that moment he needed to start putting in some effort into creating a travel group for himself, or else his trip would be rather lonely.

He turned to look at Vinny and thought, ‘Well, might as well start here.’ He had a feeling traveling with a guy like Vinny would certainly never be a boring one.

“Apologies if this is a bit forward or unexpected, but…” Noah murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t suppose you would be up to becoming traveling companions, even if just for a little bit? As the announcer said, Starre can be dangerous to go alone, and you seem like a friendly sort. In exchange, I can help you out with the egg-rearing. Although, you’re going to have to carry it, I’m afraid. I’ve got my hands full as it is.”

Kit proceeded to yip in protest as he continued to struggle out of his trainer’s grasp. Noah sighed as he shifted uncomfortably, waiting for Vinny’s response as he kept Kit in check. Noah lamented that he didn’t focus more on training and disciplining Kit before he decided to set out for this adventure of his.
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