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Was waiting for someone else to go first so I don't double up, but can go after Rush then!
Ooh, hope you had fun and ate some good food!

I think ideally we'd be a full group, but Digi hasn't been on for a while at least, so maybe continuing as three with the missing two being able to jump in later if/when they return would be the way to go?
So what's the plan?
In SPIRITUM 9 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Throughout their walk to their assigned meeting place — a small house packed to the brim with spooks — Silje had done her best to think about the Bier Fest, and the Bier Fest only. She was visibly in a foul mood — a rare sight to be sure — with her brows knit together tightly and mouth strained into something between an awkward smile and the beginnings of a frown. Silje didn't feel weird the way some of her comrades did, not able to read the situation beyond what it was on the surface. Rather, her anger had a much simpler explanation; she just really didn't want to hand off the princess.

But she had to. They had to. So, as to not earn a scolding, she tried to keep her thoughts strictly on the festival, lest she actually try and stop the hand off. After all, festivals were cool and fun, and it was doubtful they carried juice at all, so Justice would need to let her drink for once. She'd have a drinking contest with Valpal, heck, maybe even with Morde, and it'd be great. She and Gerard could play pranks on the festival goers. Ah, and she'd need to make sure Kali loosened up and had fun too, and Silje could only do that if she herself was happy. So. Happy thoughts.

By the time they entered Dirk's office and were forced to stand around while he and his dumb sunglasses whisper-interrogated the princess, the mist around Silje was crackling ever so lightly — a magical counterpart to a popping vein perhaps.

Happy thoughts.

Then, just as she was about to bid her teary farewell to Collette, the princess was suddenly and violently yanked away — as were all the colours in Silje's world. Gerard's telepathic sentence cut off. It felt as though one of Silje's senses had been shut off; her eyes closed or ears stuffed full of wax. In a heartbeat, the battlemage realized what that meant.

The Mist around them was gone.

But you couldn't truly keep it away, not forever. Some of it was already leaking back; a faint, barely visible hue framing her vision.

Then everything — everyone — burst into motion.

Her friends felled spook after spook so efficiently that Silje and her solitary handgun didn't really even need to get involved. Not yet. Colour crept along the blank walls, wafted through the air thick with gun powder. It wasn't enough yet; she couldn't work with Mist like this. It'd be like trying to paint a vivid scenery with diluted water colours. But soon. A moment, or two, or three, before she'd go and find Collette and Stupid Mr. Sunglass-Head.

And then, she'd no longer need to think happy thoughts.

Well, shit.

That was the first and last thought Ciri had time for before she plummeted through Trixy's waiting arms (thank god) and Boteg's solid back (oh fuck), approaching the ground with nothing in sight to break her fall.

Until something did. Ciri cursed as something smacked into her back, trying desperately to reorient herself as the world around her spun like a motherfucker. She couldn't see what had hit her, the ground that she'd been headed towards or the sky she'd fallen from, just shapes and more shapes, stripes of colour drunkenly drawn upon a canvas of vague blue. Urgh, she was going to be si—

Ciri yelped as she felt someone grab her. In an instant, she stopped spinning. The world didn't, though. Ciri's eyes were rolling around still, unable to focus on the myriad of Billies that now stood besides her. From somewhere nearby, she heard Luna shout, though she couldn't make her out amidst the spinning. Or the water, running over her eyes. At least she wasn't on fire anymore.

So, Tetrad was the one who'd... saved her. Scowling, Ciri tried to flip her Maverick ally off, but in all honesty she wasn't sure which finger she held up; it looked like seven out of about forty to her.

"How do we look up there? Anyone defending Crazy Train?"

Ciri opened her mouth to answer and nearly threw up all over Billy, so she closed her eyes and held up a hand instead. She kept swallowing as she spoke, words coming out slurred. "Ghive— me a shec, Boss."

Blinking furiously, Ciri looked back up towards the train, which was now also fucking spinning, and she was pretty sure that wasn't just the dizziness talking. "... Whell, nhone ofh us up there nhow, but I think... the thrain's all goo—"

Soon as she'd said it, a shape hopped onto Crazy Train — and another jumped off it. She couldn't really make out the former, but the latter was difficult to miss. It was Big Kitty, in the flesh, and the fur, holding onto Regina, while another unknown figure held onto her assumed brother. Ciri squinted, wiping water from her eyes, her focus slowly returning in response to the new threat(s?).

Somewhere high up, two dots of light appeared, and Ciri knew what they were. Incoming casts, towards the Catman. Honestly, good, let them fight each other while—

"Oh come on!"

Not a second after that thought, Blue landed some distance from Big Tony, rushing towards him and by extension, towards the literal epicenter of danger to... to heal Regina?!

Goddamn Blue and her bleeding heart, what was she doing, trying to save the fire bitch?! Yeah, she clearly had some past with the twins, but that hadn't stopped Regina from trying to burn her to a crisp. And if the fire psycho lived now, she might be grateful to Blue, sure, but Ciri knew she'd try to get back at her for nearly blasting off her head. Fuck that. She had enough enemies.

Ciri's head was still spinning, and there was no time to think. She didn't want to save all of them, and she sure as hell didn't want to end up saving the wrong target by accident. The intangibility shadows offered had proven useful, and she could see use for it here, too, but there were two damn sky lasers incoming and if she messed up the timing or the target—

Ugh. No. Back to basics it was.

Frantically, Ciri looked for any shadow close to her target. As fast as she could muster, she focused on pulling them forth, bending them into a large bird of prey on the way. She would save Blue. She was not going to owe her for doing the same to her earlier.

"Get her out of there!" Ciri hissed, even if no verbal commands were necessary, guiding her summoned eagle to grab Blue by the arm she was trying to hold onto Regina with and yank her away from danger, hopefully before the shitlasers hit the fan.
WELL, if it isn't too late to toss my hat in the ring—


Fellwing stopped mid-step, turning back to Runa. Ah. She must've misunderstood; she'd thought the troll siblings had not only gotten separated from their group, but also from each other. This time, she was rather happy to be corrected — though not entirely happy to find herself venturing into the mines after all.

"Oh, pardon, my mistake. Then yes, please do lead the way." She said it with a smile, but in all honesty, Fellwing couldn't help but feel a sense of unease crawling up her spine. She could only guess at the reason.

"Perhaps we will run into my friends on the way, as well." Though whether that was something she hoped or dreaded, the Seer wasn't quite sure. Hopefully, if nothing else, they were already done with... whatever it was they wanted with the older dragons' family issues.


Manyroads' Maps, Tradegate, the Outlands
@Lurking Krog, @XxFellsingxX, @Abstract Proxy, @Guardian Angel Haruki

For whatever reason, Garnet seemed to be the only one smiling over her latest acquisition. She caught the looks and the glares leveled at her, but didn't answer in kind, her smile not once wavering. Buncha grumps, here new companions! Maybe they should've rummaged around the shop too and found their own treasures, that ought to cheer them up.

Before she could suggest as much, the shopkeeper — who was actually smilin' too, would ya look at that! — approached the matter with logic and tact and reason and a bunch of other things that hardly mattered when the compass was shiny and inscribed with the runes of her people!

Garnet grimaced at the word pricey — and as the man finished his request, realization visited her expression, if briefly. Her eyes narrowed at the man's changed tone. This man, he was...

He was asking for stuff for free! How weird was that?!

"Nah," Garnet said simply, cheerily, her expression unchanging, seemingly none the wiser of the magic that had tried to take a hold of her.

Then something swooshed past her. Garnet turned to find a flurry of feathers clouding her vision for a brief moment, as something glided past. A bird? As the goblin blinked after the creature, her eyes focused on where the thing landed — and what it dropped in Melvin's hands. The compass. Her compass.

And it was smug about it too-!

Garnet blinked once, twice, jabbing out a finger in surprise. "Yer--- yer a thief!" she gasped, her widened eyes seeming to take up most of the space on her tiny face. "'N..."

Her grin returned, laughter spilling past yellowed teeth as she doubled over to slap her knee. "N a damn goo' one at tha'!" she straightened, wiping at her nose and resuming her pointing at her new archrival. "Ya got me! Ya got me — t'is time. But ain't a Dwarf a'ive who fo'ets a debt! 'S on now, fowl t'ief! Ya be'er sleep with tha' fluffy head o' yours tu'ned 180 degrees, ya hear?"

Then, as if she hadn't just tried to steal from him and refused his request to return his belongings, Garnet turned to the shopkeep and asked, casual as any customer, one hand already in her coin pouch: "So 'ow big a dis'ount we talkin' on that the'e c'mpass?"
Gonna post in a few now, just need some food first.

"Guess you were right!" Ciri shouted triumphantly over Regina's howl, her own pained face twisting into a grin underneath the flames. Being on fire actually hurt marginally less this time, be it because she was jacked up on adrenaline or because she knew her enemy was hurting more for fucking once. "Hitting definitely isn't your style, so how 'bout you give the running part a go?!"

Though she was talking smack, Ciri's heart felt like it was actively trying to beat our her chest — since, much as her melody had done, she was painfully aware that the fire bitch wasn't quite dead yet. And she wasn't sure if her little intangibility trick would work twice in a row.

She took a hasty step backwards to avoid Regina's desperate swing, only then realizing that her foot wasn't sinking into mass of sinewy shit anymore. Come to think of it, the train's pitiful wailing was gone too — or maybe she'd just gone fucking deaf from the screaming. So did that mean their job was... done? They'd come here to help, and if Crazy Train was healed, presumably by the aura of the other Train that passed them earlier, then wasn't—

Once again, she was denied the chance to think, as It materialized to shove her adversary down once more, only to have to avoid a slash from one of the nuns. Ciri's eyes flew wide, relief she refused to show seeping into her voice. "Was about damn time! Where the fuck were you?!"

Then the party really started. It and the nun weren't the only guests to show up; in an instant, a dude who looked strikingly like Regina — some sort of siscon freak, probably — descended upon her. Ciri had little time but to swing her arm out to try and guide her partner to intercept it, when someone else did so for her. Someone unexpected.

Ciri fell unceremoniously on her ass, both literally and figuratively.

"Blue?!" she gasped, not having expected hired help to put herself in between her and a giant incoming shield so willingly.

"Can you please do something about that stupid smoke instead!?"

... Oi! Just 'cause she saved her didn't mean she could start barking orders at her!

"Man, would you give me a sec?! Been a little preoccupied here!" Ciri snapped out of reflex, gesturing towards Regina just as the other Esper's eyes seemed to land on her as well.

Apparently, Blue knew the dude too, trying to talk some sense into him while she tried to parry his shield with a goddamn kitchen knife. A big kitchen knife, but still. The nuns were still around too, and Ciri was still not a close quarter combatant. At least It was here, but—

It was a little desperate, and needed her to trust two monsters she really didn't know she could, but it was worth a try. She really couldn't do anything but try.

"Boteg!" She shouted telepathically, desperate to reach him. She wasn't sure where he was exactly, but he was supposed to be nearby - no, she knew he was. And she hoped that was enough for her words to reach him. "You're goddamn dragon, start acting like it! If this shit works, we'll be, uh, free-falling in a sec, so you'd better catch us. I'll buy you all the melty gold you want!"

She did the telepathic equivalent of hanging up on him before he could reply, if he had even heard her — then glanced down at the train underneath her. "Hey, Train. Just Train, cause calling you Crazy is a little tactless, huh? Look, us Maverick, we came here to help you, and it looks like apart from this fire ant infestation, you're all good now. So... wanna help me get us all off your back? Right now? All you gotta do is not fight what I'm about to do, a'ight?"

Ciri pushed herself on all fours, pressing both of her palms into the train's back, and tried.

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