Avatar of Enzayne


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5 yrs ago
Current I feel like I'm learning to write all over again.
5 yrs ago
Roleplaying is like a fine wine. I don't get enough of it, and most of the time I fail to appreciate it properly.
6 yrs ago
Writing is work. The more of it you do, the more you feel like Steve in Accounting is out to get you.
6 yrs ago
The Expanse is the best show ever. Change my mind.
7 yrs ago
I write stuff


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Threw up my first post, hope its alright 😭


Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting with: NPCs

Ugh. Perhaps this hadn't been such a good idea. In the boisterous crowd of young adults, children, and proud or excited elders, the icy determination with which Alex had initially set out, was now thoroughly quelled. None of her righteous anger or thoroughly thought out (it hadn't been) plan seemed to want to assemble in her head now that she stood firmly plopped in a sea of screaming people and some Pokémon, none of whom seemed to have any regard for personal space or personal hygiene. The professor's speech was hard to hear; some knucklehead bumped into her shoulder to knock her out of her lame attempt at paying attention, and it was barely possible to see with some tall yellow bush a few heads in front. Not that she cared, right? Ugh.

The thought of crawling back to Father with a phone call and asking for a ticket home sent a ripple of disgust through her spine. She could handle Father’s matter-of-factly declarations of never having believed in her, and she was already a master at tuning out her brothers glib remarks. The worst part would be her mother. Mother had guilt-tripped her for so long about this, she'd take this opportunity to never let her forget about how she couldn't follow through. If she came back now, she'd probably have to work off all the money they shelled out to fast track courses and tickets, or live with her mother having ammunition for the rest of her life. No. She would do this. It was too late to turn back now.

Alex turned around towards the booths as soon as Stern's speech - that old lady seemed familiar somehow, like more than a celebrity - ended, and hurried to walk up for these gifts that they could collect. Despite hurrying, she ended up at the back of a long line.

”So, you are also striking out as a trainer? Excited for your egg?” someone spoke out behind her. When someone touched her shoulder briefly, she realized they were talking to her. She turned to look; a young man with a bowl cut and thin-rimmed glasses. He wore a slightly oversized white coat, not quite hitting whatever lab tech look he was going for.

”...Uh. I guess so. Egg, though?” Alex muttered, vaguely recalling something about that in the speech. ”I dunno. I don't know much about this stuff.”

”Heh,” the young man breathed with a deeply smug expression, and raised a hand to push up his glasses. ”You happen to be in luck. I am one of the foremost experts in all things considered relevant for a Pokémon journey. I have watched all Institute Vodcasts and happen to have community merit badges in both Battle and Training Theory from the Institute messageboards. You see, Pokémon have a variety of attributes that-...

Alex tuned out the guy as the line moved forward, focusing instead on looking ahead at the people handing out eggs. Was she really going to do it? She'd never taken care of a plant, let alone an unborn Pokémon. What if she mistreated it by accident, or didn't like it, or it didn't like her? What if it was gross or stinky or annoying? She exhaled slowly and looked back at the glasses guy.

”...so what you'd want to do in that situation is to figure out what vitamins you need to alter in its diet to maximise the gains of growth, supposing an even curve of training over a period of-...

She glanced back to the booth. Down to her phone. Despite her muscles straining to keep still, her hand was shaking ever so slightly. Should she just call Father and admit she was wrong? Alex gritted her teeth and shoved the phone back in her pocket. To the technical droning of the glasses guy in her ear, she tried to push the doubt from her mind.

When it was finally her turn it went by in a blur. They talked a bunch of instructions at her, and lifted an orange and gray egg with yellow marks into her hands. It was extremely light and slightly warm to the touch. Alex felt a strange warmth in her throat at the same time as her brain fired on all panic channels. She mostly just stared at the egg. Damn. Comet had been a gift, but this was hers. Right? She was a Pokémon trainer now. Right? This was for real for real.

She blinked and looked up and noticed the glasses guy had gotten an egg of his own. He said something about Morpheus, and pointed to another booth. Alex quietly followed him, staring at her egg.

This was it. No going back now. No backing out. She held the egg with a little more conviction and stood at the back of the line to a new booth.

Will work on a post ASAP now that I'm not first out XD
I'm going to go for a fletchling I think

Edit: Vinny is great
Guess I'll throw my hat in the ring.

Damn you for promoting gacha gaming with these eggs.
Hell yeah! Let's hate and definitely never ever ever do contests together! I've left her upbringing vague on purpose, but she has appeared in Unova for the old family foothold, and the family is allegedly well known in the contest scene, both backing contestants and hawking merch.

If you have any cool ideas, throw me a PM!

<Snipped quote by Enzayne>

Ooooh, delicious drama potential with Cassandra Stern. *rubs hand together*

Aside from some questions I have just to clarify how you want the history/dynamic between Cassandra Stern & the de Vries family (Which I'll just PM/DM you later about), she's accepted and you can go ahead and put her on the characters tab! Although, for Comet's hider tag you put "Rocky," did you mean to put Comet or is that just a reference to that it's a Rockruff?

So, with that, we'll be starting sometime today! Yippee! :)

Thanks 😊

The name used to be Rocky, and then i changed it. Channelling my character, I apparently did so very sloppily. Will fix!
I saw the egg move thing, but all Rockruffs egg moves are higher than rank 1 so I decided to just skip it to skip the trouble.

Hello! Here is my application. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully y'all think it's appropriate and okay.

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