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@Abstract Proxy I wanna give you the go ahead too. Just remember to finish your sheet: photo (Include one for Stella if you don’t mind? See how Kath has multiple photos), quote, and your Misc. section.

Yay, and on it, at some point today I will have that all done. :D
I need a headshot and a quote, but otherwise here's a draft:

Corporate wizardry sounds amazing, if there's room I'd love to write a character.

Human Resources or R&D seems quite neat.

Is conjuration considered polite among wizards and if so what department might be interested in that sort of magic?


"I thank you for your kindness," Mariel said to her fellow Plane-Tender.

"Raspberry flavored, if you please," Mariel added politely to the hag, finding the unexpected generosity confusing and welcome all at once. Arcane magic held little appeal to her, but even a druid did not wisely pass up the convince of a prepared spell.

She hoped there would be no trouble. However, given the dark cloud that hung over her mood, she suspected there would be danger.
Well, today I learned blackberry ice cream is indeed a thing. And I'm not gonna lie, I really want to try it.

The hunt for blackberry ice cream is on!

I'll drop a short post some time tomorrow.
Sorry, the hag merchant, lol.

Assailed by the sights, smell, and noise of Sigil. Traveling through a strange forest that she did not yet understand, Mariel had moved with renewed caution and readiness. Dodging throngs of keen eyed customers, her attention had not wavered. To lose sight of Lissandra or the others would have meant unwelcome trouble.

Lissandra’s words had released her into a state of further watchfulness and Mariel loomed near her, like a falcon poised to swoop down on any encroaching prey.

She watched the hag calling out to them with growing suspicion. Her time in Sigil had reinforced her weariness of those carrying lofty mercantile aspirations and hopes of profit. Beigeiros seemed to hold no such reservations, so Mariel tabled her temptation to catch up with Aaliyah and Bruno, and to slake her desperate thirst for any information about her vanished home. The irritation that caused her hair to bristle seemed a warning and she chose to ask her own meandering questions as her eyes searched for any trap.

“Why sell so cheaply? What need should we have for cold in Tradegate?” she asked the oppertunisitic merchant.
I'll toss up a post in an hour or two, but will probably be more Mariel thhiughts.
Will try to post over the weekend, fun posts so far!

"I'll keep an eye on things outside with Dash," Zohra said, feeling that it made more sense for her untouched BattleMech to remain in play.

"Be safe!" She added cheerfully as she gracefully turned her BattleMech around. Scanning her radar, Sohra moved her throttle casually forward until her Raven was moving at its still respectable cruising speed.

Feeling mercifully cool, with the shooting finally ended, she breathed slowly, willing the post battle weariness from her eyes. She had a job to do. She had a task to accomplish. Her instructors has always said soon after a victory was a deadly time and a place for an ambush.
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