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Southern District

Wayland Keep

"... I... Do not... But I'm... happy for you....? But I can't wait... To hear you tell me... All ... about it..."

"Oh gods! I forgot this is the first time you've been through this kind of thing!" Iskah quickly went over to be Vanessa's support in standing up, also revealing that this was probably a frequent occurrence for the Lizardman. "Have you removed the-- Oh, you have. That's good, that's good. You should be in recovery mode now." She continued. "Some rest and food should get you back to normal. Let me take you the tavern I usually go to when I get booted."

Iskah began to help Vanessa walk through the streets of Ortus. The human citizens could only spare some pitying glances at the two monsters, but Iskah was too happy to notice any of them. "The Lot Knights are pretty good at ejecting monsters from their premises, aren't they? I bet they could even keep out the powerful Sabbaths with those energy-draining spells of theirs!" She remarked with an encouraging laugh. "But we've done what we came for and that's all that matters."

Southern District

Nekhay Tavern

The tavern was only half-occupied by patrons. It was too early in the day for the drunks to do what they do best in this establishment. For now, only travelers and early lunchgoers were present. None of them paid much attention to the newly-arrived Iskah and Vanessa. Upon finding a table, a large human woman in a chef's outfit immediately strolled up to them.

"Iskah! It's been a while since I last saw you. The usual?"

"Yeah. And make that two!"

After the porty waitress left with the order, Iskah turned her attention to her drained Dark Mage companion. "A full course meal should get you back in tip-top shape. And we can stay here until the next day if you want."

"As for me and Aun, he actually fought me! And he actually won! Do you know what that means?" Iskah beamed happily at Vanessa. "It means I am now duty-bound to propose to him and attempt to marry him by any means necessary. No more attempts at talking and convincing. We are now free to just nab him whenever we're ready." The Lizardman sighed contently. "Then when we accomplish that, I'm going to take him to bed and we're never gonna sleep for a week straight. Then I'll be pregnant with a strong child and he and I will raise him into a powerful warrior and then we'll..."

Iskah will rattle on if no one stops her.
Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Takeshi readied to engage the rest of the band but the taskforce, at least most of them, was fast and thorough in their attack. He bore witness to their teamwork, noticing that Alice and her living weapon Carroll were pretty synchronous with Eula, Kerry and Liliana. The young lord was a little envious, and wondered if he could ever fight like that with his Shizuyaman friends.

He also witnessed how they used the Heavenly Strike technique. Observed how they did it.

"Surrender or face extinction. There is no other option."
Eula 039

When Eula and Carroll did their version of the Heavenly Strike technique, it went too fast for the legionnaire to block. The attack was fully successful, hitting the legionnaire's abdomen and making him stumble back from the blow. However, he was not out just yet and still held his war hammer. But the Automaton would not be his foe for now, since a rather masculine High Orc rushed after him.

Only for some regal-looking woman to interrupt the High Orc, even stealing the latter's axe, and attack herself. His armor was pierced, but it still managed to absorb the blow. The legionnaire noticed these monsters were using their versions of this Heavenly-whatever technique the collaborators used. No wonder they asked for legionnaire help and keep a lookout for the monsters.

"I offer you surrender, Varjan, and nothing else. Deny, and death is the only outcome. You are outgunned."

"Go ahead, buddy. Make your choice."

The legionnaire relaxed and released one of his hands from his weapon and let the latter stand, apparently surrendering. He used his free hand to remove his belt that contained bombs and gadgets for quick use during battle and tossed it in front of the unique Mad Hatter.

"That goes doubly to you, Takeshi-san! I know your skill with the blade is to be feared, but you make us worry all the same"
Atsuha Hangai

"Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it?" Takeshi laughed. Truth be told, he lost count on how many times he already had been scolded by Atsuha. Perhaps she felt a bit maternal towards him after rescuing him in Sanjo Beach. "I'm not even sure if we were needed in this fight. It really looks Alice and her gang have this in the bag!"

He then looked back at the surrendering legionnaire, and noticed that the Varjan was not... that relaxed. He also recognized the legionnaire belonging to the Iron Grinders, masters of siege warfare. They knew how to breach castles and fortresses, but they also knew how to take them without attacking walls. Infiltration and baiting strategies.

"Alice and Carroll, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from you. Well done, both of you. Now, the question remains, what to do with our new friend here. Do you have anything thing in mind, Takeshi-Dono? I also agree with Alice and Kerry in that the master of this technique is something that should be treated with our full attention. If possible, I'd like to be the one to face him. Especially since most of our members have just got through fighting."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Very well. I shall let you face him." The young lord accepted Shizuka's request. "Buuuut someone of his caliber would probably rather claim my head, the heir apparent, than a relative stranger's, no?" He then quickly apologized. "Err, no offense."

His gaze was still fixed at the legionnaire. The Varjan's posture was still tense and ready to move. This was no surrender.

"Hey! If you want someone to interrogate him, I vote my Big Sis! She can use various toxin and her own natural poison to coax stuff outta him, plus she can get really mean toward jerks like the Varjans!"
Hinami Hangai

Takeshi warned his allies. "Wait, I don't think he's--"


A thick red smoke started emanating from the legionnaire's belt. It wafted upwards quickly, reaching the heights that birds usually fly. From somewhere in the distance, burning boulders were launched and heading towards... the taskforce's position!

"Take cover!" Takeshi yelled at his taskforce allies.


Flaming artillery rained on the area, but their impacts and fire were mitigated by the stormy weather. Still, it did its job scattering and disorienting the taskforce who were forced to dodge the shots. However, the same could not be said for the unconscious Varjans and technique students who were claimed by their own side's siege weaponry whether through impact or through flame.

The legionnaire took this opportunity to escape, running towards the wilderness. Takeshi immediately noticed, but had a plan. "Chase him! But don't catch him! Let's see where he goes!" The young lord ordered as he started the 'chase'.

Kenshiro's Rest


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

The rain poured as thunder roared in the sky. Dark, gray clouds blocked out the sun, almost drowning the world in darkness. The winds blew fiercely now, trees and leaves danced as they howled. But none of these deterred Takeshi from 'chasing' the Iron Grinder. Did the young lord ever consider that he was following the legionnaire into a trap? Perhaps, but Takeshi hardly cared. His goal was to end this menace once and for all, and he would step in as many traps as needed.

The 'chase' ended when the Iron Grinder reached the base of a steep, two-leveled plateau covered by a row of natural rock formations. The legionnaire's boots glowed with orange-hued magic as he leapt up, jumping over the rocky wall and disappearing behind it. Still undeterred and not waiting for the taskforce to offer help, Takeshi began to scale the cliff face quite deftly. Identifying which ledges he needed to grab, Takeshi was soon at the first level and facing the rocky wall.

There was a slit in the rock formation big enough for the young lord as well as the biggest of the taskforce to fit through. Of course, those capable of flight need not enter through the tiny entrance. Takeshi was the first one through and was greeted by a pleasant scenery: The entire first level of the plateau was some sort of shrine-garden. Two large, rectangular stone pillars with inscriptions engraved on them stood on each side of the small dirt path, serving as a welcome everyone who entered this sacred place. Beyond the pillars was a pool of water, constantly refreshed by the natural stream that flowed out of this elevated landform.

The most striking sight in this place was the huge amount of katanas embedded on every patch of soil that wasn't the path. They were not clear at first, almost blending in with the grasses that stood beside them. From Katsuhiro's tale, this was probably Kenshiro's Rest.

What was not pleasant, however, was the row of Varjan bowmen standing at the edge of the second level, overlooking the first. And populating the first level was a whole mixed unit of legionnaires and Heavenly Strike students. There were about four of the Iron Grinders, including the one the taskforce was chasing. And yet, he was not the apparent leader of the legionnaires. The one with the mouthguard and the sword and shield seemed to be the one in charge.

But all held their weapons and allowed one of the students to approach Takeshi. Only, this one didn't feel like a student despite looking like his fellow swordsmen. He confidently strode towards the young lord and the latter soon recognized who this Shizuyaman traitor was.

"Tetsuo Okinaga. The butcher of the Ichimonji Rebellion." Takeshi crossed his arms. The normally-outspoken heir was replaced by a stoic but seething warrior. "I see time hasn't changed you."

"You were a child when Ichimonji burned, boy." Tetsuo replied. "For ten years, I dreamed of cutting Lord Oja to the bone."

"You won't live long enough to face him." Takeshi finished the 'pleasantries'.

Tetsuo smirked as he drew his sword. "I've mastered the legendary attack, and the Varjans are willing to reward me for sharing it with them."

Takeshi unsheathed his sword and poised to attack--


A sudden and unexpected lightning struck a section of the second level's ledge, sending that section tumbling down along with a few of the archers while leaving the rest stunned silent. Even Takeshi, and probably the taskforce, was surprised. Tetsuo returned his glare at Takeshi and pointed his sword at the young lord. "Yokai devilry! I should've known than to expect honor from one as corrupted as you!"

Tetsuo disappeared and reappeared behind Takeshi, leaving a nasty slash wound on the young lord. The two then locked swords and dueled, Shizuka's wishes unfulfilled.

The Iron Grinders charged forward with their two-handed hammers while their leader stayed back for now. The Heavenly Strike students followed closely behind, appearing to be taking cover behind their armored Varjan allies. The remainder of the Footmen archers started loosing arrows at the taskforce too as lightning continued to strike at the battlefield's vicinities, setting fire to the grasses in the plateau.







Southern District

Wayland Keep

"What the--?! Grease?! Nooooooo!!!"

The cowled knight wailed while the onmyoji knight was taken by surprise, quickly slipping into his ass as he continued sliding towards Vanessa. He dropped his weapons and the floating talismans fell as he slid and seemed to be out for the count as he slid harmlessly past the Dark Mage.

But then, Vanessa felt a slap on her butt. It appeared the onmyoji knight had a parting gesture as he slid past the Dark Mage. Upon looking, Vanessa found a paper talisman sticking on the butt cheek the knight slapped. The writings on it quickly glowed purple and Vanessa found herself quickly drained of magic and energy. So much so that she found herself unable to even stand up and could barely keep consciousness. And just like that, the Lot Knights prevailed over Vanessa the Dark Mage.

The cowled knight immediately went up to Vanessa using his saber to keep himself standing up from all the grease. "You! Once you get better, you better summon a whole pile of gold bars for everything you've done here!" He began ripping onto Vanessa.

But then, a sullen Aun appeared from behind him. "...I'll pay for all the damages she made." He said, placing a hand on the cowled knight's shoulder. "I'll also help Sir Cleans clear all of this up."

"Inky, come on. Can't we have this one? This is the fourth time this month." The cowled knight retorted.

The Incubus Knight tapped the shoulder a couple of times, a sign that he was brooking no argument. With a sigh, the cowled knight walked away. Aun then crouched to address the weakened Vanessa. "Iskah's waiting outside. We'll escort you to her. Boys, let's give her the Inky Farewell Ceremony!" Aun motioned for the other Lot Knights present to join him who replied with cheer.

Vanessa then felt a pair of hands grab each of her limb and she was lifted up. The onmyoji knight who achieved victory over her appeared before her and threw five talismans on the greasy floor. The papers didn't touch the floor, merely floating an inch above it. Blue magical energy emitted from them, connecting to one another until the circular center became completely blue. A teleportation portal. "HEAVE! HO!"

The Lot Knights tossed Vanessa into the portal.

Vanessa was deposited outside Wayland Keep, near where she and Iskah first became invisible to infiltrate the castle. Her Lizardman client was there, sitting sullenly on the street. "Vanessa... Do you know what happened?" Based on her voice, probably not anything good. Right? "Aun... FOUGHT ME! HE FOUGHT ME! YES!" Iskah exploded with happiness, laughing in triumph and seemingly caring little that Vanessa had just been defeated by the Lot Knights.

"Do you know what this means now, Vanessa?!"
Terauchi Temple


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Before Gringor and Skarsneek could come to blows, Takeshi Oja came between them while holding two bowls of hot peppered rice with sunny-side egg on top. The freshly-cooked dish's scent quickly invaded the two male monsters' noses, inviting them to let go of everything else and simply finish the bowl down to the last grain of rice. A deliberate defusing tactic by the young lord.

"Come on, now. It's too early in the morning for this!" Takeshi complained to Gringor and Skarsneek. "Why not just eat breakfast first before we do any sort of fighting?"

Once the bowls were accepted, Takeshi had a third serving prepared for Io. "Hey, Io! It's been a while since I saw you. Not sure if undead like you needs to eat but surely eating for the taste and the satisfaction is a thing for the undead, right?" He offered the rice bowl to the Lich, also revealing his lack of knowledge for the necromantic race. "Also, were you hoping these two would fight?"

~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Once breakfast was over, the entirety of the taskforce assembled to finally move against the traitorous students of the Heavenly Strike technique. Takeshi Oja came with them, partly because these students were formidable warriors so the taskforce will need every capable fighter they can muster and partly because Takeshi himself wanted to see this technique for himself.

"I... suppose we should first get information on where Kenshiro's Rest, huh?" Takeshi told the taskforce, scratching the back of his head. Since the area was supposed to be a secret, getting the location might prove a tad difficult.

"An interrogation of a student should suffice." Revuel piped in. "A small Varjan warband was sighted to the north, not far from here. They were seen with Shizuyaman bladesmen in... Haori and hakama. Yeah, those were the words. Those might be some Heavenly Strike students you can capture and question."

"Many thanks, Sir Revuel." Takeshi bowed at the spellcaster. "Alright, let's move out."

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

The taskforce along with Takeshi traveled northward from Terauchi Temple, following a dirt path. The drizzle earlier had now become light rain and the winds began to howl. The soil around the group had become moist, but not yet enough to become outright mud. The occasional breeze could bring chill to the exposed, but Takeshi did not seem to be affected despite wearing relatively light clothing.

Soon, the group came upon the Varjan band and true to Revuel's report, there were Shizuyamans among them in the description the spellcaster gave. The band consisted of four of the Heavenly Strike students with the rest being Varjans. The Varjan elements were made of mostly Brigands, being 8 of them, armored in fur and leather and armed with round shields and simple axes and javelins. Then there was one Varjan who was armored like a Scarce Legion legionnaire but his armor's hue was gray, as if unpainted, and he wielded a rather large battle hammer. It was clear he was a legionnaire, just not of the Scarce Legion.

This band of invaders seemed to have just finished slaughtering a small caravan of refugees and were currently helping themselves to whatever meager loot was in the refugees' cart. The sight of the villagers' dead bodies strewn about incensed Takeshi into a tranquil fury. The young lord strode towards the warband head-on, ignoring any plans-of-attack the taskforce would put suggest. His approach did not go unnoticed, and the warband readied their arms.

"So it's true. The young Oja has thrown his lot with the yokai." One of the students faced Takeshi.

"And you have thrown yours with Varjan invaders." Takeshi shot back.

"You and your father are foolish for resisting the Varjans. You readily lead Shizuyama's people into the arms of the yokai. Into depravity and debauchery." The student responded. "The Varjans ask for so little and in return, they gladly help us protect the island from those infernal beasts you now call friends."

Takeshi motioned at the villagers' corpses. "Is that what you call protection?"

The student shrugged. "They were heading for Terauchi Temple, seeking 'refuge' under the yokai. Joining the beasts can only be punished with death... as dictated by the laws your clan made. Laws that you are--"

"Enough!" Takeshi put his hand on the hilt of his sword and began walking towards the student. "Fight me..."

"Hmph." The student drew his sword and approached too, before suddenly disappearing.


The student reappeared behind Takeshi... and had a gaping gash on his neck. He dropped his sword and clutched his wound, staring wide-eyed at the taskforce in disbelief. He coughed up blood before collapsing into the ground. Takeshi, meanwhile, had his sword drawn out - a bit wet with the student's blood. The young lord, by virtue of being unscathed, knew he was the victor of that standoff and spared no glances at his defeated opponent.

The warband was taken by surprise at the legendary technique's defeat. But when Takeshi charged them, the legionnaire raised his hammer and released a war cry that rallied the warband back into battle.







Southern District

Wayland Keep

The knights all raised their arms to cover their heads from the strong gales of Vanessa's wind magic. The cowled knight, upon seeing the tables and chairs and benches get flung all around the mess hall, could only cry out. "Nooooo! I just had those fixed!"

While the other knights were soon blown away by the winds, the onmyoji knight spread out five pieces of talismans in front of him. Despite being mere paper, the talismans floated firmly in the face of the gale and protected their caster from the winds while not being blown away themselves. He then slammed a sixth talisman on the wooden floor which unleashed a shockwave that dispelled magic. His floating talismans lost their magic because of it, but it also stopped Vanessa's magical gale.

Without missing a beat, the onmyoji knight drew his katana and released three more talismans to the air. These three talismans then began circling him, awaiting their master's command to be activated and Vanessa could sense binding magic from these papers. The onmyoji knight then charged at the Dark Mage. He definitely had a plan in mind besides mindlessly attacking the Dark Mage head-on.

The other knights, meanwhile, watched their Zipanguese compatriot fight while hiding behind the fallen tables. "Get her, Writes! Make her pay for all the damaged furniture!" The cowled knight cheered.

~ Cambridge ~

Einer spent the rest of his free time in his room, observing the plant that Bellum gifted him. He wondered how exactly this little herb could help or defend him. Perhaps it was just as she said, enhancing his healing magics as long as it was around like a catalyst. With a sigh, the bard stashed the vial into the many pockets of his outfit. What better way to find out something's abilities than to take it to the field?

After the group had assembled, Arteus cast his spell teleportation spell. This wasn't Einer's first time with a teleportation spell, but it certainly wasn't something ubiquitous back home. Besides that, Arteus' spell had more... purple than what Einer was used to. Nevertheless, the spell went without a hitch and they were no longer in the Eon Tower.

Einer had never been to Cambridge, so all these banners on the stone pillars were new to him. The crests and the symbols were unknown to him as well. However, the mood in this place seemed a bit tense. Einer noticed personnel scurrying about frantically, but the group moved normally as if nothing was wrong. Of course, that didn't last long.

A crisis outside demanded the attention of the Church officials, leaving Alexandra to herd the Eon Tower into a large room to either await further orders or simply wait until the situation was dealt with. Some other magus also joined them, but Einer found himself staring at the ceiling while sitting on one of the sofas. He had immediately felt something darkly familiar when they arrived here. He thought it was nothing, but the news that someone had died made Einer believe that things seemed to be more serious than they appeared.

"I sense... Miasma in the air." Einer mused to everyone who could hear him mutter.
Southern District

Wayland Keep


"Dance! Hold me!"

The flash of light blinded all the knights in the room, everyone except Aun who managed to cover his eyes just in time. Almost as if he was aware of the magical insect the entire time.

"You're coming with me~"

As the other Lot Knights recovered, the Incubus Knight faced Vanessa alone. His helmet concealed his face, but the Dark Mage could feel his intense gaze at her. "This isn't amusing anymore, Vanessa." He said to her, humor absent in his tone. "I'm off to a mission far away from here. Somewhere full of danger. Please, I'm begging you. Just take Iskah away from here and find her another man. There's plenty out there." He tried reasoning, nay, begging the Dark Mage. "If not for your sake, then for Iskah's."

Upon getting their bearings, the other Lot Knights pulled out their pistols and aimed at Vanessa. The cowled knight asked first. "Another suitress, Inky?"

"Working for one. You remember the Lizardman Iskah?" The Incubus Knight replied. "She managed to hire a helper for her... cause."

"Then pay her off then. Double the price! How much is she working for anyway?" The cowled knight cried out.

"I already tried. She was furious at the offer." Aun recounted his and Vanessa's earlier talk. "She's an honorable Dark Mage."

The cowled knight was in disbelief. "That's... a first. Never thought I'd ever meet one."

"Neither did I-- Huh?!" Aun was suddenly lifted into the air, seemingly by telepathy but it appeared the still-invisible Iskah has opted to simply seize her target and hightail it out of there. It was a testament to Iskah's strength that she could lift a fully-grown knight in full armor seemingly without effort. "Iskah! What are you--"


The invisible Iskah and the still-shocked Aun hurtled out of one of the windows in the mess hall, leaving Vanessa with the other flabbergasted Lot Knights who were still aiming at the Dark Mage. "S-Shouldn't we be going after Sir Incubus?" Sir Dreams asked. "Or, you know, fighting this Vanessa woman now?"

"We're not exactly equipped to fight a monster." Sir Dances replied. "I mean, these pistols will hurt but only if the bullets manage to hit her, and we each only got one shot."

The cowled knight released an audible sigh. "I'm glad you two are polite enough to explain all that to her--"


The doors to the mess hall slammed open and in came a very peculiar knight: This person wore the clothes of a Zipanguese onmyoji but wore a very knightly great helm. He pulled out a paper talisman, like the ones that Vanessa purchased from Rie, and accurately hurled it at the Dark Mage. Vanessa could feel powerful magic from the small piece of paper. It might be best not to get hit by any of those.
Southern District

Wayland Keep

Vanessa and Iskah infiltrate Wayland Keep, with the small conjured insect guiding the latter towards its master all the way. The keep was a spacious castle with most of its residents being fully-armored Lot Knights. Despite being in their homebase and in a state of relative relaxation, all the knights the two monsters saw were wearing helmets. Vanessa would notice that each knight seemingly has his own unique helmet. Iskah wanted to explain more about the Lot Knights to her Dark Mage companion, but their stealth required silence.

The wards inside Wayland Keep were surprisingly simple and easy for Vanessa to bypass, disable or modify them. A little too easy, in fact. Perhaps these wards and detectors served another purpose other than keeping out monsters? Iskah was no mage, and so was of little help in this regard and completely dependent on Vanessa for these 'obstacles'.

The two monsters soon reach Aun's position. They were in the keep's rather huge mess hall, sunlight shining from the windows but the ceiling chandeliers were lit still, but only Aun and a handful of other knights were present. Aun, like the other knights, was wearing his helm - a maned Corinthian helmet - that completely concealed his head. If it wasn't for his energy signature, he would have been completely unrecognizable.

"...So is everything clear?" One of the seven Lot Knights present said, addressing the rest of the six. He wore a brown cowl that concealed his head into shadow and he spoke with an accent like those from the snowy steppes.

One of the knights raised his hand, a knight with a unique helmet reminiscent of those Caliphates in the East. "So it's just us three? Me, Dreams and Inky? No spellcaster on us?" Iskah perked up at the mention of 'Inky', Aun's name in the order.

"We have no reason to believe the enemy forces near there have any heavy spellcasters. Still, Sir Inky is capable of handling anything magical should the situation arise." The cowled knight replied.

"Ohhh, this is gonna be like those times there were three of us, Dance." The knight named Dreams immediately began to reminisce about the aforementioned times. While the conversation wasn't exactly over. This knight had a simpler helmet, yet still unique in the room.

Aun, meanwhile, stayed silent as he contemplated the mission given to him. Iskah, too, was silent, wanting to hear more about this mission. Vanessa can join in listening in too, the Lot Knights in this meeting seem oblivious to the two monsters' presence. But so far, it appeared Aun the Incubus Knight would be going somewhere if he wasn't nabbed today.
Kazenosuke's House


"I have a sneaking suspicion they're trying to eliminate two birds with one stone. Kazenosuke, one of the most skilled fighters in the land, and three monsters that had just exhausted him. Strategically speaking, killing us all now while we're exhausted cleans things up nicely, Oh, and, if these are Varjans, I will have to remind you that you were indifferent to those who'd have a knife at your back at the earliest convenience."

Kazenosuke was not swayed by Zeka's or Vară's words, but Vivian's assumptions elicited a reaction out of him. "Pfffft... Bahahahahahaha!" He laughed out loud.

The dancing swordsman waved a free hand, and all the crows that perched in the surrounding trees flew away to resume their lives. "Unfortunately, no Varjan I know can do what I can." Kazenosuke allowed the three yokai a moment to realize he had power over the black-plumed avians. "But they have their own ways in wielding animals in combat. Good old-fashioned training, which I suppose makes them better than me."

With the crows all gone, the exhausted Kazenosuke leaned back into the wooden wall of his abode. "Alright, alright. You girls win, I give up." He surrendered, tiredly sheathing his blade.

Kazenosuke closed his eyes before raising a finger at the yokai. "You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar." The dancing swordsman surmised. "But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else." Kazenosuke was almost complaining in the taskforce's behalf. "...There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking."

"And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right?" The swordsman finished. "You have to know that. None of you are stupid."

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Okay! So, Lord Takeshi has gotten help from Lady Kyouko, who's sent monsters from Zipangu like me, and others from other places here to help you all out. I think its because nobody wants Varjo to have a big foothold out here,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Lord Takeshi... willingly collaborating with yokai." The shinobi girl remarked darkly. "Grim tidings..."

"...So anyways, I'm just super glad that I found you! Takeshi said there was a whole other wave of Shinobi that might be with you, so...are they also hiding out here in the forest? Takeshi can use all the help you can provide!"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Indeed, there are still many of us. Lord Hideo, Lord Takeshi's father, actually ordered all of us to try and find a way to pass through the Varjan blockade to get help." Kageho suddenly stopped to correct herself. "Human help. We were to keep sending out operatives until someone succeeded or all of us died. It was Lord Takeshi who rescinded the order behind his father's back, instead ordering us to simply hide and fortify what we can."

"I thought it was a mercy from Lord Takeshi, but now I suspect darker motives if he sought help from yokai..." It appeared Matsuri's phrasing had caused a misunderstanding in Kageho's mind.

"...I cannot promise aid, but I will meet with Takeshi for an explanation." Kageho put away her sickles, the blades gleaming ominously at the young Inari. "Make your way back to Lord Takeshi. I will follow you from the shadows." And with that, the shinobi disappeared into the darkness of the night. Seemingly leaving Matsuri alone.

With her objective accomplished, Matsuri can head back to Terauchi Temple or go somewhere else.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

”Uh...Perhaps we should leave these two along, Ayu-san?”
Kirei Kannazuki

"Yeah, I think we should." She replied with a sigh. Unfortunately, the sisters would be done with their 'session' before either Ayu or Kirei could leave.

"Spywoman, where’s Takeshi at? I’d rather not wander this place on a fruitless endeavor."

Ayu was looking away from Ripcord and Umami, but returned her gaze once her attention was called. "He's here somewhere. Don't you worry." She replied, again with a sigh. "Let me fetch him so I can just leave him to deal with you two."

"I am being summoned?" Just as Ayu turned around, Takeshi had arrived after overhearing his name being uttered. "I was curious on why some of the refugees were moving away from here so I came to check. It seems someone's looking for me."

"Yep. The sisters over there seem to need your help." Ayu pointed at the Claremont sisters with a thumb. "There's a mark on the Shoggoth girl's neck that won't come off."

"Hmm, let me see." Takeshi approached the sisters, Ripcord in particular, and immediately found and recognized the mark. "Huh, so the Varjans know how to put one of these." The young lord said. "I don't know what the Varjans call it, but here we call it 'Marked For Death'. It's a fairly simple marking spell that helps hunters designate prey, preventing the targets from effectively hiding. Other than that, it's quite harmless albeit annoying. The spell isn't that used anymore since it's more work preparing the spell than building a trap or something similar."

"Removing it is also fairly simple, although quite intimate and some might call disgusting. I can perform the removal process if you want it gone immediately." Takeshi offered to Ripcord. "I would teach it to your sister, but the ritual requires Spirit Energy."



Southern District

Wayland Keep

"Detect: Magic. Eye of Oros, grant me sight."

It was revealed to Vanessa that Wayland Keep was more magical than it appeared. Protective wards and detectors were practically everywhere, and the notable tower contained the most amount of magical energy. As for the inhabitants, the Dark Mage detected that there were about two dozen people inside the keep that were magically-attuned. And they were all looking at her direction, having immediately sensed Vanessa's spell. Despite that, they all seemingly elected to ignore her and continue with their duties. They likely knew that Vanessa wasn't there for them and thought that whichever Lot Knight that was her target could take care of it himself.

"Mass Invisibility."

"Whoa. This is pretty weird." Iskah remarked at not being able to see herself because of the invisibility spell.

"There we go. Now we just wait for them to find Aun and for me to suss out where to go, what and who to avoid, and then we'll be in and out before the day's over."

Vanessa's wisps infiltrated Wayland Keep, and went along unhindered even though probably half the keep knew they were there. It wasn't difficult for them to find Aun; they only had to zero in on the only thing that emitted Demon Energy in the entire castle. They found him in one of the buildings, in a large chamber that appeared to be the dining area since there were a lot of tables and the table that Aun occupied was filled with cups. Getting to this place required getting past the main hall and past the courtyard, and past a lot of the knightly inhabitants.

The Incubus Knight was not alone, there were several other Lot Knights with him including a couple who were magically-attuned as Vanessa detected. They seemed to be discussing something quite serious.
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