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Attire: A toga (over a tunic) and sandals
Date and Time: Sola 24th, Morning, following his chat with Edin
Location: His office
After their discussion at The Royal Curd, father and son had left for the castle. They separated shortly after entering the fortress, and Wulfric retreated into his office. As soon as he closed the door behind himself, the dam on his underlying raging abhorrence finally cracked. He felt his expression morph into a grimace of loathing, facial muscles straining from the intensity. His body literally shook with outrage as his breathing sped up. If he’d been alone on a cliffside somewhere, he might have screamed his throat sore.

Instead, he channeled that frustration into a power walk to his bureau, where he slammed his fists onto the solid wooden surface. Everywhere he looked – the desk, the coffee table, the couches, the cork pinboard – documents on the Black Rose still littered the room. Each and every single one was a bitter reminder of the reality of the situation.

As if beckoned by his negative emotions, fragments of past memories emerged.

He had been a child, 8 years of age. He was interested in all sorts of puzzles back then, and was keen on mysteries, adventure, and exploration. One thing had led to another, and he had found a way to break into his father’s office. He was rummaging around, not looking for anything in particular, when the guards he’d previously distracted finally noticed something amiss and informed Edin.

His father was enraged, but his younger self hadn’t thought it was a big deal. He’d proudly told his father how he’d snuck in, had even said something along the lines of ‘Wasn’t that clever of me?’ He had expected to be praised for his feat. What he received was a stinging slap to the cheek. His father was shouting things, awful, mean things. Told him he needed to be punished. Next thing he knew, his hands were being switched bloody.

I haven’t raised a criminal! was a sentence he could still clearly recall from then.

That had been the first significant fracture in the trust and admiration he’d held for his father. Several years later came the final shattering, when even the few remaining speck-sized kernels of positive regard had been completely annihilated.

I will not stand for this– this corruption!

He couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. Though, to call that which bubbled forth from his lips a laugh was as faithful as likening muck to clear spring water. It went on and on, turning into wheezing, choking half-gasps. He had to stop when the contractions caused a physical strain in his ribs and chest. Finally, the last few coughs escaped.


After the king had executed the one person he shouldn’t have, Wulfric had been fully intent on killing him as soon as he came of age. He’d been stopped by his mentor, though, and had been shipped off to Alidasht for a year.

“Damn you,” he cursed, and took to pacing his office. He had long since realized his old teacher had done what he had primarily out of a concern for him. Regardless of the hows or whys, it had ultimately been his own decision not to act. To wait for the legitimate transferal of royal power from father to son.

One of his main concerns had been what removing the stabilizing force of an established ruler – however shoddy of a ruler he was – would do to the kingdom. When he had expressed his wish to see Edin dead to Alibeth and Auguste, their worry, too, was balance.

It was exactly what his father had said about Marek Delronzo.

The Black Rose has been a significant force in maintaining the balance of power within our kingdom.

“Balance?” he hissed under his breath as he paced across his office. A balance of crime, corruption, evil,” he spat. He didn’t use the word ‘evil’ lightly; few things were so absolute, so black-and-white. But this? A pretense of keeping order while a crime syndicate was running rampant throughout the country and beyond? Allying with Marek’s ilk so they could ‘help’ keep in check certain elements, as his father had put it? As far as he could see, what the Black Rose kept in check was the whole damn kingdom!

“No.” This one thing, he would never do. Ally with Black Rose? Support and profit from organized crime?

Watch and stand by as such atrocities were committed? “Not anymore,” he promised quietly.

Doing otherwise will significantly endanger… the very throne you sit on.

He scoffed as he recalled those words. The throne? He sneered. “What an utterly worthless thing, if it can’t protect our people,” he seethed.

No. It was high time to do away with such a treacherous influence. Still…his father did possess valuable information.

It curdled his stomach, it ignited the blood in his veins, it permeated bitterness throughout his mouth, but he had too many questions left to dispose of Edin outright. He needed to know how this state of affairs had come to be. Who had first tied in their family with the criminal underworld? Edin himself or a predecessor? Why? To oppose mages? To control the populace through fear?

And what did Delronzo have on them? Did Edin have anything on the man at all, or was he merely Marek’s king-puppet? It would be useful if he managed to find a way to turn the two against each other.

First, he had to at least explore that option. But if it seemed like trying to get through to Edin would yield no results in a reasonable time, then soon–!

If only he had a justification which would be easily accepted by the public–

He stopped mid-step when he was hit by an idea as swift and powerful as a strike of lightning.

If you actually care, find out for yourself. And when you do, swear to me you’d publicly reveal what your family has done in order to stay in power. Every last one.

“That,” he realized with sudden zeal, pacing some more. “What a brilliant stratagem that could make for,” he marveled.

There were so many things he had to do, now.

Strengthen existing alliances, consolidate his base of power, extend his reach where it was weak or nonexistent…Find out who Marek’s allies were, convert those who could be, and eliminate those who refused to change their ways.

Most importantly, he had to act.
@Zeroth @imia If either of you felt it would have been needed, Solveig would have helped stabilize their brooms from afar. For Parin cause she helped her not-quite-acquaintance, for Edward cause she's worried what would happen if the doped up dude lost control of his magic.

Location: Kikka, by the Coliseum
Interactions: /
Mentions: COLLAB WITH @Zeroth

In between one breath and the next, when Solveig was in the middle of introducing herself to the poison mage, a potent gust of wind knocked into her back, stealing away her capacity for speaking, and shoving her off of her broom.


That's what she got for not paying attention on a battlefield. Oh, how vividly she could hear her father scolding her!

She tumbled ass over teakettle, a dizzying moment where up was below, brown smudged with blue, streaks of red spiraling down with her.

After one or two turns, she stabilized, facing upwards while her body was still hurtling down to the ground. Alwin was there, because of course it was him. With pinpoint accuracy, his attack aimed at the gap where her magically-reinforced thumb and pointer finger met around the Angel SphereTM, dislodging the ball from her grasp with a spell faster than the speed of sound.

Then he left her behind in her free fall, chasing after his prize. It was just like how she'd dismissed that cannonball of a boy after she'd pushed him away.


She visually located Alwin, his broom, her broom, and the target both he and she wanted. As the other noble fell, Solveig saw his free hand reach out to empty air. A silvery-blue glow overtook his broom, as it changed course to try and get beneath him--he was aiming to try and catch the sphere, then land on his getaway! To have that much control over a broom from a distance though, was even more evidence that he wouldn't be a pushover.

Even so, Solveig wasn't out of options. Her fire whips were still with her. So was her sword. Her spell might have unraveled into individual whips again, but it was still there. If anything, the rivulets of flame were now thicker, more potent, having had fed in barely noticeable increments since the beginning of the third test.

Solveig gathered her fire in front of her. The vortexes hissed and sizzled, an angry sound resembling a pit of snakes which had been poked into with a stick. She angled her body just so, trying to position herself in the direction of her Angel SphereTM. Then, she released all that energy, shooting the burning currents away, sending them off in the exact opposite direction she wanted to get to.

Having nothing to brace against mid-air, her body was blasted off away from the gushing stream of fire and towards the ball, which was also where Alwin happened to be heading. Multiple pressurized streams of fire twisted and turned around each other as they were fired off. But just as it looked like the spell might continue straight onwards, Solveig exerted the hold she still had on it, forcing it into a turn.

Now, she was catapulting toward Alwin from one direction, while a flaming tide approached him from another in a wild pincer maneuver! For an instant she saw his eyes hesitate--to grab the sphere, or to defend himself?--and he made his choice with an angry roar. His free hand released another blast of wind just like the one that had knocked her down--

"Gale Burst!"

And his sword arm, along with the rest of his body, wheeled to face her. His spell blasted into the trail of fire she had sent after him, causing an explosion as the two powers met. Meanwhile, he defended against her direct attack blade to blade. As the two of them clashed, their trajectory altered!

"Damn you!" Alwin cursed, as they were now falling away from the ball. He kicked out, managing to drive his foot into Solveig's hip among the tumble and pushing her away from him.

But, in that time, someone else had swooped into the fray--a gangly blonde boy, licking his lips as if in anticipation of a meal, came flying in from below! With one long arm he snagged the Angel SphereTM, and looked back to smirk at the two nobles.

"You high-class types, all mana and no brains!" Bryant cackled. However, as Alwin glared at him with those narrow eyes, the blonde boy didn't see the glowing broom coming at his head like a missile from behind.

Solveig, on the other hand, did see it, and sensed an opportunity. She took the split-second to look around, just in case anyone or anything else was in their area which she should be aware of.

"Dragon Scales," she intoned, glancing from Alwin to Bryant. The crimson scaled gauntlet around her left forearm shimmered, and spread out to the rest of her body. As magic empowered the spell, the colour leeched from the scales which became brighter. A nearly pearlescent layer of magic extended over her whole form now.

But what had she intended to achieve with this spell?

While one or both of the boys might have thought an attack would follow, it had been a distraction and a preparation in one. If either of her opponents wasted time wondering what she was doing, they weren't attacking her. Now, with the additional protection, magic would be less affective against her.

Of most immediate importance, Bryant hadn't noticed what was behind his head. Solveig gathered mana in her left hand--

Alwin's broom slammed into the blonde's head!--

--and the young noble lady unleashed her mana faster than she'd ever had, wrapping it around the commoner's broom, and pulling it right to her! She hijacked her opponent's broom, gaze flicking from Alwin to Bryant before zeroing in on the contested flying object. She readied mounted her new broom, a renewed zeal fueling her as she was determined to fight it out over the Angel SphereTM.

Alwin retrieved his own broom as it tumbled through the air after the impact, grabbing it with one hand and holding on as it steadied itself. With his rapier in the other hand, he too appeared to be ready to race after the sphere once more--but, just then, another winged ball whizzed between both of the mages. Alwin gave Solveig a look that said he wouldn't soon forget this, but as he pulled himself back onto his broom he went after the closer target. Behind him, however, two more applicants were already coming in hot!

As Solveig closed in on her own target, the whirling cloud of applicants was only raging all the harder around her. Down below, many of those who'd fallen from their brooms had managed to get back on after untangling themselves from the officials' nets and moved to rejoin the fray. There were many who'd managed to stay aloft the whole time, and more than a few had now moved from chasing down an Angel SphereTM to actively defending a caught one, trying to maintain their leads.

Inhaling and exhaling, Solveig steadied herself on her stolen broom, and directed it towards the unconscious blonde boy. With one strike of her sword to the boy’s hand, she freed the ball. Before it could escape, she grabbed it, once again snatching it out of the air. This time, she adjusted her grip on it in such a way that even someone like Alwin would have a hard time finding a gap to strike at it directly. She held the ball close to her left hip, taking on a duelist’s stance as she weaved in here and there throughout the battlefield.

If this had been a real battle, you’d have died, she could hear his voice even if he wasn’t there to watch her. Her father, Cináed von Brandt, the head of their family.

I know, father.

Then act like it. He almost always had that strict expression, now. The haunted look had never quite left his eyes. Eyes which had grown cool and detached, the once warm and kindly amber irises seemingly having changed into a cold piercing gold.

But she knew it wasn’t anger, nor disappointment, nor innate high expectations which were at the essence of why he pushed her so much.


It was fear.

And that’s why she wanted to show him how strong she was. So that he wouldn’t have to worry about her. So that he wouldn’t have to protect her – so that he wouldn’t die because he had to protect her.

That’s right…even if this was practice today, she would soon be experiencing real combat. As a magic knight, life-risking missions were a given.

I know. I’ll do better.
@Xaltwind Sup, Sol's still in the game (for now), so I'll see it through with Zeroth first. Sorry, but no snatching falling young maidens from the air just yet!
I'm fine with that. :)


Also, this is the music playing while Solveig's falling through the air, right?

Let's just say...what she tried to do was pull off an a-la Bakugo, just instead with one stream of fire instead of with multiple explosions XD
A beautiful young maiden is falling from the heavens!? Time for a perfectly convenient swoop-in, arms-open and princess-carry catch moment! From Milla, of course. She gotta get friendly with all the other girls~ :3

Sent a response to zeroth already! But hmm..if he and you don't mind, we could try a three-party collab...?
<Snipped quote by Zeroth>

So it's not absorption. Oh Edward is so fucked.

Hah, well, either way, no time for a chat rn :p Let's do it some other time, but for the lolz feel free to imagine Sol getting knocked off mid-intro XD
Ah, alright.

Well, anyways... I dunno if there'll be any culling. I mean, in the original series, the only person who wasn't picked by a knight squadron - as far as we know - was Asta. But he man-childedly stubborned his way into the Black Bulls by not leaving when nobody raised their hand for him.

So, unless the Magic Knights in this 150 year future are waaaaaaaay too overstaffed, I don't imagine the 250~ something peeps who don't get their hands on a flying gold ball will just get tossed to the curb and get a participation medal. xD


Then again, given what the announcenrs and master of ceremony said, I fully imagine there'll be some applicants who don't make the final cut, and that's is less of a "Haha, you loser!"-deal these days then it was back in Asta & Co's time.

I mean, in the manga it was pretty clear there are people who no one chooses. Given Asta was the only newcomer for his squad, Yuno for his, and in general there only seeming to be a handful of trainees from what I've been able to tell so far...I don't think a culling is unusual?
The contestants:

Short chat?
Go Kreszenz, steal that ball from the haughty dragon-woman who thinks there're no worthy opponents! 8D

More like, she thinks anyone who is would either already have got the ball, or was gonna get one soon after XP
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