Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


You and I are mad scientist and we have discovered a way to regenerate life, using shells of those that have passed on. We will work together to create a world in which we have many secrets, government funding, many attacks on us and perhaps a bit of romance if you’re man enough to warrant it. But something goes terribly wrong and one of our creations starts thinking for himself and decides that you and I must be stopped – and we run.

- Her father will be a preacher and have quite a problem with her line of work and desires.
- She will struggle heavily with her faith, or really lack there of, but be so dedicated to trying to assist the human race in reconstruction for soldiers and children born with missing limbs and such.
- Their work starts out very honest and admiral, but after the power they seem to obtain from what they create - a man from scratch - they began struggling.
- We can have the assistant die and then flash forward a year or two and have your male character come in and take over to help her start over. After her assistant dies I would think she "pulls the plug" and runs from the idea until she meets your scientist (perhaps they work on a campus, hospital or something together) and she begins to dream again, sharing what she's done and uncovered in the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It looks great, but just one question if I am reading your last point correctly your character has already begun the work on the experiment. How does my character find out about it? Or am I reading it wrong and they start to work on it together?

Just clarify for me if you would please.

Thank you,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Absolutely. You mentioned her working with an assistant and the assistant getting killed, so I was just throwing in that 1) we could start from the beginning with you playing the assistant and them creating their first monster only to have it kill him and then you're character comes in later, or 2) I'll just make a journal entry flash back at the beginning to tell the story of her assistant, the creature and having to put it down because of her fear.. then your guy meets up with her at their place of employment and has ideas about creating something like what she did to see if biomechanics of that breadth are possible.

So yes, she's created the monster, but put him down and buried it all in her memories. Your guy would call those back up.

However - that is just an idea. We can work through various ideas too. Put your notes from the PM here... they are great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Okay let's go with option 1. I'll get the notes from the PM in tomorrow I'm on my cell phone right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sounds lovely. You okay with the basic's for a CS. Those long ones make me want to jump off a bridge. :)

Brief Background:

Let's just do a smaller version CS for the NPCs as well to keep a name and image in mind if nothing else. Where is our setting - what time frame and location? Let's think through how her and the assistant have come together too seeing that we're starting there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hey there! Been a little busy today but I do have some other ideas...I'll get to them in a moment.

In terms of your CS...sounds good to me and I like the idea of a smaller one for the NPCs as well.

Time Frame/Location...It's about 2 years from now not too far in the future in the Northwest like Oregon. Her assistant and your character...maybe he was given an Internship by the medical company this is being done in conjunction with the Government? (something this radical the Government will want in on )

Now here's the items from my PM yesterday:

--The code name for our Government Project is Lazarus set in the Pacific Northwest (thinking Oregon).
--I will play also an NPC for a couple of posts who is a lab assistant. He will be killed by our creation and that is when we realize the severity of what we've done.
--We go on the run some of the places we end up. A run-down building, a poor neighborhood, and eventually the woods.
--When the Government realizes that we've lost control rather than have their own forces come after us they leave us to our creation. The Government also freezes our bank accounts so we are truly on our own/
--Our creation is not only incredibly strong, but we are discovering that his intelligence is increasing. Which means that sooner or later he might be one step ahead of us.
--His reason for wanting to kill us...whenever he asks us about how he came to exist we blow him off or change the subject. He eventually finds out about Lazarus and realizes that he is not truly human with a history or any hope of a real life. This causes him to snap wanting to seek vengeance against us.

And now for a few other ideas I had:

--The man pulling the strings on all of this...My character's father. He is the one who basically somehow someway makes sure that you end up at the hospital I work at.

-- My character has been working on a similar project but is missing certain equations that your character has figured out, and vice versa so this way we realize that working together we can finally make the project work. (Again we don't realize that we are being manipulated)

--In terms of a personal relationship...at first we are both just focused in on our work...but once we end up on the run we begin to realize that our work isn't everything to us. (later on down the line)

--The death of the assistant will come back to haunt us...(Evidence will be manipulated so it appears that you and I had known each other much longer and that you and I together killed the assistant).

What do you think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey you.

Hope your Sunday has been restful. I just conked our for 3 hours after a great set of services. My SS class is studying Job, so keeping 27 wise ass turkeys on topic in such a book zapped my energy. :)

Thanks for all the notes above. I'll check them out as soon as I get back from dinner with my mother. She's leaving for Ireal tomorrow. *bites nails* :)

Looking forward to starting this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

No problem, I understand. My day...not bad. I decided to put my Lego sets that were in pieces back together and helped my son take care of the basement.

Looking forward to this one too. Once we reach a point where we think we got enough to start with we'll do our CSs and then...it's showtime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh my gosh I love the twists and turns you've noted above. SO MUCH FUN! I like the father figure in the background, puppetteering us all along. Lovely!

I'll assume that we are scientist at heart and surgeons by trade?

The relationship will bloom I'm sure simply due to the nature of the story and the need to be close to someone who really understands you and doesn't judge you. Like I said, we'll have a bit of trouble from my characters father as well being a catholic priest and all. :P Bring us some solid religious elements to deal with which should be fun.

I think I'll have her pulled from her position at the hospital by the government because they understand that she is researching advanced genetic creation and mutation and wants her to work on the Lazarus project (great name btw - love the reference). Her assistant can most certainly be in intern that shows promising capabilities and such from Harvard or Yale and has a professor that pulls a few strings. He'd be 4-6 years younger than my MC, but I'd love to see your MC in the future be the same age if not a little older. Doable?

I think the project the government will pull us for (initially) will be one focused on utilizing various donor parts to create a human from scratch, not a clone, but a fully functional male. Something very akin to the original frankenstein and yet we can have fun dealing with how we get the parts, bending our morals and ethics here and there and wondering the possible outcomes for something so deep and powerful.

Agreed totally on the Cs. What other details do we need? I'm not familiar with Oregon, but I'll do a little research to gather my bearings. I'm thinking lets stick to the 1980's or should we jump into the future?

Sounds like a great day. I just finished up all my duties and then some... *sigh*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The 1980's? Oh wow! That is such a great idea,,,I LOVE IT! Being on the run without the aid of cell-phones or the internet (as we know it we'd have to dial in and all that stuff with an actual phone) great idea Katelyn! Like 1983...perfect.

In terms of my character's age...yeah in the same range works great. The intern should be younger so yeah 4-6 works great. Surgeons by trade but scientists at heart...great wordsmithing there Katelyn.

The concept of pulling parts together..creepy and brilliant! I'm not familar with Oregon either but with the woods and the weather issues provides some great challenges when we are on the run.

In terms of the creature...what if the first time you tried it the assistant kills it and in the process the assistant gets killed, and then a couple years later my character comes along and provides you with the motivation to get back into this because he is on the verge of doing it and wants your help, because he knows that together they can do it (although we all know at some point they will wish they hadn't ).

For CSs I think we're solid on that besides we should leave some things out so as our characters find out things about each other so do we.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Laughs... I won't ask why 83 is the magic number! I'm on my phone, so forgive my short messages.

We can use pics of the various locations to help pull us into the story as well and I'm glad we agree on ages. We can circle up here to plot as we go along to make sure we're on the same page about plot progression and stuff, but I like surprises like the next gal/guy. :)

Alright... CS and agreement on the opening scene and we should be ready to roll. I'm thinking her and her assistant are watching the experiment come to life, or do we want to back up a little to when the assistant joins her and she's pulled from the hospital for this top secret research project?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

1983...to be honest with you...I just pulled it out of the air! I have no clue why LOL!

I think we can pick it up from where they are just about to throw the switch...they are going through the final prep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nice... That will be a great start- kicking right into the action.

Alright CS time and then am I starting the IC? I think I want to unless you wanna arm wrestle over it. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Css and then you start us off...it sounds great to me.

I'll get to work on my character and then the lab assistant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Perfect. I'll throw in my girl and then get the IC up and running. I need to post Tryner in Justice tonight too. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

No problem Katelyn.

Here are my 2 CSs

Name: Matthew Edwards – Lab Assistant


Age: 23

Brief Background: Matthew was working in the mailroom at Bartox industries just to get his foot in the door of a major medical corporation. He graduated from Oregon State with honors in bio-engineering and is trying to get into Grad School where he can pursue his PHD. Then came the opportunity to intern what was simply known as “Project L.” He applied and showed that he was willing, enthusiastic, and very knowledgeable about biology and anatomy.

Matthew is a hard worker and very dedicated to his calling of working in the medical field . although he doesn’t fully grasp the implications of the project Matthew is more than willing to what it takes to make the project work.

Other: He has a crush on his supervisor.

Name: Dr. Kelly Scott


Age: 30

Brief Background: Kelly graduated from UCLA with an undergrad degree in Pre-Med, and then walked right across campus the day he graduated over to the Med-School where he studied and interned at the Medical Center. Kelly was good and he knew it, and though he often put up a modest front the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face often said, “I’m the smartest cat in this place.”

He finished his residency and decided it was time for a change of scenery. Kelly said he was tired of the traffic jams, smog and other factors so he moved up to Oregon where he was hired as a surgeon at the Portland Medical Center. Kelly moved up the ladder quickly and is currently the assistant head of surgery. Kelly works hard and cares for his patients, but underneath all that charm and grace is a doctor who is determined to take over as head of surgery by 35.
For all his gifts in surgery Kelly considers himself a scientist and is fascinated with how the human body works, and how it can be “improved.”

Other: Kelly loves Springsteen, working out, and the fish tank in his apartment and in his office. He also possess a sharp wit that he thinks is charming and endearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That HAIR - Laughs....

Fish tanks!! Laughs harder...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dr. Sara Bosworth

Age: 27


Brief Background: Sara spend her childhood raising herself due to her mother's modeling career and her father's scientific genius. Trying to talk sense to the man was more than one person should have to deal with and though she learned far more than any child should about biology, it pushed her ahead in her own dreams of being a doctor. Getting into Harvard at the age of 17, Sara quickly moved through their elite pre-med studies, graduating as valedictorian. Joining New York General hospital upon finishing her med program, she worked on the trauma surgery teams, quickly moving into the senior spot due to her ability to see things that other just seemingly couldn't. She began to assist the hospital in working on a special project related to donor limbs and the possibility of large scale grafting using animals as subject matter. After a short career of doing what she loved, the government pulled her aside, moving her to a private underground facility in Oregon and assigning her an assistant.

Other: Sara loves chocolate and won't go a day without consuming several types of it. She spends her time reading and writing and assumes that she's grow old alone in her lab seeing that its her first and only love.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Katelyn said
That HAIR - Laughs....Fish tanks!! Laughs harder...

To be honest in the 80's that was my hair style...LOL!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I love it.. I'm still giggling. Probably be tomorrow before I can post - the church is blowing up... figuratively speaking.
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