Avatar of 0 Azzy 0
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
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    1. 0 Azzy 0 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current "Build the wall and crime will fall" will be the last thing Pence whispers to Trump as he places the final bricks on the day he finally decides to Amontillado him.
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
One more week until GenCon!
6 yrs ago
What a beautiful day to discover what nonsensical shenanigans my PCs will get themselves into. <3
6 yrs ago
One does not appreciate how much sin can be simply covered up until you find yourself hiding your busted-ass cake under layers of frosting.


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Idk my bff Jill?

Update eventually!

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Banned for not understanding mindfuckery.
The last round summary:

Out in the town square, Theren approaches the devildoggos warily, ready to defend himself if need arises. Which it promptly does. Though he is nimble enough to avoid one attack, he is still surrounded by doggos and gets bitten to death (dying). Fortunately, brave Theren is not alone and his companion, Marcon, lets loose an arrow at one of the beasts. His aim is true, though the beast still stands. Tortetarte isn't one to let a good man die so young and drags Theren away from death's door with a healing spell before drawing his sword.

Meanwhile, back in the temple, Beedo and Vark were busy having a grand time ringing the temple bell. Upon being interrupted by a crazed elf who lost a fight with a blender at some point in time, they draw scimitars and attacked! Unfortunately for our brave goblins, they weren't accounting for the nimble response from 'ol shovelface. Anchor lets out a cry that is drowned out by the sounds of bells still resonating and takes a half-hearted swing with his trident that goes wild. Galen, on the other hand, isn't having any shit from these goblins and explodes one with a magic missile before moving into the room and drawing his axe. Brave Vark takes a wild swing but misses once again before also being exploded by a second magic missile fired by Ealwald.

Which brings us to the top of the order with:
@ArenaSnow Last week ended up being much busier than I imagined, but I finally finished. XD

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