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sorry for delay, I started playing Civ IV again, and that game consumed my free time. So addictive, luckily I find it boring again. Wont have to worry about it for a few months.
@ReusableSword we have no posting rules. As long as someone posts you can post again.

Rick Noel – Clinic – Morning

"It does give me an idea however, I wonder if we might be able to send a similar request to The Directorate for assistance here. Word it in such a way that they might find interest in sending some aid. Some medical supplies and equipment for the clinic would do wonders here and if we could get a Courser requisitioned...well, the town wouldn't have to worry about attacks from raiders anymore. That's for sure. It’s a long shot, I know, and we'd have to be extremely discrete about it to the townsfolk. Perhaps we should give it some thought at least..."

Rick listened to the doc and pondered for a bit. He shook his head, “That could always be a possibility. I see no reason for them to say no, as long as we provide something in exchange. I can’t see them doing it out of goodness of their heart. As far as courser, that’d be a toughie, how would its presence or skills be explained.”

Rick leaned against the wall scratching his head and then turning to the doc, “Plus, at the moment, we don’t have that many coursers. The Homefront takes priority; I can send a message out to them. From my old files I seem to recall a secure communication location near hear, somewhere were agents could resupply and hide out if they couldn’t be transported. I’ll see what I can find.”

With that said Rick excused himself, and headed back to the house. He grabbed his bag and headed back out. He needed to locate a terminal, but was unsure of where to find one. He looked at the turrets on the center of town, and followed the cabling. The cabling led to building next to where the generator had been dropped off. He made his way up the building, it looked deserted, but he could tell people had been there recently.

It was dimly lit, but boarded windows provided just enough light through the gaps, to make it visible. He made his way up, to what looked like a reconstructed room. The walls and roof had been rebuilt as best as possible. There were various terminals, which made him happy. He sat in front of one and luckily enough it was unlocked. He pulled a holotape from his pack and inserted it.

He typed his password in, and soon the institute Emblem Appeared on the screen followed by a folder with multiple files. He began searching, and found his old SRB files, including locations of safehouses. Lucky for them, there was one and it was very close. Rick smiled, and ejected the holotape. He looked around the room, and wondered why there were so many terminals. Most were off, but one caught his attention.

He saw on the monitor multiple images, but they were moving. It was a surveillance feed. From the looks of it, and based on how the images moved, the turrets had cameras and were feeding a live feed to this terminal. The monitor next to it had info for the turrets, most likely targeting parameters. These were pretty advanced parameters and turrets for a place like Salem. Made him wonder about who had installed them and ran them.

He covered his tracks, ensuring everything was back to the way he had left it. Having a near eidetic memory helped. Once out of the building he headed over to the clinic but heard gunshots and yelling. He made his way to the edge of town past the Inn. He nearly froze when he saw mutants in the distance. He saw one =, running at high speed charging the mutants head on; a little foolhardy, even for someone as strong as a super mutant. Oddly enough he came from town, did the town have mutants?

He remained behind covered and took aim at the mutants, but unsure whether to shoot at the one that charged. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he quickly barreled to the side taking aim at whoever was behind him. “Easy cowboy, it’s just me.” Ace replied as he held his hand up smirking.

“Shit, you scared me,” Rick Replied as he lowered his gun and stood up and crouched by a log overlooking the fight.

Ace crouched next to him and aimed what looked like a plasma gun based on the glowing green color coming from slits on the barrel. “Quick thinking on your part, never expected you to move that quickly. Lucky for me you didn’t pull the trigger…that’s good, shows you’re not a killer” Ace replied as he kept his eyes fixed on the fight.

Rick looked down, and realized Ace was right. The killing of that raider from before was bothering him, it weighed on his mind. “Yeah…” Rick said as he looked back up.

“You see that hollering mutie that ran towards the others? Don’t shoot him, he’s on our side…allegedly. His name is Rook, make sure you aim for the others.” Ace said as he pointed at the mutant. Rick nodded, and as he was crouched he moved closer. He heard one mutant yell for a medic, which caught both him and Ace off guard. They saw another mutant but he looked like he was wearing some sort of power armor.

They made their way to the wall, and they heard the sounds of turret motor. Ace sounded puzzled, as he remarked he never seen that turret before. It didn’t whirr or beep as they got closer, which meant it wasn’t targeting them. Though from the looks it wasn’t joined to the other turret network.

Ace pointed at something and they made their way, it looked like there was an injured man. Upon closer look, he was missing limbs and was bleeding badly, worst of all he was a mutant. The ghoul seemed to be still alive. Rick slowly muttered ugh in disgust. "Bad enough he's ghoul, to be torn like that..." Ace said breaking the silence. Ace bent down picking up the man, "I'll take him to clinic, I doubt doc will be able to do anything, based on his condition." Rick turned back to the action, settled his nerves and began targeting the mutants that seemed hostile. He made sure not to shoot the armored one, and the one Ace had mentioned.
Ace Makovich - Salem - Morning

Ace watched as Brandy made her way up the ladder. Ace shook his head, he had only mentioned going out the side door for her own benefit. He shrugged and made his way out the cellar door, this was something he would deal with later. As he walked out he saw Brandy making her way to her place, part of him wanted to go after her, but when he looked up and saw the generator, he figured he better go work on that.

As he headed up the old apartment he looked up at the ceiling. The trusses and beams he installed were holding. The ceiling and roof would need to hold out, but with this support structure he set up leading from the roof to the basement, should hold out. He kept going up and made his way to the generator. As he looked at it he noticed that it was few inches off from where it was needed.

As he pondered on what he should do, after all the generator was extremely heavy, he saw Rook sitting doodling on the ground. He looked back at the generator and then over to Rook. He smiled as the thought of using his brute strength, came to mind. Sure it might be heavy for Rook, but it was either that or risk the roof collapsing under the uneven weight distribution.

Ace quickly ran down the stairs and headed over to where Rook was sitting. As Rook drew on the ground Ace slowly approached him, he didn’t want to startle the green giant. He stood in front of rook, “Hey there Rook…I see you’re drawing on the ground…Hey listen, I need your help for a bit. We placed a generator on the roof of that apartment building, and it’s slightly off and need someone strong, like you to move it. What do you say?”

As he stood there in front of Rook, sudden gunshots could be heard in the distance. Ace looked towards the direction of the gunfire. “What the hell was that?” Ace said t as he looked back at Rook. Ace’s hand fell down to his gun; he could hear some bellowing screams. It was deep and angry, sounded eerily familiar to certain green skinned mutants. “Shit…” Ace muttered.
Ace Makovich - Diner - Early Morning

Brandy turned to look up at him, her green eyes sparkled in the low lighting. “Good morning Honey,” she smiled, then she let out a long sigh, “you didn't wake me, Betty did a little bit ago. Why is she such a jerk?”

“I’m guessing it cause it’s in her nature, plus the fact someone sucker punched her, may have a tiny bit to do with it.” Ace replied as he placed his arm around her squeezing her.

She sat up, realizing she was wearing her birthday suit, she blushed and covered herself up, “Do you have a shirt I can wear?” A shy smile formed on her lips as she looked up at Ace. He grabbed her a shirt and she pulled it over head and bit her lip, “Can you hand me those?” She pointed at her panties in the floor, “Do you have a pair of boxers I can wear too?” she shrugged and grinned, “I'm sorry, I should have thought this through a little more. I had hoped you would let me stay the night, but the thought of spare clothes never crossed my mind.”

Ace let out a chuckle as he got up, picked the panties up and handed them to Brandy, “You know no reason to blush, nothing I haven’t seen before…” He went over to the dresser and handed him what she asked. She stood up and pulled Ace to her, burying her face into his chest as she hugged him. Brandy looked up at him; standing on her tippy toes she gave him a little kiss.

“I’d go out the cellar door if I were you. Steve is upstairs and so are other folk, plus Betty,” Ace said after he kissed her. He started to look around the room, for his tool box and found it under the bed. He placed it on the bed and opened it to make sure everything was in there, and closed it up. He kissed Brandy again and headed for the cellar door.

He stopped and turned, “Oh sorry, I know I just got here but we got a new generator and I want to make sure it’s ready to run as soon as possible...oh before I forget, yes there was vertibird. No, Brotherhood is not invading us. Yes, there are two scribes up on the apartment building, and No it won’t cost anyone anything.”
Rick Noel - Clinic

Rick turned around as he heard the doctor and Frieda."Good morning Rick. Yes, indeed I saw them. In fact, I was just having a conversation with Frieda about their arrival here. She was just as concerned as we were, albeit for different reasons," he paused for a moment, "Frieda...this is Rick Noel. I'm not sure if you were properly introduced yet...but, well, he's an...associate of mine. I've told her who we are Rick. I believe we can trust Ms. Richter far better than we might trust any of our other informants on the surface. She doesn't have any reason to hate us, and indeed, sympathizes with us far better than anyone else might. I'm not an SRB Agent, I know, and perhaps I overstepped myself, but we need friends out here..."

Rick looked at them both, “No, doctor… I trust your judgment. But yes, miss we ware former institute fellows, left homeless after its destruction.” Rick wasn’t exactly sure how to react. It didn’t matter in the end, the doctor outranked Rick, and his word was final. If he felt it was necessary, it must have been with good reason.

"Who else knows about your...affiliations? Anyone?" she posed to both men, "If the Commonwealth wastelanders hate your...origins as much as mine, my guess is you have either kept it quiet or only told trusted folks. Let's just keep it that way, for now." She glanced back around, out the window and into the street. "Doesn't seem like they dropped off much more than a generator. No troops, artillery, anything like that." She turned back to Arthur and Rick. "Best thing to do is just act casual. Go about treating patients like usual, and...uh..." Frieda looked at Rick. "Whatever you do best. What is it you do?"

Rick looked back Frieda, a little taken a back, part of him felt she didn’t like him, or treated him with scorn due to his age. It was something he was used to living in the institute, but found it odd to experience here. He replied, “I’m a former SRB handler..not that there’s any importance to that , but…” Before he could finish, she turned to the doctor and told him she’d be back.

“Okay…did she say they dropped off a generator? Why would they… so I take it that’s why I saw some scribes up on that roof. Are they setting up a power grid for the town?” Rick said out loud as he watched Frieda leave and then turned to the doctor. “Is it me or does she seem a little off to you?”
Ace Makovich - Salem - Early Morning

Ace looked over to Dan as he was taking some reading from a device. Radioactivity levels were normal, well wasteland normal, no emanation from generator. They were still making sure the generator was not damaged in transit, and from looks of it everything was in tip top shape. They would be able to test it out soon, and make sure it’d generate power.

Prior to all these people arriving to the town, Ace had worked with Barney on connecting homes with wires along the old light posts. They had salvaged most of the existing wiring, and Ace had ensured it was shielded well enough to ensure they worked as needed. Wires were also fed won to the basement of the building, were they connected to purifiers that were hooked up to the water system for the town, as well as the water table, were water was pumped and fed into purifier.

A lot of work had been done to get the basic utilizes back up and running, and soon it would all be put to the test. However, he would need to make sure streetlights were not connected, just as a precaution, at least until the wall was built. Ace looked around for his tool box all around the roof and then soon realized, he had left it in his cellar.

Ace excused himself and headed over to the diner. Steve was enjoying a cup of coffee, and Betty gave him the stink eye, for waking her up. He headed over to the jukebox and turned the volume down, as music was blaring. Betty scoffed as she turned away from him and flipped her hair. He headed downstairs, and took a look inside his room, finding Brandy there. He took a seat on the bed and kissed the top of her head, “Morning there. Did we wake you up, if so Im sorry.”

Rick Noel – Salem – Early morning

Rick groaned and slowly opened his eyes, as he heard a whirring sound. The sounds of blades cutting through the air a t high speed, the unmistakable sound of a helicopter. He grabbed a pillow and placed it over his head and tried to muzzle out the sound, and luckily soon it had gone. With the quiet sound returning he sound placed the pillow back, and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

He suddenly sat up on his bed, realizing what he had heard, a vertibird. He stumbled out of bed and slammed to the ground. He reached for his clothes sitting on a chair and frantically got dressed, mostly likely causing quite a ruckus. As soon as he had his boots on he grabbed his rifle, darted through the door, down the stairs, and out of the house.

He looked up in the sky, but it was long gone. He looked over to an apartment building behind the old church, and there stood Ace along with two other people. The other two were strangely dressed, and he tried to recollect where he had seen those outfits. It then dawned on him, Brotherhood. The vertibird was there, as he wasn’t aware of any other group using them, and those on top of the apartment were most likely scribes, since they weren’t in power armor.

They were enemies of the institute, and them being here worried him. He headed over to the clinic to check on the doc. He walked in while looking around up in the sky, “Hey doc, you here?... I take it you saw vertibird in the sky…” He turned around, and no one was in the first floor, wondering if the doc was perhaps upstairs, but he was unsure whether to go up. He stood there just thinking on what to do next, while savoring the arome of brewed coffee, coming from the diner.

Rachel Wilson – Hub City Auto – Early Morning

Rachel sat on a bench by the shack were her stuff was. She looked at some of the parts she had scavenged, but there was so much more to loot. However, she couldn’t stay there. Even though the bodies had been killed over a year ago, they were still decomposing, and were left to rot in the open. She knew that could mean some sort of disease, and couldn’t rely on her re-breather 24/7. She’d need somewhere to stash her goods.

She pulled out her map, and began to look for somewhere to stay. The Slog was the closest settlement. However, if they saw her going back and forth, they might think it’s safe to scavenge, and muscle her out. Finch Farm was close, but being a Minutemen settlement, they may take issue with number of weapons she brought in, and might even tax her. Salem was a viable option. It was a newish settlement, no affiliation, and far enough not to draw attention, and close enough to make it a daily trip.

She looked back at all the stuff she had collected, and scratched her head. Too much to carry, she’d have to buy a Brahmin one of these days to help carry her stuff. She grabbed a canvas blanket and loaded some stuff on it, she threw it over her shoulder after putting on her pack, and headed out towards Salem.
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