Avatar of Abefroeman
  • Last Seen: 44 min ago
  • Old Guild Username: Eranar
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Abefroeman 10 yrs ago
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Attack on Duro One.

"Thank you for tuning in, this is breaking news coming to you live from Eden News Network, the premier news provider in the whole of the galaxy. I'm Karen Travers, broadcasting to you live from the heart of the New Eden Federation." The perfectly attractive blonde turns in her chair, smiling at the camera, adjusting her paperwork, before continuing.

"From the frontier world of Duro One, comes reports of a military intervention being conducted by the Kingdom of Orleans. We are being told now, from the Orleans Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this military intervention has been launched in response to the unsubstantiated reports of a military junta that had taken place on Duro One four months ago. They claim that since the military junta, widespread civil unrest, cessation of basic government services, sectarian violence, along with outlandish claims of public executions orchestrated by death squads. Here is the public statement that has since been given to the greater galaxy at the behest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." The youthful blonde smiles once more, turning in her chair slightly as a graphic is displayed upon the screen for the viewers. She purses her lips, before reading from her own copy of the statement.

"In accordance with the Eden Accord, signed by all members states within the Eden Galaxy, the Kingdom of Orleans hereby notifies all signatory members of its lawful military intervention against the illegitimate governmental regime of President Johnathon Gray. Four months ago, he violently overthrew the democratically elected government of Governor Raymund Goldstone, seizing the capital city of Forsomet, shortly followed by seizing the entirety of the planet. President Johnathan Gray, formerly General Gray, is a brutal dictator and tyrant, having personally executed Governor Goldstone on live television, along with all his cabinet staff. Death Squads roam the planet, committing extrajudicial killings, while his paramilitary militias have taken over power and infrastructure, rendering government services inoperable, as well as having taken hostage numerous expatriates, threatening to kill them if their ransoms are not paid. President Gray threatens the stability of not only Duro One, but the Northern Frontier region as a whole. The Kingdom of Orleans will protect and defend the innocent civilians of Duro One, remove President Gray, and restore peace and order to the planet. We will keep the member states of the Eden Accord abreast of our progress and actions. - Orleans Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Karen finishes reading, turning back towards the primary camera. The bright lights upon her add to her glowing beauty.

"We will now turn it over to our special correspondent on the ground in Duro One, just outside of the capital city, Foresomet. Alan Grenson, what can you tell us all the way from Duro One, aside from how much you are enjoying the quaint nature of the Frontier?" Karen smiles, placing her hands together as the video and audio feeds were being transferred. Her teeth beamed brightly, dazzlingly clean, as the golden blonde curls flowed softly about her face. A few more terse seconds past by, before the feed finally kicked over.

The first thing the audience is greeted to is the tell tale sounds of automatic gunfire, and lots of it. The rat-tat-tat of firearms echos in the background of the metropolitan area, as a disheveled male comes on camera, clearly having been running recently. His voice is scared, tinged with panic, as he begins to speak. "The level of violence here is unprecedented. There are bodies in the streets, Karen... the local militias are fighting against one another as air attacks continue around the clock by the forces of Orleans. We have been running from safe zone to safe zone. Local sources have seriously under-reported the amount of utter devastation planet side. Multiple embassies have been overrun, and the militias loyal to President Gray have been rounding up foreigners left and right." A loud explosion resonates in the background somewhere, as two Orleans fighter planes peel off from their attack run.

Alan tries to keep moving, picking up the pace with his camera crew. Concern is apparent upon Karen's face, before being replaced by horror and shock, followed by the feed being cut, and the broadcast itself being replaced with an "Experiencing technical difficulties." The audience, before their very eyes, watched as Alan Gray and his crew were running, a missle fired from rebel forces slammed into the building right in front of the escaping news casters. Moments later, a truck roars into view, mounted with a crude machine gun, which the gunner uses to mow down the camera crew. As the camera still roles, a massive bomb is dropped on the truck, causing it to geyser into crimson flame and loud pops, right before the news feed is cut.

War on Duro One has begun, and the Kingdom of Orleans is leading the fight to depose a brutal dictator.
Nation Sheet for Abefroeman

I still have to finish my military and history portions, but at least this will serve as a place holder. Thanks.

@Sigma I am in the process of writing up my CS sheet/Nation sheet at the moment. Is it alright if I can lay claim to a small region of planets, or will I need to have my sheet approved first, before choosing a location?
Do you possibly have a rough map of the region in which this all takes place in? I am interested, but would like to know a bit more of the location/setting before putting a toe in.

The air felt... heavy, the young man thought, as he crawled through the underbrush. All around him, the morning fog clung like an oppressive sodden blanket, seeming to choke out any light and warmth the early morning sun sought to bring. Out there, somewhere in the thickets, rivulets, bracken, and other matter of underbrush, slunk the loathsome beasts that had continued to terrorize the Riverlands for decades. Laying on his gut, he notched the heavy barbed bolt into the groove, nestling it firmly against the release mechanism, siting the deadly menace downrange. The beast stood still, nose perked high as it sniffed out some far-off prey, before the oiled clink of metal resounded, followed by the dull thump and snarled tone of a death rattle, then silence. He sighed, exhaling the pent-up breath within, the heated vapor turning to almost a fog in the cool morning air. A small victory, he allowed himself to think, knowing that the dead beast was one of many that continued to haunt the land.

Lord Edmyn Tully broke his mind away from that far flung memory, the moment of reverie replaced with the present. His right hand absently stroked the fur of the beast he’d killed, still soft as the day it had died. The horse below him trotted along the well-maintained road, smoothly making its way on the final leg of a long winding journey to the Grand Birthday Tournament of Lord Robin Arryn. The weather was pleasant, warm yet not oppressive, a thankful lack of humidity that would help alleviate unnecessary perspiration. His clean-shaven face felt a gentle breeze coming off the ocean, a cool caress that brought a content smile. Exhaling softly, he tugged the reins of his horse gently, urging the creature onward with a bit of renewed excitement.

His eyes scanned the numberless banners, both lords large and small, great and mighty, the small and nearly forgotten. Among them were the flowing gold and black of the Greyjoys, the white and blues of the Arryns, the green and brown of the Mudds, the Roses of House Tyrell, the Stag of House Baratheon, and on the banners went. With a tensing of his heels, Lord Edmyn beckoned his horse through wagons, oxen, horses, the throngs of people happily making their way to the ever-growing festivities. Closely followed by his retinue, the Riverlanders made their way further into the settlement, and onwards towards the tournament grounds. Tents and pavilions lined the central trampled dirt road, until Edmyn arrived at an empty area that had been reserved for his retinue.

A perfect spot, near the end, and on the seaward side. Edmyn smiled, before wheeling his horse around once more, turning to head back towards the sea, and dismounted from his horse. His feet impacted the ground lightly, with a small swirl of dust kicking up, before making his way over to look intently at the sea. “It’s been too long since I last lay my eyes upon the endless waters of the Narrow Sea.” Letting out a content sigh, he set about helping his retinue set up their tents and campsite, cooking fires and pits, latrines, tethering lines, a site fit for fifty men and all the gear they could bring to last the duration of the festival. Such actions took the better part of the afternoon, afterwards, Lord Edmyn made his way to the sea, enjoying a refreshing swim to clean the toils of sweat from his body, and to clear his mind for the times to come.
Camp now set, clean fresh clothes upon his back, Edmyn first made his way to the pavilion of his host and first cousin once removed, though often simplified to being uncle due to their age difference. Lord Robin Arryn, a venerable and respectable man, family in the grand scheme of things, though time and territorial disputes had soured their relationships. Hopefully, here and now, these two powerful families could forever bury their animosity and become friends and allies once more. Making his way over to the Arryn campsite, Lord Edmyn made his introductions to the guards, and the steward that was there who was currently overseeing the site. Lord Arryn was not there yet unfortunately, though he would be arriving soon, and he would be informed of Lord Edmyn’s request for an audience and the gifts that Lord Edmyn wished to give to Lord Arryn would be delivered.

“Thank you for your time, kind Ser. I truly appreciate your help, and I look forward to meeting with Lord Arryn when he has arrived and is ready for guests. Send him my warmest regards and wishes, along with this personal gift from my family to his.” Edmyn finished, before handing to the Steward a beautiful and velvety smooth fur blanket, the silken strands glistening brightly in the late afternoon sun, the bold colors of white, brown, gray, and black contrasting to elicit a beautiful sight for all to see. “This blanket was collected from the great wolves that roam the Riverlands, large and fierce. May it keep Lord Arryn warm against the cold and coming winter, and may their strength and ferocity protect him against all those who would dare stand against House Arryn in anger. Seven bless you all, friends. I hope to enjoy a meal and a drink with you all in the company of Lord Robin Arryn.” Satisfied, Lord Edmyn bowed his head respectfully, before turning about face and heading into the greater festival grounds.

Women and man danced and drank, music played loud and boisterously, the very air itself was alive, as Lord Edmyn meandered about the tournament grounds, greeting nobility and small folk alike, partaking in dancing, drinking, eating, and signing all in equal measure, simply enjoying the world for all it had to offer. The light breeze blew through his hair, and caressed his face, while the smells of food, salt, and life whirled all about, exhilarating to say the least. Soon, Lord Edmyn found himself enjoying a kabob, perfectly seared meat and vegetables paired delectably, a smile playing across his face as he listened to one of his knights telling the story of his adventures in the Stepstones, when he spotted a familiar sigil. Laughing aloud, before waving his free arm in the direction of this new face, Lord Edmyn called out in a hearty voice, “SAPPHIRE!!! Mychel Mudd, come hither my friend, join us in drink and food, about time I see another proper Riverlander here. These kabobs are phenomenal.” He chuckled again, smiling brightly at seeing one of his chief vassal’s kin here, a chance to see what Lady Catelyn was up to these days.
Gulltown Blues

A nondescript sailing vessel tacked its way back and forth, gently cruising in from the open ocean to the protected harbor of Gulltown. She flew the colors of Pentos, worn and beginning to fray, with her wood and sails sun beaten from long stretches spent at sea. A crew numbering five and sixty, the "Cheese Gull" plyed the waves as a regular merchant vessel would. Slow and steady, the small chop lapping against her hull, stood a woman at the helm, hair pulled back and neatly braided, guiding the ship to berth. A small smile plied across her lips, the whites of her teeth barely visible. 'What luck, to stumble across Gulltown at the height of trade season, and it's hosting a festival of some sort.' Her magenta eyes hungrily scanned the numerous vessels already docked, the larger ships moored out farther, taking note of what could be easy prey should that time come.

"Make ready mooring lines, furling crews to the rigging, port and shore leave coming fast." Her voice bellowed out over the cries of passing gulls, the surf, and the creaking of the ship. 'Two months at sea, our holds are full, our food boring, and our purses light. Uncle will be happy to get these lost goods back.' She thought to herself. The helm felt good under her feet, the ships wheel warm againsther hands. A cool breeze played across her face, followed by the scent of cinnamon. Her sister, a radiant beauty, made her way to the helm, taking her place beside the wheel. Aquamarine eyes stared at her, gazing with sisterly love and respect.

"You are quite the mariner sister, I think even better than father... Though best we don't tell him. How long do you plan on staying here? If you don't mind, I'd love to go ashore and eat some real food again, and feel the earth beneath my feet." Her voice was one of warm melodic beauty, silky smooth and tinged with innocent desire. She placed a hand upon her sister's shoulder, awaiting a response.

"Rhae... And remember, use that name when ashore, we'll be here for a few days at least. The ship needs a few repairs, and as I've shown you from our 'trade stops' we need to sell off the cargo. I'll take you around Gulltown, show you the sights and best places to eat." She paused, barking out orders again as the ship gently touched the dock on the far end of the harbor. Satisfied with her work, she turned to Rhae, her elder sister. "Remember as well, I'm called Daella, we hail from Volantis, but live in Pentos. We are sisters, and our father is a simple merchant broker, sending us to Gulltown to sell off a load of consignments." Her tone was serious, but relaxed.

"Rhae, you and I together, we'll have a night out on the town, and enjoy this little adventure away from home. Now let's get our ledgers and manifests together, and prepare for the inspection. I'm in the mood for fried lamb and grilled greens. My treat, as well." 'Daella' smiled, watching her sister 'Rhae' take a spot by the railing, as the final preparations to go ashore were made. Quietly, in thoughts to herself, she spoke what only her and the crew knew. 'Five ships in two months, one close call, and only two small summer squalls. Not bad, for two Exiles. Father would be furious if he ever finds out, but thankfully, he is busy plotting his next move. Rhaenyra and I needed a break from home, two sisters just getting into trouble and having fun. The crew will drink and whore, while I'll eat, drink, and bring home shiny gold for the cause. Dad won't be able to say my name without feeling pride. Baela, my daughter, you are twice the mariner as your brother was...' Smiling, she turned to her sister, and together, they made their way to the docksb and their duties.
@Inkarnate Its done for what I need to use it for. I am only controlling the two gals, you and the GM Team have control over Aegon.
@Inkarnate And the House Velaryon of Bloodstone, that was good to go?
@Aufklarung I read through your CS/House Sheet, and like Inki-ark-natius of the GM Team of doom, Ashley doesn't seem to fit into the usual lore/historical names. The same goes for Ashley's twin, Jocelyn. I am bit biased in names due to my many hours sunk into CK2 and the Game of Throne's mod, those two names in particular stand out and don't feel like they fit.

Most of the other things I am not too picky about, as I will allow the GM to review first, before I say any more.

Good luck in the review process, and should you get approved, I will happily work alongside you in order to have our House Relations and other information properly reflect one another.

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