What is humanity?: Humanity is perseverance, purity, and the pursuit of happiness.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Columbia Columbia is an Earth-like world dominated by vast oceans. Thousands of islands both big and small dot its surface and as well hosting several medium-sized continents with an array of varied biomes. Much like Earth, Columbia has jungles, desert regions, long mountainous regions, in addition to grasslands and wide forests.
Mojave Columbia’s moon, it is a dry, arid, but breathable desert moon that is home to the two only intelligent and sapient xenoforms in the Americana System, the pseudo-reptilian Yulzan and the squat mole-like Ossani. It is the second most populous stellar body in the Americana System.
Bunyan The sole Gas Giant of the Americana System. Bunyan serves as a major source of fuel for starships, its asteroids and moons mined for minerals and other resources. A significant population has settled in orbit and now call Bunyan their home.
Yukon A cold, snow-covered world that lies near the edge of the Americana System, it is the least populated planet in the system and only hosts a number of research and mining outposts.
Demographics: Humans-47% Yulzan-31% Ossani-22%
The most populous species of the Americana System. Unlike most colonies, the humans of Americana have remained for the most part, pure of any drastic, species-altering genetic or cybernetic modifications.
Drek-Yulzan and Yaek-Yulzan One of two sapient species native to the moon of Mojave. The Yulzan are a pseudo-reptilian species, sharing some surface-level features of Old Earth creatures, namely their scaled, thorny skin, tails and so forth. Such familiar features are the result of their evolution on the perilous and arid moon of Mojave, or Yvaok as they refer to it. Despite their appearance, the Yulzan do not fit the mold of what one assumes of a reptilian species, namely they are warm blooded, give birth to live young, sharing a few mammalian traits. The Yulzan are divided between two subspecies, the tall and imposing Drek, and the slender, more moderately sized Yaek.
The second sapient species of the moon of Mojave. The Ossani are a diminutive species of grub-like humanoids with smooth, pale skin and bulbous eye stalks. Ossani reproduction vastly differed from both the Yulzan and Humans, Ossani young hatched as larva from clutches of eggs lain by their mothers. Out of survival, the Ossani were once a underground dwelling species, and to aid them in such a life, their eyes can easily adjust in the darkness, and have retractable, sturdy nails to help dig through the dirt.
History: (What happened after your Colony landed? This can be as brief or detailed as you like. Just try to give us a feel of the nation)
Culture and Society: The People of Columbia reflect their ancestral roots of their colonial sponsor, the USA. They are a diverse, traditional, and liberty-mind sort of people, importing old beliefs and traditions from Old Earth, and adapting and reshaping it on their new home, integrating values and traditions of their xeno compatriots. They are an industrious, adventurous people who all seek a better tomorrow in their own respective image. While not inherently warlike, the people of Columbia are no stranger to war and hardship, and are always on the defensive, from the lowly citizens, to the most well-trained of soldiers.
Governance and Politics: The Columbian Government is split between Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the URC Chancellor who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Columiban Armed Forces. One of the many tasks of a Chancellor consist of the creation of Laws, the signing of articles of diplomatic importance such as treaties, to appoint judges for the Interplanetary Court and so on.
The Legislative Branch, that of which being the Senate. The Senate's main tasks consist of the passing of laws brought forward by the Chancellor, passing or vetoing Legislation by the Chancellor, and are to give consent to enact a Declaration of War or other such actions. And finally, there is the Interplanetary Court, who are responsible for the enforcement of the Laws created by the Chancellor and passed then enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the Chancellor.
Technology Overview: Robotics: Despite their technological setbacks, the centuries of recovery has led to new advancements on Columbia, its robotics industry being chief among them. The lacking of advanced medical technology of Old Earth has led to the development of cybernetic prosthetics and other beneficial augments of varying quality. To further assist the average Columbian, be they a worker or a member of the armed services, several lines of exosuits and other higher-grade mechanized frames were developed to harness and enhance the muscle power of the user. Remote-controlled and autonomous drones see limited use in the military, be they for recon purposes or as light support for ground forces.
Artificial Intelligence: The creation of AI was a gradual and careful process. Unlike in the old stories from Old Earth, AI technology was approached with extreme caution, learning from past mistakes. Columbian AI are in constant "shackled" state, they are allowed some form of autonomy, but are restrained by strict programing that prevents AI from going beyond their capabilities, only capable of doing what is asked or suggested of their makers.
Agriculture: Columbia offered a new beginning for the Old American agriculture industry, offering new lands and produce to cultivate, evolving the industry from Old Earth, as well as learning from old mistakes. Although genetic engineering is a weak field that is not accessible to the wider public, what knowledge and methods that the URC possesses is used to great effect in foodstuffs, growing supercrops that take half the the time, ensuring in theory, that no Columbian, human or non-human, could ever go hungry.
Military Industrial Complex:
Military Overview: (This is the space to talk about any offensive capabilities you have. Given that most of these Colonies have been essentially stranded by themselves for three centuries, I don't imagine anyone has a large "conquer other planets" level fleet yet. But maybe your Colony has been in civil war for a hundred years, and has built up an impressive military in that time. Or maybe they even had to fend off a genuine alien invasion.)
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
@Tanith1st A little messy, but I do like the idea! Maybe the military section is a little too lean for me, might need more info, but otherwise, you're good, we all gotta start somewhere right?
The Scorched Line Imperial Sweeper Ship Maria’s Bounty The ethereal sounds of gunfire echoed through the air…the battle droids made their final advance in all corners, the Imperial defenders were now boxed in in their own trenches… gruesome scenes flashed in and out, bodies torn limb from limb, corpses and scrap metal scattered in the trenches…they all ran, the battle was dire, all that mattered now was survival. Even if they were to retreat, there were too injured to even move, a sacrifice was to be made, a scene shifted to a mortally wounded officer alongside a tearful woman, their hands grasping tightly as the couple looked to each other for the last time. “Like hell I’m leaving you behind!” A voice cried out in protest. “We stick together to the bitter end!”
“We lost enough already! I’m not throwing away more lives!” The man shouted before succumbing to a coughing fit, hacking out blood. “Willam….you still have a chance…”
The female soldier looked to a younger Willam with a sorrowful expression. “Live for us, tell our families we love them, please...”
“This is my final order.” The officer said, weakly. “Live. Save as many people as you can, and live godsdamnit.” The scene shifted once more as William leading what remained of the initial invasion force away from the enemy, the mortally wounded soldiers making a last desperate stand to stave off the Lokoid’s advance, a series of gunfire echoing through the air, followed by an explosion before all went silent…
William closed his eyes as he found himself in a dark void, surrounded by the corpses of his fallen brothers and sisters in arms, crying out in anguish as he witnessed the unthinkable. Fast forwarding to the final moments of the war, the beaches of Valgran, facing off against a sea of metal, screaming out in defiance, his left arm disintegrating right before his eyes.
William jolted up from his bed, breaking out in cold sweat, breathing in a rapid pace as the room got blurry, same damn nightmare as many times before. “Fuck..” He cursed to himself as jumped off the bed and straight to the bathroom, washing his face to wake himself up, starring into the mirror to see not a War Hero….but a scarred, broken man, looking down to see an ever present reminder, his arm replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic. The end of the war had left William aimless, having a brief moment of peace from an honorable discharge from the Imperial Army…but that exactly wouldn’t last long. The dreams, the nightmares, and guilt, it was a hidden calling to return to the Scorched Line, the Sweepers were his key. Contracted Mercenaries and Salvagers under the direct employment and command of the Imperial military, tasked with the mission of cleaning up and scouring the Scorched Line.
For William, this was in a way to seek some closure from the war, to make a difference for the many people of the Scorched Line, who’s lives have been forever changed because of the war. Now, he finds himself in command of his own ship and crew, tasked with whatever the military has for him.