The Pacific Protectorate

It has been six months since we've arrived, and I've yet to get a good night's sleep. Its funny how the soothing breeze of the sea and the calm swaying of trees unsettle me, compared to the desolate chimes of the air and desperate wailings back on Earth. It still feels surreal; phantasmal even, that the images I've seen only in my tablet growing up, are now what comprises the scenery that I wake up to each day. If only Lyla was still alive to see it.
To be honest, I'm still not sold to the idea of writing this diary, but Thaddeus insists I do it. "For the sake of human sanity and history!" he said. I'm sure this is just one of his experiments, or one of his ways to get back to me after he lost that bet. Though I may not be onboard with the whole idea, I do find solace that I can share my thoughts without the fear of judgement. I just have to make sure I hide this well from Thaddeus.
Tomorrow's a big day for the R&D department, they've apparently found new flora that are safe to consume for us "Earth-worlders". They've planned on cultivating them on Isle 4 once they've finished running all of the tests. I'm happy that hope for us to rebuild glimmers each passing day. The road is long, but we're getting there.
Page 3
Protectorate Records
User: Franz Thorsten
Designation: Chief Director
Terminal Logs[ 1 ][ 2 ]
<<< Go back to Entry 1.5 (Protectorate Directives)
[2.1] New World - Month 0
- Resupplied in Singapore. All ammunition reserved for the supposed assault operation on Perth's oil platform was loaded into The Pearl. Protectorate bases will reduce to 25% of their original manpower as all personnel will be funneled to the port in Manila for their eventual trip to the New World. All Protectorate subjects are given full autonomy; expecting raider groups to take hold of these territories after three months.
- Forward Fleet: The Pearl, 2 Transport Ships, 4 Fishing Ships
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (04/23/XXXX)
[2.2] New World - Month 1
- Arrival was met with unfavorable weather. Fleet ventured northeast as a mysterious fog blockaded the southern seas. Fleet made land on an island in the middle of a bay; crew called it New Manila, and established foundations for a temporary HQ. Architects and engineers were given the order to map out plans for a permanent base setup.
- Island turned out to be settled by a local population of "humans". These humans are technologically inferior and doesn't speak any of our known language, but seems to have the speech patterns with ours. Communication and relations are being established while forward patrols map out the surrounding area.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (05/29/XXXX)
[2.3] New World - Month 2
- Protectorate made hostile contact. Patrols returning to the island were followed by a collection humanoid species affiliating themselves the "Dominion". Attempts to de-escalate the situation failed as one of the crew in the wooden ships fired an arrow that struck window of the patrol boat. Carrier guns were given clearance to fire, sinking five ships while letting the sixth escape, only to be followed. Sentinel squads were left on the island to protect the natives and the base, while The Pearl followed the escaping ship to port.
- The Pearl arrived on a port city south of the island. The settlement appeared rich and well fortified - in medieval standards. As soon as the carrier positioned to blockade the port, wooden ships were sent counterattack. This effort failed as Directress Guevarra sent out the Apaches to respond. Ships were neutralized in less than ten minutes, while the port city was blockaded.
- [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] team were covertly sent to the city to do recon and sabotage. Efforts were highly successful as the enemy barracks and armory were destroyed. Strange rock formations that appeared humanoid were seen entering the city while extracting the covert forces.
- Dominion casualties numbered into hundreds after another attempt to drive the carrier out of the bay ended with Protectorate forces laying fire on a Dominion fleet carrying military forces for boarding purposes.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (06/30/XXXX)
[2.4] New World - Month 3
- Protectorate establishes a foothold in the city, securing a compound near the commercial sector of the city. Construction teams were sent to fortify the position while being escorted by six sentinel fire teams. Armor support were transported as well in response to the arrival of sizeable military forces entering the city.
- Breakthrough in communication is achieved after learning the advanced native speech from the native human settlers in New Manila. This led to a ceasefire between Dominion and Protectorate forces.
- Both parties sign the "Protectorate Accord" - an agreement that lifts the blockade of the port city, cessation of armed encounters, and grants the safety and freedom of Protectorate forces in Dominion territory. Captured territory will remain in Protectorate control, in exchange for a monthly portion of the Protectorate's yield in fishing.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (07/29/XXXX)
[2.5] New World - Month 4
- Access to purified water and better cooking methods garnered the favor of the local human population. Some expressed to "follow" the Protectorate, but are kept in an arms length, until their language is understood better.
- Six striders were sent on missions in the mainland to map out the surrounding area, along with some locals serving as guides.
- Educators in the Protectorate's ranks expressed their intent on teaching some of the locals basic education, to help improve relations and as reparation for the damages done. Idea was presented to Dominion representatives, and was approved. Dominion dedicated an establishment near the Protectorate compound as a public learning center. First participants to the program were Dominion intellectuals who also wanted to learn more of Earth culture.
- Petition to teach "meme culture" was denied.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (08/29/XXXX)
[2.6] New World - Month 5
- Island fortifications were completed, thanks to the supplies gained from the exchange with Dominion merchants. Island settlers are now being trained to act as reserve militia in the event the island is attacked. Irrigation was also introduced, helping some of the settlers grow food efficiently.
(Note: R&D department to study local flora for consumption compatibility)
- Port city compound reinforced. Protectorate presence on the mainland increases as tension between the Protectorate and Dominion dissipates thanks to trade and the education program.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (09/28/XXXX)
[2.7] New World - Month 6
- Four out of the six striders reported in, giving the Protectorate a detailed view of the surrounding lands. Information about the existence of other nations were also provided.
- Increased number of citizen enrollees have flocked the learning center. Merchants have shown positive support to Protectorate actions that more resources are now readily available for trade.
- Protectorate acquires Stone Golems from the Dominion. These constructs are now being studied alongside Dominion artificers who are keen on learning ways to further improve their creations.
- Final stage of the migration from Earth to the New World is reached. Awaiting the arrival of the last batch of Protectorate personnel and assets.
Entry submitted by: F. Thorsten (10/30/XXXX)
-End Entry-
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