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@Sigma What is still open to claim here in this new RP of yours?

Byzantion, Former Imperial Palace, Courtyard of Jupiter, A King's Duty

King Nikolaos sat upon the old Imperial Throne, the marble still as fine and brilliant as the day it was carved. He listed to his advisors debate back and forth, the wise men whittling away at every detail that was of concern to the Kingdom. Their more pressing concerns were the almost utter destruction and loss of the Black Sea fleet, along with the Mediterranean augments sent to help support the fight against Khazaria. Those losses would be felt for months, if not years to come. Many good men were lost, let alone the ships themselves. While the loss of control over the Black Sea was one thing to worry about, it was more pressing to focus on the lack of support to the thinly stretched naval forces that patrolled the trade routes of the Mediterranean, between Komentiolos proper and Aegyptus. The Caspian Sea fleet, a collection of perhaps two dozen ships, remained operational, but they were pulled back into reserve, redeployed to protect vital trade convoys from further east who wished to continue onward into Europe. The Silk Road from the far east was still under Komentiolian control, and geographically, protected from land harassment from the Horse Raiders of Khazaria. That, however, could quickly change if they could break through the fortifications defending the vital Bosphorus Strait, the Sea of Marmara, and finally, the Dardanelles. His thoughts swirled around what that could mean not just for the war effort, but closer to home, to that of his lovely, pregnant wife.

King Nikolaos was brought back to the here and now, with one of the advisors, a proxy for Admiral Verina, "Shipyards from Trapezus to Heraclea Pontica are destroyed, with our own sunken vessels choking the harbors. We might be able to salvage twenty, perhaps thirty percent of all the vessels, and they will have to be towed to our southern naval shipyards in order to be repaired. Save for a few vessels under the command of Verina, we are effectively without a naval presence in the Black Sea. The enemy is now under the command of a Paranasian Admiral, Alis or something, and he has turned the brutish ogres of the Khazarian armada into what we now are recovering from. It is only by the grace of Neptune, that we are able to defend our shores, and that is in part due to our Kalseran allies sending a fleet to our waters." The man finished, the room falling back into a buzz of frustrated voices and men pointing about. Sighing, his thoughts turned inwards, reflecting on all that he was hearing and being updated on.

The old stores of 'Greek Fire' had not held up over time, and the alchemists were hard at work producing fresh batches, that hopefully would be more effective this time around. A minor setback, but who could have foreseen that the deadly liquid would deteriorate over time. He made note that he would take time to visit the alchemists themselves, in the ancient city of Ancyra. Another nagging concern was the three vessels he had ordered dispatched to Hispalis, trade vessels upgunned to defended themselves, pray the gods saw it fit that they did not need this, in order to return the money Hispalis had payed to have Komentiolios construct vessels for them. The lead diplomat, a man of noble birth by the name of Gaius, was to deliver the king's own words and apology, to blame his nation for not better protecting the property of another nation, and that it was our war that lead to the destruction of your vessels. As way of apology, the king offered two of the three vessels as dispensation for their losses as well. Hopefully, Hispalis would be willing to conduct business with Komentiolos in the future, and that future would include safer construction of ships in the south, rather than the north. He looked over to the Hispalian observer, wondering what he made of all this chaos that unfolded before him. The kings advisors going over strategy, numbers, logistics, their own fears and frustrations tempered by the king's own quiet observation and resolve.

The conscripts were being brought up to speed, but would still need time for more drilling and preparation. Officers were being drawn from among the ranks based on merit, with a few of the nobles being allowed to buy their way in. Nikolaos smiled, laughing to himself quietly. Money, it seemed, was always needed, and always played a role in internal politics. Soon, there would be thousands more men ready for war, soldiers to defend the borders and coasts, and more importantly, to stabilize and maintain control over the land captured from Paranas. Operation Vulcan had achieved what it was meant to do, move the front lines away from Komentiolos, and onto the lands of an enemy. General Augustus still prowled the front, reports said, as did his proxy, and that his own concerns were sent back too. Naval yards in Smyrna, Ephesos, Attaleia, and Seleucia had their defenses bolstered, as well as penal labor from across the realm being sent there in order to help with the reconstruction and salvaging operations. Men and time, everything always took men and time. He sighed, taking a moment to drink some tea, enjoying the hot soothing nature of the drink.

As he rose up, Valentinian called for silence over the discord of voices and men. Silence, the faces turning to look at their king as he strode down from his throne to speak with them. Soldiers, Sailors, men of action, and men of logistics, he looked at them all, before speaking.

"We all stand here, debating what to do next, in part due to the generosity and intervention of Lady A'Dera of Kalseran, a debt which we all owe towards her and her people, coming to us in a time that sees us beset upon by the barbarians and their lapdogs to the North. We all stand here because of the great victories that General Marcian Augustus has achieved in Paranas, retaking lands that once belonged to our forefathers, and before them, to an empire that spanned from the western tips of Iberia all the way to Tarsus and beyond. The Gods have seen it fit to test our faith, to impede humility and gratitude upon us, less we forget who we are, and what we all came from. Take this moment, here and now, to know that we must remember who are allies are, our friends, and pray for them, as well as ourselves, in our temples, make sacrifices to the gods for those allies, and our own men who fight abroad." He paused for a few moments, walking towards the open windows the the days sun shone through.

"As honorable men, as men of Komentiolos, we shall not abandon our allies, not now, not ever. The Kalseran fleet lies off our shores, defending our sons, daughters, wives, our families and more. We shall see to it that Admiral Verina and his remnant forces join up with the Kalserans, so that we may better support them as they defend our territorial waters. Furthermore, I decree that the Kalseran supply needs while they defend our shores shall be given to them free of cost, and with all due haste. To the West, we shall dig in, and defend our territorial gains at the advice of General Augustus. The Balkan Mountains will be the extent of our territorial push, and with Winter fast approaching, we must ensure our men our properly supplied and fed. The Paranasan capital of Alirgos shall not be touched, nor sought after. Our goal is to force a fight upon enemy lands that favor us, and help keep the calvary of Khazaria off our backs. We shall use the winter snow falls to our advantage, and the time that it grants us to better train our newly conscripted forces. The barbarians to the North want us to face them upon an open field, where they have the advantage. We've said otherwise... let us not commit the folly of the Dorist forces. We shall dig in, defend, consolidate, and prepare ourselves for the next chapter of this war." He fixed the lay of his uniform, smoothing out a wrinkle, before talking again.

"With any luck, this will relieve pressure upon our Allies in the North, and allow them to take the fight to the barbarians. Let it be known here and now, that the Empire of Reria is a military ally of Komentiolos, and that we shall defend them against any and all acts of aggression, to best of our Kingdom's abilities. Let it be known that we hold ourselves under a solemn oath, and that to break it, shall brand our nation as Oath breakers and cowards. May the people of Arhan and their sovereign see the folly of their disputes for Reria, and may the people of Reria come to our aid in this tumultuous war against the barbarian hordes of the North. So say I before Jupiter himself." King Nikolaos bowed his head reverently to a massive statue of Jupiter, before turning back to face his advisors, to hear what they had to say, their responses and more.

Trapezus, Northern Coast of Komentiolos, Military Wharf

King Nikolaos stood stiffly, looking down at the flurry of activity in the wharf. Damaged ships were being hastily repaired, while others, too damaged for further combat, stood off to the side, their fate yet to be decided. He turned away from the scene, looking instead to his officer corps, the studied and veteran military men who were the ones to conduct whether or not this venture into war would result in victory, a white peace, or another defeat at the hands of the Khazarians. Admiral Basiliscus stood under the awning of a tent, quietly discussing matters with his subordinates, his face beaded with sweat, as the heat of the day began to reach its zenith. Other officers moved about in a hurried fashion, off on an errant quest to deliver dispatches, or to check up on the progress of another cadre of military minds. Turning back to face the wharves, King Nikolaos took a few more steps towards the old fortress walls that had protected the city for centuries. 'There was no turning back, no matter the outcome now', he thought to himself, leaning forward to survey the situation to the best of his abilities. 'I will not invade by land... not again, not like my forebears did so long ago.' His eyes looking as the damaged hull of a Brig-of-War was being repaired. 'They control the great steppes and plains of their empire, like no other. The mountains shield us, shield the people, from the vastness of their mounted forces. To abandon those natural barriers... I'd invite envelopment like the Dorist forces,' He sighed, looking back up towards the vastness of the Black Sea. Out there, was his enemy, and worsening the situation, was the intervention of the Paranas navy. From the observations of front line commanders and from Admiral Basiliscus himself, the enemy had effectively doubled its forces upon the Black Sea.

He muttered a curse in Latin, before standing fully upright, straightening his clothing, and turning to face the officer corps once more. "Honored friends and commanders, let us take a walk, I hear that the Temple Panaghia Chrysokephalos is particularly beautiful to lay ones eyes upon. I think we all need a break from this heat, and time to pray before Neptune will bring clarity." The king did not wait for an answer, and turned leading the way to the majestic place of worship. The Temple Panaghia Chrysokephalos was the center of worship in Trapezus, and the region itself. Royal guards quickly rode ahead, clearing the way for the king and his retinue, who soon arrived, trading their garb for more traditional vestments of relaxation and thought within the sacred sanctum.

Hours had passed since the men had entered the temple, to where the sun was now well into the low of the sky once more. King Nikolaos spoke, breaking the silence, his legs cooling in the waters.

"Then it is agreed. Operation Vulcan will be conducted within the fortnight. General Flavius will hold the line along the Testudo, with the forces already allocated to him, plus an additional two thousand in reserve, able to quickly move along the line where needed. He will ensure that our land borders remain sealed to any horsemen, and that we can operate without fear of Khazaria harassing the Themes of Tyrus and Ptolemais. The majority of the military forces allocated to raid the coasts of Khazaria shall be diverted to Naval Task Force Tempestas, along with the agreed upon contingent of marines as well. Admiral Verina will continue to operate in the East, drawing the enemies forces away, doing what he can to stall any counter-attacks until we are at least five days into the operation. Furthermore, Admiral Verina deemed it necessary to resort to the use of Greek Fire, and we are to divert readily available supplies to him, along with ordering the Alchemist Guild to double their production runs of this weapon. The situation is dire, as both Verina and Flavius have put it, along with Augustus and Rousombladadiotes. Dorist is all but defeated, Altenten has bowed out from war, Kalseran is on the verge of civil war, and unless our request for aid from Reria is answered, we are alone against two foes. The time to fight honorably, like civilized soldiers, is gone. We do not fight civilized men... we fight monsters in the dark, boogeymen who ride upon horseback and rape and pillage the world." He paused, walking over to an old, hand crafted map of the Black Sea. The rich colors and stone work displayed in detail the region in great detail, at least when much of it was under former Imperial control. Some things changed no doubt, but the land doesn't and that was what mattered most.

"Admiral Verina, if you are confident in your abilities, then I also give the go ahead for nighttime operations in your theater, and the freedom to conduct the war as you see fit. Fight battles to conserve our strength, as you pointed out, our losses are starting to way upon us, but do not, under any circumstance, get trapped in harbors and ports. The garrisons have ample supplies of Greek Fire, and will make use of it to ensure that no ships dare sail into our safe havens. You are in charge of the East, and do what you can to see that we do not lose control of our waters..." He turned and pointed at the map, standing in the water now, wading into the center of the very map itself, going over the plan once again with his officers, whom had convened this was the only option to stave off war upon their own lands. Shortly, King Nikolaos was joined by General Augustus and Admiral Rousombladadiotes, whom with the help of aids, showcased their plan to force Paranas to focus their efforts elsewhere.

Tired and sore after another two hours of planning and going over the smallest details, they all agreed, invade Paranas with all due haste, and bring war to them, before they could do the opposite. Local garrisons would supplement the main body of the army, with interior garrison forces brought forward to take over for the mobilized forces on the homefront. There were so many details, that had it not been for Valentinian, the issue regarding the Theme of Aegyptus would have been overlooked. A quick dinner was had, before King Nikolaos read the dispatches from his younger brother once more, and then conveyed his own orders and permissions.

"Exarchos Arcadius Koromelas, I wish you best in these coming times, for the Gods contend to test us of our faith. First, if I had not told you, my wife is pregnant with our first child, and I hope you and your wife soon have the same blessing as us.

Your reports of rebels and raiders in the desert sands and dunes is but a curse that has plagued the region since antiquity. The Bedouins have always chafed under any and all who ruled them except themselves. However, their apparent coordinated attacks speaks to something more sinister than an inbred desire to thumb their noses at the rightful rulers of the lands they squat upon. Perhaps a local noble has grown bold in their desire to crown themself an Emir, which I much prefer, as that is easier to track down and quash, though if we are unlucky, these machinations come from further abroad. Make use of the Expeditionary Forces as you see fit, and your own local auxiliary legions. You know the land best, and to you, I ask only that you keep the flow of trade and resources unhindered. If you feel you can root out pockets of rebels, by all means, do so, however, do not risk needless raids into the sands. The tales of old, that our uncle told us, speak that it is foolhardy to stray too far from civilization.

May Minerva grant you wisdom, Mars grant your army strength, and Diana grant you fruit in your hunt for these rebels and their puppet masters. If you need anything, ask it, and I will do all I can to help.

King Nikolaos II of Komentiolos"

Tarsus, Royal Palace, The War Room

Taking a deep breath, King Nikolaos leaned back into the upholstered chair, studying the known strategic layout of the precarious situation in which he found his nation, and his allies, in. To the north, Khazaria and its slavic allies raged war against the Dorist, to the west, the friendly republic of Kalseran festered with unrest and talk of civil war. The Lions wanted war, while the Elephants wanted to focus on trade and economic prosperity. War, both good and bad, was looking to be ever more inescapable. Here on this table, little wooden and metal pieces did not tell the whole picture, that each piece equated to a number of real flesh and blood lives, that would be lost regardless of the outcome. Gathered around were the king's closest advisors and military officers. They all looked to the king for his next move, eyeing him cautiously.

Valentinian and his tired face, General Flavius and his hunger for war, Admiral Verina and his pale skin, the cadre of lesser officers, and the stand ins for his other two top officers, Augustus and Rousombladadiotes, who couldn't make it back from their posts at the moment. Standing up, King Nikolaos made his way over to a large window overlooking the port of Tarsus, looking down at the glittering sea, the birds soaring on the warm drafts of air from the day. The advisors all looked at their king as he moved. "Valentinian, join me by the window, old friend." King Nikolaos sounded tired, but resolute. The aged advisor hurried over to the king's side, bowing his head as the two looked out on the sea. Both stood in silence for a while longer, before Nikolaos spoke quietly, barely above a whisper.

"What do you see, my friend? Look closely, before answering." Nikolaos sounded cryptic, his hands held behind his back. He seemed to be staring intently at something. Valentinian gazed down at the port, taking in all the scenery, from ships, cargo, men, women, livestock, the hustle and bustle of a lively trading port. Next, he looked to the flags of the multitude of nations that docked in Tarsus, both near and far, minor and great. All flags present, except for the vile banner of Khazaria. "I don't see any ships from Khazaria, your grace." He turned, looking back at the king.

"How astute of you Valentinian. But for how long, until we see the Mediterranean choked with those savages? Years, perhaps, maybe months?" King Nikolaos turned and looked to his war council, speaking now to them all, "Any guesses?"

It was Admiral Verina who stood up and spoke, his pale skin making him seem ghostly amongst all the tanned men. "If unchecked and unchallenged, fifteen months, before they will spill out from the Black Sea into the greater Mediterranean, your grace. For now, they huddle in the Sea of Azov, making sporadic voyages out into the Black Sea. We retain control over the Caspian, but soon, they'll grow bold and challenge us there as well." The admiral's voice was thin and wispy, yet behind it held a hardness of great knowledge and cold steel. "We've stood as the final barrier between the hordes of Khazaria and the rest of Europe, the world beyond that. As we stand, our navy outnumbers their fledgling attempts of naval power, their ships are of foreign design and under license. Furthermore, from what our privateers have returned to us, the quality of construction is lacking, flawed, yet that will not last. We have Sloops, Sloops of War, Brigantines, Brigs, Brigs of War, and a few single deck Frigates. If what you are asking is what I believe it to be, then I agree, we must strike hard and fast, without hesitation, but not with reckless abandon." Admiral Verina retook his seat, smoothing his uniform out.

King Nikolaos smiled, nodding as he walked back over to the table, looking down at the regional map that was laid out. He pointed to the narrow strait that separated the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea. "We shall focus on a three part operation to bring to heel the vile beast that is Khazaria. Admiral Verina, your reports indicated that the last of our southern naval forces tasked to report to Northern command sailed through last night. We shall henceforth blockade the Bosporus Strait to any and all naval traffic of Khazaria and ships bound for Khazaria. Coordinate with your subordinates to ensure this is done without delay." King Nikolaos moved his hand to grasp an indicating stick, then pointed to the Black Sea.

"Here, is our main theater of war. Our folly the last time we went to war with these northern horse devils was fighting them on land, too far from the sea and our strength. The army shall be subordinate to the navy in this conflict." King Nikolaos paused as he was interrupted by General Flavius, who stood up abruptly.

"Your Grace, I must protest. We're hardly the akin to the old army that lost centuries ago. We have cannon and rifle, bayonet and mortars… we can surely invade these unwashed hordes lands and take back what we lost. Just look to the forces we have stationed along the border, they alone could…" General Flavius stopped, cut short by the Komentiolian King holding his hand up.

"General Flavius, what separates us from Khazaria? What type of terrain lies in the border region? Before you puff out your chest, bemoaning your sovereign's decisions, at least allow me to speak in full before interjecting. Khazaria is primarily flat lands, rolling steppes that span for many leagues, no natural cover, nothing to hinder an army whose sole purpose has been mounted warfare for the last five hundred years at least. Your army will have its glory, mind you. The border garrisons will hold the line in the Lesser Caucasus, and only that. This isn't about lands to the north, this is about rebuilding and reclaiming our lost lands to the south without fear of intervention by a meddlesome upstart realm of tent dwelling horsemen." The king walked away from the table and back to the window overlooking the port.

"We shall hold the line in the mountains. The passes are steep and treacherous, not to mention when winter comes, snowed in. The army and navy will work together, first, obliterating any and all enemy naval forces they come upon, secondly, the sacking and razing of all enemy coastal settlements. The army will be tasked with ensuring the settlements, large and small, are in no shape to produce supplies for our enemy. No ships, food, trade, nothing. Gentlemen, I entrust you to see this to fruition. We shall sweep aside their pathetic navy, and rain fire upon them." King Nikolaos sat back down, watching his officers debate back and forth. They spoke of strategy, logistics, force disposition, duration, and on down the list. As these gathered military men crafted their plan of attack, King Nikolaos drank his tea quietly, watching them with interest.

After many hours, and a break for food and fresh air, the council returned, ready to go over their final plans. Admiral Verina and General Flavius spoke together, showcasing their joint operations plan. The naval forces would split into three prongs, "Like a desert scorpion…" General Flavius added, West, Center, and East, along with the Caspian Sea fleet, would all sail out in force one week from now, on the evening of the fresh moon. The army, aboard Merchantmen, would follow along the naval forces, tasked with sacking enemy settlements as the navy cleared the waters of Khazarian forces. As the campaign progressed, they'd link up in a pincer fashion, striking at the Crimean peninsula and the Sea of Azov.

The overall goal of the war plan was simple in nature, split into three parts. 1) Remove the Khazarian naval presence from the Black Sea, to include destruction of commercial vessels. 2) Raid and sack coastal settlements quickly, before returning to sea. Our goal is to create chaos and instability, not hold land. 3) Hold the line in the lower Caucasus. Defensive fortifications are to be defended at all times, and if need be, destruction of critical bridges, roads, and mountain passes, to hinder enemy movement.

After all this, there was still a few things left to discuss, chiefly, the civil unrest in the allied nation of Kalseran. All agreed that sending troops to quell any unrest would be seen as a foreign invasion and make things worse, if not outright spreading more unrest further. It was agreed that local mercenaries would be employed to guard Komentiolian property, while a diplomatic party would be sent to try and make contact with the rebels to see if they could be negotiated with for a peaceful solution, at the very least concerning Komentiolian people and property. However, it was decided that until the unrest had ended, or an agreement was reached, all non military traffic into Komentios from Kalseran would be restricted.

King Nikolaos was tired when the council finally ended, saying his goodbyes and small talk, before making his way to his quarters. He promptly bathed, enjoying the respite, before crawling into bed next to his wife. She stirred, moving to hold him close, a smile barely visible on her face. Whispered loving words crept up to him, something that made him thrilled beyond the greatest feats of yonder, "I'm with child, my love… "
Tarsus, Royal Palace, King's Private Garden - Sunrise with the Queen.

His lovely wife lay nestled against him, herself lightly dozing, enjoying the warmth and comfort of her husband. He smiled, kissing the top of her head, before looking out at the world, gazing at the sea to his south, and to the horizon of the east. She'd told him that she was pregnant, no longer did she bleed, and that they'd finally conceived a child. He was so overjoyed, yet, here he sat, his mind moving like a storm against the brilliance of such information. He sighed quietly, holding his wife closer, feeling her form against his own in the embrace, stilling the storm for a moment, before turning course, and heading headlong into it. Later today, he'd have to helm the ship of his nation's future.

The Generals and their officer had completed their readiness inspections, going over the entire nations forces twice, before informing King Nikolaos that they had fifty thousand active duty troops, with perhaps many more in reserve status, though most if not all those extra men had gotten back to their lives, farming, sailing, mending, being civilians. They would be rusty, even considering their mandatory military service in their youth, and the occasional regional call ups and drills. Would fifty thousand be enough, if Europe turned into an unfettered war? The border between Komentiolos and Khazaria had been heavily fortified, the length of the mountain passes spiked, dugout, caltroped, and evened featured Fougasses, which he was told was an improvised mortar dug into the ground and filled with gunpowder and projectiles. In short, if the horse devils dared to march south overland, they'd be slowed down heavily to allow for more troops to be deployed to the region. He did not trust that boy emperor, and much to the annoyance of other commands, thirty of the nations field guns were attached to the regional defense forces, on top of all their permanent gun emplacement.

For now, he pondered to himself as his wife stirred, let the troops drill and train, as well as the artillery corps. Let them enjoy going home to their families at the end of the day. He'd let Valentinian know to inform local Kyrios and Kyrias to inform their militias to train as well, and prepare dispatches to reservists to report in for monthly drills. His main concern however was the disposition of his naval forces. So much coast line to defend, and of course, enemy coasts to attack if it came to that. Twenty seven frigates and seventy five sloops, formidable and numerous, but not enough. He and his advisors had debated for days, even weeks, but the matter was settled, build the nation's navy up, to at least forty five frigates, and at least one hundred and thirty sloops. This of course in conjunction with the outside orders for ships from Hispalis. The logistics of it had been frustrating, not to include an organized strike by workers, which almost lead into an all-out riot, if not for the intervention of the Queen and the men's wives, who had peacefully worked things out. They were scared and tired, hungry and overworked. Nikolaos kissed his wife, before watching the sun barely begin to crest the horizon. Better provisions, as well as using prison labor to construct the new dock yards and slips to build the expanded navy, to help lessen the strain on his skilled labor. What a day that had been, though even that was in the past now.

Time was short, he smiled, looking down at his wife while she moved again, snuggling closer to her husband. Hand atop her belly, he made up his mind for now, so that he could get back to enjoying time with Queen Anna. He himself, along with an honor guard larger than normal, would attend the state dinner of King Freud, and hear what he had to say and propose. Let the savages know who all stood against them and their unchecked aggression. He was sure the Kyrios and Kyrias for war would be pleased, but this was not for them alone, he himself had grown tired of hearing how the mongrels of the north raided with impunity. King Freud appeared to be an honorable man, and Nikolaos planned to closer their relations through this dinner, via trade, non-aggression towards one another, and perhaps, even a defensive alliance. Of course, the two nations alliance depended on if the Kalseran leader would allow for military access to her nation, in order to allow for Komentilian troops to not have to make the extensive naval voyage all the way around continental Europe. Her nation held a much closer path to meet up with the potential Dorist allies.

Lastly, he would have to plan a dispatch to the Kingdom of Hispalis and to Aegyptus, to first hopefully further strengthen relations to those who controlled the narrow straights leading out into the greater world, and of course, could reduce the flow of trade. While second, to answer his brother's request to formally marry the daughter of the most powerful noble family in the colony, which both the family and his brother said, would allow for the proper turnover of the colony into a true and rightful part of Komentiolos once again, as it had been before the dreadful civil war that fractured the Eastern Diorite Empire. The Theme of Aegyptus, it certainly sounded nice. He kissed his wife once more, and held her close as together, they watched the sun finally rise across their Kingdom.
Tarsus, Royal Palace, King's Private Garden

The sun had just begun to rise, cresting over the lands far to the East. Sighing, King Nikolaos made his way over to his prized vegetable garden, quietly humming to himself as he watered each and every plant. Taking great care in making sure they all received ample water, he ran his callused hands over the leaves, before rubbing the soil between his fingers. The onions were growing healthily, perhaps his most prized plants, though he could not linger on them alone for too long. His newest planter required his fullest attention, a bed of flowers hailing from the far flung corners of the realm, ready to be enjoyed by his soon to be new wife. Movement off to the side caught the King's chocolate brown eyes, as he turned to see who had come to visit him.

"Valentinian, my friend, what brings you up here so early in the morning? I haven't lost track of time watering my garden again, have I?" The king asked mirthfully, his teeth beaming through his smile.

"No your grace, certainly not, you're doing just fine on time. I must apologize, but there is something that begs of your attention, if you don't mind the intrusion." The middle aged man bowed, his attire denoting his role as an advisor to the king. He looked tired and worn, but returned the king's smile. "I promise to be quick, and then you can return to the future Queen's garden."

"Of course Valentinian, please, sit and have some tea with me, it will do you good, and promise me, you'll take a nap before today's wedding ceremonies." The king set down the watering container, making his way over to a regal looking table, oddly out of place compared to his advisors attire, being garbed in what could amount to commoners clothing than that of a king.

Valentinian quickly made his way to the table, graciously accepting the hotly poured tea offered to him, before sitting down and setting before the king a mixture of military dispatches and personal correspondence. Taking a measured sip, the advisor set the cup down. "General Flavius has sent his reports and updates detailing the progress of the Northern border defenses. They are almost complete with the Eastern fortifications, however, General Flavius requests an additional thousand men to help with construction."

"Give him two thousand, and let him know he is to ensure those filthy Khazarian dogs aren't to cross into our lands anymore. I'm tired of receiving dispatches of their meddlesome raids. I don't care if that ponce of an emperor denys his hand in it, however, if it continues, we'll need to contact Admiral Verina and let him loose among those floundering twits and their little trade ships." The king drank deeply from his tea, before placing his seal upon the hastily written command.

"Next, your grace, is from your brother, who wishes you well and love in your marriage. He sends word that the efforts to bring Aegyptus into the dominion of your kingdom are progressing well, all things considered. The expeditionary forces and the colonial militia have maintained order, even with the occasional Bedouin raids, and the usual malcontents. He sends word that the trade routes overland have been fortified, with garrisons ensuring the free flow of trade. Last, he sends word of negotiations between him and the local nobility, of which may change the balance of power into our favor, and away from the deposed pretender king." Valentinian set the letter down, enjoying his tea while the king read the letter himself.

"Good, good. He has done well thus far, may the gods bless him with more good fortune. I'll write him personally when time permits, for now, send my warmest thanks to him, and let him know he is instrumental in bringing Aegyptus back into the realm."

The last was a letter from Kyrios Rousombladadiotes, the wise ruler of the Theme of Cyzicus. A proud patriot none could doubt, however, he was the leader of the isolationist faction within Komentiolos, and he voiced what many worried about, being drug into a Western European conflict. "Your grace, your favorite Kyrios has written to you again, wishing to speak with you on matters concerning our involvement with Altenten. He is nervous as usual, complaining how such an endeavor could lead us to being drug into war. His usual list of worries." Valentinian signed, setting his cup down, now empty of tea.

"Send him, and the rest of the Kyrios and Kyrias, that I shall convene an open council in one weeks time. Tell them they are formally invited to speak their minds, and see what is to be made of this concern of Western nations." Nikolaos smiled, finishing his tea in turn.

"Valentinian, let's enjoy my wedding day without further matters of state. You should enjoy yourself too. Rest, eat, and drink. This is a joyous day, and I will not let some worrywarts rain upon the celebration. Go, I'll be down in a little, I must finish watering my wife's surprise." The king laughed softly, standing up to his full height, before biding Valentinian goodbye.

"May the Gods bless your marriage, your grace." Valentinian bowed deeply, before departing, leaving the king alone with his garden.
@Romero, sir, when filling out the rest of the map, are you referring to npc nations?

Let me know if this needs any changes/modifications to be acceptable. Here is my submission and application to your NRP.

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