Avatar of AluminumDude
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 54 (0.02 / day)
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    1. AluminumDude 7 yrs ago


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Hey, welcome to my bio! I'm Alichroma, but most people just call me Chroma or Ali. I'd like to think I'm a pretty chill person, and I hope you find me cool as well. ^.^

I started roleplaying about nine years ago, taking on and off breaks as I work through life n stuffs. I've done a whooole bunch of roleplays ever since my sister showed me the ropes with old warriorcats roleplays, and while I've mostly stuck to D&D, I've recently been trying to get back into the swing of things, hopefully shaking off some rust and telling some pretty stories. I'll usually try my best to match the length of the posts of my partners (I usually end up doing 1x1 roleplays but I'm not adverse to groups!), but I'm usually most comfortable in the 1-2 paragraph range. (But by all means, I could use the practice trying to write more so don't hesitate to bulli me with walls of text.)
If you need to contact me anywhere else, I'm on discord at: ☆ Alichroma ☆#9444

RP's I'm Currently In: (Oh no it's empty! ; _ ;)

Most Recent Posts

@eisenhorn we could converse about our respective times on Airi. Maybe they ran into eachother once.
Maybe an interaction between Nick and Markus? Maybe with Ansgar there if you want. @lugia @Eisenhorn
To the boat then? Alright.

Markus seemed to arrive rather later then the rest of the campers. Perhaps it was because he was late getting to his father's car, because his previous summer camp started a week later. Perhaps it was the idea of being in the outdoors without a constant supply of sweets and puzzles that lagged him down, but eventually Markus Roe stepped out of his father's fancy car our onto the camp, past very angry and... if he had to make a guess... hungover counselors? He'd seen plenty of times before people recovering from a night of drinking before. Was the start of a new camp really so bad for them?

Markus was handed a map, and he quickly started gazing down at it, trying to decipher it's directions. He wasn't the best with maps, but he knew the whole general scheme. He took a few moments to decipher where north was, and with that plotted out the other directions. However, something in him told him to start wandering, and wander he did. Slowly walking around, he supposed he should head to the boys cabin and claim a cabin, but was there really any rush?
The pure rage here is quite amazing
Markus Grey

Markus smiled at the group that had formed. This was perfect, but were they rushing into this a bit fast? His hair got caught on his nose, and he moved it out of the way. Like Kieran had mentioned, they had people from all backgrounds and skills, and they seemed to already have a leader, which Markus had no quarrels about. Being a leader put you in a rather precarious position. Not only would you be the face of the group, but if there were any would be assassins, you would more than likely be the target. Markus reflected on his time at Airi. He would try with all his might to keep this group safe, and if possible, keep it together long past when their adventure was over. After all, why let an evil primal army get in the way of some friendships and fun?

Ansgar had brought up a good point, the army they would be facing would probably have archers, which would definitely be something to watch out for. Markus certainly didn't pride himself on his agility in the air, not compared with a pegasus knight, but he might be able to dodge a few. The only problem in Markus' mind is the though of how powerful the monsters would be. "Well, while you two bicker about archers, be sure to tell me what you would like to have for food, or you won't get any. I'll be assuming role as chef from now on." He motioned across the whole group as he said this. "I'll be back in around twenty minutes, with supplies, and a wyvern. Til' then!"

Markus departed from the group, with a mental laundry list in his head. First, he'd gather the few remnants of his stuff from Airi, then he'd take some of the meats and vegetables from the kitchen. They wouldn't mind, right? Finally, last but not least would be the humongous task of getting his wyvern next to the group without causing too much of a panic. As he walked back into the shop, he found himself pocketing the old tarot cards he kept with him for practicing fortunes. It had been a while since he had started. He was taught by the leader of his last clan, about the meanings of the various arcana, and how to interpret them. He rolled out the deck and quickly shuffled it, placing six cards in the form of a cross. The Fool, Magician, Fortune, Death, Strength, and The World.

Markus took a deep breath and bit his lip, and put the major arcana back into his deck. He had to get ready to move his best friend out of the den she had been nesting in, for what seemed like ages.

Awww yeah. I'll post my CS when I get home from school.
I dont give even a shit, mother fucking slut.
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